Submissive Training (6 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Denys

BOOK: Submissive Training
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Meanwhile he stood to the side of a frame in the middle of which hung a woman, her hands tied to either top corner of the frame, her feet pulled apart and tied to the bottom two corners themselves fixed to ground supports to add stability to the entire structure. She wasn’t off the ground, but her feet weren’t totally flat to the floor either, just her toes. Erica was a submissive belonging to Master Gary, and she had taken part in demonstrations on various occasions. Although this time it wasn’t her Master doing the demonstrating but him.

“Come on. I haven’t got all evening,” he chided the latecomers. It looked like most of the conference delegates had come to watch and he had to raise his voice. “Very well, settle down and listen.”

Silence settled quickly as they were clearly eager to find out more.

“There are various ways in which a sub can be restrained for their punishment. It doesn’t always have to include an apparatus like this. A Dom could simply take you over his knee for a spanking. You will see, and maybe experience, other ones during the week. I have chosen this frame which resembles a hanging frame because it allows me to administer punishment to the sub’s backside as well as to their front. In this instance, I could have hung her from a hook in the ceiling, but then she might have moved around, and I need her to be static for my purposes.”

Stopping to take a pause seemingly, but in reality to glance over at Kat, he saw her body was rigid.
Damn, if she hates what she’s seen so far, she’s going to loathe the rest of the demonstration

He continued, trying to concentrate on what he was doing. Any form of B&D was dangerous, and he needed to give it his full attention. “Not all implements are suitable for punishment to areas other than the buttocks and thighs. Ladies, if you have a big butt that gives you more padding.”

That got a laugh, but was a well-rehearsed line, so he could afford to include it in his lecture without it affecting his concentration.

“At all times it is advisable to avoid the lower back so not to damage vital organs like the kidneys. So if someone ever tries that, I would suggest you to use your safe word and get away from them as fast as you can. However, if your Master is properly trained, they will know which parts of the body are safe for the implement they are using. You might be interested to know that there are fewer injuries inflicted in BDSM than a person receives in sports like boxing or football.”

The room was deathly quiet, all of them listening to his every word. It was moments like this that he enjoyed being a Master, knowing he had the crowd enthralled. He got a similar kick when lecturing. In the real world he was a university lecturer who taught history.

Deciding to stir them up, he suddenly flicked the crop in his hand so it cut across the quiet with a crack. Pretty much everyone jumped and then laughed in embarrassment.

“This, in case you have forgotten, is a crop. The sub restrained here is Erica, who has been very naughty according to her Dom, Master Gary over there, as she keeps ‘coming’ without permission. He has therefore authorized twenty strikes.”

There was a gasp as the crowd took this in. Clearly they thought this was excessive. He glanced at Kat’s face. She was biting her bottom lip, but her eyes looked bright and excited.

“Hands up, how many of you think twenty is too many?” He waited patiently for about half the class to raise their hands. He noted with surprise that Kat wasn’t one of them. “And what about you, Erica, do you think twenty is too many?”

The restrained woman chuckled. “No, Sir. Not nearly enough.”

“In that case, what do you think, Master Gary? Should we raise the total, say to twenty-five?”

“I suspect you are playing into her hands,” was the wry answer as Gary clearly thought she had said that to get more erotic punishment. “But by all means, give her the extra.”

As everyone was looking toward Master Gary, they were all startled when Ben suddenly whipped the crop at Erica’s buttocks, forcing a cry from her which was echoed around the room as the attention of the students was brought back to him, just as he had intended.

* * * *

Kat had jumped when he hit Erica but stifled an exclamation, unlike Ellie next to her who had also grabbed Kat’s arm, startling her as she did.

As Ben continued with four more hits to Erica’s buttocks, followed by five to the backs of her thighs, Kat was hard-pressed not to flinch with every hit. She looked closely at Erica’s face. She might be crying out with every hit—which were a hell of a lot harder than the flogging given to Celia earlier, much to Kat’s surprise—but her face seemed to show pleasure not pain.

Ben came around to the front of the frame. He took a moment to remove his jacket and roll up his sleeves.

“It isn’t advisable to give a sub all their strokes in one go. A good Dom will take his time giving the sub a moment to recover from the first lot before continuing. That is the real reason I have taken this opportunity to remove my jacket and roll up my sleeves. Another way might be to turn away to talk to someone, take a sip of water, check on bindings, and so on. At the same time as letting the sub recover, it also gives time for their arousal to build, their tension to increase.”

At that moment he raised the crop and hit her on the front of her thighs this time, another five. He stopped again.

Wondering which parts of her body Erica preferred being hit, Kat watched closely.

“Tell me, Erica,” asked Ben. “Which area hurts the most so far?”

Kat started. It was almost as if he had read her mind.

“Back of the thigh. That stings the most.” As she said that, Gary moved around to rub her thighs soothingly.

“Pain tolerance from one person to another varies enormously. A Dom will learn those tolerances. As they continue with the punishment, they might take time out to rub the worst hit area like Gary has just finished doing. Another method might be just to have a lighter touch in some areas.”

As he finished, he raised his hand high. Kat flinched thinking he was going to hit Erica in the face, but he brought the crop down on her left breast, hitting the nipple squarely, if less fiercely than before. Erica cried out loudly—the loudest yet.

