The Full Experience (19 page)

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Authors: Dawn Doyle

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: The Full Experience
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“Baby, keep your eyes on me,” he said. Just like their first time. “I want to watch you.”

Raven kept her eyes on his. The silver only tiny circles around his large black pupils.

He guided himself to her opening and pushed the head in.

Raven held her breath as he entered her. Feeling the exquisite stretching as he filled her.

Beck’s eyes closed for a second as he fully inserted himself inside. Without needing to be asked, Raven lifted her legs and wrapped them around the back of his muscular thighs.

Beck stroked his fingers down her cheek.

He began to move his hips back. Just a small movement before thrusting back in, letting her adjust to him.

“Ah!” Raven sighed as the first wave of orgasmic tingles flowed through her.

Beck’s breathing grew heavy. He pulled back again and pushed in, hitting their bodies together where they joined.

“Raven,” he groaned. His voice tense, and his brow furrowing as he pumped his hips back and forth.

“Mmph,” she whimpered, trying to be quiet.

The last thing she wanted was anybody to walk past and hear them.

Beck took her hands and linked their fingers together, holding them down either side of her head.

He drove into her over and over. Hitting the spot inside her that made her toes curl and her lungs to stop working. Her legs tightened around him and her back began to arch. She was so close to tipping over the edge when Beck lowered his head and took her lips.

It was too much to bear, and the switch flipped.

Raven tensed up, her hands gripped Beck’s hard, her back arched, and she saw stars as the waves transformed into a tsunami, crashing over her.

Beck swallowed her screams with his kisses as his he thrust into her faster.

His lips stilled on her mouth. “Oh God, Raven,” he grunted as he thickened inside her, and Raven could feel the pulsing of his cock as he came along with her.

They panted, breathing in each other’s air as they came down from their climax.

Beck pressed his forehead to hers as he released her hands.

Raven lifted her arms, and wrapped them around him tight, holding him to her. He rested his head into her neck, and they held each other for a moment.

Beck slowly pulled out, and lay on his side. Raven turned to face him and lifted her hand to his face. She cupped his jaw, leaned towards him and pressed her lips against his.

He beamed.

“I’ll just get rid of this,” he said, then his eyes snapped to hers.

Raven didn’t miss the look in his eyes. He was worried she would leave again, even though it was her dorm.

“I’ll be right here,” she replied, and Beck smiled again.

He stood and walked to the bathroom completely naked, and Raven didn’t try to hide her sigh.

Beck looked over his shoulder.

“Raven Valiente,” he said with humor. “Are you checking out my ass?”

“Yes,” she nodded once, a huge grin on her face.

“Good.” Beck winked and then disappeared into her bathroom. “Don’t get dressed!” he shouted from the room.

Raven giggled. She was so happy.

She thought over Beck’s words. He’d wanted her all along and was trying to show her that, but she didn’t see it. In truth, she’d wanted him too.

She got under her covers and waited for Beck.

When he was done, he exited the bathroom, and Raven’s eyes immediately looked down between his legs. The size of the thing that had been inside her only moments before.

Oh my!

Beck crawled over the bed and got under the covers beside her.

She lifted her leg and rested it over his thigh. He held it in place, his fingers circling. He leant up on his elbow and smiled.

“What?” Raven asked, smiling back.

His eyes sparkled with mischief. That usually meant he was going to say something really dirty, or do something to make her weak in the knees. Her knees were already like jello, just from being next to him naked, so it was good that she was already lying down.

“You have…” he lifted the covers and looked down at her nakedness, and sighed. “…An incredible body.”

“Thank you,” she replied, blushing. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

“There’s also another thing,” he said. Then as quick as she’d seen anybody move in her life, he disappeared under her cover.

“Beck!” she squealed when he attacked her stomach with his mouth, and tickled her skin with his fingers.

There was a sound, and Raven looked up just as the door opened.

“Ray!” Ava jumped in shock, still holding onto the door handle.

Beck froze under the cover. Raven could feel him shake as he laughed silently.

“What the fuck?” Ava whispered, her eyes ready to pop out of her head, and her chin to get carpet burns off the floor.

