The Duke and The Duchess (14 page)

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Authors: Lady Aingealicia

BOOK: The Duke and The Duchess
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And so it Begins


Vivian spent the rest of the day listening to Angela as they discussed her marriage and how to have a child. That was the largest issue that seemed to be at hand. Vivian had been plagued by her mother in law as to why a child had not been born as of yet. Angela decided it was time to take her husband’s advice for truth and wanted to find out more. There had to be a reason that Vivian had not been pregnant after a year and a half. They walked the gardens as the sun began to set. Vivian left for the night and Angela went upstairs to the room. She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She knew tonight she needed to go out. Ringing the bell she waited for Katarina to come in. Peeking around the corner, Katarina knocked softly.


“Yes my Lady?” She asked.


“I need a carriage prepared for the night.” Lady Angela stated.


“Yes my Lady.” Katarina answered. “Will there be anything else my Lady?” She waited patiently as Lady Angela turned around to face her.


“Yes, make sure that you make my husband happy.” She stated quickly. “Now go. I must say goodnight to the children.” Lady Angela got up and went to Michael’s room. He was almost asleep when she came in. He woke immediately as she sat on his bed.


“Mother you came.” He stated with a smile.


“Of course I did, I had to say sweet dreams after all.” She smiled. Her children were the pride and joy in her life. She only wished she had more time to spend with them. “Now I have to go see your sister before she drifts off to sleep.” She kissed his forehead and tucked him in.


“Night Mother.” He responded as he drifted off to sleep.


“Night lil one.” She answered in her Irish brogue and headed to Racheal’s room to bid her goodnight. Soon she had made all her rounds and headed downstairs to the grand hall.


“Is my coach ready?” She simply asked.


“Yes my Lady.” The servants looked at Lady Angela in her red cape. It highlighted her beauty and they lowered their eyes.  Lady Angela headed towards the coach and got in. She knew that her servants would never say a word since they had been sworn to secrecy up on their lives. She told the driver where they needed to go and he began to question until he saw the seriousness in her eyes.


“Yes my Lady.” He responded quietly as she got in the coach closing the door while he stroked the horses to go forward. As soon as they reached the destination, Lady Angela opened the door and stepped out. She knew that no one would notice her here in her red cape. She would blend in. As she walked in the tavern,  she requested a seat in the corner to watch the activity. It was not long before she saw what she needed to see. Ralph was loud and boisterous. He was a hard one to miss in all his purple and jewels. He had women hanging off him like a coat rack.


Angela smiled as she watched. This is what she needed to see. Ralph was manhandling a bar maid that pushed against him one way and then would lean into him to make him continue. She noticed the bar maid would play with her pocket every now and then as Ralph ordered more drinks. Shaking her head, she ordered a sherry to sip as she watched. Soon the drink was delivered and the bar maid sitting on Ralph’s lap got up to dance.


These were places that were hidden from the public eye that the Royals loved to come to for fun and a quick romp. Angela noticed a figure coming towards her and smiled; it was Markus.


“Well my Lady Angela,” he started, “what brings you to these parts?” He smiled his dark smile. He was of the Assassins world and would often bring Angela chickens he acquired during his travels. He was also one of her lovers. He sat down with her once she invited him.


Drawing in close, they had a short conversation until she kissed him softly on the lips with her cloak hood covering them. His hand darted between her legs as she welcomed his fingertips. She gasped softly.


“Oh, Markus,” she sighed, “you simply must come by this weekend.” She looked at him with her blue eyes and winked.


“I will fit that into my schedule.” He commented back. “That still does not explain why you are here. This is no place for a Lady of your stature.”


Lady Angela pointed towards the Duke. “He is why I am here.” She simply stated as she noticed he was down a few rings on his fingers. He was a bit tipsy so he did not notice. Angela did though.


“Oh, so this is a business trip?” Markus stated as he pouted. “And here I thought you were just coming to see me.”

“Sorry my love.” She stated. “This is a business trip.” As she turned her attention back to the Duke.


He was so enamored by the tart on the stage he did not realize is pockets were being picked by the others around him. He kept ordering drinks and did not care about the cost. The tart on the stage noticed everything including the Lady sitting in the corner. She placed a finger to her throat as she danced on the stage. Lady Angela saw that she had been seen and began to make her leave before being announced. Leaning over and kissing Markus on the cheek she excused herself and slipped out the back. Markus promised he would visit that weekend as he escorted her to the coach that waited outside. She told the coachman to head home as her mind thought on how to handle the situation and ignore the tingling between her thighs from Markus. She had a lot of planning to do in two weeks before she would throw the dinner that would allow the Duke to know where all his valuables were going.




The halls were alive as Lady Angela prepared for the homecoming dinner. There were fresh flowers everywhere and the food had been prepared; it just needed to be cooked. She ran through the halls to make sure that everything was dusted and all the silver was polished. Then she heard the announcement that Markus was there. Her heart skipped a beat as she waited for him in her room. She was half dressed as she waited allowing her golden locks to fall down her back. She heard the door open and she turned as she saw him. His stature blocked her view of the door. Standing she ran to him and he picked her up.


“It has been too long my Lady.” He stated as he carried her to the bed, stripping as he went. As she laid back on the bed, her shift coming off, her breath quickened.


“Did you get what I needed?” He held up the bag.


