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Authors: Lady Aingealicia

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Underneath The Stars

A Promised Love Reunion

By Lady Aingealicia

Written in the stars


Noel got the invitation to her high school reunion. There had been so much that had passed and she was not sure how that night was going to go. She remembered Erick and his dark brooding eyes and how in love she was with him. They were best friends in high school, now was her chance to see if they could make it.  She had never found that love again. He was her world and chose to wait until he knew it was right because it was written in the stars that they would be together in the end, no matter what trials and tribulations they had been through.


The Invitation


Noel opened her email. She saw the invitation. She had been waiting for it, knowing it would come eventually. The guest list had been prepared and when she went to the site to confirm, she saw that Erick was coming alone. They had not spoken since he had gotten married and she was surprised at his R.S.V.P.. Her heart skipped a beat. She had never given up on them, even when he got married. She knew it would not work out with the marriage, however she supported him because that is what you were supposed to do with the one you loved.


So many emotions ran through her head as she marked she would be there. She would have to find the perfect dress. Her mind was already racing as to what she would wear that night. She had to get her hair and nails done. She looked in the mirror and saw her red hair hanging to the middle of her back. She drew it up to show off her neck. She had moved to the city to try to escape the past. Yet he always plagued her memories. She remembered graduation and how they spent the night together, just sleeping in the same bed, holding each other. They knew then it would never be the same for either of them.


He was headed off to get a law degree; she was going to college to get her degree in Art and Humanities. They kept in contact while he was in, until he met Brittany, then things began to change. Brittany had stolen his loins with her blonde hair and blue eyes. And she gave an excellent blow job so Erick had informed Noel. Soon enough Erick and Brittany were married and Noel moved to the city to live her dream. They had lost contact with each other over the years. She had not heard from Erick for 4 years since he went overseas. Life happens and Noel knew it. Sure she had dated, no one interested her as much as Erick. Some would say it was an obsession, yet inside she knew. She knew they were destined to be together. She had never lost that hope that one day they would have the life she saw. Now fate was going to throw them together again.


As she picked up her purse, she made sure to make a note in her phone for hair and nails a few days before the reunion. Hopping on the A train, she thought about what could happen at the meeting. Her tan suit complimented her curves as she looked for a seat. It was crowded like always during rush hours. She was meeting Ebony later for drinks after work. As she came to central park, she walked towards the museum. She had lucked out on getting the job. A professor had connections and got her in. She loved the museum. There was always something new to discover and they had a new exhibit that was being set up that day to add to the Egyptian showing.


As she entered, Michael approached her. His boyish good looks always surprised her. He looked so young for being 26. He flipped his pale blonde bangs out of the way of his grey eyes as he approached her.


“The shipment came in early. We are cataloging the exhibit as you and I speak.” He spoke with his southern accent. He had come from Kentucky on a scholarship to NYU. He had a crush on Noel and made no bones about it. He had tried to take her out a few times, yet she always declined stating she did not date co-workers. She did really like him, yet in the back of her mind she could never let go of Erick.


“Wow, they came early.” She commented as they headed towards the back, her heels clicking on the marble floors.


“Yes, and Mr. Bennet is of course complaining.” Michael commented. Noel chuckled.


“When doesn’t Mr. Bennet complain?” She asked.


“When he has his coffee.” Michael commented as they walked in the room. There was a team working on the inventory. It was an impressive collection. They even had a new sarcophagus in the collection. Noel smiled, she looked forward to the reunion because she would be able to share with others that she had made it to where she was. The hours moved quickly as things were catalogued and placed in the exhibit. Noel was always excited about her work and today was very special with the collection they had for a few short months. As they day came to a close, Michael approached her. She looked at her phone and saw that Ebony had texted her where they were going to meet. She responded that she would be there in about 30 minutes.


“So, doing anything tonight?” He asked as she put her phone away.


“Yep, going out with Ebony and then headed home. Tomorrow is a big day.” Noel saw he was looking for an invitation, however she did not want him to tag along. “So I will see you tomorrow okay?”

“Okay, have a good night and be safe.” He commented as she left. Michael watched her leave as his heart dropped. He had been after her since he had been hired at the museum. She just was not interested. He saw her head to Bennet’s office before she left.


Noel approached Mr. Bennet’s office and knocked. As she heard him rustling his papers. She needed to let him know that she would be gone for a few days next month and wanted to get the paperwork in for that. As Mr. Bennet called her in, she looked around his office and saw his excavation photos and his degrees on the wall. His office was always a mess. She had the urge to clean it whenever she came in to his office.


“Mr. Bennet, sir.” She began.


“Yes Noel, what is it?” He asked without looking up from the papers he was reading. “I am busy as you see.” He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.


“Sir, I need to take a few days off next month for personal reasons.” She stated clearly. Bennet hated it when people beat around the bush. He rustled through a drawer and handed her some papers that she put in her purse. “Thank you Mr. Bennet.”


“You’re welcome, was waiting for you to take your days off.” He commented as he put the glasses back on and went to the papers. “Seeing you have not taken any in the last 5 years you have been with us. Just don’t run off and get married and if you do, bring him back to the city.”


