Submissive Training (2 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Denys

BOOK: Submissive Training
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Chapter One

Day one of the conference

Kat hid in the corridor, waiting until the women had all left the lounge for their various sessions, and snuck in, breathing a sigh of relief as she sank into an easy chair.

It wasn’t that she was trying to avoid anyone in particular or that she regretted Ellie talking her into attending this conference, seminar, camp, whatever it is called, but she was finding it rather overwhelming, and Ellie’s enthusiasm for everything was a bit irritating.
No, that is mean. She is a good friend, and I shouldn’t call her irritating, just exasperating

She chuckled. Ellie was one of life’s happy people who thought everyone else should be equally excited by life.

After leaving her dog, Merlin, with her friend, Gina, they had arrived at the hotel a couple of hours ago, been shown to their rooms, and given a program of events. Ellie, naturally, wanted to go to everything and had rushed off to attend the first induction session in a whirlwind. Kat stayed back, saying she wanting to unpack first, check everything out, and read the literature, but actually that was shorthand for “don’t rush me into anything.” This almost brusque-like attitude came over to many as self-assured. Few knew it was a façade hiding some insecurities.

Sitting in her room, she had read the induction material and was rather surprised as it all appeared rather professional, just like any normal conference, she noted with an impressed nod to the organizers. There with a program, information sheets, rules, and regulations.

The only thing unusual was the topic, of course, and rules like,

3. So not to offend the staff, no semi or full nakedness outside of seminar rooms.

It was the suggestion that she would be expected to be naked, even if in part, that had her worried. She had bitten her lip so much she had drawn blood. She really hadn’t thought much about audience participation when she had said yes to Ellie’s persuasive pleas.

Groaning at her naivety, she looked around the lounge. It was a very nicely appointed room with sumptuous furnishings. In normal circumstances she would be entirely happy staying in this hotel, although that in itself was rather odd, that any hotel would have an event like this on their premises.

She had voiced this concern to Ellie beforehand, who told Kat that the owner apparently was very into this lifestyle and was keen to promote any event that trains people properly in practices that are sometimes dangerous. So he had agreed to let the whole hotel out solely for the event.

Laughing, she visualized the faces of normal visitors who, in other circumstances, might tread the corridors of the hotel reading the notices on the doors they passed,
Flogging Room, Cock Sucking Practice, Do Not Disturb Ménage a Trois in progress.

On the other hand, the owner still had to keep it somewhat quiet as certain groups could be offended and the business may suffer in consequence. This was why there was no mention of the venue on the original leaflet and all activities were to take place behind closed doors to which one had to sign up for in advance so that the staff did not chance upon anything they would not be happy viewing. Any changes to the schedule had to be agreed on with the conference staff before attending sessions.

Having decided to go to the second induction event, she had now got cold feet, hence why she was avoiding the other delegates and conference staff.

Sighing heavily, she picked up the induction package she had been given. One of the sheets listed various acronyms including what BDSM actually stood for.

BDSM was invented to join together several different activities.

B&D stands for Bondage and Discipline

D&S stands for Dominance and Submission

S&M stands for Sadomasochism

The last she found particularly disturbing and winced when she read it. What the hell had she got herself into? She groaned trying to remember exactly why she was here, and Ben’s face came unbidden into her thoughts.

She smiled.
That was why she had originally agreed with Ellie’s harebrained scheme.

Sitting back in her chair, she wondered exactly where she going with this after the week was up and ruefully acknowledged to herself that she had absolutely no idea. It’s not as if she could walk up to Ben and say, “Hey I’m a submissive now. Take me. I’m yours.” She giggled at the image, as if a submissive would do something like that anyway.

* * * *

The man standing in the doorway leaning against the doorframe watched Kat closely. She didn’t seem to have noticed him as she read her paperwork.

When he had seen her at the reception as she arrived, he had done a double take. Part of him wasn’t sure it was actually her here at this event. The other half of him knew it had to be, her looks were so distinctive.

He’d seen her previously on a few occasions, the last being Jon’s wedding. In fact, the first time he saw her he was instantly attracted to her and had to move away quickly to hide his erection—who wouldn’t be? She was stunning. Her face was beautiful beyond compare, and she had gorgeous red locks that tumbled down to her waist, sparkling blue eyes, and legs that went on forever, unlike her tiny sister’s.

As for her figure, he groaned—she was Venus de Milo reincarnated.

Ben remembered having been a little rude to her, but it was the only way he could avoid bending her over a table and making love to her in front of everyone.

But then his instincts had softened his rampant libido when he saw how forthright she was as she instructed the wedding party as to their respective duties. She probably had to be in her profession as an office manager. However, he liked his women docile, who did what
told them, who were preferably at home when he arrived in the evening and not working late to finish a project.

Deciding to make his presence known as they would probably bump into each other this week, he suddenly called out, “What’s the laughter for?”

As she twisted around, he saw Kat nearly fall out of her seat when she saw him standing there. Her jaw dropped, and his question went unanswered.

