The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2)
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“Madam Elder spoke to me before I came here. She said you two spoke under Ezekiel’s instructions. You asked about your parents—”


“Yeah, I already know all of this,” Demona said. She leaned back in her chair, slouched, and crossed her arms over her chest.
do I get the feeling nothing good is going to come of thi


Molony remained calm with Demona and spoke carefully. “Madam Elder spoke with some of the Council members after your conversation.” Molony almost looked as if he were afraid to continue. “One of the elders said he had known a GLC member by the name of Shanon, but that they lost touch. They sent one of the scholars to look into the GLC member records. It turns out that your mother was a GLC member. She had married a man named Darryn Brennan, your father.”


With a sudden flash of anger Demona leaned forward and slammed her fist onto the table. “What happened to them?”


“That, I can’t help you with. The only other thing I can tell you is that you are a halfling.”


Demona leaned back in her seat. “Wait, you mean like Benen?”


“Yes. The scholar said that what kind of creature your father was, was not recorded. But, there was indication that he was a neutral being.”


“You’re saying that not only am I a vampire, but I’m also a halfling? So, that makes me what, half GLC member with abilities and some neutral being of a different species with possibly more abilities… oh, and the prophecy?”


“If you want to think about it that way. Then, yes…possibly.”


Demona rested her elbows on the table and covered her face with her hands. “Every answer brings more questions.”


Felix gently placed a hand on Demona’s back, but said nothing.


“I’m a mutt,” Demona said.


Molony chuckled. “You are not a mutt. You are just a being that has been uniquely designed by


Demona leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms once more.


Molony was busying himself around the kitchen. He pulled out a cast iron pan and fried some food over the stove for him and Felix to eat. Felix was now seated beside her in the empty chair where Molony had previously been seated.


Demona was dazed as her thoughts overcame her.
I’m a dark being, and I’m half light and neutral. All three


“She will come as half of one and half the other,” Demona said. “It’s true. I am the


Felix looked at Demona concerned. “What? I thought that that was already established.”


Demona ignored his questions and drummed her fingers on the table. She dazed a moment more before glancing up at Felix. “No, listen. She will come as half of one and half the other. I’m all three…dark, neutral, and light. I was born half light and neutral, so wouldn’t that make me technically a light being?”


“Most likely. We would have to be certain that your father was not a dark being. If he was indeed neutral, which is most likely the case, then the neutral factor would be overrun by the light,” Molony said. Then, he continued on with his task.


“If that is the case, then I was born a light being and was reborn a dark being. It could fit the first line of the prophecy and it’s probably why I never truly belonged with the dark beings. If I was born light there had to be some part of it that still clings to me, that makes me still part light, and only half of a dark being.”


The thought of being part light being gave Demona a sense of relief. She thought that it could mean that maybe there was goodness in her after all.


“You’re reading too much into the details. We know you are the
.” Felix said.


“I know. But I had hoped, somehow, that everyone had been wrong.”


“You know it could just mean that you are half neutral and half light, that part could have nothing to do with being a dark being. I mean after all, Darius had turned you in an attempt to keep you under his control. Maybe that was never meant to happen.”


“Ugh, thanks Felix. I thought I had something figured out.”


Felix held his hands up in surrender. “Sorry.”


Demona became lost in thought once more.
What am I?






Chapter 8:



Demona and Felix stood in the center of the training grounds with swords poised in each other’s direction. This time they had an audien
ce, including Benen. The boy found out that the pair had planned to go to the training grounds that morning. Somehow word spread, first from the children and then to the adults in town, that the dark visitor was going to fight a GLC member. Shortly after Demona and Felix arrived at the training ground almost half of the town had turned up to witness an epic battle of good versus evil.


Demona winked in Felix’s direction. “Come and get me.” He beckoned to Demona.


Felix charged towards her and swung the sword ever so slightly in her direction. Demona dodged. She struck him with the practice sword across his shin. Then, she pivoted away from him, while he decided his next move. Demona harnessed her emotions and produced a small whirlwind beside her. She heard the shrill gasps of excitement behind her as she began pushing the spiraling funnel towards Felix.


They are eating this up.


“That is not fair!” Felix shook his finger in her direction.


A few of the adults in the audience cheered Felix on.


