Tell Me (6 page)

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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #alpha male, #billionaire, #boss, #anal sex, #bdsm, #domestic discipline, #Domination, #romance, #figging, #spanking domestic discipline, #submission

BOOK: Tell Me
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“Fun with you, yes. No one else.”

“I don't just mean kinky fun. What about friends? People to chat with by the copier? Or to go for a drink with after work?”

“I don’t drink, and I have a photocopier in my office.”

He tapped her bum, but the slap was playful this time. “Don’t be obtuse, Thea. Why don't you socialise?”

“I’m no good with people. People don’t like me. I have no sense of humour, and I’m boring. They respect me though, because I’m good at my job. That’s what I want. It’s
I want. It’s enough.”

“I’ll agree you’re good at your job. That’s why I want you working for me. But the rest of what you just said is crap.”

“No it isn’t. How would you know anyway? You don’t know me…Aagh!

Tony brought the stream of self-doubt to an abrupt end with a sharp slap to her bottom. There was nothing playful about this one. “As long as you’re wearing my collar you’ll dump that rubbish. You’re a lovely, desirable, intelligent woman, whether in a dungeon or a boardroom. Remember it. And live like it. You
have friends at Dart Logistics, starting with me, and with Isabel. We’ll work out from there. At Kershaw’s you can start with Stephen, but I wouldn't mind betting there’ll be plenty more once you drop the frosty ‘keep out’ signs.”

“It’s not so simple. And with respect, Sir, you don’t know me outside of—what we do together.”

He was amused, and interested, to note that the threat of further punishment to her very sore behind was not sufficient to dispel the note of defiance in her voice. His little kitten had claws. She didn't show them in her submission, but they were certainly in evidence when her head shifted into her professional life. He wanted to see more of the elusive ‘Mrs Richmond’.

“So tell me then. But without the self-put-downs. You can start by telling me what it is you do well. Why do your colleagues respect you?”

She considered for few moments, then, “I’m thorough, efficient. I work hard. I get things right, you know, the details. People can rely on me. I’m a qualified lawyer, and I have a finance diploma too. I know how a business should run.”

“All true. Stephen told me all of that. He’s very pleased with you. That’s why I want you in my company.”

“But, I don't know anyone there. How would I manage? People won’t listen to what I say. You’ll be disappointed.”

“I somehow doubt that. And they
listen to your ideas because you’re good. You know what you’re talking about. And because you’ll have the authority to insist my heads of department do as you suggest. I want my shit sweeping into a pile, Mrs Richmond—I think I’ll continue to call you that, it suits you. And you’re just the woman to do it. I need your help. Please.”

“I can’t. I just can’t. Really.”

“If you’re wearing my collar twenty four seven, I can instruct you to do this. You will obey me, Thea.”

She wriggled from her position across his lap and knelt on the floor in front of him. Tony allowed her to go. Still naked but for the collar, her posture was one of total submission. Even so he knew the battle taking place within. He could almost hear the clash of steel and roar of cannon fire as her inner personas slugged it out. She tilted up her chin to meet his gaze.

“Thea obeys. Not Mrs Richmond.”

He leaned forward, his face on the same level as hers. “But they are one and the same. Thea Richmond, my submissive, my corporate services director. I need both of you. And you need me.” She would have looked away, but he cupped her chin with his palm. “Don’t you Thea?”

The ticking of the clock above his fireplace was the only sound as he held her gaze. He watched as emotions danced across her features—panic, dismay, bewilderment. Then acceptance, resignation, and at last, the determined glint he sought.

“Yes, Sir. Very well, I’ll try.”

“Thank you, that’ll do for me. I appreciate it. Very much.” He leaned forward the couple more inches needed to brush his lips across hers. “So, I’ve had the pleasure of Thea in the dungeon at The Wicked Club, and here in my dining room now as well. I can tell you I’m very much looking forward to seeing Mrs Richmond go to work in my boardroom. But who will I see in my bedroom I wonder?”

“You want me to sleep here tonight? With you?”



“Because I want to fuck you. Then I reckon we both need to get some sleep. And tomorrow I want to talk to you about your new duties at Dart Logistics.” He stood and offered her his hand. “Come to bed with me. Please.”

