The Full Experience (23 page)

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Authors: Dawn Doyle

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: The Full Experience
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“Ok, let’s go to breakfast,” Ava said, grabbing her bag. “I need fuel before class.”

“Me too.”

Raven also needed fuel because Beck had worn her out the day before. Walking on shaky legs, she made her way to the main hall.

When they got there, Raven looked around for Beck, but there was no sign of him. Donnie was walking towards them, but Beck was missing.

“Hey babe,” he said, kissing Ava as he approached them.

“Hey baby,” she replied.

“Where’s Beck?” Raven asked Donnie, still looking around.

“I don’t know. I knocked, and he said he’d be right along.”

They went to their table, and Ava went for breakfast with Kerry and Leila when they appeared.

She strummed her fingers on the table top and looked around again.

Ava placed a blueberry muffin in front of her and a cup of coffee, but Raven just picked at it.

“Good morning beautiful,” Beck’s voice came from beside her.

Raven looked up and gasped at his handsome face. His dreamy eyes, straight nose, full lips and chiseled jawline with a light dusting of stubble. His hair was still wet from the shower, giving Raven some indecent images to run through her mind.

“H.h.hey,” she managed.

Beck leant down and pecked her lips softly.

“Sorry, my dad called,” he said stroking her fingers that lay on the table.

“Is everything ok?”

“Yeah, he doesn’t call unless he wants something,” he mumbled, his eyebrows pinching together. “Well, I’m just going to grab something. Be right back.”

Beck walked away before Raven had a chance to ask if he was ok. If his own father could put that look on his face, then Raven wasn’t sure she’d ever want to meet him. Her own face would light up if her dad called, but Beck’s…he looked upset.

“How are you today?” Beck asked when he sat next to Raven.

He let his arm hang on the back of her chair, his fingers stroking across her shoulder. Raven’s skin prickled and goosebumps broke out down her arm. Beck sensed that too, and winked.

“I’m great,” she replied, swallowing the pool of saliva that flooded her mouth.

Her eyes dropped down and took in Beck’s appearance. He wore beige board shorts and a light turquoise tee. She could see how the fabric clung to his hard arms, and she wanted to lick along the seams.

“I…um…” her thoughts were momentarily scrambled at the gaze Beck returned. “I’m great, yes. How are you?”

The lazy smile that took over his face was almost enough to melt her panties.

“I’m wonderful,” he rasped, leaning towards her. “Especially after yesterday.”

Raven’s face turned beet red and all faces at their table looked to her.

“Beck, are you misbehaving; again?” Kerry asked with a bored expression on her face.

“Yes,” he grinned.

“Oh, ok then. Carry on,” she gestured, winking at Raven.

“How did your ‘scouting’ go?” Raven asked, trying to turn the attention away from her redness.

“Boring,” Kerry shook her head. “I’m telling you; there was absolutely
talent there last night.”

Leila almost spit her drink across the table.

“Kerry!” she whisper shouted as she wiped her mouth. “Quiet!”

“What? I’m just saying,” she shrugged, then turned back to tell the rest. “Seriously, I think some sophomores got in there, and while I’m not bothered about picking up a sweet young thing, they weren’t giving me the feels.”

Leila nodded. “I agree with you there.”

“What are ‘the feels’?” Donnie asked.

As they were getting ready to hear Kerry’s explanation, Beck leaned close to Raven once more. “Do I give you ‘the feels’?”

“Listen, and then decide for yourself,” she replied, keeping her voice low.

“‘The feels’ are when you see somebody, they make you hot in their presence, and you instantly want to jump their bones. You know they’re gonna show you a good time. Not that I haven't been burnt before,” Kerry explained. “I’ve been sadly mistaken a couple of times.”

Leila covered her face and shook her head in embarrassment.

“You definitely give
the feels,” Beck wiggled his eyebrows at Raven.

Raven nodded. “You too.”

Beck licked his lip seductively into his mouth.

Raven took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a second. It was too early in the morning to get hot and bothered. They had class to go to and she wouldn’t be able to concentrate if it went any further.

