The Duke and The Duchess (12 page)

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Authors: Lady Aingealicia

BOOK: The Duke and The Duchess
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Holiday Romance


Elizabeth ran around the house getting it ready for Charley and Sarah to arrive. Maria had made up the beds. As they worked together, things seemed to fall into place. Elizabeth was excited and nervous at the same time. She wanted to see Brad alone before the house guest came, she had her own idea of a holiday gift for him. It just seemed so impossible for them to come together with everything going on.

Maria came down from upstairs with a smile on her face. She checked on the twins and grabbed Wyatt for lunch. She had liked working on the farm, it was such a change from working with the Doctor. She was hoping Miss Elizabeth would want her to stay and help. She was sure once the company was gone for the holidays, she would be back to work with the Doctor.

“I am going to go take Brad his lunch in the barn.” Elizabeth stated as she packed a small basket. “Can you tend to the children Maria?”

Maria nodded. She wanted to spend time alone with Evan anyway, he always listened to what she had to say. Elizabeth picked up the basket and headed out in the bitter cold. She took a deep breath as the wind whipped around her and blew out her cloak. She did not realize how cold it was until she had opened the door. She debated if it would be best to go meet Brad in the barn, however she knew that they would not have any other time together until after the holidays had passed.

She headed to the barn and saw Evan and Brad working with the horses as they fed them. She knew that Brad had been working a lot and needed a break. As she came closer she overheard them talking about the cattle and the wheat and how things were going. Brad noticed her and smiled.

“And why are you out missy?” He asked.

“I thought you and I could eat out here while Maria watched the children.” She responded. Evan took that as a cue to leave and headed into the house.

“Oh, did you now?” Brad grinned. “Sounds like a plan, though it might be a bit cold.”

Elizabeth winked and sat the basket down on a bale of hay. Taking a blanket out from under her cloak she laid it in an empty stall and looked at Brad.

“I think we can warm things up cowboy.” She stated boldly as she blushed.

Brad moved to her and kissed her firmly as his tongue slid into her mouth. She teased him with in response and began to rub his chest under his coat. He traced his hands down her body and felt her breast. Moving further down, he lifted her skirts and placed his hands on her firm cheeks as she moaned into his mouth.

She began to take his coat off and used her nimble fingers to remove his shirt. The flat of her hands moved down his muscles and taught abdomen. Brad lifted her and carried her to the wall as she undid his pants. Her hands feeling for his hardness. Their kisses became like fire as she pushed down her hips down on him. Gasping as she felt him enter her, she smiled and traced her mouth down his neck.

He pushed her against the wall, his hips moving back and forth inside her as she moaned under his touch. His thrust quickened as he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, exposing her neck. He moved his lips across her skin making her shiver. She felt him sliding in and out quicker. He covered her mouth with his. His hands moved to her waist bringing her body closer to his.

Their breath quickened as their bodies became one. Elizabeth felt Brad all the way inside her. She wrapped her legs around him and clung to him. Their tongues tangled as Brad’s hips thrust forward. He groaned as he felt his seed release inside her. Holding her tight, he felt the chill of the air on his bare back. Placing Elizabeth on the ground gently, she blushed as he traced his finger across her collar bone.

“I think the animals got a show.” He chuckled as he picked up his shirt.

“I have missed your touch Brad.” She whispered as she cleaned herself up. “I do hope that Maria and Evan are doing okay in there.”

“I am sure they have found something to talk about, don’t worry Beth.” Brad wrapped his arms around her and kissed her softly. “What time is the train due?”

“Oh not for two days.” She answered as she went to the basket to pull out lunch. “Do we have time for lunch?”

“Well it is a bit cold out here.” He commented as he gave a light laugh. “I suppose we do have time though.”

Elizabeth smiled as she served Brad and they spoke about all that was coming and where everyone would stay over the holiday. It was going to be a full house for everyone involved. Brad had planned on going out with Evan and Charley for a tree for the house. Elizabeth had been working with Maria on the gifts. She was excited for Brad to see what she had made for him.

There was an excitement in the air as they finished their lunch. As they made their way back to the house, Elizabeth heard one of the twins crying. Brad opened the door and led the way as Elizabeth picked up Rose and took her to the bedroom. Looking around, she saw everything was in its place. There was nothing more that she could or would want in her life right now.


Classic Romance

A Short Story

By Lady Aingealicia

Life Long Devotion


Rochelle had worked in the palace since she could remember. Her aunt had convinced Queen Emelia to allow her to work there as a maid after her mother passed. She could not remember much before she took her position in the palace. After her mum passed, all she knew was work and being with Katrina making sure everything was in its place. As she grew older, she enjoyed her free time reading books. This is where her first encounter occurred with Dunton. The Prince, she was a shy girl when they met, yet he would open her up to talk. They knew their friendship would be frowned upon by the King and Queen, so they would meet when no one was around to speak. Over time, he had stolen her heart with his kindness towards her, even though she knew they could never be together.

