The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2)
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Chapter 10:

The Sacred Camp


Wake dark one
, said a voice.


It echoed in the haze of Demona’s slumber. Something made her feel like she was rolling through the clouded darkness. When Demona gained consciousness she became aware that something was nudging her. She opened her puffy eyes to an extremely long and hairy face. Then, there was a neighing sound and moisture sprayed her face. Demona quickly pulled herself backwards away from the large wet creature.


It took a moment to realize that she was seeing Aero’s face up close and very personal. He lifted his head and began to nudge her in the side with his muzzle. He nudged her to the point that he had rolled her over onto her back. Aero stepped closer, looked down on her, and smiled at her.


“Alright, I’m up,” Demona said.


In the dawn light Demona was able to get a clearer look at the unicorn. His fur was not white like she had thought it was. It was black with a glossy grey sheen that seemed to reflect the sunlight. There was a white patch on his forehead and the end of his muzzle. The hair that hung from the mane, tail, and below the knee was a beautiful creamy white. His mane and tail had been carefully woven by their pixie guards as they slept. His singular horn protruded from the center of the white patch on his forehead and spiraled in an alternating pattern of white and silver. It still held the daisy chain that the pixies had wrapped around it.


We must speak before the others wake
, Aero said.


“What’s up?” Demona rose to her feet and stretched.


We will travel to the light being camp, known as Vilund, today. You must be aware that in Dissium things are not so easily forgiven. The light beings take their protection of this land seriously. You cannot make the mistake of insulting one of their kind. I warn you, to prepare you. You must be steady and not raise a hand to any in camp,
Aero said.


“I wouldn’t,” Demona said.


I hope this is true. They will not hesitate to kill, if they feel you threaten their sacred space. Drinking the blood of others in their presence would be an insult
, Aero said.


Demona chewed on her lip. “I understand.”


Good. We shall wake the human and fowl
, Aero said.


Demona bent over Felix and Ileana and shook them awake. They both rose quietly from their earthen beds.


The forest was active with life in the damp dawn hours. Birds chirped throughout the canopy and dodged through the tree trunks. The woods seemed completely different and much less threatening than it had the night before. There were no wolves waiting to make meals of them and the pixies had retreated to their home for the day.


Felix ate some bread, Ileana snacked on some dried berries, and Aero ripped some grass from a small patch on the forest floor. After they had finished their breakfast they prepared for the next stint of their journey. Aero raised his muzzle into the air. Then he stepped out of the pixie ring and began to follow another trail. The rest of the group followed Aero once again.


The group had walked for hours through the forest and out into the open plain. They had quickly passed through the high grasses and shrubbery of the open meadows, without being spotted by any of the dark beings. They travelled along a riverbed and followed it upstream into another forest.


Midday had come and gone as they traveled without a break. Demona had to admit that it was more activity than she had done in a long time. Felix walked along beside her steadily and they followed Aero in silence. The long journey had sapped the energy out of several of the travelers, but they continued to trudge along following the stream.


Ileana had transformed into her phoenix form and flew high above on the air currents. She soared through the air and expertly maneuvered in loops and dives. Her long lasting stamina amazed Demona; she watched her friend chase after some of the small birds nearby.


“Can we take a break?” Demona asked.


We grow nearer
, Aero said.


“I figured we were. I want to eat my rations before we get to the camp,” Demona said.


Wise decision
, Aero replied.


Felix sat down. “I could use a break.” He waved at Ileana.


Ileana circled as she descended to the ground. Her massive wings folded and she landed back in her human form. “This place is amazing.” She found a large flat boulder and crossed her legs. “There isn’t a single building in sight. It’s just landscape.”


Structures are targets for raids. It is easier to build camp away from the open lands. The forests and mountains provide more protection
, Aero said. He stuck his muzzle in the creek for a drink.


“It makes sense. I’m sure they can’t build anything permanent either.”


The people of this land are nomadic. The constant raids keep them moving. The only constant in this land is the sacred space of the light beings. They return once a week for ritual practices. Even there it is not safe,
Aero said


Demona had finished her rations and stood. The rest of the group readied themselves to continue towards the light being camp. Felix and Demona swung their packs onto their backs and adjusted them for the rest of the journey.


“So, how do you know where they are, if they keep moving?” Ileana asked.


Today they make camp for the ritual. We will find them at the camp in Vilund
, Aero replied.


It was not long before they reached the camp. At first glance it seemed to be a nice place and easygoing. Women gathered buckets of water from the creek and carried them into the camp. Children ran in and out of the stream’s bank, while mothers scolded them. Some of the older children beat damp clothing on rocks and rung the water out in an attempt to clean them. Men fished with nets in hopes of catching their dinner. Others chopped wood and whittled with knives.


