The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2)
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“I do not know what it said. I can only tell you that she seemed more curious than angry afterwards. I believe the best course of action would be to seek her out, instead of vice versa,” Kearne said.


“I don’t think so. We need to keep on track to find the artifact. We can’t afford to waste time, we’ve already lost time because I needed the rations. We have to find the artifact as soon as possible.”


“I agree,” said Felix. “Lives are at stake.”


“Yes,” Demona said. “If the Queen is looking for me, then let her continue. We’ve got more important things to do.”


“Very well,” Kearne said.


We should continue our journey now. The longer we wait the greater the chance that Fotos has moved
, Aero said.


Demona pulled the flasks from the bag one by one. She wrapped each of the glass flasks in a piece of her clothing to provide some padding. Then, she placed them delicately into her pack. Demona hoped that each of them would survive the journey; they could not afford any accidents.


“Kearne, how did you get into Dissium?” Demona asked. “If Darius sent you, then you couldn’t have summoned a Power.”


“The Fallen granted me entrance.”


The group prepared for journey. Felix and Demona had grabbed their packs. Aero made his way slowly in the direction they would take.


“You mean a Power?” Demona asked.


Aero spoke.
The Fallen are any number of Aleph’s angels that have chosen a darker path despite their nature. There are several Powers that have become Fallen. They often grant dark and neutral beings access to Dissium


“Wait a minute. I thought being a dark or light being meant that was what you were. That there was no say in the matter…I thought only neutral beings had the option to choose a side?” Demona said.


“No. Unfortunately, there are some who have turned against one side or another,” Ileana said.


“Am I one of those beings?” Demona asked.


“I don’t know, Demona,” Felix said. “I don’t know much about what is going on with you, but I think there is more to your situation than just choosing light over darkness. I mean the prophecy did say that you would choose. Your lineage is still a mystery.”


Demona felt uncertain about all of this new information. The things she thought she knew seemed to be turned upside down with each day of their journey. She wanted to find a simple answer, or a simple solution, to who she was and why she was the
. Things were never that easy.


What little information Kearne had offered only made Demona feel more uneasy about the future. She could not help but wonder what Darius had written to the Queen about, and why she had been so curious about Demona. She only hoped that whatever happened for the remainder of the journey would not prevent them from reaching the artifact. She wanted nothing more than to return home quickly and to stop the demons from causing anymore harm to the town’s people.






Chapter 14:

The Forest of Grief


The remainder of the night had passed by uneventfully. They made their journey, led by Aero, around the lake and proceeded to travel through
the forest. When dawn came the clouds had covered the sun making the surroundings slightly more visible than it had been with the light of the moon. Demona also came to the conclusion that she hated looking at trees. They had traveled through so much forest that she longed for different scenery.


A cold front had moved into the area and cooled off the remaining heat from the warm night. With the cold came wind and rain. The sky brightened momentarily and was followed by the crack of thunder. The booming noise seemed to rumble around them, as if they were hearing the sound of hundreds of boulders rolling down a mountain.


The group was miserable, except for Kearne who always seemed to be a little too cheerful. Demona’s clothes were soaked and clung to her body. She tried to remain optimistic as they traveled. She noticed that Felix and Ileana were growing irritable with the weather, also. Ileana mumbled under her breath and attempted to shield the rain with her arms crossed over her head. Ileana had once been the optimist of the group, until Kearne had joined them. Felix looked exhausted and worn down. The lack of good sleep was weighing on him more than the others.


They stopped to rest for a moment at a large pine tree. Its branches were bare at the bottom of the trunk creating the perfect place for them to stand under. The thick pine needles also offered a level of protection from the rain, except for when the rain was being blown sideways by the gusty wind.


Demona studied Felix. He let out a big sigh and wrapped his arms around himself. He looked cold, so Demona decided to offer her companions a little relief. She accessed the freely flowing
around her and separated the downpour. The separation worked as a force field that pushed the weather away from them, so that they were no longer being assaulted by the wind and rain.


“Thanks,” Felix said. He looked up at her with drooping eyes.


“No problem.” Demona replied. Then, Demona produced a fire that hovered just above the needle covered ground.