Thea took his hand and would have followed him from the room, sedate and obedient, a truly chastised and repentant sub. Tony had other ideas. The moment she grasped his hand he scooped her from the floor and carried her from the room. He took the stairs two at a time and strode along the hallway with her in his arms. He shouldered open his bedroom door and laid her on his bed, chuckling when she rolled onto her stomach.

“Are you offering me your arse, girl?”

“If you want it, Sir. Yes, of course.”

“Hold that thought while I get some lube.”

Chapter Four


What on Earth just happened? How did I end up here, a collared sub? Tony’s collared sub. Shit!

Thea’s head was whirling as she stretched out on her Dom’s bed, waiting for him to re-emerge from the bathroom. Despite the inner turmoil raging within, one certainty presented itself, head and shoulders above the rest of her teeming thoughts.

This is good. This is safe. This is where I want to be.

Just hang on to that, and the rest will be okay. Surely.

“You look good there, Thea.”

She turned her head at his voice, gratified to note that he was now naked too. And looking very fine with it. Tony had rarely undressed at the club so despite their intimacy she was not especially familiar with his body. Parts of it, yes. But not usually the whole lot, on display. She stared. And stared some more.

Tony obliged her by walking around the room, adjusting lamps. He grinned at her.

“I do hope you’re not going to drool on my bedding, Thea. Though on second thoughts…”

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I’m not used to you… Not that I mind. It’s lovely, really. You are I mean. Lovely.”

“So are you, little sub. And I really should have brought you back here before.”

“I might not have agreed to come, Sir. We always kept the club and—everything else—separate. I liked it that way.”

“I know, and we can talk about why that was. Later. Right now…” He tossed a tube of lubricant, a bullet vibrator, and three condoms onto the pillow beside her head. “I want you to kneel up and spread your knees as wide as you can. Then lean forward and rest your face on the pillow. Do I need to tie your hands?”

“No Sir, but I’d like you to.”

“Leather cuffs okay?”

Thea nodded, and knelt up in the centre of the mattress while he opened one of his bedside drawers and found a pair of cuffs. He fastened one to each of her offered wrists, then gestured for her to place her hands behind her. He snapped the fasteners together to secure her, then laid a hand on her shoulder to indicate she should lean forward.

Thea made herself comfortable, her cheek pressed against the crisp cotton of the duvet, her bum poised at Tony’s eye level as he stretched out on one elbow behind her.

“So beautiful. So hot and wet, and pink as a cherry.” He punctuated his remarks by drawing the flat of his palm along her moistening pussy, then dipping two fingers inside her cunt. “Ah yes, very wet. But I still think we need to warm you up a little more. What do you think, Thea?”

“That sounds nice, Sir.” She squeezed around him as he drew his fingers back, then drove them deep again, twisting inside her.

“Nice? I guess I’ll settle for that for now but I’ll be shooting for something closer to fucking wonderful. You’ll come for me, as soon as I touch your clit. But not before. Is that understood?”

Thea sighed, grimacing to herself. No matter how often he put her through these paces, she never found orgasm control easy. Her lack of self-discipline invariably earned her a spanking, and her bottom was already very sore,

“Thea?” Tony’s voice had softened. He was so adept at picking up on her fears, before she spoke them aloud.

“I’ll try Sir, but it’s so difficult. And I don't want you to be angry, or spank me. It hurts…”

His finger-fucking had slowed to a sweet, gentle caress. “Sweetheart, I won't be angry. Whatever happens, I’ll know you tried. Do you need me to help you?”

“Help me? How can you…?”

“If you feel you’re going to come and can't hold back, just say yellow. I’ll stop, give you a chance to calm down. How does that sound?”

“Thank you, Sir. It sounds—lovely.”

“Okay, I’m going to lube your arse and get you loosened up, ready for me. I don’t want you getting bored though, so I think we’ll put the bullet inside your pussy.” He thrust again with his fingers, as though she required further clarification as to where the vibrator would be going. “On full, naturally. I want to be sure I have your attention.”

Thea groaned. This was going to be intense.

Tony withdrew his hand and reached for the bullet. Then he used his moisture-coated fingertips to part the lips of her sleek, wet pussy.

