Tell Me (4 page)

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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #alpha male, #billionaire, #boss, #anal sex, #bdsm, #domestic discipline, #Domination, #romance, #figging, #spanking domestic discipline, #submission

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He would expose her. She’d be humiliated, her carefully constructed fledgling career in ruins.

How had this happened? She’d been so careful, taken no risks, but still…

“Anthea? Thea? Sit, please.” His voice was soft but strong, commanding. So him.

Wordless, she sank into a chair at a small meeting table, her mind whirling, desperate to make sense of this turn of events. Tony sat down opposite her.

Moments later Ms Barnard hustled in with a tray bearing a jug of iced water and two glasses. She set that down on the table. If she was conscious of the tension in the room she offered no comment. “I’ll be outside if you need me.”

“Thank you, Isabel.” Tony reached for the jug and filled a glass. He pushed it towards Anthea. “Here. You’ve had a shock. Take a few sips.”

Anthea obeyed, on autopilot now. Something in his voice just brought out that response in her, regardless of the circumstances. In moments she drained the glass, which was refilled straight away. She drank again, then set the remaining water down.

“How did you find me?” Her voice was small, barely a whisper. She experienced a peculiar, detached sense of surprise at how at odds her tone was with her attire. When she dressed for work she was strong, sure, in control and utterly confident. But what came out of her mouth now was her submissive voice, her Wicked Club tone, the one reserved for a different set of circumstances entirely.

“I didn’t. At least, not intentionally. I had no idea that Stephen’s efficient Mrs Richmond and my gorgeous and sexy Thea were one and the same.”

“They’re not.”


“No! I don’t, I mean, that’s different, at the club. That’s not the real me.”

“You look pretty real from where I’m sitting.”

“Please, can't we just forget about this? I’ll go and, and… you don’t have to see me again. You can't tell anyone. The club rules say we have to respect privacy. I won't reveal any details, and you mustn’t either.”

“Whoa, hold it. Why all the fuss? Of course I won’t be discussing your—our—private relationship with anyone else. And I certainly hope I will see you again. I hope to see a lot more of you in fact.”

“No. That wouldn’t do, not at all. I need to keep things private and now, now we…”

“Thea, calm down. This is me, remember. Tony. Your Dom. You can trust me, you know that.”

“No, I mean yes. There I do, at the club. But here, I… it won't work. Not at all. I’m sorry. I have to go.”

Anthea leapt to her feet, grabbing her satchel from the floor beside her chair. Tony remained seated, made no attempt to delay her.

If Isabel Barnard was surprised that her meeting with Tony diMarco had been such a brief affair, again she gave no sign of it as Anthea charged through the secretary’s office looking for all the world as though the flames of Hell were at her heels. The door slammed shut behind her as she broke into a run, heading for the door, the outside.



Chapter Three


Tony charged across his office in pursuit, then winced at the sound of the outer door shuddering on its hinges. He thought better of chasing Thea through the building and instead strolled as far as Isabel’s room. His loyal secretary turned to her boss, leaning against the frame of his office door.

“Went well, then?” Her dry tone caused his eyebrow to lift. “Would you like me to arrange that meeting with my contact now?

“Could have been worse, I daresay.” He levelled a look at her, his determination solidifying. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m not done with Mrs Richmond yet. It just looks like the negotiations are going to be a little more complex than I thought.”

Isabel made a sound which he thought might have been a snort, but he chose not to pursue that now. He needed to think.

Back at his desk Tony poured himself a glass of water and turned over the events of the last few minutes in his mind. So, Stephen Kershaw’s Anthea Richmond and his own beautiful little sub were one and the same woman. Interesting, and unexpected. She was running now, from him and he suspected from herself too. He wasn’t about to let her go, but the situation was fragile to say the least. How best to reel her back in?

He sipped his water and considered the problem, assimilating what he knew about the enigmatic Mrs Richmond.

Mrs? He was as sure as he could be that she wasn’t married, but the lady was turning out to be full of surprises. He would have to check.