Felix hopped around the whirlwind and danced just out of its reach. Some of the children giggled at his overly exaggerated moves. He sliced his sword into it and yelled at it, as if he were trying to prove his bravery. Demona moved the funnel over Felix and it quickly enveloped him.


The audience gasped. They watched quietly and looked worried that their hero would vanish forever.


“Where’s Felix!” Benen yelled.


Moments later the form of a head covered in brown hair began to slowly emerge from the top of the whirlwind. Inch by inch his face rose higher above the top of the funnel. First his eyes and ears could be seen, his nose, and then mouth. Felix’s whole face seemed to be floating bodiless around the field.


“Demona, you are cheating!” Felix said.


The children giggled at Felix’s face that held a wide grin as the funnel swung him back and forth.


Demona knew that Felix was enjoying every minute of their charade. Soon, everything from his waist and up was freed. Felix still had his sword in hand and flailed as the whirlwind moved in a circle around the field.


“I’m getting dizzy,” Felix said.


Demona allowed the funnel to dissipate. Felix landed on his feet and began to walk wobbly towards her. His first step was awkward and he paused to gain his balance. Then, he took another step and fell over.


The onlookers, both children and adults, roared with laughter.


Demona smiled at Felix as he tried to regain his footing. His first attempt to get up was useless because he plopped back onto his butt. Finally, after several more tries Felix was able to stand.


Demona heard a shrill scream come from a bird above them. Demona peered up into the brilliant sky and shielded her face with her hand to look at the majestic creature soar. She studied it as it flew above them and as her eyes adjusted she noticed some strikingly different features about the bird.


Many members of the audience stared into the sky to admire the large bird as well. Others decided now that the excitement was over; it was time to get back to their daily duties.


“It’s Ileana.” Felix stood beside her with his head tilted to the sky.


The large bird slowly circled towards the clear field and prepared for a landing. As it grew nearer Demona noticed the massive wingspan. If she would have had to guess, she would assume it was about ten feet wide. Ileana in her phoenix form was more beautiful than any creature she had ever beheld.


Ileana’s brown feathers were flecked with red and her red breast stood out brilliantly against its surroundings. She began to transform back to her human form before she had landed. Demona was certain that Ileana would crash to the ground. Instead, she landed perfectly on her feet.


Benen had drawn closer while Ileana made her descent. Now he stood wide eyed and his lips formed an O in astonishment at Ileana’s transformation. He stood off to the side and clung to one of the fence posts as he watched her every move.


Ileana threw her arms around Felix and Demona at the same time. “I’m so glad to see you guys. It’s crazy at headquarters without the two of you.”


This isn’t like Ileana. She looks exhausted.


“What’s going on?” Felix asked. His brow was creased with worry.


“Right after you guys left the attempted possessions increased. Terra Hollow is chaos right now. The demons are invading the town. We’ve had our first death during an exorcism. Ezekiel doesn’t know how much longer he can hold them off. We need reinforcements at HQ.”


“This is not good,” Felix replied.


“And Darius sent word through Terra Hollow that he is ready to form an alliance,” Ileana said.


“I’m surprised he decided so quickly. It didn’t seem like he was too interested when I talked to him a couple days ago,” Demona said.


Benen moved behind Demona. He wrapped his arms around her waist and clung to her.


Demona pulled Benen around to look at him. “Hey, kiddo. Are you scared?”


Benen nodded shyly.


“Look, don’t you worry. We’re doing everything we can to make sure nothing bad happens to anyone.”


Benen stared up into Demona’s face. Demona watched as the tears welled up in his eyes and he began to cry.


“It’s okay.” Demona said. She pulled Benen into a tight hug and stroked his back.


Demona’s eyes met Felix’s. Ileana nudged him in curiosity. Felix bent over to whisper in her ear. Ileana’s eyes softened and she looked at the child sympathetically.


Demona pulled Benen away from her. “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” She looked intently into his eyes.


“I don’t want anyone else to die,” he said. Tears ran down his cheeks.


Demona pressed her lips together.
It reminds him of his parents.


“I think I understand how you feel. I lost my parents too.” Demona thought of how much she longed to know more about her parents. The memory of last night’s conversation had done little to ease her mind.


