The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2)
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“Thank you for your efforts Molony. The Council will now adjourn. I ask that all of my fellow elders return to our chamber, within the next ten minutes, to discuss these matters at length. Molony we will send for you later.”


The Council members descended from their podiums. Demona knew this was the opportunity she needed to take in order to speak to Madam Elder. She jogged towards Madam Elder before she could begin her descent of the stairs. She quickly caught up to her when others stopped to speak to her. Demona waited patiently for Madam Elder to finish her conversations.


The room filled with chatter as all of the people once again found their voices. Some formed groups and seemed to be deep in discussion over the matters that had been revealed during the meeting. Molony was immediately approached by several members of the audience. Many of the younger GLC members seemed eager to volunteer to help.


“Madam Elder!” Demona placed her hand on the woman’s shoulder before she could walk away again.


Madam Elder turned in response. “Yes, what is it?”


“Ezekiel Holmes said that I should find you. There is something I need to ask you about.”


“I can only spare a few moments.”


“That’s all I need,” Demona said. She followed the woman down to the floor below and into a sparsely furnished office. They sat and Demona noticed that the older woman waited for her to begin.


“My name is Demona Brennan.”


“Yes, Molony has explained this. Why have you asked to speak with me?”


“Ezekiel said you might know about my parents, or know someone who might have heard of them? Their names were Darryn and Shanon Brennan.”


“I do not recognize those names. Why do you think that I may know who they are?” Madam Elder asked.


Demona quickly explained about her flashbacks.


“Interesting… continue.” Madam Elder folded her hands in her lap and listened to Demona’s story.


Demona watched as the woman’s eyebrows arched higher with every piece of information that she could think to tell her. After she had finished, she waited patiently for the woman to reply. A knock came at the door and another elder peeked into the room. Madam Elder shooed them away and promised to be with them momentarily.


“This is intriguing. I am not certain who your parents are. I will ask my fellow Council members if they recognize their names, or have any other clues as to what this may have been about. Do you have any idea as to when this conversation had taken place?”


Demona’s eyes rolled slightly up as she tried to piece together a time frame. “My best guess is somewhere around five or six years ago.”


“I will send word to you when, if, I find any information for you,” Madam Elder said. “Demona, can we trust that you will not betray us?” The woman studied Demona’s face.


“I- yes, you don’t have to worry about me. I never belonged with the dark beings.”


The older woman inclined her head. “I hope that your feelings do not change. The GLC is always more than willing to befriend beings of any kind. Occasionally, however, it does not always work out for the best. I do not want any of my fellow members, or any other beings harmed. Is that understood?”


Demona could not help but think of how much Madam Elder had reminded her of Darius. The only difference was that behind Madam Elder’s rigid personality, she had only the best of intentions for GLC at heart. She was only being cautious about the presence of a dark being among so many light beings.


Demona nodded. “Yes, I completely understand.”






Chapter 7:

A Night of Truths


Demona and Felix made their way to their assigned quarters, while Molony continued to make arrangements with
the volunteers. The sky grew dark as they made their way through the town in the direction of the practice field. After they had stepped onto shore they made a turn on a path, which led them up into the mountains.


Demona and Felix walked one in front of the other up the rocky mountain trail. Demona inched closer to the edge of the trail that wound around the edge of the mountain. She peeked over the edge at the shore below and saw a few kids playing in the water. She turned her attention to the trail and stepped carefully onto the rocks that littered the path.


“I would have expected our quarters to be in Gleannbroch,” Demona said.


“I don’t know much about this place, but from what I hear there are pretty cool things to see,” Felix said.


As they continued on the steep, rocky trail, Demona peeked down at the lake town nestled in the valley below. She was surprised to find that they had traveled to quite a height so quickly. The lowering sun cast bright rays from over the top of the adjacent mountain. The sky grew darker and lamps began to flicker along the trail. Demona soon realized that these lanterns hung in front of large rounded doors situated along the path.


Felix began to giggle.


Demona looked at him in confusion. “What’s with you?”


“Nothing really. They just look like something that came from the
Lord of the Rings
,” Felix said.


“Only you would think that,” Demona said.


