Tell Me (9 page)

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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #alpha male, #billionaire, #boss, #anal sex, #bdsm, #domestic discipline, #Domination, #romance, #figging, #spanking domestic discipline, #submission

BOOK: Tell Me
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“This time yesterday I reckon you’d have had no trouble separating the two. Are we perhaps managing to blur the edges a little?”

“I… maybe. I suppose so. But only because you gave me no choice.”

“Of course you had a choice. You always do. You could have used your safe word. At one point I thought you might.”

“I wanted to please you.”

He glanced at her. “You have. You always do, Thea. You delight me.”

She was speechless, unsure whether to remain still or dance around the dining table. In view of the ginger still embedded in her arse she opted to stay where she was.

“Thank you, Sir. That means a lot to me.”

Tony stood and came back to stand beside her. He dropped the contract on the table. “I think this ginger has done its work now. Hold still.”

He had no need to ask twice. Thea held her breath while Tony drew the vile root from her rear hole, then straightened slowly.

“It’ll take a few minutes to stop throbbing but you’ll be fine soon. Pick up the contract and come here. You’ll need your glasses too.”

Thea followed him across the room to the sofa. He sat and gestured for her to clamber into his lap. She snuggled into his chest, wriggling in an attempt to gain the friction she needed with a growing desperation. Her bum might be less irritated now, on that point he was correct. But her clit felt to be on fire.

“You seem agitated, Thea. Are you alright?”

“I need to come, Sir. May I…?”

“You may. Would you like me to hold your glasses for you?”

Thea handed him the spectacles, then leaned back to rest her body against the leather-covered cushions, her legs still draped across his lap. She wriggled backwards to give herself more space, then spread her legs wide. Using the fingers of her left hand she parted the lips framing her clit, then she reached down with her right hand. She rubbed the swollen nub she had exposed, slowly at first, then gathering strength as her arousal spiked. She was conscious of his gaze, watching her pleasure herself. She relished it. Despite her desire to orgasm, she slowed her stroking to draw out this moment.

Tony said nothing. He leaned back against the sofa, his eyes darkening. Thea looked up at him, smiled, then arched her back. She let out a small cry as her climax overwhelmed her. Shudders wracked her body as waves of accumulated lust pulsed through her, the discharge of the pent up tension she had somehow managed to suppress during the scene. The climax felt to go on for ever, though in reality she supposed it was just a few moments. After, she lay still, limp, her thighs still spread wide.

“Do you feel better now?”

“A little, Sir.”

“Are you ready to continue?”

“I’d like you to fuck me, Sir.”


“Sir, please…”

“Oh Thea, you do beg so prettily. And I find it hard to refuse you anything when you entertain me so well.”

He stood and loosened his jeans, releasing his erection. Thea was delighted to note he seemed to be in a state of some arousal himself. She watched as he produced a condom from the front pocket of his jeans and snapped the foil with his teeth. Moments later, sheathed, he twirled his index finger to indicate she should turn around on the couch. Thea started to move onto all fours.

“No, on your back. Just shift your bum over to the edge.”

Thea obeyed, as Tony knelt in front of the couch. He placed his hands on her knees to push them up towards her chest, and outwards, opening her to him. He leaned forward, and with one swift thrust was inside her.

“Oh God. Oh Sir, Sir…”

“Holy fuck, Thea. So tight, every time.”

“Harder Sir. Faster.”

Tony’s response was to draw his hips back, then drive forward again, filling her completely. Thea let out a squeal, clenching around him. She gripped his shoulders, clinging on as her inner muscles convulsed around his cock. A second orgasm was erupting, deep in her core. She considered for perhaps a millisecond the possibility of somehow fighting off her climax, drawing this delight out for longer, but another deep, sharp thrust put a stop to that fantasy.

“Don’t hold back, girl. I want you to come. Often, and hard. Now.” Tony’s voice was a low growl. He continued to pound into her, his thrusts powerful, demanding, almost savage in their intensity. Thea relinquished any pretence at control as her body arched and convulsed, her second orgasm just moments away.

