The Duke and The Duchess (10 page)

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Authors: Lady Aingealicia

BOOK: The Duke and The Duchess
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Getting comfortable


Sarah, Maria and Elizabeth worked together on the dinner meal as Brad, Charley and Evan set up the tree. They were going to decorate it after Wyatt went to bed. Though the space in the house was tight, everyone was getting along. Brad wondered how long that would stay the same as the winter closed in. There was a reason it was called cabin fever. Brad and Evan had set up a rope from the barn to the house so that you could find your way incase extreme weather came in.

As the ladies sat up the table for dinner, Elizabeth and Sarah talked. Sarah wanted to know how different it was to live in Lamar than Boston. Was Elizabeth truly happy? How did she deal with the isolation? Was she happy? Elizabeth answered each question with patience. Elizabeth knew Sarah was used to the social life in Boston, so life in Lamar might seem a bit strange to her. As everyone sat down, Charley made a toast with some wine he had brought from Boston.

“I am glad to see Elizabeth so happy.” He started. “Brad you are a good man for her. And the children are quite wonderful.”

“Thank you Charley.” Brad commented as they toasted. “Elizabeth makes me happy as well.”

Elizabeth blushed as Sarah listened and nodded her head. Maria and Evan sat quietly, they were not sure of the people from Boston. They had very different ideas from what they were used to.

“I did need to discuss something with Elizabeth.” Charley sat down as the food was passed around. “If it is okay, I think that we should do that soon.”

“Well we can talk now.” Elizabeth commented as she passed the potatoes to Brad.

“Are you sure?” Charley questioned, “It is what I wrote you about.”

“I have no secrets Charley.” Elizabeth stated. “Everyone at this table knows my life history and I don’t wish to hide anything now.”

“All right.” Charley took a deep breath. “Well as I told you in the letter. You are not as penniless as once we thought.”

“How so?” Elizabeth looked at him and waited.

“Well it seems that your father place bonds in your name since you were born.” He stated. “Some of them have come to maturity. Others have a few years. Regardless, you can cash in a few if you like.”


“Bonds?” Elizabeth questioned.

“Yes, bonds.” Charley took a big breath. “The lawyers wanted to take them from you to pay for expenses and I had a discussion with them about that. Since the reality is they were already paid by my family. The bonds were just a fluke Elizabeth.”

“So how much do I have right now?” Elizabeth asked.

“About $5,000 if you cashed in the ones you can right now.” Elizabeth’s face dropped.

“Wow.” She looked at Brad. “We could build the extension on the house Brad. This means Maria could have her own room.”

Brad remained quiet. That was a great deal of money that could be used for many things on the farm. He also knew that they could reinvest it for the children. His head was spinning, it was not something he was expecting. He nodded to Elizabeth and remained quiet. Evan and Maria quietly sat and waited for someone to talk.

“Well you could do that yes.” Charley said. “I am just glad that your dad did that for you, it was an unexpected surprise.”

“Indeed Charley.” Elizabeth stammered. “Thank you so much. I hope that is not the only reason you came to see me.”

“No, no not really.” Charley cleared his throat. “I have been doing some discussions around Boston. Lamar needs a good banker from what we have found. I mean I am not saying your banker here is not doing their job, however as the population increases, he is going to need help.”

“And?” Elizabeth questioned.

“And I think we are here to stay.” Charley finally said as Sarah hung her head. “We wanted to see Lamar at the worst time of year to see if we could handle it. And to see how much we liked the town.”

“Okay.” Elizabeth waited to hear more.

“I know that is not what you were expecting to hear Elizabeth.” Charley stated, “So as you see, it was important for Sarah and I to come out.”

“Well Mr. Montrose will be surprised.” Elizabeth stated. “I am sure that Evan can take you into town when he goes so you can meet him.”

“And Mr. Montrose is?” Charley asked as Maria started to clean the table.

“Oh he is the town banker.” Elizabeth chuckled. “He does seem to run that bank pretty much by himself.”

“Well then see, he needs the help.” Charley tipped his glass of wine.

“Well I do hope we can live in town Charley.” Sarah finally said. “I mean your home is lovely Elizabeth, I just don’t know if I could live this far away from town.”

“I understand Sarah.” Elizabeth could empathize. “I was surprised how much I love it out here. However, in town might be better for you because you like to be around people.”

“That is true.” Sarah agreed.

“Well I am sure Mrs. Evens can help you with that.” Elizabeth stated. “She knows everything about Lamar. She will know what houses are available or you and Charley could build your own and stay with us until it is built.”

“That sounds wonderful. I think I will go in with Charley when he goes.” Sarah finally said as she looked at Charley and smiled. “I am tired, I think I am going to go to bed.”

“Okay my love.” Charley said as she kissed him on the cheek. “I will be up in a minute.”

“Well it seems that Lamar is going to be bringing a lot of people from Boston at this rate.” Brad joked. “Will be good to have you Charley. Evan will be going in tomorrow first light.”

“Well then, I best join my wife for bed.” Charley stated as he kissed Elizabeth on the cheek and shook Brad’s hand. “Excellent meal Elizabeth, much better than your first meal.”

Elizabeth laughed as she helped Maria clean up the dining area. Her mind thought about the bonds Charley had told her about. Brad could build the extension they had been talking about. They would build it together. Brad came behind her and placed his arms around her waist and kissed the back of her neck. Soon everyone was gone out of the common area and Brad and Elizabeth were alone.

“Well Beth, what are you thinking?” Brad asked.