“Hmm, very slippery here. You really are a randy little slut, Thea. I’ve hardly touched you.” As he spoke he slid the toy between her pussy lips and pressed firmly. It slid into her receptive cunt and Tony followed with his fingers to ensure it was exactly where he intended to place it. “I want this right up against your G-spot, girl. Tell me when it is.”

“Oh, God…”

“Thea, tell me.”

She jerked as the device whirred to life, just a faint humming at first, but sending vibrations right through her quivering pussy.

“I… not yet, a little higher…” Despite her trepidation, lying to Tony was unthinkable. She clenched as he adjusted the position slightly. “Yes! Oh, God, there.”

“Thank you. Now you can concentrate on that while I do my thing here.” He slid his fingers from her pussy to switch his attention to her arse.

Thea had had plenty of practice in the months she’d scened with Tony and instinctively loosened as he pressed the tip of his middle finger against her rear opening. He slid inside, swirling his fingertip within to ease the tension in the ring of muscle there. It felt good. Intimate, caring. Tony’s impact play could be painful, his punishments definitely so, but he never hurt her by accident. Thea knew he would take all the time needed to prepare her, and that was the problem. Her inner walls were already starting to convulse as the vibrator sent wave after wave of sensual pulsing through her helpless pussy.

“Sir, please. Yellow.”

“Already? We’ll be here all night at this rate. Still, I’m not going anywhere…” As he spoke he slid a finger into her to hit the off switch and the relentless pulsing ceased.

“Thank you. May I have a drink of water please?”

“Of course.” The bed dipped as he stood up. There was the sound of a tap running in the ensuite next door. Thea knew he would be washing his hands. Tony was always so careful about hygiene and her wellbeing. He came back to the bed carrying a small bottle of still water, the top already snapped off. Thea pushed herself upright as he held it to her lips, swallowing several mouthfuls of the cool liquid.


“Yes. Thank you.”

Tony re-capped the bottle and placed it on the bedside table. “Are you ready to continue?”

Thea nodded, and leaned forward again.

This time he lubed his fingers before slipping two into her arse. He had to exert more pressure, but it wasn’t painful. It was tight, and it was clear to her he intended to move on fast now, but still he didn't hurt her. When his fingers were fully inserted he used his other hand to re-start the bullet, and she knew this time he’d put it on the next setting up. The vibrations were harder, more compelling, but the impact was less intense. She realised the device had shifted, probably when she knelt upright again. It was no longer applying the stimulation direct to her G-spot. She could manage this, She’d be fine. Except…

“Sir, it’s moved. You’ll need to put it back against my G-spot.”

“Thank you, Thea.” He slipped his fingers back inside her and repositioned the toy. The result was as she anticipated—exquisite agony.

“Please be quick, Sir. This is so hard. I can’t…”

“Relax, love. You’re doing fine. And if you need to stop again, we will.”

His quiet voice was in odd contrast to the demanding throb of the vibrator, working its magic inside her body. Its sexy timbre grounded and calmed her, and Thea knew this would be good. The ‘fucking wonderful’ he’d mentioned earlier might just be within her grasp after all.

Relaxing, she sighed as he inserted a third slick finger into her arse. It wouldn't be long now.

She was almost at the point of calling for another time out when Tony pulled his fingers from her now unresisting rear hole. There was the snap of a condom pack tearing, then the head of his cock was there, at her entrance.

“Push back against me, Thea. Now.”

She obeyed, and his cock breached her arse. His penetration was easy, it felt good. So good. He paused for a few moments, and Thea rolled her hips to adjust the fit, then pressed against him again.

“So eager, little sub.” His low chuckle was warm and Thea basked in his sensual approval. He thrust hard to drive his cock the rest of the way in, then held still as her body re-shaped around him.

“Doing okay still?” His palms bracketed her hips, holding her against him.

“Yes Sir. It feels so good. But I need to come. Can I…”

He leaned forward, reaching around and under her. The pad of his finger connected with the top of her clit and he rubbed hard.

Thea let out a shriek of sheer joy as her body convulsed. Tony continued to caress her clit as the bullet pulsed waves of sensual delight the length of her pussy.

“So good, sweetheart, so tight. I can feel that too.”

“Sir… oh,” Thea’s fingers clenched and unclenched in the small of her back as her orgasm gripped. Tony released the clips holding her wrists together and she stretched her arms in front of her, grasping handfuls of the duvet to crush in her fists.

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