As her shudders subsided, Tony slowed his thrusts. His strokes now were long and leisurely, a sensual caress, stretching her, the friction rippling against her inner walls. He leaned over to brush his lips across her mouth. Thea parted her lips and his tongue entered, exploring her. He licked, tasted. Their tongues twisted together in an erotic, sensual dance. Thea sucked on his, moving her hands up to tunnel her fingers through his hair. She rarely got to touch him during their scenes, this was a rare treat and she loved the intimacy.

“Christ, girl, you feel so good. So fucking hot.”

Thea squeezed around him, lifting her hips. She locked her ankles behind his waist and dug her heels in, drawing him close, then closer still. She had intended to concentrate on his pleasure for a while, but in moments her body tightened again, readying for another climax. She knew better than to fight it now as every sensation, every tingle, every pulsating quiver seemed to coalesce in her pussy. She moaned her delight as her orgasm swept her along, this time to be joined by Tony. His cock lurched inside her and he drove deep one last time, holding the position. His face was buried in her hair as he let out a muffled oath, then went still.

Neither spoke for several minutes. Thea’s breath came in short pants, her heart beating a rapid fire tempo inside her chest. Tony was the first to recover. He lifted his weight from her, separated their bodies, and disposed of the condom. Standing, he adjusted his clothing. Thea wondered, not for the first time, how he could create such intensity of sensation for her, controlling her responses, consuming her entirely, whilst seeming not to break a sweat himself.

She supposed it was a Dom thing, and thanked God for it.

“Can we deal with this contract now, do you think?” His tone was dry as he picked up the stray sheets of paper now scattered across the floor. He handed the reassembled document to her, then lifted her bodily from the sofa. He sat down and arranged her in his lap, tucking her head beneath his chin. “Where are your glasses, Mrs Richmond?”

“I’m not sure, Sir. Oh, there…” She pointed to the spectacles half-rammed down the space between the cushion and the back of the sofa. Tony helped her to retrieve them and she perched them on her nose.

“Right, let’s hear your comments then?”

Ten minutes later the errant clauses had been re-drafted, errors corrected. Tony nuzzled the top of Thea’s head. “Would you feel confident about signing this now?”

“I think so, Sir. Yes.”

“Good. Even so, I expect you’d prefer to leave the formalities until your first day in the office.”

“Maybe. There’s still one thing puzzling me though. I have a question, about why you want me to work for you.”

“Oh? What’s your question, Thea?”

“You must have discovered something amiss, something that makes you suspicious. What is it?”

He paused, considering. “Stephen said you were smart, and I can see nothing much will get past you. You’re right. There are a couple of things really. We’ve had a mauling at an industrial tribunal. A costly one at that, both financially and in terms of our reputation. Dart Logistics needs a serious overhaul to get our staffing systems up to scratch. I’m not saying we haven’t got good people, but we don't manage them very well.”

“Right. And what else? You said a couple of things.”

“Finance. Our year-end figures seem inconsistent with predictions earlier in the year. It was the same last year. It could be just down to poor forecasting, but I have a feeling there’s more to it. I need someone to audit our accounts for the last couple of years and tell me what’s going on.”

“If you know already where the problems are, why do you need me? Why not just put your house in order yourself?”

“Mrs Richmond, do you ride a bicycle?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“A bicycle, Mrs Richmond. Do you own one?”

“No, of course not.”

“You should try it. Excellent cardio-vascular exercise, although I confess I do rather enjoy giving you a workout myself.” He paused to caress her breast, his palm massaging the soft mound before he took her nipple between his finger and thumb and rolled it gently.

Thea gasped and arched her back, loving his touch. “Thank you, Sir. You are very good for my heart rate. I don’t believe I’ll be purchasing a bicycle any time soon. I did have a bike as a child though.”

“I see. Did you fall off it much? Crash it into trees, that sort of thing?” Tony continued to squeeze and stroke her swelling nipple and Thea found her concentration wandering once more. A firm pinch brought her back into focus.

“From time to time. I survived.”

“I’ll bet you were good at pedalling.”

“Yes. I suppose. I was fast.”

“I can imagine that, your little legs pumping. But without your hands on the handlebars and your eyes looking where you were going, you’d have gone round in circles. Crashed. Probably ended up in the canal or worse. Then where would your faultless, fast pedalling have got you? It would be better not to pedal at all than to do it without direction, without a sense of where you’re going. Do you agree?”

