Tell Me (5 page)

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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #alpha male, #billionaire, #boss, #anal sex, #bdsm, #domestic discipline, #Domination, #romance, #figging, #spanking domestic discipline, #submission

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“Go to the end of the table and lean over it. I’d like you to stretch out, please and lift up your bottom for me. You may grip the edges with your hands. Once in position you are not to move until I give permission.”

Thea gave a graceful bow of her head, then did as instructed.

Tony’s cock swelled and twitched in his jeans at the sight of her gorgeous, upturned bottom presented for punishment. Thea did have the most delightful arse, round, curvy, yet firm—the sight of it never failed to affect him.

It had been over a week since they last scened, and no tell-tale marks remained on her body, nothing to indicate the intense physical nature of their relationship. He never saw her between scenes so had no way of knowing how long she usually bore his marks for. He had a sense that was about to change. He hoped so.

“Ten strokes. Four for your no-show tonight, and six for the display of temper in my office. Are you ready?”

“Yes, Sir. I, I think so. And, can I just say, I’m sorry. About tonight and about that other thing. I don't know what happened, I was confused and…”

Ah, some sign of nerves at last. And the start of a conversation he was keen to continue. About time, but first things first. Tony picked up the cane and tried a couple of experimental swishes through the air. He was gratified to note that Thea flinched at the sound. Yes, ten would be enough to discharge her most recent crop of demons. Then she’d be in the right frame of mind to talk to him some more, and to listen.

“Keep your feet on the floor the whole time. You may make as much noise as you like—my closest neighbour is a quarter of a mile away. This will hurt, but I’ll be quick. Then you can apologise again, and we’ll talk about what happened this week. Okay?”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

Tony quirked his lip as he positioned himself behind her. He wondered if she’d feel quite so grateful after he’d striped her bottom for her.

Probably. He hoped.

Thea let out a sharp hiss and went up on her toes when the first stroke landed, hard across both buttocks. Tony waited a few seconds to allow the sensation to sink into her now rigid flesh, only delivering the second when he saw the slight softening of her muscles as she recovered her composure.

She yelped that time, and he watched as the second vivid stripe bloomed across her bum. She was gripping the edges of the table so hard her knuckles were white, but she managed not to move.

Tony shifted his stance a little and placed the next two strokes on the lower part of her bottom. Each one brought her back up onto her toes, and now she was whimpering between each blow. He waited a few more seconds then laid a stroke across the back of her right thigh.

Thea screamed, as he’d known she would. Sit spots were the most tender. He moved to the other side and repeated the stroke on her left thigh.

She was sobbing now, her body shaking under the stress. Tony paused to admire the six perfectly defined crimson lines which contrasted sharply with her pale buttocks and thighs. These first marks were all parallel to each other, their positioning precise and accurate. He intended to lay the rest diagonally across them, one on each cheek and thigh. A work of art.

He attended to her right buttock first, eliciting another shrill shriek. Thea’s face was turned toward him, resting on the table top, partly hidden behind her wild mane of hair. He could see that her lips were parted slightly. Her tears flowed freely though her eyes were closed. He stroked the tangled mass away from her face, dampening his fingers on her tears. She shifted her head a little, enough to kiss his hand as he caressed her face. On impulse he leaned over and brushed his lips across her temple. He would not usually show any sign of tenderness during a punishment, but this occasion was different. Somehow.

Her lips curled in a soft smile, and she opened her eyes. He smiled back at her. “Almost done.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Her voice was a faint whisper. He knew she was struggling, this caning was harsh. But she wasn’t in distress. She was still with him.

The next stroke landed on her right thigh, crossing the stripe already there.

“Oh, God. Oh Christ, that hurts.”

Tony didn't answer, just shifted ready to place the next one.

Thea screamed at the whoosh as he swung the cane through the air, and her whole body jerked when it landed across her left thigh. Tony hadn’t increased the severity of the blows, but the cumulative effect was beginning to tell. He was pleased there was only one stroke remaining—much more would have resulted in her safe wording. Not a catastrophe, but he could do without that complication tonight.

