Thank You Notes (5 page)

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Authors: Jimmy Fallon,the Writers of Late Night

Tags: #HUM000000

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Thank you

… raisins, for decades of faithful service as the Halloween treat of choice for hippies, cheapskates, and assholes.

Thank you

… molars. If my teeth were a class picture, you’d be the fat kids in the back row.

Thank you

… the name Lloyd, for starting with two
s. I’m glad both those
s were there, because otherwise I would have called you “Loyd.”

Thank you

… Christmas decorations, for going up right after Halloween. Nothing says “holidays” like seeing my neighbor replace his plastic Dracula with a plastic baby Jesus.

Thank you

… flour, for keeping the paper sack container business alive. Don’t want to change your packaging, huh? Whenever I buy you I feel like I’m Charles Ingalls buying something from Oleson’s store on credit.

Thank you

… dishwasher, for never getting cocky about how clean your dishes are. Because we both know that I wash them too much before I put them in you. Yup, you have a pretty sweet deal, don’t you, dishwasher? Dishwasher, I’m just fooling around, why do you look so freaked out? Hold on a second, dishwasher, wait a minute, are you wearing a wire?! What the… Hey, this dishwasher’s a cop! You betrayed me!

Thank you

… PEZ dispensers, for being little creatures that vomit candy out of their necks. You’re awesome.

Thank you

… the light bulb that’s been burned out in my house for the past two months, for reminding me how lazy I am. And when I finally do replace you, it won’t be with a light bulb I’ve bought—it will be with a light bulb from the least important light in the house.

Thank you

… zebras, for showing me what horses would look like if I were on acid.

Thank you

… person unwrapping a cough drop in the movie theater. I know you think that by unwrapping your lozenge very slowly it’s somehow less offensive. It’s not. I can hear every damn crinkle of that wrapper. Wait, are you rewrapping it just so you can unwrap it again? Thank you.

Thank you

… Febreze, for allowing dirt and filth to live freely among us in total secrecy.

Thank you

… Chili’s menus, for listing how many calories are in your food. I’M IN A CHILI’S! What part of “I don’t give a crap” do you not understand?

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