He cast his mind back to the first time he spotted the beautiful submissive hovering on the fringes of the action in The Wicked Club dungeon. She had been alone that evening, no collar indicating any prior claim, and that surprised him. It was his first visit to the club as he’d only lived in the city for a few weeks, and he could only conclude that the regular Doms in the area were either blind or stupid. Still, their loss. He made a beeline for her and invited her to join him for a drink.

She was enchanting. Intelligent, soft spoken, her submissive mannerisms had his cock standing to attention within seconds. He hoped she hadn’t noticed, but couldn’t be sure. In the end it didn’t matter, they were both here for the same thing, and when she agreed to scene with him that first night he was determined to impress her.

It was just a spanking, but he knew it brought her right to the edge. She didn’t ask him to stop, but he was experienced enough to know when she’d had enough. Her bottom was glowing in various shades of crimson and red, heat radiating from her buttocks as he caressed them with his palm. He had leaned over her inert, shivering body and asked her if he could touch her. She had nodded, but he wanted, needed more than that in the way of consent.

“Speak to me, Thea. Tell me.”

“Touch me, Sir. Please. I want to come.” Her voice had been breathy, laced with need and arousal. He required no further encouragement.

He had slipped his fingers beneath the scrap of lace which passed as a thong and found her slick folds. He stroked her, opening her as she gasped her delight. Tony normally preferred to make his subs wait, he liked them to earn their orgasms, but not on this occasion. He wanted to please this lovely little sub and he knew she craved this. He slid two fingers into her hot, wet pussy, and she started to convulse. He added a third finger, and knew the instant he located her G spot. Her body jerked violently and she squeezed hard as her inner walls contracted. She was close, almost there. He rubbed, murmured something obscene into her ear, and she came.

Afterwards she lay still, a half smile on her lovely lips. It was an intimate moment, and Tony brushed his mouth over hers. She opened her eyes, beamed at him.

“Thank you, Sir. That was perfect.”

In Tony’s view it was Thea who was perfect. He’d thought so then, and nothing that had happened between them since had altered that opinion. He wanted her, now more than ever. All of her. The question was, how?



Tony sipped his iced water and checked his watch for the third time. Twenty past ten, and still no sign of Thea. She had never been late before, she knew that would be disrespectful and her Dom would not tolerate it. Although Tony knew full well that their encounter in his office two days earlier would have changed everything in Thea’s thinking, certainly her frantic reaction gave that impression, their previously agreed arrangement still stood as far as he was concerned. Neither of them had texted the other to change or cancel it. She should be here.

He waited another ten minutes before pulling out his phone and tapping in a curt text.

Where are you, sub?

He hit send, then laid the phone on the low table in front of him as he waited for her response. She didn’t keep him waiting long.

You knew I wasn’t coming. I told you it was over.

He waited a further fifteen minutes before typing his reply.

You left halfway through our conversation. This is not over. I want to talk to you. You should be here.

The reply was almost instant.

I apologise, Sir. But I can't. Not any more. I’m sorry

Tony waited just couple of minutes before sending his response.

Phone me. Now.

Five minutes passed. He rapped his finger tips on the table, his concern growing. Thea was a spirited sub, she took careful handling, but she was usually obedient. She certainly understood the concept of ‘now’ and would be under no illusion what that meant. It didn't mean take your time and phone me when you get around to it. He needed to bring her back into line, and he knew her well enough to be aware that her head would be all over the place by now. She had defied him, whether intentionally or not. She was doing it still, and she’d be in knots over it.

The phone rang after eleven minutes.

“Hello, Thea. You took your time.”

“I know, Sir. I’m sorry. I just, I needed to think, to work out what I have to say.”

“I see. And what do you have to say, Thea?”

“I should have let you know I wasn’t going to be there tonight. I assumed you’d realise, after what happened, and I, I…”

“Tell me, Thea.”

“I didn't want to make contact with you.”

“Why’s that, Thea?”

“You scare me.”

Her voice had dropped to a whisper, and Tony knew he had to reach her. He was also reasonably certain that it was the circumstances that had frightened her, not him. Thea viewed him with healthy respect which had built over the months they’d scened together. It was the cornerstone of their D/s relationship, and in turn he cherished her trust. She wasn’t scared of him, but he could easily see that in her current confusion she might think this.

