Sweet Obsession (39 page)

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Authors: Theodora Koulouris

BOOK: Sweet Obsession
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I took the steps two at a time, and when I reached the double doors, I opened them just in time to witness my father come out of my room.
Was he visiting Shaeena and the baby to wish her well, or did Shaeena and my father plot against me?

I had to find out the truth. I hurriedly walked to my chamber and opened the door. The baby was still feeding off Shaeena’s other breast, and if it were not for all the craziness that was happening around us, I could easily have said that I had not ever seen a more beautiful sight than a mother and child bonding in this way.

I closed the door behind me and walked up to the bed. I looked down and could not help but smile. The baby looked content in the warmth of her mother’s arms. Shaeena looked up at me and smiled back.

“How are you feeling, Shaeena?” I asked, not really caring for the answer, but just wanting to sound polite.

Shaeena hesitated before she spoke, as if she were trying to choose her words very carefully. “The baby and I are doing well. As you can see, Nidal, your daughter is enjoying her dinner. If you had come a few minutes ago, you would have had the chance to hold your child,” she said wearily. “The king was just here, and he gave us his blessings. Where were you, Nidal?” she asked, waiting patiently for an answer.

“I was in the gardens, taking a stroll. I had a few things on my mind, and I just needed some space.” I didn’t care for her response, which I knew was coming anyway.

I walked to the other end of the room and sat on the couch. I was frustrated with my life. I just wanted all this to end.

Shaeena was struggling to stay awake. I knew she was really tired from giving birth, and it was only a matter of time before sleep took her. The baby wiggled in her arms and started to yawn as its little body stretched. This little person was related to me. She had royal blood running in her veins. But even so, she was not my daughter. She was Billal’s. I was almost sure of it. My baby was in my lover’s womb, and I was going to do whatever it took to keep her safe. Shaeena and the baby finally fell asleep.

I walked out of the room and lightly closed the door behind me, lest the baby wake up and then Shaeena would not get the rest that any mother who just gave birth deserved. I headed toward the dining room. It was almost dinnertime. I was the first to arrive. The servants scrambled to set the dining table as they threw a tablecloth on it that was probably worth more than all the furniture in this room put together.
Why would the king squander his money like that? Why not put that good money to better use? Like rebuilding the orphanage and bringing in the children who are orphaned from around the country? I’m sure more of them need warm beds to sleep in and hot soup to fill their tummies

I pulled out my chair and sat in it. I put my elbows on the table and rested my head on my hands. I was really tired of life. One would think that I, the crown prince of Arabia, with everything at my fingertips at the snap of a finger, would be pleasantly pleased with my life. But that was far from the truth. I was handsome, rich, famous, loved by all the females of this country, and envied by all the males. I had Loula, the love of my entire life, the reason for my existence. Without her, I was nothing, an empty shell of a man who would cease to exist. I had everything a man could desire, and I was not happy. I was miserable and lonely, and my heart was tortured.

A tear escaped, rolled down my face, and landed on the silk napkin that was neatly folded on the table, just as the servant put an empty plate in front of me, a plate that was of fine bone china with gold trimming around it. This plate alone easily cost a peasant’s monthly wages.
A stupid plate worth so much! One plate alone could feed a family for a month!
I looked around the room at all the other riches. Tapestries and famous paintings decorated the walls. Crystal and porcelain decorated the table. I saw silver water pitchers, fine crystal goblets, and utensils made of silver and gold. All fit for a king, a king who was selfish and greedy, a king who was not worthy to wear the crown.

At that moment, the door burst open, and people started to pour in. The king and queen came first, followed by several of the king’s men. The second- and third-in-command came in next, and then my heart started to beat faster. Billal walked in, holding Loula’s hand as he gently pulled her around the table to their usual seats, across from where I sat. Loula stole a quick glance at me and then lowered her eyes to the table. My heart skipped a beat. I loved this woman so much, and it hurt to be across the table from her instead of next to her. She was mine, and I had no rights to her according to my father. I sighed. This was not as easy as I thought it would be.