Beck ran his hand over her shoulder again, gently pressing his fingers into the bare skin above her light pink tank top. He turned to her, and his eyes sparkled in the sunlight coming through the window. He knew, as always, exactly what he was doing to her.

Raven calmed down just enough to get out of her seat after breakfast. She needed to take a few deep breaths, but she got there.

Beck took her hand, and they walked to class together. Students watched them as they went, and Raven could hear whispers, although she couldn’t make out what people were saying.

“Ignore everybody else,” Beck said, his voice low. “All that matters is that you’re with me. Fuck them.”

“Yeah,” she nodded. “Fuck them. If they want to act like high school kids, then let them.”

“Exactly,” he said, smiling down at her.

They got to their lecture room, the first ones there, and made their way to their seats.

Placing their books on their desks, they sat. Beck inched his chair closer to hers, and Raven liked it. She could smell his intoxicating freshness, but knowing that she was able to get up close to him, and breathe him in for herself, thrilled her.

Students began to pile into the room, and looked their way, noticing their closeness. The professor entered the room and seemed oblivious to them.

“Let’s get started,” she said.

Raven saw Beck pick up his pen and leant his arm out on the surface of his desk ready to take notes. She did the same.

She jumped when she felt something warm on her leg. It was his hand. He rested his palm on her thigh, his fingers dipping between them, and circled his thumb on top. Raven snapped her eyes to his and he winked, and went back to his work.

Under the usual circumstances, Raven would’ve screamed at him and asked what the hell he was doing, but everything had changed. His touch wasn’t intending to tease, -not that it didn’t affect her in exactly the same way as before- it was affectionate.

The lecture continued, and Raven could feel many pairs of eyes on them. Beck’s hand couldn’t be seen under the table, so nobody had any idea what he was doing, but she wondered if they’d seen his public display of affection in the main hall earlier. By the looks on their faces, she guessed they had.

Beck shifted in his seat, and removed his hand from her leg. He lifted it and brought it round the back of Raven’s chair. He began to twirl her hair around his fingers as it hung from her ponytail. They were sitting so close, and with what Beck was doing, Raven rested her head on his shoulder. Beck’s hand came up to rest atop her head, and he turned. Raven looked up, and Beck pressed his lips to her forehead.

“Hmmm,” Raven sighed with happiness and Beck stroked down the back of her head.

His hand came around her, to her jaw, and he tilted her head back, kissing her lips gently. His lips parted, and he stroked his tongue into her mouth once, then pecked her lips again.

Raven’s breath was taken away from just a short kiss. Her heart was thrumming, and the tingles spread out through her veins.

The room was silent, except for the professor who was so absorbed in her teaching and writing on the board, that she didn’t notice the stares.

Raven wanted to shout out ‘yes he kissed me!’ to the others, because their gawking was annoying her.

Especially Kato.

“He doesn’t look pleased about my touching you,” Beck whispered.

“I don’t care. It’s got nothing to do with him, or anybody else. You can touch me all you like.”

“I plan on doing just that,” he replied, his gaze heating, shooting straight between her legs.

Beck pressed his lips to hers once more, before turning his attention back to the professor.

For the remainder of the lesson, he continued to touch her hair, caress her shoulder, and even stroke his fingers up and down the outside of her left arm.

It was as though he
to keep touching her.

“How long’s
gonna last?” Kato’s sneering tone said from behind them as they began to walk out of the class hand-in-hand.

“Excuse me?” Raven said, turning round to face Kato.

Raven could see the anger in his eyes from just looking at him.

“It’s sickening to watch,” Kato snarled. “The two of you together. I thought he was a one night kind of guy?”

Raven tightened her hand on Becks when she felt him make a move towards Kato, and gently pulled him back. She didn’t want him to get in trouble for fighting. It was different when she’d hit Kato, that was in the bar, but in the lecture halls was another matter. Kato knew that too. It was as though he was purposely antagonizing her and Beck because of it.

Raven could see from Beck’s expression, though, that it wouldn’t take much more for him to not give a shit anymore.

Kato opened his mouth to speak. “Oh, sorry. Not one night;
a one-
kind of guy,” Kato laughed. “You not give it up yet? You making him work for the pussy?”