Felix held his hands over the flames in an attempt to dry himself off.


Ileana had now taken phoenix form. She ruffled her brown feathers and sprayed those around her with water droplets. She then proceeded to clean each of the feathers delicately with her rubbery tongue. She turned her head around and nibbled on her back.


Demona noticed that Kearne watched Ileana carefully. She turned back to see Ileana’s pupils decrease to the size of pinpoints; she was clearly agitated. She let out a loud squawk in his direction, just in case he had not already received the message.


Kearne looked away from her. Demona found it curious that these two creatures held so much hostility for one another after only knowing each other for a short amount of time.


Demona placed herself in front of Kearne’s view. “I think you should go find us some food.”


Kearne pointed at himself. “Why me? Lover boy is more than capable.”


“Shut it,” Demona said. “You are going to find some food, because you seem more than happy with this situation. I don’t see why it would hurt for you to walk back into the rain. Besides, Darius sent you here, because you knew Dissium. I’m sure you know what you are looking for.”


“I’ll need a few items, before I go,” Kearne said. He could not resist a challenge.


Felix reached into his pack and searched for something. He pulled out several items that he had placed inside before they left Gleannbroch. He produced a tightly woven net, picture wire, and a small pocket knife from the pack. “I’m sure you can find something by using these.”


Kearne took the items from Felix and stuffed them into his pockets. Without saying another word he walked out into the soggy weather and disappeared into the forest.


Ileana was back in her human form. “What a creep.”


“I know. I guess we can be thankful that he hasn’t threatened to use his influence over us?” Demona said.


Ileana shook her head. “He’s more cocky than most. There’s something else going on with him.”


Aero nickered,
The Gancanagh have egos that grow in the presence of women. They also become more competitive when they sense the affection of another male towards one of their potential victims


“I thought he couldn’t hurt us,” Demona said.


He cannot, but that does not mean that his instincts have left him
, Aero said.


Felix was still huddled near the fire. He took off his shirt and wrung the rainwater from it.


“Where do we go next?” Demona asked.


We continue through the Forest of Grief and cross the river ahead. Let us hope that the rains have not caused it to swell, or we may be waiting a day or two for it to recede
, Aero said.


“I can see why they call if the Forest of Grief. I’ve never felt so miserable,” Felix said. “At least, I’m drying off now.”


Demona must have fallen asleep as they continued to rest under the great pine. Kearne had returned carrying a skinned rabbit at the end of a piece of picture wire.


Demona woke to find him roasting the meat over the fire that still burned. “A rabbit? I’m impressed. I thought you’d come back with berries or something…How did you catch it?”

