Submissive Training (12 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Denys

BOOK: Submissive Training
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Looking around at those listening, he noted Kat had a little frown on her face as she concentrated on what he was saying. Every word he said was going to be directed at her—the rest of the class just happened to be present.

“So starting with roles, what would you think would be the difference between a submissive and a slave? Yes, Rita,” he said wearily. She was the eager one who had answered all the questions first in every class she attended. There was always one! He had hoped it might be Kat, but then he pondered, Actually she’s more of a listener, taking on board everything you said
In truth, she was the sort of person he preferred. Not someone who would half-heartedly ask questions and then go off and do their own thing.

“Um, isn’t a slave someone who is submissive all the time, who does exactly what you tell them to do without question, sexually or otherwise, Master?”

Ben glanced at Kat to see how she was taking this information. She was biting her lip.

“That is essentially correct. It is about the degree of submission and in addition the slave may spend a large amount of their time naked. A submissive on the other hand is likely to be someone who is submissive in the bedroom only, or while attending sex clubs or sex parties but has a job and has full say in how the rest of her life is run.” He saw Kat scrunch her skirt as if unhappy with what he was saying. His mouth tightened as he watched her.

Turning back to the class, he asked, “I’m sure you’ve all heard the term ‘a switch.’ What is that? Can anyone tell me?”

A hand went up. “Yes, Celia.” He laughed to himself. Even more so than Rita, she had dominated all the sessions. In fact, he would call her the perfect example of a switch.

“If I understand correctly, a switch can be a Dominant or a submissive.” She paused, frowning fiercely. “But I can’t see how that would work.”

He held back a grin. “What, you don’t like riding a man from time to time and being in control? I’m surprised.”

Laughter went around the room as Celia pouted.

“The world is made up of very different people. Even some Dominants can be more dominant than others. So consider a switch as someone who can swing both ways as the mood takes them.”

Another person put their hand up. “We’ve heard various terms banded about all week, Sir, but what is the difference between Dom and Master?”

“That’s a very good question, and the terms are often interchangeable. The proper definition is that a Master is a Master at being Dominant, well-trained and well-experienced—it is also used as a title, an honorific like Sir. However, if your Dom is new to being a dominant, he won’t be a Master yet, while a Master is always a Dom.”

He paused to look at his notes.

“This leads me onto what you might expect of your Dom, and this is where contracts are drawn up or at least rules made clear at the outset. If you remember back to the induction session, we stated that the Dom is responsible for your well-being. This will involve knowing what your boundaries are. If you clearly state them in a contract, there won’t be any misunderstandings. This is incredibly important as we don’t want charges of abuse to fly around the community. BDSM gets enough bad press. That doesn’t mean your Dom won’t try to push your boundaries, but that is when you can use your safe word if they are pushing too hard. I can see some of you have burning questions. Yes, Kat?” He was surprised to see her actually asking a question.

“What sorts of things might cause you to consider a boundary?”

“I’ll open that question out. What do you all think?” He leaned forward on the lectern and watched her face as the suggestions came in, intrigued that she had asked that question. Did it mean she was taking this seriously, or would the answers put her off?

The responses were fascinating, sex in public, anus penetration, control over your life outside the bedroom, limits in the use of punishment implements, using bondage, leaving you to yourself during the “time of the month.”

He was amused by the last as he had never considered that a boundary before.

“All of those answers are perfectly acceptable. I would say there is no wrong or right answer, what one person considers a boundary, another person might not. Here’s one you haven’t thought of, and it is going to be the subject of the following exercise, and that is whether you would be happy for your Dom to share you with others.”

An audible gasp vibrated around the room.

He looked at Kat to see what her reaction was, but he couldn’t read her face this time. She seemed to be keeping her thoughts to herself for a change, most of the time her face was an open book.
. This was something he really needed to know. He had shared his submissives with others in the past, and if she wanted to be part of his life now, this was something she had to do.

“We don’t have enough Doms here to do this exercise as we would really like, but I am going to put you into groups of three or more, and you will take turns with one of you being submissive. Each group will be joined by a trainer, male or female, who will naturally take the lead, but the others of you not being the submissive will need to take on the role of the switch.”

Nearly everyone in the room looked around at each other, clearly worried, or excited, about who they would be placed with.

“The point of the exercise is for the submissive to see what it is like to be touched intimately by more than one person. I’ve often heard it said how wonderful it is. Not that I have been the piggy in the middle.”

That even got a laugh from Kat.

“If you are unhappy with this exercise, do step to the back of the room.”

He looked over at Kat as he said this, but she did nothing, although two people did move to the back.

“You may need to accept that your Dom might wish to share you with other people, bearing in mind you have no say in it, unless you have agreed something different in your contract. And that is something else to consider, you and your Dom might have differing needs which will be highlighted when you draw up a contract. The Dom you are attracted to may thoroughly enjoy sharing his sub with others while this is anathema to you.”

* * * *

Kat took this all in. She guessed that part of the reason he was saying these things was to make
needs clear to her, to prove to her why she might not be the submissive for him. The question was whether this was “make or break” time, and could she go through with it.