That’ll do it.

Beck growled, released Raven’s hand, and charged Kato.

He lifted him up off the floor, and slammed him into the wall.

Kato huffed as the air left his lungs. Beck’s face twisted violently before punching Kato in the stomach. He released his hold and Kato fell to the floor, gasping for breath.

You’re only bitter because I gave you a black eye for being a dick. Suck it up, Kato!” Raven yelled at him.

“Suck it up? I didn’t hit back because you’re a girl. Do you think you would’ve come away without a scratch if I had?” he sneered, picking himself up off the floor.

Raven took a step towards Kato, her anger raging inside of her. She was ready to tear his eyes out. Beck moved in front of her, blocking her path, and reaching back with his arm to keep her behind him.

“Do you think you’d even get the chance to find that out…Bruce?” he asked, his voice so low Raven barely heard the words. Kato’s lips pursed. He didn’t like his real name at all. Even the professors called him Kato. “You go anywhere near her, and I will fucking end you; got it?”

“I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to her.” Kato gestured towards Raven.

“Indirectly, Bruce. You talk to Raven, then you’re talking to me too.”

Raven watched as Beck said something she couldn’t hear. Whatever it was had Kato’s face paling in fear.

“Come on babe, let’s go,” Beck said, taking Raven’s hand again. “This dip shit isn’t worth our time.”

“Are you ok?” Beck asked when they got out of sight of the crowding students.

“Yes, I’m fine. Are you?” Raven reached up and stroked his jaw.

“I am now,” he smiled. “I don’t want that prick anywhere near you.” Beck cupped her face and gazed into her eyes.

“What did you say to him? He looked scared.”

Beck frowned. “It’s not important.”

“It is, Beck. He was scared of your words, not your actions.”

Beck sighed, and looked to the floor. “I told him I’d make his last year a living hell if he so much as breathed in your direction.”

Raven smiled widely.

“What?” Beck asked, sheepishly. Raven could see his cheeks turning pink.

“Nothing,” she smiled again, and led him out of the building.


Raven had been sitting in her E-studies class for over twenty minutes, and she was bored. In truth, she was missing Beck. She knew there would be many times where they wouldn’t see each other, but after seeing him so protective of her after Economics, she was uneasy.

Sitting in class, highly aroused, with all of the other students there wasn’t comforting. They’d not had a chance to go back to their dorms because Beck had to go to his stats class first. He was still in his class when Raven’s started.

Her phone vibrated, and she held it under the table to check.

It was Beck.

B: Out of class. How’s yours going?

R: Boring as hell.

B: Do you need cheering up? x

Raven licked her lips. She had an idea what kind of cheering up he could do, and it involved getting naked.

R: Yes I do. X

Raven didn’t get another message and a few minutes passed by until she saw a movement at the long, narrow rectangular window in the door.

Raven was the only one directly facing the door and saw instantly who it was. The rapid beat of her heart told her too.


Her phone beeped, and she looked down.

B: I’m here for you!

Raven didn’t know what he was talking about.

Her eyes widened as he looked around behind him. He was checking nobody was watching.

He moved quickly and pulled up one side of his tee, and pressed his nipple to the glass.

Raven clamped her hand around her nose and mouth to stop herself from bursting out laughing.

She glanced to the professor, hoping that he didn’t notice. He seemed to be oblivious to what was going on, and so did the other students.

Raven realized why Beck had sent that message. He’d recreated a piece of the prison scene from Cable Guy.

Beck covered himself again, grinned and pumped his eyebrows up and down. Raven kept her hand over her mouth.

B: What’s the matter, babe? Something wrong?

R: I can’t believe you did that!

B: I told you; I’m here for you.

“Raven, are you ok?” the professor asked, finally noticing her.

Raven coughed to clear her throat, and to calm herself. “Yes, thanks. Sorry, I was a little distracted.”

She looked towards the window, and Beck was just about visible at the edge as he peered in.

Raven glared at Beck, and trying not to smile, when the professor turned back to address the class. Beck moved in front of the window again. He beamed like a little kid, which made Raven ‘aww’ inside, he winked and then left.

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