Submissive Training (10 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Denys

BOOK: Submissive Training
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Reaching out her hands to touch them, Kat responded, “Sorry. You’re on your own with this one.”

A voice rang out across the room. “Since Ellie seems to be so interested in the item she is holding, we clearly have a volunteer.” The room erupted in laughter. Ellie blushed and bit her lip. “Actually, Ellie, I do need someone to try them out, but you need to be totally undressed. Are you up for it?” asked Gary.

“Oh shit!” Ellie turned to Kat who shrugged. “O–okay. I think. Oh God.” She handed the chains to Kat and turned away to remove her clothing.

Kat was a little stunned. She never expected this degree of exhibitionism from Ellie despite her usual enthusiasm. She whispered to her, “Are you sure about this? You don’t have to volunteer, you know.”

“No, I want to.”

Gary then came over, and taking the item in question, he beckoned the class into a semicircle. “Please stand in presentation,” he requested of Ellie. She complied quickly and easily. Kat was astonished at her and slightly jealous of the ease with which she did it.

“There are all sorts of chain configurations that clip onto collar, cuffs, and other areas including piercings. No, don’t worry,” he started to say to Ellie, who looked about ready to run out of the room. “I’m not going to pierce you, only clamp you.”

He asked her to hold her arms out from her body. He then slipped two lengths up her arms to rest over her shoulders so that two ends hung down her front, those had clamps attached which rested at breast height. As Ellie was turned around, Kat could see there were two ends hanging vertically down her back. “We can now join the chains at the back so that it hangs like a blouse, if you will.” Taking separate fastenings, which Gary had taken off as he started, he clipped them to the two chains at the back, joining one side to the other horizontally across her body one at shoulder height and another across her buttocks.

“A jolly brief blouse,” came a comment from Celia.

Gary glared at her briefly before turning Ellie back. “You will see that the clamps attached now fall in the front. I can see some of you are starting to get the picture.” He took hold of one clamp by Ellie’s right breast, which was hanging from the chain over her shoulder. “If we open up the pincers, we can attach it to this nipple.”

Kat quickly looked at Ellie’s face to see what her reaction was. Apart from her mouth open in an expression of “Oh cripes,” she didn’t balk, just winced as the fastening closed. Gary then did the same to the other nipple. As he did this, she could see there was another chain that now linked the two pincers. This looped down beneath Ellie’s breasts. He tugged on it.

“Oh my God.” Ellie’s comment was echoed by others in the room.

“Are you all right, Ellie?” asked Kat, somewhat concerned.

“Yeah it feels strange, but God am I aroused!” Laughter followed this comment.

“That’s great because you are supposed to feel aroused.” Gary continued, “Now you will see there is a final chain hanging down from the one between her breasts, which I have just tugged on, that has another clamp lower down.”

Ellie looked down. “Oh shit, you’re not going to do what I think you are, are you, Sir?” She was biting her lip again.

“I certainly am. Are you okay for me to continue? If so, please widen your legs further.”

She swallowed nervously and widened her legs in response, closing her eyes in what appeared to be embarrassment as Gary knelt down on one knee and held out the fastening he was referring to.

“This is a clit clamp.” A gasp resounded around the room, and then silence followed as everyone waited to see if he would actually attach it. Another intake of breath came when he did.

Kat looked at Ellie’s face. She was grimacing and shaking slightly. “Ellie,” she asked softly. “Are you okay?”

Ellie was biting her lip but nodded, her eyes still closed.

“Good girl. And that’s how it attaches.” Standing, he turned her slowly, showing all sides to the class. “The fastening across the back holds it in place so it doesn’t slip off her shoulders, and it gives a structure on which the clamps can hang. Now you could have an even more complicated set. I’ve used one before with a chain which goes snugly between the legs and is attached to the one across the buttocks. But I’m not going to demonstrate that one this time.”

Kat smiled and said softly, “You do look stunning in that.” When Ellie grinned as she finally looked down at herself, Kat wondered if she would ever be that brave.

However, Gary wasn’t finished. “Someone hand me the leash.” Ellie looked startled. “A final thing your Dom can do while you are wearing this is attach a lead to anywhere on the configuration but be very careful as a sudden movement might cause pain.” With that, he attached the leash he had been handed to the chain that was hanging down to Ellie’s clit from her breasts in a Y formation.

“Surely you should be telling prospective Doms this, not us,” came the sarcastic comment from Celia.

“We do, but you need to know what the consequences are so you can indicate if you don’t want to wear such a chain beforehand. But before we finish, Ellie, tell everyone what it is like when I pull the leash.” He pulled her slightly toward him.

“Oh my God. It pulls on my nipples and my clit. If I wasn’t aroused before, I would be now.”

“And so ends this morning’s lesson. These bindings are used not only for restraint but to enhance arousal.”

* * * *

Ben caught up with Kat in the restaurant at lunchtime. He had deliberately stayed out of the morning session. Not that he was scheduled to be in that one, but he still felt guilty over yesterday’s lovemaking, which had been amazing, incredible, in fact. However, he still didn’t regard her as the submissive type, or at least not his submissive type, despite his strong attraction to her and a desire to spend time, a very long time, teaching her the ways of his life. He also knew she was attracted to him, so he had to do something to turn her away from him before she got too hurt.