All in a Day’s Work


Rochelle woke to the sun peeking through her widow in the servant’s quarters. Today was going to be a very busy day as the staff would prepare for the party that was to take place in a few days. There was silver to be shined, linen’s to be washed, food to prepare, rooms to make ready and everyone was to be present in the activities. That was everyone meaning the servants. She could not complain about her work, she quite enjoyed it at times.

Especially when she could run into Dunton. He always brightened her day. He always asked her how her day was and would often recommend books to read. He knew she loved to read. That is how they met the first time, she was cleaning the library and came across books that interested her. She got lost in the books and he found her asleep in the chair.

She knew that she would be severely disciplined for such laziness as the Queen would see it. He never mentioned to anyone about it though. It was their little secret. Often he would give her a book that he thought she might have an interest in. He never directly handed it to her. He would always leave it in her room or where she was worKing.

As she dressed in her shift and put on her dress, she smiled. She could hear the birds singing in the gardens. She knew it would be a good day for her. She could feel it inside. She was not sure why she was so happy, there was a lot of work to be done before the party and no one was going to get a break. Placing on her apron and her white hat, she tucked her chestnut hair up under the bonnet part.

She went down the servants steps into the kitchen where the cooks were busy preparing the food for the day and starting to work on the food for the party. She smelled the pies cooKing and headed to the ballroom to find her aunt. Katrina would have a list of chores for her to do. As she walked into the ballroom, Queen Emelia was giving Katrina final instructions where the guest would be staying.

Rochelle held back until she was called forth. When she was, she curtsied before Queen Emelia and lowered her head. Her hands folded before her waiting for instruction. As she waited, Katrina finished her instructions and looked to Rochelle.

“Queen Emelia will need you to clean her quarters and change the bedsheets Rochelle.” Katrina barked. “From now on you will be her personal maid.”

Rochelle blinked and took a deep breath. The Queen was a very demanding woman and most of her maids complained behind her back. She knew her life would be very different from this day forward because of the demands that would be placed on her. She would have to be up before the sunrise to make sure the Queens tea and bisquets were ready for her. That her clothing was prepared, that everything was in order for the busy schedule she led.

Most of all, she would not have free time to read in the library or have her chance encounters with Dunton. The Queen turned and looked at her. Her cold blue eyes looked over her dress. She began to walk away and Katrina followed three steps behind as was expected. As the Queen navigated through the hallways of the palace back to her room, she went in.

“Well come on girl.” She ordered. “I don’t have all day.”

“Yes my Queen.” Rochelle curtsied and followed her in the room.

When she looked around she saw it was a mess. It would take her all day to pick up the underskirts, petticoats, and various other things that had been thrown about. She moved towards the bed to begin to take the sheets to be washed as the Queen sat down by the window at her desk. She picked up a quill and began to write as Rochelle took the bedding to be laundered.

Once she had given the linens to be washed, she went back to the Queens room to start to pick up things. She was sure that the Queen was watching her to make sure that she would not steal anything from the quarters. When she entered the room again she began to pick up the mess that had been left behind. As she picked up the clothing, she placed them to the side to be tended to.

There was a knock on the door as she cleaned. She was in the dressing room putting up the items that had been thrown about. She heard the voices and knew that Dunton had come to visit his mother.

“You can’t expect me to marry that woman.” He boomed.

“This is not the time Dunton.” His mother answered.

“This is the perfect time.” He continued. “She is cruel, does not care about her people and is rude. I will not have her.”

“Dunton, we will discuss this later.” The Queen responded sharply.

“When mother?” He demanded.

“When we are in private.” She spat back.

“We are in private.” He commented.

“No, my maid is in the dressing room.” She replied. “This is a conversation I do not want to be discussed amongst the help.”

“Mother, this conversation is not over.” He stormed out of the room.

“You may come out girl.” The Queen commanded.

“Yes your Majesty.” Rochelle responded as she stepped out to pick up the pile of clothing that needed laundered.

“You will never repeat anything you hear with in these walls.” The Queen peered at her. “Is that understood girl?”

“Yes your Majesty.” Rochelle lowered her head. “It would be unbecoming of me to do so.”

“I am glad you know that.” The Queen went back to her writing, “You would also be exhaled if I ever heard whispers of you speaking.”

“Yes your Majesty.” Rochelle knew in her mind she was not a gossip.

“Now, on your way back from the wash room, bring me my tea.” The Queen dismissed her.

“Yes your Majesty.” Rochelle nodded and curtsied leaving the room with a pile of was.

As she went down the hall Dunton was pacing. She passed by him and he smiled at her.

“Rochelle, tis good to see you.” He commented. “I see you are now working for my mother. Don’t let her get to you.”

“Yes sir.” She blushed as he talked to her. “I will do my best to please her Majesty.”

“I am sure you will do just fine.” He nodded at her and continued to pace.

As Rochelle headed down to the washing room, her heart raced that he had regarded her. He did not talk to many of the servants, yet for some reason he was always so kind to her. He had been since the first day she had arrived at the palace. She had been so sad when she came. He had gone out of his way to cheer her up and when he found out that she read, he began to give her books to read.