“Yes, I suppose so. But neither can you just sit there pointing your front wheel at things. You need to make it go.”

“Exactly. I run my company. I have my hands on the handlebars and I’m looking ahead. I keep Dart Logistics out of the canal, Mrs Richmond. But I rely on others, you, to do most of the pedalling. You could say I’m a leader, a figurehead. You though, you’re a manager. And a bloody good one. It’s because of good managers that businesses run well. I can steer, but you do exemplary pedalling, Mrs Richmond, and that’s why I need you. We’re a team. Or we will be.”

“I couldn’t do what you do. Take charge.”

“I don't want you to, not here in my home, or in the dungeon. And not at work either. But I do need your technical skills, your understanding of systems and such like. I’m not good at that stuff. So I need someone on my team who is. That’s you, Thea.”

His persistent manipulation of her pebbled nub had ceased. Thea turned in his arms to face him, kneeling in his lap.

“But, you seem so confident. Always. You don't need me. You don’t need anyone.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Mrs Richmond. I do need you. So, where do you think we should start?”

“You keep on about me working for you, and maybe you’re right, perhaps it could work. But it’s hard. Terrifying in fact. I can’t just dump the habits of a lifetime...”

“Do you need to revisit your contract, Mrs Richmond? I believe I may still have some ginger in the fridge.”

“No! I don’t mean that. You made your point and I’m not arguing with you. I just need to take this slower. If you’ll allow that. Please.”

“I need you on the case, Thea. Now.”

“I know, but…”

“How about if you work remotely? At least at first?”

“What? How do you mean?”

“I mean, all my systems at Dart are online. You could log in from anywhere, here for example, and start by overhauling them.”

Thea stared at him, struck not for the first time at his ingenuity and his inventive, flexible approach. In her business life as much as in her kink he was able to anticipate and overcome her issues, her hangups. He made it safe for her. Why had she ever doubted she could work with him as well as play?

She nodded, slowly. “Yes, that could work. I’d be happy doing that for you.”

“Excellent. So, I’ll ask you again. Where would you like to start?”

“Start? I’m not sure I…”

“Please try to keep up, Mrs Richmond. I mean, now that we’ve sorted out the methodology, where are you going to begin your overhaul of Dart Logistics?”

Thea’s head cleared, the ground once more solidifying beneath her. For the first time in days, ever since she’d walked into his office to discover her worlds colliding before her eyes, she felt in charge, certain.

“Oh, finance. Definitely. If the money’s not under control, nothing is. And problems with the accounting system can be pretty fatal if not put right, but they are usually easy to rectify. We get that solid, then look at the rest.”

“Okay. When can you start?”


“It’s Sunday tomorrow.”

“Yes, so no one else will be around. I’ll have a clear run at it, no distractions. Can you let me into your office in the morning?”

“I could, if necessary. But we agreed you can access our networks from here.”

“I’d like to make an early start then. If that’s alright with you.”

“It sounds very sensible. Perhaps we should get an early night…”

Chapter Six


“We have—eggs, two rashers of bacon, some cereals, and half an onion.” Tony turned to Thea, the fridge door still standing open. “I could rustle up an omelette I suppose.”

“Sounds fine. Do you want me to make it?”

“No. I want you to sit there, drink your tea, and tell me what you make of those mid-year accounts. You wanted an early start, remember.”

“Okay.” Thea perched her glasses back on her nose and turned her attention back to the laptop open in front of her. She clicked the mouse a couple of times, and made notes on a sheet of paper next to her.

Tony watched, loving her quiet, studious efficiency. Having abdicated responsibility for their breakfast, Thea’s concentration on the matter in hand was total. He admired her single-mindedness, particularly as this was a quality he’d never cultivated for himself. It wasn’t that he didn't value clarity and focus, but for Tony the real fascination always lay on the far horizon, the allure of possibility and opportunity, of what ifs.

Ten minutes later he slid a plate onto the table beside her. Thea acknowledged it with a slight nod, her gaze never leaving the screen. Tony took his seat opposite and contented himself with sipping his coffee and watching his newest member of staff at work.

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