The Duke and The Duchess (18 page)

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Authors: Lady Aingealicia

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Highlander Erotica

By Lady Aingealicia

British Invasions


William looked out over the sea. It was angry and tossing the ship more than normal. As they got closer to Scotland, the more the gale force winds blew. He was not sure it would make it to Skye, his destination. There he would take the land from the Eoin Duibh Clann, or so he figured. What the fates had not told William was there was a force to be reckoned with who’s name was Moire and she would take his breath away and keep her families land in the process. The only question was, would Moire be able to keep her heart in the end?


The Arrival


William walked off the ship looking around the Scottish territory before him. The winds blew through him as he saw the township. He was headed to go see Domongart Eoin Duibh. There were land issues to be settled and in the end, the Lord was sure the much sought after land would be his. As the ship was unloaded with supplies, a cart and horse were brought forth. The town’s people watched for a bit and then went upon their daily business.


William had brought his own guides to find the land, he knew how the locals felt about Englishmen in Scotland. He did not want to end up in a Loch because of wrong directions. As the cart was filled, he noticed the town’s people and nodded to them. They rushed by him to inform him of his welcome in the land. He walked towards the cart and proceeded to place himself in the front as to sit by the driver. Sure he could have had a carriage, it was not what he desired. It was best for the people not to know he was a Lord. In his mind it would save much concern for his own well-being.


Once the cart was loaded, the driver joined him and looked him over. Taking the reins, he signaled for the horses to move. As they left the town that was located by the sea, William noticed that the land was quite beautiful and untouched. The farmers went about their work and did not take much heed to the cart that went through the land. He pulled his jacket about him tighter the higher the cart went into the highlands.


“Ev’r been to the Highlands M’Lord?” The driver finally asked. William shook his head no and looked over the driver. He was fair skinned, red hair and deep green eyes. His build was that of one who did a lot of farm work or lifted a great deal of stones to build a fence. He had found him in York when looking for someone to help him navigate the Scottish land. Did not know much about the boy, except that he was a native Scotsman and his name was Eoghan. William’s spies could not find out much more than that.


“Then you will be in for a grand time.” Eoghan continued. “Friendly lot, until you upset someone. Why are you visiting again M’Lord?”


“That is of my concern and I do not care to discuss it.” William responded in a huff. That was the last thing he wanted to discuss with this boy.


“I was only believing I may be able to help you with your transaction if I knew more.” Eoghan answered and continued to guide the horses. Eoghan already knew why the Lord was there. He had sent a letter ahead to warn the Eoin Duibh’s of the matter. The only reason he was taking the Lord to the land was because of the money. It would pay for many things that were needed before the winter frost came.


“I appreciate that Eoghan.” William responded, “I just do not care to discuss it until I speak to Domongart.” Eoghan nodded his head and saw a place they could stop for the night and set up camp to rest and begin again in the morning. As he pulled the cart to the side, William looked at him.


“What are we doing?” William asked.


“We are setting up camp for the night M’Lord.” Eoghan got down from the seat and began to unhitch the horses so they may rest. William saw he did not have much choice in the matter. He sighed and stepped down onto the green land that sat before him.


“And where will we sleep?” He asked.


“On the ground of course.” Eoghan gave a laugh. “Where else?”


“Oh, I see.” William rubbed his head and debated if he should sleep in the cart as he looked over all the cargo they had brought. He could always sleep in the driver’s seat. He noticed that Eoghan began to set up camp, gathering wood and finding water for them to drink, as well as the horses. His dress was simple and Eoghan seemed very at home.


“Are you from these parts Eoghan?” William finally asked.


“You could say that M’Lord.” Eoghan answered as he looked for more wood to have for the fire. He pulled out wool blankets for the ground to sleep on. “You will need these to stay warm for the night M’Lord.” He nodded and started to walk away.


“And where might you be going Eoghan?” William asked in a panicked voice.


“Don’t worry, I will be back within a few hours.” Eoghan yelled over his shoulder. “I have a lass I wish to visit for various reasons I do not wish to discuss. Just stay by the fire and you will be fine.”

“I paid you to be my guide to the Eoin Duibh land.” William huffed. “I expect you to stay with me.” Eoghan turned and looked at the Lord.


“And I will be your guide to the land.” Eoghan paused, “I was not paid to babysit you M’Lord. You are welcome to come with me, I suggest you don’t if you value your head.” Eoghan waited for the Lords answer.


William noticed that Eoghan had started the fire and all was laid out for a guest to rest well for the night. He took a deep breath and held his tongue. He sat on the blanket that had been sat out and took a drink of the water Eoghan had provided. The horses grazed beside him in the field. Eoghan tipped his head and turned to leave. William looked up at the sky and gazed at the stars that spanned before him. He must have fallen asleep at some point and time, because the next thing he knew, he was being woken by the sounds of cook wear being used.


As William looked through slanted eyes, he saw that Eoghan had started cooking breakfast and there was a fresh cup of tea for the Lord beside him. He sat and took a sip of the tea and watched Eoghan as he moved about. The sun was just rising in the east and the horses were already hitched to the cart.


“You best hurry up and eat M’Lord if you are going to.” Eoghan finally said. “We must get moving if you expect to see Domongart today, lest we spend another night on the ground. I myself would prefer a bed.” William nodded and took the plate from Eoghan.


As they began to move forward in the cart, Eoghan wondered if he should tell William about his part in this visit. He decided against it for the plain and simple fact it was not the Lord’s business. William had not asked him any questions when he hired Eoghan, and Eoghan wanted to get home to his native land.


“Did you have a good time with your lass last night?” William asked to break the silence.