That consideration gave him food for thought as he had never worried about his subs’ feelings in the past. Or was it his feelings he was worried about if she rejected him and his lifestyle like he thought she would probably end up doing? He put that thought aside and hardened his resolve.

“I hear you took part in the bondage implement session this morning?”

Kat whirled around, startled by his presence, her face going pale at his sudden appearance. “Um, yes.”

“And I hear that
was the person to volunteer for the demonstration.”

She seemed stung by his words. “Well, I tried out the spreader bar.”

“While fully clothed, I imagine?” He tried to put as much sarcasm into his voice as he could. It was hard. She looked at him so wistfully, with much need in her eyes, and he just wanted to see her smile, hear her laugh. He missed her laugh he realized as she seemed to have spent much of the week in a state of amazement or shock.

“Yess.” She frowned, clearly wondering where he was going with this.

“Consider this, during the few things you have volunteered for in public so far, you have kept your clothes on while others have stripped off totally. I still declare that you aren’t submissive material.”

As he left her standing stunned in the middle of the room, he felt glad about having said it. He was pleased to get some control back in their relationship even if he felt a right heel for having said it. He argued to himself it was in her best interests, ignoring the pain he felt.

Now, how to explain that the green collar she was wearing indicated she was his submissive? And how was he going to get out of it?

Chapter Eight

Kat paced up and down outside a room. There was a sign on the door which gave her some qualms.

Advanced students only

She had decided to change her afternoon class after what Ben had said. She would show him she could show off her body. But, she winced, was attending a nipple piercing session really the right way?

Straightening her back and taking a deep shuddering breath, she entered.

The female trainer turned to her. Kat had only seen her at a couple of sessions. She seemed to recall her name was Mistress Stella. “You’re aware this class is for advanced students only—usually for those with purple or red collars?”

She nodded and, after a brief hesitation, was allowed in. There weren’t many there, just eight. Unfortunately Maurice was also in attendance, which startled her. He smirked as he studied Kat. Determinedly ignoring him, Kat moved into the room. In the middle there was a seat like a dentist’s chair, only this one had restraints. She swallowed nervously.

“As I started to say, not every Dom expects his submissive to be pierced, and not every sub is prepared to have it done. But if they do, it can be a further sign of submission, more than just wearing a collar. There are naturally various places you could be pierced—nipples, naval, and genitals are the most obvious. As for the latter, it could be the clit hood—very rarely the actual clit—or it could be the labia, and some people have several piercings there. If you are a male submissive, the tip of the cock is the usual place. Any questions so far?”

One hand was raised. “But, Mistress, where can you go to get this done?”

“There are various establishments that will do it, but often a Dom will buy a kit from the internet. That way you are sure of the cleanliness of the needles and can sterilize them yourself. Also your Dom may not wish anyone else handling you.” Kat trembled at the thought of Ben piercing her, but this was about her showing him she should do this.

“Now I am going to hand out a tray for you to look at various different types. Pretty much like with earrings, you can get all sorts.” The tray did indeed show a variety of rings. Kat was attracted to the pearl drops, surprised because they looked so elegant.

“We stated in the blurb for this session that those attending would be expected to have their nipples pierced. This isn’t about standing around gawking at one person brave enough to try. And we mean business. You will have it done properly. So if anyone wishes to leave, now is the time.” Everyone shuffled anxiously, but no one left, although Kat felt Maurice staring intently at her.

“Right, who’s first?”

“I think Kat should go first as she is the most inexperienced and may find the process frightening if she has to watch the others.” Kat could have killed Maurice for saying that, even if it was true.

Lifting her head high, she stepped forward. “Okay, what do you want me to do?”

“Take your blouse and bra off please and sit in the chair.”

Kat took a deep breath, only slightly more shaky than when she had arrived, and did as requested, trying to ignore Maurice’s salacious leer as her breasts were revealed. In fact, Maurice wasn’t the only person staring at her chest. Disregarding all the stares, she moved to sit in the chair and watched as her arms were bound by wrist cuffs and at the elbow. She guessed it was so she didn’t jerk as it was happening. When another restraint went tightly around her waist, she was sure.

“It isn’t a slow process, but it can be momentarily painful despite the numbing agent.” Stella went to spray her nipple.

“Wait.” Startled, Kat looked at the person interrupting. It was Maurice.

“Those nipples don’t look very erect to me. In some cases, it is necessary to suck them beforehand. This makes the target area easier.” He started to move forward.

Before Kat got a chance to protest, there was another urgent interruption. “No!” This was from Ben. Kat hadn’t realized he had come into the room. “If anyone sucks the breasts of
submissive, it will be me.”

Breathing a trembling sigh of relief, Kat then looked guiltily toward Maurice, who was moving away, his lips thinning in annoyance.

Ben came into her vision. He bent over her and quietly asked, “What are you doing, Kat?”

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