“Yes, sir.” She commented and headed to go meet Ebony for drinks.


The Call


Two weeks had passed since Noel turned in her paperwork and it was approved. She and Ebony had been looking for the perfect dress, shoes and of course the full outfit, not only for the night of the dance that would happen, also for the 3 days she would be there. The only thing left to do was have her nails done and haircut, and of course pack. Today she was getting her hair done.


Saying goodnight to everyone, Noel headed to the shop. She looked at the museum as she left. In her mind, she always wondered if they would have been together would she be at home with children and watching t.v. while waiting for him to get home. She smiled at that thought. He knew how she felt about him. Her phone began to ring as she got to the shop. Going in, she let the receptionist know she was there. Answering her phone, she caught her breath from the voice she heard.


“Hey there Noel.” The husky voice said from the other side. “How are you doing?”


“I am good.” She slowly said, “How are you?” Her heart was beating fast and the receptionist waved her over.


“Good as well.” He started, “Hey, I saw you are going to be at the reunion.”

“Yes, so are you so I noted.” Noel started following the receptionist. “Look, I have to go for right now. I am in the middle of something. Can I call you when I get home?”


“Sure, if you are going to call me back.” He chuckled. “I don’t want you to be pulling my leg here.”


“No, no, not at all.” She stammered. “I just have to take care of something.”


“Okay, we will talk later.” He replied. “What time do you think you will be calling?”


“Around 8 pm my time.” She answered as she sat down and smiled at her hair dresser.


“Until then.” He commented.


“Yes, until then.” She said as she put the phone in her purse and then sat back in the chair to get her hair done. She closed her eyes and let her stylist do her magic.


“So Noel, where are you headed this time?” The stylist asked.


“To my High School reunion.” Noel smiled at her in the mirror as she watched her cut the ends.


“Should be fun.” The stylist took off the cape and brushed Noel’s hair off the back of the chair. “So you will be coming back right?” She smiled. Noel nodded yes and grabbed her purse so she could leave a tip. Walking out, she made an appointment for 4 months with the receptionist.


As Noel got in a cab, she looked at her phone. She noticed that Erick had the same area code of where they both grew up so he must have moved home, or at least back to the state. She had not been back to Nevada since they graduated, she moved as soon as she could. Dialing the last number, she grabbed the keys to her apartment as the phone rang. It rang 3 times before she heard his voice on the other end of the line. Her heart skipped a beat when he picked up. The cab arrived at her front door as she paid the taxi driver and walked up to the door of her apartment.


“Hey there. I finally made it home.” She stated as he paused.


“Well that is good.” He chuckled, “After all it is a big bad city.”


“It is not that bad.” She responded courtly. “So Erick, why did you call anyway? And how did you get my number?”


“You forget I am a lawyer?” He responded. “I called to say hello.”


“No, I never forgot anything about you Erick, you should know that.” She spoke softly. “I am glad you called, we are going to see each other next week.”


“I know, I just did not want it to be awkward when we ran into each other there.” He uttered. “I just did not want to shock you I guess.” She knew him well enough to know he was shrugging his shoulders.


“Well, what did you want to talk about then?” She navigated through her apartment and went to her bedroom. She opened the suitcase as she listened to him on the other end.


“Well, do you have a place to stay?” He asked.


“Yes, I already made reservations.” She had booked the hotel a week before.


“Oh, that could be fun.” He laughed. “Need company?”


“No Erick.” She smiled as she began to pack the suitcase and looked around her room placing things on the bed.


“Oh, well now I am disappointed.” His voice lowered.


“Don’t be.” She snapped without thinking. “How is Brittany? How are the kids?”


“In California.” He answered. “So look, I just wanted to be able to make sure to ask you to dinner before you got here, in case your dance card got too full and you could not fit me in.” Noel bit her lip and thought for a minute. She really wanted to see him, she just not sure if she could keep her hands off him.


“Sure. Let’s say Thursday night after I fly in.” She tossed in another shirt and her dress for the dance.


“Sounds good.” He paused. “I take it you are packing already.”


“Indeed I am.” She chuckled. “I can’t mess up my schedule.”


“I will see you Thursday then.” He replied.


“Until Thursday.” Noel responded as she bit her lip. She knew that she could not tell him no. He was everything to her. He always had been. They hung up and Noel packed the rest of the bag. Walking into Kitchen she saw her plane tickets on the fridge. Pouring herself a glass of Merlot, she sipped on it as she remembered the last night that they had spent together.


She closed her eyes and thought about how his breath tickled her neck. How his arms wrapped around her waist as she laid her head on his arm. How she tried to seduce him with moans and soft sighs and it did not seem to make him waver on taking her. She had held onto that night for as long as she could remember. She could still feel his arms around her as she touched her breast and slowly traced her hand down her body. Shaking her head, she took the wine bottle with her and headed back to her room. Crawling into bed, she wrote in her journal and then turned off the light to go to sleep.

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