Submissive Training (8 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Denys

BOOK: Submissive Training
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Kat came with a screeching yell, which reverberated around the room, swiftly followed by Ben with a groaning, “Yesss.” Both of them took deep breaths to gain back much-needed oxygen as they weathered the aftershocks.

As soon as he calmed down, Ben bitterly regretted what he had done. He had had no intention of making love to Kat, and at the first opportunity he had done just that. He pulled out quickly, righting his clothes and untying her. As she started to sit up, somewhat shakily, he ran an equally shaky hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. That shouldn’t have happened. You have every right to complain to the conference organizers.”

She looked at him, and he saw a variety of emotions cross her face, ecstasy being replaced with dismay and disappointment. “It’s all right. I pushed you into doing this. I have no intention of complaining,” she said magnanimously.

“Thank you.” He left hurriedly.

* * * *

Kat was left wondering what the hell had just happened. Not only had she demanded he make love to her—and that went against type for her, at least in bedroom matters—but she had just had the best sex of her life, with the man she wanted more than anything, and then he had run out as if she was a disease he didn’t want to touch.

Still kneeling against the bench as she ruminated, she didn’t hear the door open quietly. It wasn’t until a hand touched her still-naked buttocks, fondling them, that she realized she wasn’t alone. But it wasn’t Ben’s hand. She squealed in fright.

“I can see you have had a good spanking, my dear,” stated Maurice.

As Kat tried to get up, he held her down.

“The way he just left the room, he clearly doesn’t want you. I can give you exactly what you need.”

She felt Maurice’s lips on her butt, and wrenching herself out of his grip, Kat cried, “No!” Pulling her panties up, she quickly grabbed her dress and wrenched open the door sharply, thankful there was no one in the corridor to see her nakedness.

Chapter Six

After quickly donning her dress as soon as she was outside the room, Kat then rushed back to her bedroom.

Leaning back against the door, she shook violently in reaction to the events that had just transpired, not only with Ben, but the unexpected arrival of Maurice. She wasn’t sure how to take Maurice but didn’t really like the idea of being touched intimately by him. Not to mention that his comments about Ben rankled.

Breathing slowing and her heart beating less violently, Kat moved to lie on her bed and pulled the cover over her, curling in fetus position, trying to calm down.

Tears gathered in her eyes as she remembered Ben’s comments. It was those that upset her so badly. She came to the conclusion that it hurt so much because part of her was in love with him already.

She pondered if it was just lust as the sex had been incredible and that coming after the amazing spanking. She never thought in a million years she would like something so sinful so much. Unable to resist, she reached back to touch her buttocks, remembering how it had felt when his hand had hit her.

If it was just lust, then why did she have the need to prove herself to him, to make him proud of her, to want to be the only submissive in his life?

Her ruminations as she calmed down meant she missed lunch and the afternoon session she had signed up for on enforced chastity. The latter was a shame because it had sounded so intriguing, but it couldn’t be helped.

The rest of the day was spent debating whether to stay or not, and finally she came to a decision after much soul-searching. Her fascination with the lifestyle notwithstanding, she just had to persuade Ben she could be his submissive. She’d do whatever it took. Well, she thought she could.

She had hoped she would see him at dinner, but there was no sign of him. Instead, she got together with Ellie and a group of fellow students, and they wandered into the lounge she had hidden in her first day there, relaxing comfortably in the chairs talking about the activities they had individually attended during the week. Some of them had been in the same sessions as Kat, but some had experienced different workshops.

“You didn’t want to go to tonight’s expert demo then?” asked Paulene. Kat frowned. She had forgotten there was a demo tonight.

Ellie answered for both of them. “Remind us what the topic is? We’ve seen so much this week my mind is chockablock with images.”

Kat was a little surprised that Ellie hadn’t attended the demo as she usually went to everything she could, but when she had arrived at Kat’s room later in the afternoon to find out how things had gone Kat had been naturally rather cagey about what had happened. Ellie must have guessed something was up as she hadn’t left her side all evening.

She was brought back to the present when they all chuckled in agreement with Ellie’s description of the state of their minds.

“The demo is on the uses of various types of harness. Apparently it is a very advanced technique as you could seriously damage the sub’s arms or even legs if not careful, so we beginners aren’t actually getting to try it out this week,” said someone who had been in several of Kat’s classes, but she hadn’t got her name yet.

Narrowing her eyes in thought at that comment, Kat asked, “Is there a follow-on course for advanced students then?”

Everyone looked at her in surprise.

“Well, it makes sense if this week is for beginners that they would have other ones.”

At that moment, Master Gary passed through the room, and they called him over.

He leaned over the back of an easy chair, listening as Kat reiterated her question. “Kat is perfectly correct. We do run advanced courses. In fact, some of those who have shown an aptitude for advanced work this week may be invited to attend the next series of workshops we are hoping to run in the summer.”

They looked around at each other, trying to ascertain if any of them had the aptitude. All of them present had blue collars, indicating beginners, Kat recalled. All except her. She frowned, wondering, not for the first time, why she had a different color one to everyone else.