“Too hard?” Ben asked the restrained submissive.

“No, just right.”

Kat could have hit him herself for the satisfied smirk he now gave the crowd. He continued with another four hits to the breasts. She noticed Erica was shaking violently by the time he had finished.

“Oh God. Master, please let me come?”

“No.” Both Ben and Gary spoke at the same time. Then Gary continued, “You know better than that. You cannot come until your chastisement is complete, particularly as you requested the extra punishment. I count five more to go.”

Ben turned back to the crowd. “As you know from earlier sessions, a sub may be punished in public or in private. If the sub is not into exhibitionism and the reason for the punishment is to admonish and not for erotic pain, then public humiliation is ideal. If, like Erica here, they are into exhibitionism
love erotic pain, it might be necessary to spread out their penance to make them suffer or wait for their climax. You might also like to gag them in some way because they are then unable to show their excitement vocally or call out to their Master for permission to come. They have to wait until their Master decides it is time.”

Kat nearly giggled at the look of undiluted hatred Erica just gave Ben behind his back as he spoke. He was clearly oblivious to what had happened. That was interesting, she considered, as it meant the submissive didn’t have to be totally without emotion. Although if he had seen
would it have earned her more punishment? The thought of Ben giving herself such punishment for her own misdemeanors got Kat’s heart racing.

“And now for the final set of strikes. You may be wondering where I am going to place these ones, and you may be surprised at where I do put them… ” He paused, clearly for emphasis. “It is going to be her pussy.”

Loud gasps followed this announcement, not least from Kat. Holy shit, she thought to herself, resisting the urge to cover her own pussy in instinctive reaction. Instead, she clenched her hands tightly around her arms.

Ben held up the crop. “This instrument is ideal, unlike a whip whose lash might damage the sensitive pussy area. You may also note I have left this area of her body to the last. That is because I know Erica will be very aroused at this point, and her clit is going to be engorged, so when I strike it, it will cause an extreme reaction. She may very well climax as I do. On the other hand, Erica is very experienced, and she will hold back until I am finished.” He turned to her. “Only on the last strike you may come, do you hear me?”

“Yes, Master.” Erica’s shaking, which had subsided in the interim, had increased again in anticipation.

Kat jumped as Ben gave Erica the first hit, and she raised a hand to her mouth to muffle any sounds she made in sympathy.

Erica cried, “Oh God.” And then thrust her body forward as much as she could as if to get to the crop herself. The second hit, Kat noticed, was lighter but had no less a reaction from Erica. The third and fourth were given quickly. Kat saw Erica squirming desperately, trying unsuccessfully to close her legs.

“Pleeeease, Master.”

As he gave her the final hit, the cry of release that came from Erica resounded around the room. Kat looked around her, wondering if anyone had similarly come. Her own clit was pulsing so madly it wouldn’t take more than a brush of a hand to come herself, and that stunned her as she hadn’t been aware when erotic pain like this had become arousing to her instead of a mystery.

So entranced by what had happened and her own reaction, Kat was surprised when Maurice took center stage. She hadn’t even noticed the trainer coming into the room. She shuddered. He gave her the creeps the way he leered at her breasts.

“Right, everyone. That is the end of the demonstration. Tomorrow you will be paired off with a Master to have individual sessions. Because we have more students than Masters, these individual tutorials will be staggered and those not having them will be attending the usual lessons.”

Ellie looked over at Kat, the excitement evident in her face.

“At breakfast tomorrow morning, you will be given a sealed envelope with your name on it. Inside will be a room for you to go to and the time scheduled. There will also be the name of the activity you will be undertaking. All these activities follow on from this demonstration. In other words, you will be experiencing different forms of bondage furniture and a punishment.”

Kat groaned as Ellie jumped up and down with eagerness.

“You won’t have a choice, so don’t think you can swap your envelope with someone else. You are a submissive remember, you will do as you are told. Similarly, you will not know the person who will be training you in this session. You will obey whoever turns up. Your instructions on arrival in the room will be to strip and take up the presentation position you were shown previously. If you are still uncomfortable being naked, you may keep your underwear on. That is all. Good night.”

Chapter Five

Day Three

Kat arrived at breakfast the next morning with trepidation. She hadn’t slept much the night before. The events of the day had raced through her head, and the anxiety of what was to come lay heavily on her. It was one thing to attend workshops with others around, but quite another to be alone with a Master. And would she get Ben?

Ellie raced ahead to get to her envelope lying on her plate and tore it open. “Oh wow. I’ve got the St. Andrew’s Cross. Holy Mary!”

She smiled at Ellie’s expression and laughed as Ellie jumped up and down. “Come on. Open yours.”

Kat’s smile faltered and she forced herself the last few steps to the table and gingerly reached out to the envelope. Taking a deep breath, she opened it.

Spanking bench. Room 512.

Echoing Ellie’s curse in her head, she re-read the note.
Oh. My. God
. Apart from being spanked as a child when she had done something naughty, at no time in her adult life had any lover even suggested doing anything like spanking. She knew her sister, Rebecca, had done it with Jon, as it had come out at one of the Champagne Friday evenings with her gang of girlfriends. They had read about a couple who indulged in spanking fetishes. At the time she had grimaced, feeling it was too much information to know about her sister’s sex life, but part of her had been intrigued.

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