Preparations for the Party


Rochelle had been given a new maids outfit to compliment the Queen. She had become accustomed to serving Queen Emelia and found that she was able to be around Dunton more in her new position. He started leaving more books for her in her room. She was grateful for his gifts. Her fondness of him grew more as she got to know him better. Though she knew they would never be able to have a relationship of any sort, she appreciated his kindness he showed her.

Maybe he did it because of her new position and how she handled the demands of Queen Emelia. As the party came closer, Rochelle was on constant call for the Queen. Even in the middle of the night it seemed. Rochelle would be glad when the party was over. Dunton was animate about not wanting to be with some woman that was coming. She seemed to get under his skin.

Rochelle of course kept very quiet about everything that was discussed between the family members, it was not her place to speak. There were a few times that she was alone with Dunton and he would talk to her. She just listened to his words, hoping to be of some comfort. She knew her job was simply to be a maid and do her work as quietly as possible.

One day as she was working in making sure the rooms were ready for the guest who would be staying, Dunton passed by. He poked his head in to see what was going on and smiled when he saw her. Stepping into the room, he coughed to get her attention. She turned and curtsied to him.

“Yes sir.” She questioned, even though she was the Queens maid, she was subject to the whole family.

“I wanted to check on you Rochelle.” He commented.

“I am fine sir.” She answered.

“That is good.” He walked around the room inspecting it. “You are a very good worker.”

“Thank you sir.” She stood still.

“Is everything ready for the party?” He continued to question her.

“Yes sir, I do believe so.” She was not sure why he was having this conversation with her.

“Very good.” He nodded. “I do hope you have had time to read.”

“Yes sir.” She had been reading a bit every night before she went to bed.

“Very good indeed.” He responded as he picked up a candle stick and put it back down. “Very well, I will leave you to your duties.”

“Thank you sir.” She curtsied again and watched him walk out.

Her heart pattered as he left and she felt a flush cross her face. She could dream about his company, even if she knew that it would never happen. She made the bed and then went to the candle stick that he had picked up and polished it. Her mind ran to thoughts of spending time with him in the library just reading. She knew how much he enjoyed to read. That was the one connection that they had.

As she exited the room, she saw Dunton and his mother standing in the hallway whispering. When they saw her, they stopped. She passed by them giving her respects as she did. She moved to the next room with the Queen following her. She went in and began her duties as the Queen watched her.

“My son finds favor in you girl.” The Queen stated.

“My Queen?” She questioned.

“He finds time to talk to you is all.” The Queen answered.

“Yes your Majesty.” There was not much more she could say.

“I just wanted you to know it was duly noted.” The Queen looked at her, “Make sure this room is ready for Princess Aramatha.”

“Yes your Majesty.” She answered and curtsied.

“Also, remember your place girl.” The Queen ordered as she left the room.

“Yes your Majesty.” Rochelle curtsied to her and nodded.

As she started on the room, she wondered what Princess Aramatha was like. She also wondered if this was the woman that Dunton was animate about. If she was, Rochelle knew that the room must be perfect as she started to dust everything. The room had not been used much, so the cleaning was going to be a bit longer than normal to make everything perfect. She opened the drapes and saw Dunton’s reflection in the window pane as he passed.

She did not envy his position. At least in the class she was in, she could be with anyone for the most part. Prince Dunton was not as lucky. She knew he had to marry someone of his status. He was after all to be the next King. It would only be fitting for him to marry a Princess.

As she finished the room, she wonder what it would have been like to be in that position. That to be waited on hand and foot. To have all her needs taken care of at a whim. To have glorious dresses and many outings to socialize. For her, it was taking care of these needs and desires. To dress the Queen and to make sure her whims were taken care of.

Looking around the room, she saw everything was in its place and shut the drapes. As she left, she almost ran into Dunton. She lowered her eyes and curtsied as she apologized. He wove his hand and walked by her. She knew he was anxious about the upcoming party and the guest who would be staying there.

That evening, she passed by the library to make sure the Queen’s tea was ready for her bedtime. The door was open a crack and voices were coming from inside. She paused, knowing she should not have, however curiosity got the best of her. Standing quietly, the voices carried for her to hear.

“I will not marry that wench.” Dunton stated clearly.

“Dunton, it has already been decided.” His father stated. “In our position, you must marry for the people, not your own personal feelings.”

“She will not make a good Queen.” Dunton added.

“She will make a fine Queen.” The King stated, “You are just being difficult.”

“I am not.” Dunton said firmly. “I do not like the woman.”

“You have barely met her.” The King responded. “Get to know her this weekend.”

“I do not need to father.” Dunton replied back and started to walk toward the door. “I will NOT marry her.”

“It has already been decided.” The King responded back.

Hearing the footsteps, Rochelle quietly moved to the shadows as not to be seen. She watched as Dunton headed down the hall towards his room in a huff. Her heart ached for him. To have a prearranged marriage must be very hard, she thought to herself. She rushed to the kitchen to get the Queens tea.

As she served the Queen, she did so in silence. The Queen dismissed her without a thought as she went to her room. When she was in her room, she noticed a new book on her dresser. Holding it to her breast, she smiled softly. She felt herself glowing from the kindness that Dunton showed her.

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