“Hi, Ava,” Beck’s muffled voice came from under the covers. He popped his head out of the top, his hair sticking up in different directions.

“Beck…” Ava said, still in shock.

“Did you know Raven has the cutest little freckle next to her belly button?” he asked, grinning.

“Uh… yeah.”

“I need to inspect it some more,” he said, disappearing again.

Raven squealed and laughed as he blew a raspberry on her stomach.

“I’ll just go,” Ava said, holding her hand over her mouth. She beamed at Raven before she closed the door, locking it again behind her.

“Beck!” Raven squealed again. “Stop!” she laughed.

“It’s a good job she didn’t come in five minutes ago,” he chuckled. “That would’ve been awkward.”

Beck slowed his torment of her stomach, and held her waist in his hands.

He let his lips graze across her skin.

Raven bit her lip and closed her eyes. The feeling of Beck’s lips on her skin was wonderful. Her back arched, wanting more.

His hand flattened against her upper stomach, and his mouth worked down her body.

Beck continued his decent, his body pushing her legs out, until Raven felt his warm breath between her legs.

Before she had a chance to move, his hot tongue licked up her center. Her hands fisted in the cover when he swirled it around her nub.

she said as she inhaled.

Beck moaned, the vibrations causing tremors to run through her from her core to every nerve ending in her body. He licked up again and flicked his tongue around and around. Raven’s back lifted off the bed.

Her hands hurt she clenched them so tight.

His tongue darted inside her and her head flew back. Raven put a hand over her mouth to stop the scream that was bubbling up from her throat.

Then his mouth clamped around her nub, sucking and licking.

Sparks fired behind her eyelids, and she bucked when his fingers entered her.

Beck reached up and caressed her breast with one hand as he stroked inside her with his fingers.

Raven held her breath. The pressure built inside with every flick of his tongue.

“Oh, oh Beck, Oh ahhh!” she screamed behind her hand as her orgasm hit, pushing her over the edge. Beck continued to use his mouth on her as her body bucked in ecstasy.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” Beck said as he removed his fingers.

“I’m so glad you did,” she sighed.

Beck chuckled. “I can tell.” He moved up to the top and lay next to Raven. “Turn round,” he said, motioning for her to face away from him.

Raven did as he asked, and Beck cuddled up to her. She lifted her head so he could put his arm underneath, and he wrapped the other around her. Their bodies molded together as they spooned. Raven tangled their ankles together, and Beck kissed the back of her neck. Shivers ran down her spine every time his lips touched her.

“I just want to lie like this for a while,” he whispered, and Raven was more than happy to oblige.

Her eyes grew heavy, and she fell asleep in Beck’s arms.

Chapter 7

Raven woke up and saw the space next to her was empty.

She looked around the room and Beck’s clothes were gone.

Her stomach churned, and she held her mouth to her hand, thinking that Beck had left.

Hurriedly, she snatched her phone off her nightstand to check the time and saw that she had a text… from Beck. He must’ve put his number in her phone as she slept.

She smiled as she read.

B: I didn’t want to wake you. I’ve just gone for food. Be right back.x

Ps you look beautiful in your sleep. X

Raven fell back down and grinned with a happy sigh. Beck was coming back.

She got out of bed and quickly showered, changing into black leggings and a loose gray V-neck tee. After tying her hair up in a messy bun, she slipped on her black tennis flats and began to the tie the laces, when the door opened.

“Hey beautiful,” Beck smiled as he walked in carrying
a square box. “I brought pizza.”

“You are a life saver,” she grinned, as she stood. Her stomach growled in agreement.

“You didn’t eat much earlier, so I got us this,” he said, putting the box down on her desk.

“Neither did you,” she replied.

Beck had hardly touched his lunch, and Raven had thrown away over two-thirds of what Ava had brought for her.

“Well, that’s over now,” he smiled shyly. Raven aww’d inside at his boyish expression.

“Ok, let’s eat,” she said. “I’m starving.”

Beck’s eyes traveled up and down her body, his gaze heating.

!” she laughed.

“How did you know what I was thinking?” he asked, looking her over again.