“Having spent enough time in Dissium, one learns how to use the resources available. I simply looked for rabbit activity and I fashioned a snare with the wire.
Ileana maintained her distance, but even she seemed impressed with Kearne’s skill. What was even more startling was that he had returned with an almost normal attitude.
Maybe walking in the Forest of Grief did him some good
Demona drank rations as the three others chewed the cooked meat. Aero stood silently staring out into the forest. After Ileana, Felix, and Kearne had eaten, they gathered their things together. Felix placed the hunting items back into his pack. They gazed out into the rain and wished they could remain under the tree where they were now warm and dry.
Aero was the first to step out of the force field. The others reluctantly followed. The day seemed to drag as they walked through the dampened forest. Finally, the sound of roaring water could be heard over the heavy rain. Fog hovered thickly around them as they continued toward the sound. Demona, Felix, and Ileana held hands so they would not be separated.
The ground grew rockier and they soon found themselves staring at a flooded riverbed, that seemed to be contained by the deeply cut rock at their current location. They followed the river upstream, but found themselves walking back towards the trees. The river had overrun its banks at the shallow ford of the river and they had to walk around the flooded area to continue their journey.
“Now what?” Demona asked.
Aero stomped his hoof.
Now, we wait. There is no better location, than this, to ford the river. The water moves too swiftly for us to cross. Let us hope that the rains from the forest do not continue to cross its borders much longer, or we could be here for days.
“If we have to wait it out, then we better find a safe and dry place,” Felix said.
Returning to the woods would be best
, Aero replied.
“No,” Kearne said, “I know of a cave not far from here.” Kearne began walking farther up the river; the rocks became larger and more numerous.
They found themselves looking carefully where they stepped. Aero moved slowly, because the risk of stepping in the wrong place was far greater for him. They needed their guide, so Demona made the group slow their pace for him. Soon, they arrived at a small cave large enough for them to fit inside. It did not leave much room for them other than enough for a fire and a place to lay their heads for the night. It was enough to keep them dry and hidden.
“I’ll look for firewood,” Demona said. “No trouble while I’m gone, Kearne.”
“I’ll go with you!” Felix said.
Ileana smiled at Demona. Demona narrowed her eyes in return.
Demona and Felix walked out into the rain, once more. “You should have stayed in the cave,” Demona said. “The weather doesn’t affect me like it does with you. You could get sick out here.”
“I would be just as soaked inside the cave waiting for you as I would be out here with you,” Felix replied.
They walked a ways into the forest even though their vision was minimal. Demona tried to look at the ground as she walked through the fog. She used her feet to kick around hoping she could feel for wood.
“We better not go too far. This fog is easy to get lost in,” Felix said.
“Good point,” Demona replied.
They had not been having luck in their search as they continued to walk side by side first out from the direction of the cave. They back tracked and traveled towards the right. The fog began to dissipate enough, so that they could see the ground. There was nothing to find. The ground had been picked clean of twigs, branches, and fallen trees. They would have to find a source for the fire some other way.
“Well, I guess we should head back to the others?” Demona asked.
“Not yet,” Felix replied. “I haven’t had a chance to really talk to you since we left Gleannbroch. How are you doing?” He stood looking at her with concern.
“As good as I can, considering everything that is happening,” Demona replied.
Felix reached for her hand and gripped it. “I know, but you can tell me if things are bothering you.”
“Of course things are bothering me. I’ve got a prophecy hanging over my head, a huge gaping hole in my past, and I’m traveling through a world that has done nothing but make me even more miserable. I’m tired of it. I’m tired of this stupid prophecy, I’m tired of being a dark being, and I’m tired of needing to feed. I’m just tired!” Demona said.
Felix looked into her eyes. “You are stronger than you think.”
Demona looked at the ground. “I don’t feel strong.”
“You can’t see what I see. You’re braver than any woman I’ve ever known. You took on the task of going to Dissium to search for this artifact without question. You’ve also started to become a leader.” Felix continued to look at Demona, even if she refused to return his gaze.
Demona pushed him with the palm of her hand. “You are such a sweet talker.”
Felix grabbed her arm and pulled it around to his back, bringing Demona only inches from his face. “I mean every word I say.”
Demona could hear Felix’s heart rate increase. She found herself staring into his blue eyes and she tried to look away.
Felix placed his hands on her jaw line and forced her eyes to meet his once again. “I mean it.”
Demona knew what was coming. She knew it and her mind fought to pull away, but her body had other intentions. Demona’s eyes closed as if on auto pilot and all she could think about was the moment when she would feel his lips on hers. The moment after their lips met a spark jolted through Demona.
Felix’s touch felt safe and honest. He made her forget everything in that moment, but the two of them. Felix’s lips caressed Demona’s tenderly. His head tilted one way and then another. Demona moved in response to his movements. Each time her lips parted from his she wanted to feel them back where they had been.
Demona pulled him closer and pressed against him more intently.
Felix pulled back only momentarily. “You are amazing.” Then, their lips were locked once more.
They were lost in each other. In that moment the world revolved around them. The feeling of each other’s lips and the brush of a hand were magnified. Every sense heightened as their emotions surged.
Felix kissed her cheeks and moved to her right ear lobe. Then, he kissed her left one. Demona looked into the sky as she enjoyed Felix’s endearing kisses. The rain had stopped pouring, but the droplets of water whirled around them. They seemed to dance in a rhythmic pattern forming an arch that met directly over their heads and then spout out into the sky above. It was a beautiful performance, thanks to the emotions that Felix stirred inside her. It made the border of the Forest of Grief almost seem beautiful.

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