Benen wiped tears from his eyes with the back of his hands. “Really?” Benen sniffled.


“Yeah… Look, I promise you I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that nobody else dies.”


Benen wrapped his arms around Demona’s neck and squeezed tightly. Demona scooped him up into her arms and he buried his head in her shoulder.


Demona looked to Felix and Ileana. “We should find Molony,” Demona said.




They found Molony at the Sky Level in the large stone tower. He stood in the center of a gathering of volunteers. They walked towards the group with Benen still clinging tightly in Demona’s arms.


“Are you all ready to head to the northeast headquarters?” Molony asked.


Everyone in the group nodded their heads in agreement.


“Are you sure that you are up for this challenge and accept all of the risks?” Molony asked.


They again nodded their heads in understanding.


Felix cleared his throat.


Molony glanced over his shoulder and was surprised to find Ileana standing there. He turned back to the crowd. “Okay, get your things together and meet me on shore in two hours.” Molony turned to the four of them and waited for an explanation as to what Ileana was doing in Gleannbroch. Then, he glanced at Benen clinging to Demona.


“Hello Benen. How are you this morning?” Molony asked.


Benen sniffed. “Okay.”


“There you are,” Oakley said as he climbed the last of the stairs into the topmost level of the tower. He looked at Benen. “Well, I see you have made a new friend.”


Benen nodded. “Demona is nice.”


“I’m glad she is,” Oakley said. He looked up at Demona with appreciation and returned his gaze to Benen. “Do you want to go get some lunch?”


“Sure,” Benen said. He released his grasp on Demona and made his way for the stairs.


“I think he’s having a rough day today,” Demona said.


“Well, it’s nice to see him take to someone else. I’ve never seen him this attached. He’s been my ever constant tagalong since he arrived here. It’s nice to see him take to a woman.”


Benen stood at the top of the stairs looking towards the adults.


“I think, that Demona and Benen have a lot in common,” Felix said.


Oakley nodded. “Thanks for looking after him.”


“Not a problem. He’s like the kid brother I never had,” Demona said.


Oakley reached to shake Molony’s hand. “Good luck my friend and safe travels home.”


“You take care. I hope we don’t see one another too soon,” Molony said.


“Yes, I agree. Let’s hope this problem can be resolved quickly,” Oakley said. “It seems that I only see you when something bad is going on. Goodbye, everyone.” Oakley turned to join Benen before descending the stairs.


“Now that our little friend is gone, please explain what is happening,” Molony said. He looked at Ileana intently.


Felix was the first to respond. “Sir, Ileana brought news from headquarters. Ezekiel sent her.”


Molony gave a single nod. “While I speak to Ileana, I need the two of you to go to the Council Chambers. Madame Elder and The Council elders need to speak with you about the artifact.”


Demona glanced at Ileana for a moment, wondering if she should leave her friend.


“Go on. I’ve told you guys everything anyway. I’ll catch up with you later,” Ileana said.


Demona and Felix made their way down to the next floor of the tower and entered into a room with several small slotted windows in the tower’s foundation. Rays of light flowed through the windows and illuminated specks of dust that floated in the air. Demona peered through the sun’s rays to find seven elders seated at a long rectangular table with Madam Elder seated at the far end.


“Please, have a seat,” Madam Elder said. She motioned for Demona and Felix to sit at the two empty seats nearest to them. “We have news on the artifact.”


Demona and Felix exchanged a glance, but remained silent.


One of the other male elders turned to Demona and spoke directly to her. “My scholars have been working diligently since the meeting to uncover any details about the artifact in the ancient scrolls. In the wee hours of the morning one of my scholars stumbled upon a reference to Constantine’s journal, in regards to the artifact. It seems that this artifact is being guarded by an archangel known as Fotos.”


“An archangel?” Demona said.


“Yes, Demona. Archangels are one of several races of angel that take on human form. They serve as messengers between
and light beings. In order to find this artifact we will need to send someone into Dissium…to search for Fotos and the artifact,” Madam Elder said.


“What is Dissium?” Demona asked.


The elders exchanged glances. “Has Darius never explained the existence of Dissium?” Madam Elder asked.


Demona shook her head. “No, I’ve never heard anyone at TGHC mention a Dissium before,” Demona replied.

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