Billal acted as if he had every right to be sitting next to Loula. One day, I would wipe that smirk off his face.
Son of a bitch!
He deliberately pushed my buttons. He got a high seeing me suffer.
Well, how about I play his game for once?
Slowly, I pushed my leg forward, and my foot was next to Loula’s, rubbing her ankle. It took her by surprise. Wide-eyed, she looked over at me nervously. I raised my foot a little higher, and Loula squirmed in her seat.

Billal was having conversation with the man who sat to his right. The man kept wiping his sweaty bald spot with his napkin, obviously nervous about something as he chatted away. He had Billal’s undivided attention. Billal was oblivious to my actions. I brought my foot between Loula’s legs and rested it on her private part, and her eyes opened wide with fear. I almost laughed aloud. This was hysterical. But as I continued to rub her most private part, my shaft was taking control of the situation, and it wasn’t funny anymore. I could tell that Loula was getting turned on too. Her eyelids were half-closed, and her hands were pulling the napkin she was holding. She closed her legs tight around my foot, and I almost lost control. This was a very dangerous game that I was playing. I immediately pulled away my foot, and I saw Loula’s eyes open as she shot a glance my way, questioning my motives. I looked away from her before I gave myself away and every person here tonight found me out. It would place us in a very dangerous situation. I hoped Loula was able to read my mind and understand why I did what I did.

I looked at her now. My face was somber, and I noticed she was spaced out. She was coming in her underpants. I could tell by the expression on her face. I wanted to be inside her at this very moment. She was having her moment without me. I was jealous of her underwear that got to touch her skin, while I was at the other side of the table. I wanted to reach over and take her here and now. I could feel myself getting ready to explode.

I must stop this immediately. I made eye contact with Loula and winked. She lowered her head, but not before I motioned with my eyes toward the door, letting her know that I wanted her to meet me in the gardens tonight. I knew my moves were very risky, but I could not help myself. I needed to touch her body. I needed to make love to her tonight. My shaft was hurting. I needed to release it from its pain, and only Loula could do that.

Dinner was served, and I suddenly lost my appetite. I glanced over at Loula, and I saw she too was nibbling at her dinner. With trembling hands, I reached for my wine goblet and drank, washing down my sorrows.

At that moment the king asked, “Nidal, how is Shaeena and the baby?” There was a nasty look in his beady eyes. I wanted to spit in his face. I wanted to tell him to go to hell, but I held my tongue and plastered a fake smile on my face.

“They are faring just fine, Father. They are resting now.”

He looked pleased with my answer, and finally, Father geared the conversation away from me. I was glad not to be the center of attention. It was just like my father to always want to make me feel uncomfortable. He was a master at destroying lives.

At that moment, the king hit the table with his fist and demanded more wine to be brought to him. My poor mother was startled, along with everyone else who sat at the table. The servants were shaking in their boots as they poured wine in the king’s goblet.

The king raised his glass. “Let’s drink a toast to the new member of the royal family.”

Everyone raised their glasses in the air.

“God bless the baby and its mother,” they all said cheerfully.

I too raised my glass and thanked everyone for their warm wishes. Then I rested my eyes on Loula, who was trying to hide her tears by this time. She swallowed, turned to Billal, and asked him to pass her the salt, and as Billal did as he was told, Loula quickly glanced at me and nodded lightly before she turned and grabbed the saltshaker from Billal’s hand.

I felt a warm rush inside my body. She had just let me know that she accepted my invitation to meet her tonight in the gardens. I would wait for her all night if I had to. I needed her to touch me like no other woman ever had. Only she could clench my thirst. My shaft was swollen, and it hurt. I placed my hand on it, trying to cover up the evidence, but it was no use. It was throbbing with pain. I stood quickly, excused myself, and practically ran out of the room.