“Do I ever fail you my Lady?” He asked as he dropped the bag and allowed his pants to fall to the ground. She pulled him towards her and spread her legs allowing him entrance. She felt him fill her as she traced her fingers down his back. He nipped at her neck as she arched into him. The shift exposing her breast as he kissed them making the nipples hard. His hips thrust faster as she cried out and begged for more. Turning her over, he came from behind and grabbed her waist as he pulled her into him. She loved this position because he could go deeper inside her. She clawed at the sheets and bit into the bedding as she wanted to cry out. He thrust one more time and let go as they both exploded at the same time.


Pulling out of her, he allowed her to fall to her side before he joined her in the bed. His finger tracing the well of her breast she shivered. She was so glad that Diego and she had an understanding that they would have lovers. Life was too short for just one lover. She leaned forward and kissed Markus on his chest. His raven locks covered his brow as his dark eyes searched her.


“Thank you.” She said exasperated. “I needed that. Diego has been gone too long.” Markus shrunk back. He wished that Angela was his, however he knew in his line of work it would never work out.


“So what did you need all that stuff for?” Markus finally asked.


“Well to expose the Duke of course.” Angela got up and got into the tub that had been drawn for her in the room. She liked to be prepared and she made sure everything was ready when Markus showed. Markus joined her in the tub as he washed her back.


“Really.” Markus answered. “I thought the whole country side knew of his fidelity or lack thereof.”


“Well,” Angela began, “the Duchess has concerns.”


“I see,” Markus commented as he noticed the alabaster skin and began to harden again. “did she not know he would have lovers?”


“She assumed so,” Angela gasped as Markus moved around to her breast, “however she was hoping to be with child by now as well.”


“Oh, so that all this is.” Markus stated as he could no longer hold back. Placing Angela on him, his hardness went right inside her as she moved in the water.


“Yes, she wants a child.” Angela uttered as she felt her heat rising. “An heir. Is that so wrong?” She uttered between thrust.


“No, I suppose not.” Markus lifted his hips into her. He held onto her waist to pull her down on top of him. He felt himself release as he knew she was already with child. “Does Diego know about the new one?” He asked.


Angela pulled herself off Markus and turned to look at him, “You knew?” She stated.


“Well yes, your breast are swollen and I feel the fullness.” Angela blushed as she got out of the tub and dried off.


“No, he does not know.” She answered as she went to the vanity and sat down to do up her hair. “You must go soon. He will be home before dusk.” She looked out the window.


“I know and you have your party.” Markus stood up out of the water and Angela could not help but notice his form. She bit her lip and went back to brushing her hair. She had always wondered if it had been another world another time, would she and Markus been together. She dashed those thoughts out of her mind as she pinned up her hair and Markus dried off and got dressed. He left the bag on the bed and took his leave. Angela looked at the bed and knew she would have to make it up. Going out at night was one thing, she did not need the servants talking of her lovers that came and went.


As she made the bed, she dumped the bag to see that all of the jewels stolen from the Duke were in there. She had invited the tart to dinner as well. Everything was falling together. She rang the bell and waited for Katarina to show up to empty the tub and help her get dressed for the evening. Katarina knocked on the door.


“Enter Katarina.” Lady Angela stated. “Make sure that you have help dumping that water. The Lord Diego will be home soon and he will not want to see that.”


“Yes, my Lady.” Katarina nodded and went to get Maria to help her. Soon the tub was empty and the halls of the castle were vibrant and alive with people including the tart that had been invited. Lady Angela was dressed in a sapphire blue dress to show off her eyes and accent her hair. As everyone sat down for dinner, Diego finally joined them at the other end of the table.


“Oh Lord Diego,” Angela began, “it is so good to have you home again.” She lifted the wine glass to grant a toast and everyone followed her action as they toasted for Lord Diego to be home.


He nodded graciously as his cobalt blue eyes looked upon his wife. She was full of life tonight and he had planned to have his fill of her once he was home. It had been too long since he had touched her. As if she could read his mind she continued the speech.


“And to the Duke Ralph and his wife Vivian for joining us.” She toasted them as well as did the rest of the guest. “So Duke Ralph you will have to tell us of your adventures in town.” She looked at the soup before her and began to eat.


“I am sure I do not know what you talk of Lady Angela.” He stated quickly.


“Oh, but I am sure you do Duke Ralph.” Angela winked. “That is why Elsa is here, she has been sharing your wares.” Angela poured out her purse on the table with all the rings and money that had been taken from the Duke in the last week. Turning to Elsa Angela smiled.


“Isn’t that right dear?” She asked as Elsa turned beet red.


“I didn’t take nothing Lady Angela.” Elsa responded, “Them there were gifts from the Duke.” Everyone at the table sat stunned waiting for an answer.


“Yes, yes, I was umm….” The Duke stammered as he looked at his wife Vivian, he knew he was finally caught. “I was helping the poor wasn’t I Elsa.”


“Yes, my Lord. That is exactly what you were doing.” Elsa stated clearly. Angela chuckled.


“Well next time you help the poor.” Angela stated as she gave Elsa the stash. “Be mindful that many are watching you.” She sat back down and winked at Vivian.


“So when should we expect and heir Duchess Vivian?” Angela stated. “I am sure your mother-in-law would be delighted to have a little Ralph running around.”


“Soon, Lady Angela.” Vivian responded with a nod. “Soon.” She looked over at Ralph who was beside himself and smiled.


As the party closed, Diego came up to Angela and held her tight and kissed the back of her neck when no one was looking.


“So when were you going to tell me?” He asked as he rubbed her belly.


“Who told you?” She giggled.


“No one had to tell me, I know my wife.” He turned her towards him and led her upstairs. “Come now, I am still hungry.” Angela followed knowing that her job had been done and now was time for fun.






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