“Last one.” He waited for her slight nod, then delivered it, sharp and true, cutting a stripe across the two already adorning her left cheek.

Thea’s final scream echoed around his dining room. She remained spread across his table top, her entire body shuddering. Tony tossed the cane onto the table above her head and stood back to admire the exquisite symmetry of his work.

Thea’s breathing was rapid, and her body stiff. Even as he watched, she softened, relaxed. Her death-grip on the edges of the table loosened and her panting slowed.

She opened her eyes and caught his gaze. She offered him a small, apologetic smile. “May I see, Sir?”

“Of course.” Tony fished his phone from his pocket and took a quick snap of her beautifully punished arse. He slid the device along the table to her.

Thea took it and perused the picture for a few moments. She turned her head to look at him over her shoulder. “You have a very firm hand, Sir. And accurate too.”

“I’m glad you appreciate my efforts. You may stand up when you’re ready.”

“Thank you, Sir. I’d prefer to stay here for a few more minutes though, if I may.”

“No problem. Tea?”

“Perhaps in a little while. I, I don’t want you to go anywhere, Sir. Not yet.” Despite her increasing composure, her vulnerability in these moments following a severe punishment was apparent. Tony was prepared for it.

“I know that, love. I brought the kettle in here earlier.”

“Ah, well then…”

Tony busied himself making her a pot of the fresh Earl Grey he knew she favoured, and was pleased when he saw her ease herself gingerly into an upright position after a couple more minutes. He placed her teacup on the table, next to the discarded cane. Then he took a last look at his proud work on her bottom and thighs before draping a soft blanket across her shoulders and pulling the edges together in front of her. He picked her up and carried her to the low sofa at one end of the room. There he sat, and arranged her in his lap.

“Oh, that’s sore, Sir.” She wriggled, trying to keep the weight off her tender skin. Tony let her find the most comfortable position before answering.

“Good. Did it do the trick?”

“Yes. I feel much more … settled now. Thank you. And, I want to apologise if I may, please. For being rude to you, and to your secretary. I would never normally behave like that at work. I was just so surprised. And confused. Scared as well. I never expected to see you anywhere but at the club and I didn't know how to be around you. But—that’s no excuse.”

Tony considered her explanation for a few moments, as far as it went. Her reaction in his office was too extreme to be explained merely as a reaction to having had a shock, or being confused. Her remark about being scared was interesting. There was more to this, he knew it, and he intended to get to the bottom of what scared her so. For now he was content to take some of what she said at face value.

“It was a shock. I get that. I wasn’t expecting to run into you either. I get the impression you don’t like surprises much though. Am I right?”

“Yes Sir, I suppose so.”

“But you’re feeling settled now, you said.”

She nodded, so Tony continued.

“That sounds good to me, we can work with settled. You left your tea over there, on the table.”

“It’s a bit too hot just now anyway, Sir.”

“I see. And talking of hot, would you like me to put some cream on your bum?”

She wriggled against him, sending his swollen cock into another twitching frenzy. He needed to conclude this conversation and fuck her soon, for both their sakes.

“In a moment. I’d just like a cuddle right now. If that’s alright.”

Right, okay then.
He dropped a kiss on the top of her head and gathered her in close. Despite having no relationship outside of the club—well, not up until now—there was something about this little sub which just got to him every time.

Several minutes slid by as he held her, breathing in the essence of Thea’s musky scent. She would be aroused by the caning, he knew that with bone-deep certainty, and so very fuckable. A punishment always had that effect on her and his cock was issuing its own insistent response to the promise of what the rest of their evening held. But he wasn’t led by his dick. Well, not as a rule. First, he had an agenda.

“Let me pass you your tea.”

“Mmm, thank you, Sir.” She squirmed against his chest.

Tony eased her onto the sofa. “Lie on your stomach. I’ll get the cream too.”

He placed the teacup within easy reach on a low side table, and proceeded to re-position her across his lap. The blanket was discarded to lie in an untidy heap on the floor as he traced the still-vivid marks on her bum and thighs.

“Do you know how beautiful this is, Thea?”

“I think I do, Sir. At least, I hope so.”

“You know so.”

She shook her head. “I’m not sure what I know, any more.”