“We can build onto the house.” She smiled as she led him to the bedroom. “We can save money for the children.”

“I was thinking the same thing.” He smiled and wrapped his arms around her and started walking towards the bed.

“Brad, we have company.” She blushed.

“So we will be quiet.” He answered kissing her neck.


Holiday Bliss


The house was quiet as Brad started to undress Elizabeth as he kissed her neck and made her sigh. His hands traced down her back. His hands moved back up to her hair and pulled out the pins that held her long hair, letting it down her back. Her hands ran across his body as she removed his shirt and undid his pants. He pushed her down on the bed, his hands moving between her thighs as he dipped a finger inside her. She sighed and gasped as he began to probe further.

Their kisses became more passionate while their hands explored each other’s bodies. She traced her hand across his hardness, her body aching to have him inside her. They had not been intimate since everyone had arrived to the house. Her hips jutted up from his touches, his mouth traced down her neck to her breast as she moaned softly. She moved her hand up and down his shaft faster and faster. Her wetness dripped down, he slowly moved inside her and began to rock back and forth. Wrapping her legs around him, she pulled him in deeper.

His hips moved faster, her moans were quiet as she met her hips to meet his. Her nails raced down his back, her nails digging into his skin as waves came over her body. He covered her mouth as she cried out. His tongue thrust into her mouth. Their tongues tangled together as his hip movements became faster. The welling in her body was almost unbearable. Brad pulled her hips to his, her nails dug in deep.

Her body arched, feeling him deep inside her. She loved how he felt inside her, how he would take her. She craved his touch. Her kisses became forceful as her body exploded. Her walls wrapping around his shaft as he exploded inside her. His groans were covered by the kisses they shared as he pulled her to him to lay on the bed. As they crawled under the covers, he kissed her forehead and chuckled.

“I love you Beth.” He commented as he dozed off to sleep.

“I love you too Brad.” She laid her head on his chest and heard his heartbeat. “Thank you for everything.”

The morning came quickly and Brad was up with the sun to help Evan load the wagon. He would return in the evening with Charley and Sarah, it would be wonderful to hear what happened in town. Elizabeth helped Maria make breakfast and tended to the children. Sarah watched, she was not sure she was so ready for this life. Soon Evan was headed to town with Sarah and Charley. Elizabeth worked with Maria to take care of the tree for the holiday morning and Brad went to tend to the cattle.

The day passed by quickly as Maria and Elizabeth decorated the tree with popcorn and cranberries. Elizabeth had a few decorations from Boston she hung and also placed a skirt around the tree. Wyatt toddled behind her in all the excitement. Elizabeth had already collected the gifts for everyone before Charley and Sarah had come in on the train. Maria had helped her wrap them earlier in the week.

“Well, shall we put the gifts under the tree Maria?” Elizabeth asked.

“I think that would be good.” Maria agreed as they went upstairs to her room.

Elizabeth always loved the holidays and could not wait to see everyone’s faces when they opened their gifts, especially Brad and Maria. She had made arrangements that Maria would be living with them from here on out since her family was no longer with her. She had gotten Brad a watch that he had been saying he needed. Charley had gotten a new wallet and she found a rabbit furred muff for Sarah. Wyatt was getting toys and a new bed.

She had saved all year for the gifts that she had gotten. Though she did not know Charley and Sarah were coming out, she had planned on sending them to Boston. Excitement welled inside her as they placed the gifts under the tree. She had already gotten her gift from everyone. Brad had welcomed Charley and Sarah and Charley had already given her a gift with the bonds.

“We should start on the holiday dinner soon.” Maria commented. “We are eating it tonight right?”

“Yes, actually we are and then we will open gifts.” Brad walked in and shook off the snow.

He placed logs on the fire and looked at Maria and Elizabeth running around the kitchen getting everything ready. He walked over to the tree and placed a small box on one of the branches and then went to change his clothes. Evan, Charley and Sarah walked in soon after. Sarah hung her coat and fluffed up her hair. She went to wash her hands and asked Elizabeth how she could help.

Soon everyone was sitting around the table and Elizabeth looked at the spread that Sarah, Maria and she had made. There was excitement in the air as Wyatt bounced in his chair and the twins were fast asleep.

“Well?” Elizabeth could not wait any longer.

“We will be back in the spring.” Charley said. “I can start with Mr. Montrose then and Sarah will have had the baby by then.”


“Mrs. Evens said that there is a house being built on Main Street that has not been bought.” Sarah added rubbing her belly.

“Then it is settled.” Elizabeth gushed, “You will be joining us soon.”

“Yes, it is settled.” Charley agreed and smiled. “Now about these gifts, we have some of our own to add.”

Brad stood up and grabbed the box from the tree and handed it to Elizabeth. She looked at him as she opened it. When she unwrapped it, she found a small locket inside that was engraved, ‘I love you’. She looked at Brad and stood to hug him tightly.

“I love you too.” She gushed as she looked around wiping tears from her cheeks.

“Now to the rest of the gifts.” Brad chuckled as he took Wyatt from his chair and placed him by the tree.

They all watched as Wyatt pulled at the gifts and began to tear into them. Elizabeth looked around her home and realized how full her life was. She had everything that she needed or wanted in this little town of Lamar. Brad watched as Wyatt tore into the presents with Maria’s help. His heart was overjoyed, he had his doubts when Mrs. Evens told him about what she had done, now he knew that she only had his heart in mind when she did it.

Western Romance

Mail Order Bride

By Lady Aingealicia

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