Master Gary chuckled in response to the question on their faces and raised a hand. “No, don’t ask. If you have the aptitude, you will be invited.” Kat realized with a start he was referring to the advanced workshops, not her collar.

“Well, can you at least give us an idea of what type of things an advanced student would learn?” asked Ellie.

Considering the question carefully as he stood up, Gary cupped his jaw. “Hm, not sure how far I should answer that, as none of you is advanced enough…Naturally you would all be expected to spend the whole time naked in your respective workshops. There is no shilly-shallying around with partial nakedness. We’ve been very lenient with you this week bearing in mind most of you have never even been involved in these things before.”

Kat swallowed and ducked her head. She knew she was one of those shilly-shallying around and wondered if Ben thought so too. Could she go naked in public? She might have to in her quest to prove her worthiness to him.

“Also, all the topics of the expert demos you have had on offer this week would be available for practical study by the students, not just as demonstrations. And that’s all I am going to tell you. Just make the most of what you are being taught this week, and above all, enjoy it.” With that, he left.

That got them thinking. Excitedly, they tried to remember what all the expert demos were. There was the harness demo taking place at that moment which clearly none of them had wanted to attend. Or maybe they were just tired from all the learning so far.

“There was the one yesterday evening when Master Gary let his submissive be cropped by Master Ben. That was fascinating,” said one of the group.

Kat wasn’t so sure. It wasn’t the cropping she disliked as the fact that Ben had been the one to administer it to someone else. Every time he had hit Erica, the submissive part of Kat wished it had been her there. Maybe it was just the jealous part of her. She shook her head inwardly. As if she could do that in front of everyone else. She then brought her thoughts back to what the others were saying.

“And what happened the first evening? Oh, I remember, being the first night, it was rather tame. At least now it appears tame, but at the time I was quite shocked,” said Paulene as they all laughed at how easily stunned they had been at the start of the week.

Frowning, Kat realized she couldn’t remember for the life of her what had happened at that one. Ellie noticed and laughed. “It was inspection. Master Maurice showed how he would inspect a sub.”

They all giggled as they remembered the sub’s discontented reaction to being prodded and probed, checked for stray pubic hairs, the sensitivity of her breasts assessed, and so on. The sub wasn’t a regular of the Master, they learned, but one that had been brought in for the event.

“But I thought a sub had to let the Dom do whatever they wanted?” asked Paulene.

“Hm, but surely they don’t have to do it excitedly if they aren’t particularly happy with the person doing it, even if they had agreed in advance,” Ellie responded.

That gave Kat something to think about. “Okay, but what are the other demos coming up?” They looked at each other blankly. Clearly she wasn’t the only person to forget.

After racking their brains without success, Ellie ran off to her bedroom to retrieve her induction pack.

Meanwhile the others continued having their discussion.

“Did I hear you say over dinner that your individual session was the flogger?” asked Paulene to the girl on her right. “What was that like? I’ve always wanted to try out flogging.”

They all looked at her amazed.

“Well, I have!”

The person who had experienced that activity replied, “It was interesting but scary. Not sure I want to try it again. I’m a bit of a pain coward. I’m not really into the S&M or discipline stuff. Although I did enjoy being tied up.”

“Go on,” asked Kat, remembering back to her time on the spanking bench, which would have been a very different experience to what the others had gone through. Ellie had told her earlier that evening about her time on the St. Andrew’s Cross, and she had enthused about it.
But then she would

“Oh, I was hung from a hook in the ceiling where a chandelier used to hang, I think, while my legs where cuffed spread-eagled to hooks attached to heavy blocks on the floor. I can tell you by the time the flogging started I was dripping. Thank God I still had my panties on, or it would have gone all over the floor.”

That got laughs from them all, and then Ellie arrived back and they poured over the pack. The remaining demos were Shibari, Use of a Queening Stool, and How to Best Use a Feather.

“A feather? In sexual play? How? What? Why?” They chuckled at Paulene’s astonished reaction.

* * * *

Smiling to himself, Ben listened to the discussion going on behind him. He was amazed they hadn’t noticed him, but he was sitting in a high-backed chair facing away from them on the other side of the room. In fact, it was only when he heard Kat’s voice that he peered around the chair to ascertain it was actually her.

He had deliberately stayed away from her after this morning’s debacle. No, he couldn’t call it a debacle. It had been wonderful. He had to stop himself groaning out loud as he recalled how amazing she felt beneath him as he thrust into her, Kat’s hot, wet pussy clutching tightly at his cock.

Grimacing, he felt his cock harden in memory and widened his legs as if to make it go down.

It wasn’t the sex he hated as it was something he had wanted to do from the first time he saw her months ago, just the fact that she had maneuvered him into making love to her in the first place. He frowned. On the other hand, it wasn’t as if he had objected too highly.
And I call myself a Dominant
. He shook his head in annoyance. He had debated long and hard about why he gave in so easily, knowing it was more than the sex, but resisted admitting anything further to himself.

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