The Duke and The Duchess (17 page)

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Authors: Lady Aingealicia

BOOK: The Duke and The Duchess
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So it Begins


Angela headed home looking all around her for new people in town. The ball was 2 days away and she wanted to be able just to have fun. She and Diego had not been out together for fun since the twins were born. And for just one night she wanted to make sure that she did not have to wear the red cape. That did not seem as if it were going to happen.


When she arrived she ran into Maria who was getting the children ready or dinner. Hugging Michael and Racheal she traced her hands across their faces and down their chin. She kissed their noses and looked at Maria nodding. Maria took the children to the kitchen and then came back out after they had their supper placed in front of them. She found Lady Angela in the Library. Lifting her skirts and curtsying she waited to be allowed in.


“Come Maria.” Lady Angela said as she looked out the window. Something told her it was not about Herbert that she needed to be worried of. “There is word that someone has information on the Countess and I wish to find out who.”


“Yes, my Lady.” Maria nodded. “I will listen to the words that shared in the center and around the house.”


“Report them only to me.” Angela knew that Maria already knew this, she just wanted to state it clearly. “Now where is Diego do you know?”


“Yes my Lady.” Maria whispered. “He is in the bedroom.”


“I see.” Angela smiled, her transgression did not feel so bad since she knew Diego had Katarina in their bed. “Thank you Maria, you are dismissed.”


“Thank you my Lady.” Maria curtsied again and left the library. Angela sat in Diego’s chair behind his desk and waited for him to come down. It was not long before he did. He was not surprised to see her there as he walked in. He closed the doors behind him and approached the desk.


“Well my Lady Angela.” He smiled and his blue cobalt eyes twinkled. “What a pleasure to have you home. I do hope Markus was well.” Angela looked at her husband and responded calmly.


“As well as Katarina is I am sure.” She nodded her head and looked at him.


“Then they are both well.” He chuckled. “What did you find out about the town? Is Vivian ready for a second child as of yet?” He sat on the edge of the desk.


“No she is not. She does not seem too happy about it.” Angela glanced at Diego and looked him up and down. “This is all your fault you know.” She pouted.


“What is my fault my love?” He asked as he took her hand in his.


“You insisted I investigate things and now I am addicted to finding out things that may or may not matter.” She stood up and pulled away her hand, standing in front of the large bay window.


“Well, you are good at what you do.” He walked behind her and kissed the back of her neck moving the loose blonde hairs out of the way. “What is the trouble this time?” Angela told him the full story of everything she knew that was going to happen the night of the Ball and she looked at him with her crystal blue eyes stomping her foot.


“I just wanted to go to the ball to have fun.” She muttered.


“Well then just do that.” He chuckled.


“How can I?” She sputtered. “How can I just sit by and allow such to happen to one of our own?”


“She is not one of our own my love.” He commented as he walked over to pour a drink for both of them. “Perhaps that is where you will find your answer.”


“That would require me to go to the town she came from.” Angela looked at him as she took the drink. “It is too far away.” She pouted.


“Go talk to Elsa, she will know.” Was all he would say. He took Angela by the hand. “Come now, it is dinner time and Edgar feels lonely in this home.” Angela remembered how Edgar had come home with Diego and she after he found out his wife had killed a house slave. He could not go back in the home, so instead, he moved in with them. Bringing the household goods and servants with him. Angela walked with Diego to the dining area and were greeted by Edgar. He beamed when he saw Angela and rushed to kiss her on the cheek.


Soon the dining room was full of discussion and talk of the ball. Who was going to be there and what were the people going to wear. Edgar still had to have his clothing made. Angela shook her head and mentioned that he should go with her to town the next day. There was much laughter and merriment as Maria brought the children through to say good night to Diego, Angela and of course Edgar.


As the night came to an end, Angela had Maria draw her a bath before bed. She knew she would have to don the red cape tonight and seek out Elsa who no longer spent her time at the tavern. She had moved onto a Counts villa. It was a good thing Angela knew the servants that were there to slip in without being noticed. She said her good nights and went up to the room where the bath water was ready so she could prepare for the night.


As she finished her bath and began to dress, Diego came in looking at Angela. His mouth watered as he wanted to have her right then and there. He saw her put on the red cape and knew it was already too late. He would have her when she came back from her journey. Angela saw him out of the corner of her eye and smiled into the mirror. Getting up she walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.


“I won’t be long.” She whispered. “I promise, stay awake.” Her fingers traced across his jawbone as she left to go find Elsa. After several hours she came back to find Diego awake and lying in bed without a stitch of clothing on. He looked at her as she glowed. She moved around the room removing her cloak and undressing in front of him. He laid back and looked at her with lust in his eyes.


“You are insatiable.” Angela commented as she crawled into bed with him only wearing a shift. He dipped in and started to kiss her neck.


“Are you complaining?” He asked as his fingertips traced across her breast and made her nubs hard. Her body responded to his touch. He knew where and how to touch her to make her a puddle in the bed. His mouth followed his fingers as he went lower and lower.


She did not stop him as she felt his mouth on her nub and her body arched in response. Her head buried into the bed as she closed her eyes and colors spun behind her eyes. She was in her own world at this time as he kissed his way back up and moved between her thighs.