They grew closer to the camp’s entrance to find that it was heavily fortified with logs that had been sharpened to a point and were placed at a diagonal in the ground. On both sides of the camp’s entrance stood guards. Some were armed with sword and shield, while others were armed with bow and arrows. What Demona had thought to be an almost easygoing people before, now seemed to be rigid and serious.


They passed men and women of various species as they trained. Men swung maces at practice dummies. One man imbedded axe heads in tree trunks. Women aimed and released bows at bales of hay. The sight of so many medieval type weapons reminded Demona of the ones she had seen at the armory at TGHC.


Demona, Felix, and Ileana followed Aero towards the camp’s entrance.


“Halt!” demanded a man. He wore a shirt made of chainmail and breeches. The man gripped a dagger hilt that was place in a sheath on his belt.


Did I step into a Renaissance faire


Aero walked towards the man. He made a series of neighs, whinnies, and snorts at the guard. Demona assumed that he was speaking to the man in the same method of communication, but had blocked the others from hearing. Demona almost laughed when the man talked back to him. The guard then eyed Ileana and focused even more intently on Demona.


The guard nodded his head in response to Aero’s many noises then turned to them. “Given the circumstances, a guard must accompany you through camp.”


Aero’s head bounced up and down in response.


The guard motioned to one of the others and he walked beside Demona as they entered the camp. Demona knew they had every right to want a guard near her, especially with the constant conflict between the light and dark beings in Dissium. Even with Demona’s relationship with GLC, she was still a dark being and they had every reason to distrust her. The reminder that it was just a precaution did nothing to ease her discomfort.


The camp was similar to Gleannbroch in many ways. She recognized the same wicker domed structures. They seemed older and some were more permanent, but many were in disrepair. Most of the camp consisted of tents and teepees. Camp fires burned everywhere and the light beings busied themselves with different tasks.


The camp was all noise and commotion, while the light beings prepared themselves for whatever the day would bring with it. One man sat on a log and chipped away at a flint. He carefully shaped it to a point. A woman boiled some sort of stew over a campfire. Another man and woman worked on skinning a deer. Each person was set to work preparing some item of necessity for their community.


I see what Felix meant about living off of the land


The group continued through the camp without a problem. Some of the smaller children ran beside Aero or yanked on his mane. He swung his head to scatter them or swished his tail in their direction.


They came to a section of the camp where a large smooth stone was imbedded in the ground. It was a massive surface made of quartz that had white and pink veins running through it. Several people kneeled on the stone’s surface and they were instructed by a priest in prayer. Those that knelt wore similar white robes to those the elders had worn at Gleannbroch, though they were not as pristine. The priest was clothed in vestments of white and rich purple that gave an indication he was of higher importance.


“Halt,” said the guard. He went to speak with several other guards that stood in a line around the stone. Then, he turned to the group. “You will wait until prayer has finished before speaking to Father Jandro.” He turned and walked back toward the camp’s entrance.


Demona watched as the priest instructed the elders in a ritual. He spoke quietly to each and his hands rested on their shoulders as he moved from one person to the next. The elders made some of the same movements that the seven elders had done when summoning the Power to open the portal into Dissium. The priest and elders were very serious and focused on their task.


The priest stretched his arms up into the air. “
, give us knowledge to bring peace to Dissium. Give us strength to protect this space and our people.” He lowered his head and mumbled once more to each of the elders.


Then, the elders rose and walked to stand around a raised fire pit. They stuck their hands into the fire and withdrew them aflame. The fire extinguished on its own leaving behind no signs of its presence on the hands of the elders. After the ritual had been completed the elders turned and walked into the camp.


Father Jandro had seen the group watching him and walked towards the newcomers. His robes swished around his legs with each step that he took. His skin was tanned and weathered from exposure to the elements. “Aero, our guests have arrived?”


Yes, as you instructed
, Aero replied.


“Thank you. You may take your leave, while I speak with our guests. I will call you when it is time.”


Aero stretched his front right leg out and lowered his head in a bow. He turned and trotted away.


“Welcome to Vilund camp. You must be Felix,” Father Jandro said.


“Yes, Father,” Felix replied.


“We are pleased to have a new initiate here in our presence. We have not had a new volunteer venture into Dissium, in quite some time. Most would prefer the conveniences of your world,” Father Jandro said. He led them away from the sacred stone and into the camp to a preexisting stone structure.


They settled themselves onto several of the wooden benches placed around a table. Father Jandro rested his elbows on the table where they were seated.


Father Jandro looked at Ileana. “
said there would be more in your party than the two I had received a message about.”


“You spoke to
?” Demona asked. She was still suspicious of the existence of this particular supernatural being.

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