“It’s not hard,” she raised an eyebrow. Beck grinned showing his perfect teeth. “I fell right into that one, didn’t I?” she groaned; Beck nodded.

“Is it safe to come in?” Ava asked, knocking on the door.

“Yes!” Raven laughed when Ava opened the door, and walked in with her hands over her eyes. “We’re clothed, Ay,” she said.

“For now,” Beck whispered into her ear, when Ava dropped her hand.

The hairs on Raven’s arms stood on end when the shivers ran down her spine. Beck still affected her just as much as if they hadn’t even had sex.

“Well, don’t be getting any ideas while I’m here,” Ava pointed at them both. “I’m not a voyeur.”

Beck laughed again. Raven liked hearing him laugh. It was deep, throaty, and sexy all at the same time.

“I’ll try to control myself,” he grinned.

“So…um…now that you…” Ava silently clapped, gesturing them having been together, “are you going to tone down your behavior?”

“Hmmm,” Beck looked upwards, and stroked his chin with his finger and thumb. “Probably…not.”

Raven pushed his thigh, and shook her head. She was smiling, but now she knew exactly how Beck made her feel when he touched her, kissed her, held her hands…

“What are you thinking?” he asked, waving his hand in front of her face. He put his finger under her chin and pushed up, closing her mouth.

“Um..” She blinked quickly, her cheeks heating. “Nothing.”

A lazy smile spread across his face.

“She does that a lot,” Ava said, shaking her head. “I’m pretty sure I know what she’s thinking.” She pumped her eyebrows.

“I bet you’re thinking…” he leant over, his lips next to her ear. “You won’t be able to keep your hands to yourself.”

Raven gasped.

“So I was thinking, we could all go and get…” Kerry paused when she walked in with Leila, her eyes fixing on Beck. “What are
doing here?” she asked, looking between the three of them. “I hope you’re not here to try anything funny with Ray, Beck,” she said, with her hands on her hips.

Raven saw Leila’s eyes scanning around the room landing on the empty pizza box, Ava’s purse -that she still had hold of- and the messed up covers on her bed. They widened, and her mouth opened to say something to Kerry who looked as though she was going to give Beck a telling off.

“I better go,” Beck said quietly to Raven. He looked uncomfortable in the room with three pairs of eyes staring at him.

Raven didn’t want him to leave, but she could see that after their day, it wasn’t the best time to be discussing their relationship, if that’s what it was, with her friends.

The girls continued to stare as they got up off the bed and walked to the door.

Beck stopped and turned to Raven. His eyes glanced to the girls then back to her.

“Can I see you later?” he asked quietly.

Raven nodded. “Yes.”

Beck beamed happily, his eyes sparkling.


His hand stroked down her forearm and gently squeezed her fingers. He dipped his head and softly pressed his lips to hers. Raven’s legs turned to jello and Beck pulled back, smiling. He knew exactly what he’d done to her.

With a wink, he left.

Raven closed the door and turned to see three mouths hanging open wide.

“What. The. Fuck!” Kerry said slowly, still staring at Raven.

“He kissed you,” Leila whispered in disbelief.

“He kissed me a lot, earlier,” Raven said, walking past them and sitting back down on her bed.

“I walked in on them before, and they were both naked!” Ava blurted out, her hand slapping over her mouth. “Sorry Ray-Ray, I couldn’t hold it in,” she apologized.

The girls shrieked. “You had sex with him

Raven bit her lower lip into her mouth as a huge grin spread across her face. She nodded then covered her ears at the deafening excited screams of her friends.

“We want to know everything, and don’t scrimp on the details,” Leila said urgently, getting herself comfortable on Ava’s bed. Ava sat next to her and Kerry next to Raven.

“He came to talk to me,” Raven began. “He told me he behaved the way he did because he

Raven didn’t want to tell them anything about what he’d said after, because it seemed personal to Beck. She wasn’t about to tell the girls any details without him agreeing first.

“Well, next thing I know we’re kissing. Not just any kissing, it was…” she sighed. “My God, his lips are magnificent.”

“So now the good stuff,” Kerry said, urging her along.

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