Out in the hallway, I headed for the nearest bathroom. I had to relieve some of the pain my shaft was feeling. I opened the door and stepped inside, and I quickly pulled out my swollen shaft and started to play with it. Almost immediately I came, and I felt such relief. As I was washing my hands, I looked in the mirror and saw my face. It was red from the heat of the moment, and a wave of anger took over my heart and mind. I played with myself like a jack-off. I was a jack-off. I punched the mirror and watched it shatter to pieces as it fell into the sink. My hand was throbbing with pain as the blood rushed down my arm. I took the towel that was folded neatly next to the sink on a cherrywood table and wrapped it around my hand to stop the bleeding. This had to stop. I was going crazy. I needed to have a talk with Loula tonight. We had to come up with a plan. I needed her. I wanted her badly.

I walked out of the bathroom, and a couple of servants were standing outside the door with a broom and a dustpan in their hands, waiting for me to leave so they could clean up.
They knew
, I thought wildly. They had that knowing look on their face. I marched outside the palace and walked straight to the back of the gardens where my hiding place was. I threw myself down on the grass and cried like a little baby. I had become someone else.
Whatever happened to my ego? Where had my self-esteem gone? Who have I become?

I was always so sure of myself. I was strong and proud of who I was. Every man wanted to be me. I was envied throughout the country. I used to chase the women from a young age. Now I barely noticed them. I used to wet my pants thinking about screwing all of them, and now I only desired Loula.
Am I a fool, or am I a man in love?
I lay there waiting, frustrated and hoping that Loula would come soon.

Hours later, when the lit torches were about to let go of their flame and diminish what little light lit the pathway to where I lay, I awoke from a brief sleep that I must have slipped into. I heard bare feet walking softly on the grass heading where I lay. I squinted and tried to make out the face of the onlooker, making sure it was her. When I confirmed it, I jumped up and grabbed her, pulling her to me. She collapsed into my arms as we kissed passionately. We dropped to the floor and undressed, shedding our garments quickly as we panted for breath. Naked, I wasted no time plunging into her with such force that I almost forgot she had my baby inside her womb.

Loula cried out like a wanton woman as I slammed deep inside her. We both climaxed at the same time, and our bodies shuddered in ecstasy as we lay now in each other’s arms, sweating and out of breath. I whispered my love for her in the dark. This was what I lived for. This was what I would one day die for.

My eyes drifted over her breasts and down her belly, and a strangled sound escaped my lips. I was still aroused, and my shaft was still throbbing. I wondered if Loula felt the same as I did as my hands reached between her legs and I skillfully played her until she screamed for me to take her one more time. I was bewildered as to why fate wanted to punish us by keeping us apart. This was what I was born to do. This was my fate. This was my sweet obsession. I waited and entered her slowly this time. I wanted her to beg for me to take her. And beg she did.

She cried for me to make love to her, to take her to new heights she had never reached before. She cried my name again and again until tears rolled down her face. I shuddered wildly inside her as I came, spilling my seed once again inside her. She purred like a wild cat and collapsed in my arms. We both lay there, our bodies still trembling from our lovemaking. I trailed kisses along her long, slender neck, and she intertwined her fingers in my hair and pulled my head down until my lips reached and sucked at her breasts. She moved in rhythm to my body. I was still inside her, and she could not get enough of me or I of her. How many people could say that their love life was as powerful as ours? No one could because it didn’t exist anywhere else in the universe. We had it all right here under the stars, and that was why I could never let her go. She was my match in every way. I would die for her if I had to.

The moon cast its moonbeams on Loula’s body, and she looked like a goddess as she lifted her body to a sitting position and her hair fell down her waist. I held my breath. Her beauty was above and beyond anything I had ever seen. With trembling hands, I reached up and caressed her breast. They were much fuller than I knew them to be. It was because she was with child, my child.

I closed my eyes and pulled her to me. As she lay on top of me, I asked hoarsely, “Do you love me?” I held my breath as I waited for her reply. I knew the answer, but I still wanted to hear it from her lips. It had been a while since she last told me, and I yearned to hear it again.

“You know I do, Nidal. I love you desperately with every fiber of my being. I love you more than I love myself, but not more than I love my child, Nidal,” she said passionately.

And I looked at her and said hoarsely, “Our child, Loula. It is our child.” I claimed her mouth before she uttered another word.

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