“Aye. That I did.” Eoghan stated. “M’Lord, I suggest you do not take the same liberties as a native would with a lass.”


“Why would I do that?” William countered.


“Well the lasses her are quite becoming.” Eoghan stated, “Mind you, they can and will defend themselves when need be.” The horses moved along the country and wound higher into the mountains. They soon turned onto a road that wove along picturesque landscapes.


Eoghan pointed towards a small home on the land and headed the horses down a trail that laid before them. William figured this was where he would find Domongart. There was smoke rising from a hidden hearth and sheep were grazing in the fields. It was green as far as the eye could see. He could see water on the land and smiled. As he took a deep breath in, he felt refreshed.


“I take it that is the homestead.” William stated.


“Aye.” Eoghan confirmed. He saw Íomhar and Moire out tending to things. They were gathering items from the garden. Moire stood out with her bright red hair and matching dress. She turned and looked. Running into the home, she came back out with two others. They waited for the cart to approach. As the cart approached it was Moire who first ran to it.


William was taken aback by the young beauty running towards them and prepared to be attacked. He was surprised when the girl yelled out. She seemed to know who Eoghan was. Eoghan slowed the cart as the girl swung herself up into the seat beside him, hugging him and rambling on.


“Oh Eoghan,” She started, “my brother, you are home.” William sat dazed. It never occurred to him that Eoghan was an Eoin Duibh. He blinked at the girl who was sitting beside Eoghan.


“Come now sister.” Eoghan started. “I told you I would come.”




As the cart approached the home, Eoghan pulled the horses to a stop. Moire hopped out and smiled brightly. William was instantly taken by this Scottish rose. He knew he must have her. Eoghan shook Domongart’s hand and hugged him. As they whispered so that William would not hear them. William stood there unnoticed in this family reunion until all had welcomed Eoghan home. Finally Domongart turned and sized up William.


“My son tells me you are an English Lord.” He finally said. “And you have business with me. Come, Florie has just made supper.” He walked into the home, leaving William without a word to say. Eoghan motioned for William to follow his father and then joined Moire and Íomhar in the garden.


William walked into the home and saw that it was that of a simple set up. There was a hearth, a table, what appeared to be rooms off to the side, and not much more. He saw Domongart sitting at the table with a mug of ale. He held one up for William and motioned for him to sit. William sat and nodded to Domongart.


“The land is not for sale Lord William.” Domongart stated clearly as he took a swig of his drink and sat the mug down. His green eyes staring at William. “My son says you wish to talk business. I figure that is what you wish to discuss.”


“Yes, you would be correct.” William confirmed.


“Much blood has been spilt on this land.” Domongart lifted his mug, “An English Lord’s would only bless it more.”


“I can offer you a fair price.” William began as he took a drink of the ale.

“It does not matter.” Domongart replied, “This land has been in the possession of the Eoin Duibh Clann, handed down from generation to generation. You are welcome to stay in our home for the night and then leave in the morning. Eoghan will take you back to your ship.” William knew he could not take the land from a Scotsman if it was handed down from a Clann. It was off limits, unless the Clansman decided he wished to part with it.


“I see.” William nodded. He was not sure how to proceed further without offending Domongart. The door opened and Moire walked in. She noticed the young Englishman sitting with her father. He made her heart jump. She knew it was forbidden to be interested in one such as him, there was something about him that drew her to him.


She moved over to her mother to help her with the supper that was to be laid out. Her eyes lowered, she did not speak nor pay attention to the Lord that was in their home. AS she walked past him to set a plate, her hand brushed against his arm and she shuddered. He noticed that she responded to him. He looked up at her with his blue eyes and she blushed.


“You cannot have my daughter either Lord William.” Domongart felt the tension at the table.


“Duly noted.” William stated as he looked at the man sitting beside him. Williams mind raced to other places. The electricity was more than what he expected and he was sure that he was not alone in the attraction. As the supper was served, there was not much talk at the table due to the Lord that had joined them.


“Moire, make sure you set up Lord Williams bed for the night after supper.” Domongart stated as Florie cleaned the table. Eoghan found the whiskey and sat it at the table to share. Moire sat out glasses for them to have a shot and went to prepare the room for William. She made sure to brush against him as she sat his glass in front of him. She looked at him and winked and walked away towards the bedroom to set it up.


“I did bring gifts for your home.” William stated as he looked at Domongart. “I would like to stay longer if possible. I can pay for the stay.”


“Why would you want to stay Sir?” Florie finally spoke up. “First you come here to take our land, now you want to stay longer. For what purpose?” William was taken aback, most women in England did not speak so frankly.


“Florie.” Domongart held his hand up. “Let the English Lord stay and see what life is like in the highlands, he will go home after his first days of work.” He looked back over at William and drank his shot.


“You may stay, only if you work.” He said as he stood and nodded to William. “I bid you goodnight Lord William. We have sheep to shear tomorrow for the lowlands to buy. I will wake you at the early dawn. Moire will show you your chambers.”


Moire stood at the doorway and looked at the English Lord. She waited for him to join her so she could take him to his room. When he looked in he saw it was very simple indeed. There was a bed and a wash basin. The bed had several blankets on it for him to cover with. It was far from what he was used to.


“Thank you Moire.” He looked at her and had an urge to kiss her. The candle in the room highlighted her looks and she looked like an angel standing there. He leaned down and softly kissed her on the lips. She stepped back against the doorway and pushed him away.


“That Sir will get you killed here.” She stuttered. “I suggest nay do that again.” She turned and left him standing there to his own devices. William walked to the bed with a smile on his face. Her lips were soft like velvet. He crawled into bed and blew out the candle.


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