The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2) (25 page)

BOOK: The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2)
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“But,” Felix said. “He’s just standing there.”


Kaleb slid into the back seat beside Hannah. “I know. Just get back in the car.”


“Wait. Is that one of the possessed?” Ileana asked.


Hannah nodded in agreement and clung to Kaleb’s arm.


“So, what now?” Demona asked.


“We wait,” Kaleb said. “Roll up your windows.”


The man began to take another step forward. Molony motioned for the men to surround him, and he also slowly approached. Molony raised a vial of holy water towards the man and held it out with each step that he took.


“I don’t get it. Who just stands there when a bunch of scary guys with weapons comes at you,” Demona said. “Does he have a death wish?”


“In a lot of ways they are already dead,” Kaleb replied.










This book could not have been completed without the continuous support from my husband, Josh Hepler. Thank you for the inspiration and constructive criticism. Thank you for
being my first reader. Thank you for proofreading and for your patience throughout the process.


Thank you to Joey Krick, for giving me an insight about a military operating base and where I could find information on what bases consist of. Thank you, Mary Clayton for proofreading and editing the manuscript, and also writing the back cover blurb. Thank you to my beta readers: Steve Young, Eli Frey, Lichelle Moyer, Stefani Wilmoth, and Sue Delp. Thank you to Kate Cowan at K.C. Designs for another magnificent cover design.


I want to thank the American Public University System and my professors for helping me to expand my mind and give me inspiration. My Irish History and Viking History courses were a major inspiration for this novel. My religion courses have also had a major impact on my development of GLC’s structure and religious practices.


I must also thank my blog readers and social media friends/fans for showing your support. Thank you to all of my readers for taking the time to read my first novel. Thank you to all other friends and family for your continuous support and encouragement through this process. I could not have done this without you all.


Thank you to Mike Young, for getting a website up and running. Please, check out my website at There is also a series glossary located on my Demona series blog.


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