He walked slowly forward and perched on the arm of a nearby sofa about ten feet away. That was as close as he was prepared to get to her. Already he could feel his cock hardening in response to her presence. “It’s Kat, isn’t it? Rebecca’s sister.”

She nodded. That seemed about all she could do as she appeared so flummoxed. He raised an eyebrow at her lack of articulation.

“So if I ask you another question, am I going to get an answer out of you or just a nod?” He chuckled as she nodded but still didn’t speak. “What exactly are you doing here?”

After clearing her throat, she finally answered him, her voice somewhat husky, “I’m reading a program.”

He grinned. She had clearly misunderstood his question. “No, I meant here in the hotel.”

“I’m here for a training event.” He watched as the realization hit her that he was probably at the same training event. Her expression of dismay was a picture, and a gasp left her, her hand coming up to her mouth as if to take it back. She then went pale as she became conscious of the implications, and freckles he hadn’t noticed before stood out on her cheeks. The implication being that they may be attending the same sessions. Sessions on BDSM.

“Okay then why are you in this room by yourself and not at the induction event or attending a session with the others?”

“Oh!” He saw her swallow convulsively.

He didn’t remember her being this tongue-tied in the past, and that bemused him. “Yes, oh. I have to say I’m rather surprised to see you here. I didn’t get the impression when we met before at Jon and Rebecca’s that you were into this lifestyle.”

“I am, I think.” She ducked her head as she spoke, not looking at him. She appeared embarrassed. “I saw a leaflet advertising this event and thought I’d come to see what it’s all about and why my sister is into it.”

That got his back up, and he practically shouted at her, “I hate to contradict you, but Rebecca is not
into it
. She mildly flirts with it, that’s all.” He grimaced at himself. He hadn’t meant to be that brusque, but it was something that annoyed him.

As he said this, she jumped, finally looking up at him, her surprise evident on her face. She then frowned as she framed her next question, “Is the girl I saw you with at the wedding here? I’m sorry I’ve forgotten her name.”

It was his turn to frown at the change of topic. “Laurette. No, she’s not here. This event is intended for beginners, and she is beyond that.” He chuckled grimly. “Besides which, we’re not a couple anymore.”

Looking curiously astounded at that, she asked, “Oh. I was under the impression that she was your…uh…submissive?” Her voice rose on the last word as if she was unsure she had correctly understood his relationship with Laurette.

Ben narrowed his eyes trying to analyze her tone of voice and where she was coming from with that question.
What does it matter to her if I have a submissive or not?
Then he remembered she was a participant at this event and so must have some interest in the lifestyle.

Recalling her question, he replied, “No. She was only on trial, and she didn’t pass.” He said that in a rather depressed tone, as he had had high hopes when he had taken her on.

Kat looked goggle-eyed at that response. “Um, can I ask why?”

“That’s somewhat forward, isn’t it?” He raised an eyebrow at her and saw her bite her lip. Ben continued, “Didn’t you know submissives are not supposed to take the initiative? That is precisely why Laurette failed. I like my subs to be totally into the lifestyle twenty-four seven.” He grimaced to himself rather than at Kat. “She had a habit of going off and doing her own thing, not being there when I needed her. There was a time I used to think Jon liked his women like that, too.”

Visibly bristling before him, Kat sat up straighter. “You don’t like my sister?” she asked coolly. Her voice was suddenly very authoritative and icy, the mother hen protecting her family even if she was the younger sister.

Chuckling, he crossed his arms. He could “do” commanding, too. “Rebecca is very lovely and she and Jon are very much in love, but I have to admit to being somewhat disgusted at how easily she has prized him away from a lifestyle he was fully committed to, or at least, I thought he was.”

He could have sworn her back straightened even more as if she had an iron rod suddenly thrust up her. Her hands were tightening on her papers.

“Surely their lifestyle is just as valid as anyone else’s. If it works for them, why dismiss it?” It was her turn to nearly shout back at him.

Getting annoyed with their conversation now, he felt his face tighten in anger at her response. “You clearly don’t know that arguing with a Dom is unacceptable. That is if you want to become a submissive, although I seriously doubt you do.”

She jumped at this.

He frowned pondering her reaction.
Was it from my tone of voice, or does she have her own doubts?
“And to refer back to my previous question, why are you here and not with the other women?”

Flushing at his abrupt return to this question, she admitted, “Um, I’m finding it a bit overwhelming to be honest.” All the fight seemed to have gone out of her.

Ben uncrossed his arms and stood, shaking his head as he did. “If you are overwhelmed by the induction, then this is not for you. I suggest you go home back to your vanilla boyfriends.” He had tempered his tone of voice, but the wince on her face told him that the words still hit her, hard.

He turned away from her and left the room, wondering if that was the last time he would see her. Part of him was sad, and that surprised him, but he wasn’t prepared to consider why he was sad. He just knew she was not right for him. He just had to tell that to his cock.

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