“I want to see you. Now.”

“But, it’s late. I’m not dressed. And, I don't want to go to the club.”

He noted with satisfaction that she was querying the details, but not refusing to see him. “Where do you live, Thea?”

“I, I prefer not to say, Sir.”

“Okay. I’m going to text you my home address. I want you to text me straight back and tell me how long it will take you to get there.”

“You want me to come to your house? Tonight?”

“I do. Now. No getting dressed, just come as you are. Immediately. Any questions?”

There was a slight pause, then. “No, Sir. Text me the details please.”




Tony opened the door as soon as he heard the tyres crunching across the gravel in his driveway. He watched from his porch as Thea got out of her car and gazed up at him. The four steps leading up to his door helped to create the right air of authority and he watched dispassionately as she approached him.

Her long, dark hair was loose, falling in unrestrained waves around her shoulders. Her calf-length raincoat covered her entirely. She wore flat sandals on her feet, completely at odds with her usual spiky-heeled footwear. He knew her to be almost thirty, but tonight she looked very young, and more than a little lost. Her eyes were rimmed in red, a sign she’d been crying on the way over here. Tony cursed himself. He should have insisted she tell him her address, then he could have sent a cab for her.

“Sir? I got her as quickly as I could, but there are road works…”

“That‘s fine. You’re not late. Come inside.” He gentled his tone on purpose, seeking to reassure her. This new twist to their usual arrangement would be unnerving enough for Thea at any time, but given her present state of insecurity and ambivalence toward him he sensed he had to proceed with care. These first moments would be crucial.

He waited as she mounted the steps, then shifted to one side to allow her to walk past him into his house.

“First on the right.” He directed her into his dining room. The solid ash table in the centre of the room was bare except for the rattan cane he had placed there earlier, and the leather collar he always insisted she wore when they met at the club. He was well aware these would be the things she would spot the moment she entered and their significance would not be lost on her.

He followed Thea into the room. She was unbuttoning her coat, her gaze locked on the cane. She slid the coat from her shoulders, and he was delighted to see she wore only her bra and panties under it. When she’d told him she wasn’t dressed, she meant that literally. And she’d obeyed his instructions to the letter, come just as she was. He stepped forward and took the garment from her, then was gratified and more than a little relieved to watch her sink to her knees before him.

She didn't speak, just knelt, head bowed, her hands resting palms up on her thighs. Her practised submissive posture conveyed far more than words. She wanted, needed, his dominance and it had to be now. She’d seen the cane, knew what he planned to do to her, and she accepted it. Craved it.

The caning was part of his plan, but it had been his intention to talk to her first. That was his primary purpose in insisting on this face to face encounter, but his gut told him to provide for her immediate needs before his own. Tony rarely ignored his Dom instincts.

He picked up the collar and walked around behind her. “Lift up your hair please.”

She did as he’d asked. He crouched to fasten the leather around her neck. He stood, his hands resting on her shoulders as she leaned into him.

“I’m going to punish you, Thea. For breaking our arrangement to meet at the club tonight, and also for your bad manners at my office earlier this week. You left before we had finished our discussion.”

“Yes, Sir. I shouldn’t have behaved as I did.” Her voice was low, barely more than a murmur.

“I don't doubt you had your reasons, and I will want to hear them. After.” He gave her shoulders a final reassuring squeeze then returned to his position in front of her, one hip hitched on the edge of the table.

Thea followed him with her gaze, never wavering. He recognised the uncertainty in her expression, and the nervousness. But he also saw trust. He could work with that.

“Of course, Sir.” Her tone seemed perhaps a little stronger now, and he was encouraged by it.

“Stand up, please and remove your underwear.”

Thea got to her feet and reached behind her to unclasp the bra. He took it from her, then held out his hand for her panties too. He left her to stand in the centre of the room, naked, while he deposited her clothes in the hallway outside. He re-entered the dining room and leaned against the table again. At first he said nothing. Instead he watched her for a couple of minutes, during which time she remained absolutely still. He had to hand it to her, she was taking this calmly, like the experienced sub she was. Still, he knew he had drawn it out long enough.

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