They finally made their way to an unlit lantern with the numbers 450 hanging on an engraved wooden plaque beneath. Demona used her
to light the candle in the lantern as Felix examined the door. He pulled open the circular door and stepped into the darkened room. Felix swore as he bumped into something in the darkness.


Demona pulled from the
within her and produced another small flame that floated just inches above her hand. The light stretched out across the floor and cast long shadows from the objects situated in the room. Demona found a previously used candle with wax drippings that had run down its sides. She lit it, while Felix used a lighter to light more candles that were scattered about and soon the room was full of light.


They found some modest furniture placed in what seemed to be a large room. The room looked like someone had chiseled out the stone to shape a room within the mountainside. Felix and Demona wandered around checking things out. There was a small cast iron stove for heating and cooking next to a sink where a large metal water pump towered above.


Demona pulled and pushed the water pump’s handle, until water spurted from the faucet. It startled her with the sudden force of its flow. “Well, at least there is indoor plumbing.”


Felix laughed at her sarcasm.


There were a few chairs and a small table placed near the kitchen area. An uncomfortable looking sofa was placed smack in the center of the room with equally uncomfortable looking chairs pushed up against the far wall. Behind one of two doors was a simple privy. Inside was a wash basin stand with a ceramic basin and pitcher for cleaning. Felix pushed open the second, final door and stood there looking into the room.


“What is it?” Demona asked.


“Well, sleeping arrangements are going to be a challenge,” Felix said.


Demona pushed past him with the flame still floating above her hand. As the light crossed the room she noticed two very slim cots placed up against each side of the room. Green wool blankets were folded neatly at the foot of each one. A primitive looking bench was placed against the wall between.


“No kidding.”


Felix nudged Demona with his elbow. “Looks like we’ll have to spoon in one, while Molony takes the other.”


“How romantic,” Demona said. “I think I’d rather sleep on that lumpy looking sofa than share a cot with you.”


“You know, I believe I heard a hint of sarcasm in your voice,” Felix said. “I’m wounded.” He placed his right hand over his heart and grimaced, feigning that he had actually been hurt.


Demona ignored his reply. She exited the quarters back into the crisp night. She fumbled around in the dark, until she found a log a few feet from the entrance and sat down. Felix soon joined her and sat down beside her. They looked down upon the lake town far below as more flickering lights began to peek through the slits of windows in the domed shelters. Demona noticed more lights popped up across the valley and up into the mountains on the other side of the lake. The night grew darker still and she looked at the flickering flames, while they danced in their dusky surroundings. It seemed as if hundreds of lightning bugs hovered in the valley.


I wonder how much more there is to this town. There must be a lot more here than it first appears, especially if there are quarters at each of those lights on the other mountain.


The distant sound of drums called for the attention of the Gleannbroch residents. The night grew silent and then the low rising hum of bagpipes echoed across the valley. A few more bagpipes and fiddles joined in. The night’s air was filled with rhythmic pulses. It reminded Demona of a chorus of crickets when the melody flowed into her ears. She soon found herself swaying to the music.


Somewhere below a woman’s voice rang in harmony with the music. Demona was certain that she sang in a foreign language. Her voice was enchanting and Demona listened intently to the song. A feeling of peacefulness overcame her and chills spread over her body. Demona felt as if she was hearing a sorrowful farewell to the sun and a tribute to the newly crested moon.


Felix leaned against Demona. “Kaleb told me about this.”


Demona felt the warmth of Felix’s body against hers. She felt his breath on her face as he continued to whisper into her ear. She shivered with the excitement of his close proximity and tried to ignore her feelings. Demona was determined that she wanted nothing more than to be friends.


“Some of the descendants of the original Irish inhabitants do this nightly. It’s a song of praise to
in Gaelic. They’re thanking him for his love and protection. And for the sun’s rays that provide them with food. For
’s glory and the gift of life. They’re bidding the moon to come out and guide them in the darkness of the night.”


Felix’s words did nothing to ease the emotional surges that flowed through Demona’s body. She felt her
heighten and it made her thankful for the rations that she had consumed before. The feeling of Felix’s body against hers only made her swoon and the power of the song made her want to burst.