“I have missed you my love.” He placed the head of his manhood between her lips and slowly entered her. His hands went around her back and he pulled her close as he felt himself inside her. They moved together as they were in their own place and time. Her hands traced down his back as she wrapped one leg around his hip. She opened more for him as she felt his balls against her skin. She searched for his mouth as they kissed softly at first and then he became hungrier with his kisses.


“Let go my love.” He whispered as he thrust one more time. She clung to his back as her cries were muffled by his shoulder. As they laid side by side, he traced his fingertip across her cheek.


“Did you find out what you needed to my love?” He asked finally.

“Yes, I did.” She smiled. “I will need to see the Countess tomorrow.” She laid her head on his shoulder as his arms wrapped around her. “So can you please take Edgar to town and help him?”


“I can do that.” He answered with a yawn.


The Understanding


Angela was up early to go see Sir Edward. She knew she was not announced, she was just going to show up. She would come up with an excuse on the way. She leaned over Diego who was still sleeping and kissed his cheek. He touched her hand and smiled without opening his eyes.


“I must go my love.” She whispered.


“I know, be safe and hurry home.” He answered through a yawn. “I want to have you again.”


“I will be back soon.” Angela put on her red cape and headed out the door to the carriage that was waiting for her. As she got in Maria looked at her and nodded. “Help Diego and Edgar today, we have a ball tomorrow.”


“Yes Lady Angela.” Maria stated.


As Angela approached Sir Edward’s castle, she thought quickly as to how she would be able to get in and talk to the Countess. As the coach approached the front of the castle, Angela stepped out and was announced. Soon she was joined in the Foyer by Sir Edward and Countess Desdemona.


“What brings you here my dear?” Desdemona asked as she kissed Angela on the cheeks. “And unannounced.”


“Well, I needed to talk to you and your uncle.” Angela began looking around as she saw much movement around the halls for preparation for the ball. “Alone would be best.” She noted the many ears around. Sir Edward took the ladies to his study and sat down looking at Angela.


“Well Lady Angela, what was so important that you needed to come unannounced?” He began. He did not like what she was capable of, all her detective work.


“I will be short and blunt.” Angela began looking at both the Countess and Sir Edward. “There is a conspiracy that is taking place behind your backs that will be exposed tomorrow if you do not do something to stop it.”


“Oh, what else is new Lady Angela?” Desdemona boomed. “This is nothing new in my world. You of all people should know this.”


“This is a bit more than the normal situation Countess Desdemona.” Angela stated flatly. Looking at Sir Edward. “Is Countess Desdemona your niece Sir Edward?” He looked back at her.


“Of course she is.” He huffed and stood up. “I think this has gone far enough.”


“Well it will go further if you don’t listen.” Angela answered. Edward sat back down looking at Angela. “Thank you Sir Edward, I will ask you again, is Countess Desdemona your niece?”


“Well not exactly.” He began. “Why do you ask?”


“Because someone knows this and wishes for the town to know this as well.” Angela continued, “This would allow the towns people to drive you and Countess Desdemona out of town.”


“Oh this is rubbish.” Desdemona moved towards Angela.


“Sir Edward,” Angela ignored Desdemona and looked at Edward, “is Desdemona your illegitimate child from a working girl?” Sir Edward sighed and looked down.


“We thought it would be easier if the town’s people thought she was my niece.” He answered heavily.


“Well Herbert and Rochelle do not agree.” Angela finally said after some silence.


“Rochelle, you found Rochelle?” Desdemona changed her demeanor and rushed towards Angela. “She is alive?”


“Very much so and a very confused little girl.” Angela answered. “She misses her mother.” Desdemona began to weep in Angela’s lap.


“Father,” Desdemona started, “I want my daughter to come home to me.” She said between sobs. Looking back up to Angela, tears streaking down her face.


“Where is she?” She asked, searching Angela’s face.


“If you would like, I will take you to her.” Angela answered. She did not tell Desdemona where Rochelle was.


“Yes, now, take me now.” Desdemona stood up and looked at Edward. He knew he could not stop her.


“Go, get the child. Leave Herbert where he lies.” Edward stated as he stood up. Taking Angela’s hand and kissed it. “Thank you for preventing this mess.” He said as he walked out the door.


“I will grab my cloak, take me to Rochelle.” Desdemona begged.


“I will wait in the coach.” Angela smiled at her. Soon Desdemona joined Angela in the coach as they left to go find Rochelle. Looking at Desdemona, “You will owe Elsa after this, she has your daughter.” Desdemona sighed, everyone had a price.


“What does she desire for her silence?” Desdemona stated as she watched the country side.


“An invite to every big event you have, including the ball.” Angela replied as they approached the Counts home. Rochelle was standing out front with Elsa waiting for Desdemona. Desdemona barely waited for the coach to stop before she ran out to hug Rochelle.  Looking up at Elsa she nodded.


“I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at the ball Elsa.” She nodded. “Thank you.”


“You are quite welcome Countess Desdemona.” Elsa responded with a slight curtsy and smile, “Your niece was quite delightful and Herbert had to rush home to take care of an emergency.”


Angela smiled to herself as she looked upon the women, everyone had secrets to keep, even her. It was all about keeping them.


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