She viewed Maurice sidling over to her with some distaste after they moved the chairs out of the way.
Shit, shit
. She felt sure she could cope with any of the other trainers, even Monica who was something of a cold fish but not him.

Her worst fears were realized when Ben took a long look at her and then deliberately put Maurice in a foursome with her and two others. One was Celia, and the other she hadn’t got to know. This was a “baptism of fire.”

Maurice smirked and moved close. “Kat can be the submissive first,” he firmly declared to the others who looked somewhat relieved. He then moved in behind Kat, reaching around her body to clasp both of her pierced breasts, bending his head to nip at her neck.

Shuddering, Kat didn’t pull away. It wasn’t as bad as she thought. Maurice held her fairly lightly.

Celia moved in next, a fascinated look on her face as she took hold of Kat’s wrists, tightly holding them in hers, her eyes drawn to Maurice’s hands on Kat’s breasts before one of his hands moved down to cup her mound. Swallowing with anxiousness, Kat’s fears started to gain ground. All the while, Maurice continued to fondle a breast, flicking a somewhat gentle thumb over the ring in her nipple, causing Kat to grit her teeth with a mixture of pain and desire.

“Widen your legs,” demanded Maurice, tapping Kat’s ankle firmly with his shoe. After she nervously complied, Maurice continued. “You,” he said, talking to the fourth member of this group who had stood quietly clearly not knowing what to do. “I want you to get on your knees in front of Kat and run your hands up her legs.”

Kat’s mouth was now very dry as she started to pant—partly in anxiety, partly in arousal. Her heart was beating rapidly. There were so many different sensations it was getting harder to remain distant.

Despite being startled at this request the girl did as she was told, her hands apprehensively caressing Kat’s legs, reaching under the dress when directed by Maurice. Kat had deliberately stopped wearing panties earlier in the week but hadn’t expected this to happen. She had done that for Ben.

As the girl below tentatively reached upward, Kat felt her skin-tight dress suddenly pulled up over her hips to lie around her waist, dislodging Celia’s grasp. Celia stepped back a pace, frowning. Ignoring her, Maurice moved his finger and thumb to very lightly tug a nipple ring through the bodice of her dress. When Kat started to whimper, in arousal, not pain, Maurice tugged harder.

“Excellent, girls. Now, my lovely, how experienced are you at anus play?”

Kat started, her arousal diminishing slightly, and nearly pulled away until she saw Ben watching her closely, his eyes narrowed. Instead, she stayed where she was, keeping her mouth closed so not to cry out her safe word. She then felt Maurice reach down her bare buttocks, and slowly parting the globes, he pressed the tip of a finger inside of her.

An “eek” escaped Kat before she could stop it. Not that she wanted to stop it, she suddenly realized. At some stage, her fears had diminished, and the sensations coming from various directions were incredible—arousal, heat, burning, tingling, stroking. It didn’t matter who was providing them. She wanted more.

* * * *

“Okay, that’s it. That’s enough.” His voice was harsh as he cried out. Ben couldn’t stand it anymore. Kat seemed to be enjoying it too much, and he had intended this as a way to finally turn her away from his lifestyle. Or had he not arranged this exercise to do exactly the opposite, to see if she could cope?

Everyone was looking at him in astonishment.

Startled by the sudden stillness, he moved abruptly forward and wrenched Kat from the arms of her exercise partners. Maurice tried to hold onto her, but Ben was determined. Kat, on the other hand, seemed thoroughly confused as he dragged her half dressed from the classroom, partly carrying her back to his bedroom. It didn’t take long to traverse the quiet corridors.

Thankfully, she waited until they had reached his room before she said anything as he thrust her inside and then proceeded to pace up and down, almost ignoring her.

She smoothed down her dress and went to sit down calmly in a chair. “Um, Ben. What exactly is going on?”

He turned to stare at her, unable to voice the reason why he had done that and irritated with how calm she was.

“Well? Are you going to tell me?”

Directing his fiercest voice at her, he stated, “May I remind you who the Dom is here.” As if that would stop her, he thought ruefully.

She ducked her head. “I’m sorry, but I have to know what I did wrong.” He could see her previous confidence draining away.

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” That came out without him meaning to say anything. He closed his eyes briefly in disbelief and then opened them, hoping she wasn’t going to follow up on that.

Raising her head quickly, she did pursue it. “Well, if I didn’t do anything wrong…” A smile came over her face. He groaned. He knew he was in big trouble with that look. “Actually, one could argue that you pulled me out of the room in a fit of jealousy.”

Running a nervous hand through his short hair, he replied, “One could do. But surely you are not arguing with me?”

Her grin got bigger. “No, Master.” Her smile then faltered as she continued, “But I was trying to do what you wanted, and I thought you wanted me to show you that I could be shared with other Doms as you might wish at some time in the future?” She finished this with a half hopeful look on her face.

He stared at her for a few moments. She was totally right. He had dragged her out because he was jealous. And part of him did desperately want her to prove she could accept the touch of others.
. He snorted. He was indeed in hell, one of his own making for sure. If he had let her continue with the exercise, he was sure she would have enjoyed it. He was right when he said many submissives did relish having sex with more than one person. And yet wasn’t this what he had wanted her to prove all week?

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