Demona continued to listen to the mesmerizing song and Felix’s voice as he described to her the words the woman was singing. It was filled with old world beauty and a commune with nature. Demona sat perfectly still now, but ever so slightly she was pressed against Felix’s side as if he would support her weight. Demona closed her eyes. She felt energy flow from the earth as if in response to the night’s song. She lost herself in the emotional surge of the people and nature around her.


No thoughts crossed through her mind, but only an awareness of belonging and acceptance. GLC was her home, whether it was at the northeast headquarters or in Gleannbroch. Demona felt Felix shift in his seat and heard him gasp in awe. She opened her eyes to find the air filled with dancing colors. It was as if a rainbow and the
aurora borealis
had combined to create a magnificent light show. It swirled and expanded in different directions.


“Are you doing this?” Felix asked.


“No, I-I don’t think so.”


“I wonder if the elves are using their elemental magic to do this,” Felix said.


They watched as the colors and the music seemed to move in sync.


“It’s beautiful.” Demona was hypnotized by the colors. Then, she felt Felix shift closer to her.


Felix put his arm around her and pulled her close. “You are beautiful.”


Demona looked him in the eyes and she saw the multicolor lights reflected in them. She could sense that there was hope and longing in them. She also saw seriousness in there. She studied him for a moment, but was uncertain of how to respond.




“Demona, please. Give me another chance.”


Demona’s voice caught in her throat. Before she could respond, Felix leaned in. His soft lips pressed against hers. Demona’s eyes snapped shut as a flood of emotion spread through her body and she could not pull herself from his lips. She leaned into him and pressed harder in return. She felt the warmth of his breath and his touch spread to her own cold body.


Felix pulled back and looked at her. The dancing lights reflected in his eyes once more, but seemed to intensify somehow.


“Felix, I can’t-I want to. Please, understand. After everything that has happened in the last six months. With you…with Kerrick…the prophecy.” Demona felt defeated. “It’s all just too much. I don’t know who I am or where I belong anymore. I need answers and time to figure it all out.”


Felix looked down, away from Demona. Then, he looked back up into her eyes. Felix cupped Demona’s cheek in his hands and looked deep into hers. “You have always been you. You are a woman who grows more beautiful all the time. A woman who is kind and caring, despite all of the trials
has placed before you. You are strong and brave. Don’t get lost in everything else. Your true self lies within your heart, not with the prophecy, your
or the past that you can’t remember.”


At that moment Demona felt like Felix was listening to her thoughts. Demona felt as if Felix had always been there. He made her feel special and stronger, yet vulnerable to her emotions.


Demona grabbed his hand that rest on her face. “Thank you,” she said. “Please, be patient.”


“I’m not going anywhere.” Felix leaned in and placed a delicate kiss on her forehead.


“Ah-ha! Here you two are,” Molony said. He stumbled over a rock as he found his way up the trail towards them.


Demona and Felix had been startled by Molony’s sudden appearance. They pulled apart slightly as if that intimate moment between them had not occurred.


“Magnificent show, isn’t it?” Molony turned to admire the lights. “I’ve never seen it so clear before… So who’s ready for dinner?”


I’m so glad it’s dark out here


They got to their feet and followed Molony inside.


“I’m starving,” Felix said.


Molony placed paper and kindling into the stove and got the fire started. He informed them of all that had happened after the Council meeting and the many volunteers. There had been many people eager to go back to the northeast headquarters or to help organize other aid there in Gleannbroch.


“It sounds like it’s a good thing we came. We can use all the help we can get back home,” Felix said.


Molony threw a log into the stove and pushed it around with a poker, until the log was placed perfectly inside.


Demona watched the flames quickly ignite the dry log. “So, have they found anything about the artifact yet?”


“No.” Molony found a seat at the small wooden table. “Demona, come sit with me.”


Demona was curious by his suddenly somber mood. She glanced to Felix who had seated himself on one of the uncomfortable chairs. His right eyebrow was raised. Demona made her way to the table and pulled out a chair. Felix drew closer, sat on the sofa backwards with his arms hanging over the back of the furniture, and gazed at Molony quizzically.


“What’s going on?” Demona knew that Molony obviously had something to say that he did not know how to tell her.

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