“Oh? Shall I tell you what I know then?” He uncapped the tube of anti-inflammatory cream and dispensed a generous line onto his fingertips.

“I’m not sure I want to hear this.”

“Oblige me anyway. Are you listening, Thea?”

She turned her head toward him, her expression one of surprise. “Of course.”

“I mean
listening. Taking in what I’m saying to you.”

“I… think so, Sir. Oh, that's cold.”

Tony smoothed cream into the delicate skin of her buttocks, massaging slowly, gently as the salve was absorbed.

“Wimp. Stop wriggling. So, where was I? Ah, right. What do I know, about you?” He paused, she seemed disinclined to add any further comments so he continued. “One, you’re a sweet, responsive little subbie. Incredibly sexy, and something of a pain slut on the quiet. I look forward to our scenes, and I’ve pushed you hard in the months we’ve played together. I’ve challenged your boundaries and mine. You have courage, an inner confidence that I’ve watched grow over the time I’ve known you, and an almost limitless capacity to trust. Does this sound like you, Thea?”

He squeezed out another helping of cream and proceeded to apply it to her left thigh, relishing the almost imperceptible shiver that ran through her slim body at his touch. She was hurting, and loving the pain. And concentrating hard on his words. He waited for her response.

“I used to be much more nervous, that’s true. Before I met you. I do trust you. Completely.”

Ah, important progress.

“Nervous how? About your kink, about being submissive? Or more generally?” He took care to keep his tone low and even. He wanted to coax more from her.

“About being a submissive, I suppose. I mean, I always knew, from being quite young, but it has only been in the last year or so that I’ve been able to properly enjoy it. And that’s mostly because of you. I tried with other Dom's once or twice but it felt all wrong. I couldn’t relax. But with you it’s different. It always was, right from that first time. I…like you.”

“I like you too. Very much. Do you still scene with any other Doms, Thea?”

He knew the answer to that one, but wanted to hear her acknowledge it. Since meeting Thea his own appetite for playing with other submissives had waned considerably, but there had been no suggestion of exclusivity in their relationship. He suspected that was another thing that was about to change.

“No, of course not. Only you, Sir.”

“Why of course not? You only wear my collar on those evenings we’re together.”

“I don’t want to. I couldn’t. Another Dom might, might… I just don’t. That’s all.”

“Okay. Good. I’ve played with different subs, but not recently. And I’m happy to keep it that way. Just you, for as long as we both agree that’s what we want. Do we have a deal?”

“I’d like that, Sir. Thank you. Will I get to wear your collar all the time now?”

“Would you like to?” Tony held his breath. He hadn’t anticipated this, but now the subject had come up he was remarkably relaxed at the prospect. A collared sub was a responsibility to be sure, and implied a long-term commitment but he believed Thea would be worth it. It was simple enough for him—he wanted her. He felt on reflection that she probably needed the security, the structure and the sense of certainty that his collar would offer her. It would ground her in a way nothing else could. It would appeal to her psyche, and complete the circle for her. If she was ready to accept it.

“I would, Sir. I’d like to be yours. Just yours.”

Tony tapped the heavy, studded leather band encircling her neck. “I doubt this would go too well with your business suits though. And it wouldn’t be comfortable for wearing all the time.”

Her expression fell, she appeared disappointed. He smiled and brushed his lips across her forehead.

“I’ll provide you with a more decorative one then. Something—unobtrusive. But you’ll understand its significance? Yes?”

“Yes Sir, Thank you.”

“So, in the circumstances, are you prepared to tell me where you live? And I do feel compelled to ask about Mr Richmond?”

“What? Oh, right. That was silly. I was just… confused earlier. Babbling. I live in that warehouse conversion, you know, the Old Flax Mill. By the river.”

“Very nice. Upmarket.”

“It’s tiny, not much more than a studio really. But yes, it is nice.”

“And Mr Richmond?”

“I’m not married. I never have been. It just sounds more professional, and, and businesslike.”

“How so?”

“If people, colleagues, think I’m married they won’t expect me to socialise, or anything.”

“And what’s the problem with socialising? You like to have fun, I know that.”

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