Submissive Training (3 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Denys

BOOK: Submissive Training
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She sat stunned. Her jaw dropped again by his sudden exit.

Go home
! How dare he suggest that? He didn’t really know anything about her or why she was here. And in any case, surely this type of event was to try it out and relieve any doubts?

And another thing—how dare he criticize her sister! It was one thing for her to have doubts about what her sister was getting into being married to a Dominant but quite another thing for someone else to do so.
only had her sister’s best interests at heart.

Then she laughed ruefully. Of course her sister might say the same thing about her coming to an event like this without telling her. She and Ellie had kept it secret from their respective sister and brother.

That brought her thoughts back to why exactly she was there in the first place. She bit her lip. It all led to Ben. Glancing in the direction he had gone, she sighed deeply and threw her head into her hands. That meeting had not gone well. In fact, she couldn’t recall any time when she felt good about meeting him, but that didn’t stop her wanting him—desperately.

She realized he was the reason she had let Ellie persuade her to attend this conference, contrary to everything her conscience told her. She knew some of her attraction was lust but another element was the dominance he exuded which called to parts of her she’d never analyzed before. And now he thought she was totally unsuitable for him.
Then she realized with a start that, actually, he might have been kind by trying to put her off. That maybe he didn’t want her to get hurt.

Sitting forward in her chair, she cupped her jaw and deliberated likely courses of action. Well, she’d just have to get her own back by attending the classes, listening hard, and showing him what he was missing. And at the same time seeing if this was a lifestyle she could handle.
Yup! That’s the plan.

And with that she gathered up her papers and scurried out of the room.

Chapter Two

After a brief enquiry at reception, Kat quickly caught up with the induction class and slid into the back of the room unobtrusively—or so she had thought. Ben was in the room at the front with the other teachers, and he didn’t hide his glare at her for interrupting his talk. She felt herself going red, and it wasn’t a good color with her hair.

Oh shit
. She hadn’t considered the idea that Ben might be one of the trainers.

She groaned in dismay. Of course—this event was for women only. He therefore had to be a trainer or organizer or both. And that meant he would probably criticize her whenever he got the chance.
Damn, damn, damn
. Her well-laid plans were beginning to go up in smoke.

Aware that he was about to start again, she quickly glanced at the handout on the chair. The session was entitled
Induction - The Dom’s responsibilities and expectations

“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, we expect obedience and respect from our subs. As will any Dom. Would anyone in the room like to tell me why obedience is important?”

Ben looked in her direction, but she kept her mouth shut in case she got it wrong.

A woman near the front eagerly put her hand up. At Ben’s nod, she answered, “For our safety. That is, if we are told to do something and we don’t do it, we may get hurt.”

“Like how, Master?” came a question from a person a few rows in front of Kat.

“It’s Paulene, isn’t it? If you are tied up and blindfolded in readiness for some punishment and told not to move but then shift your body just as your Dom has swung at you, say with a whip, instead of getting it squarely on your buttocks, you may get it on a part of your body that is more sensitive.”


“Indeed, oh. But also consider another reason for obedience. If you are told to be somewhere when your Dom isn’t with you and you don’t do it, or you delay, there may be people watching knowing you are into this lifestyle and who may take advantage thinking you are ripe for any sort of play. I can see by your faces that I have just scared some of you. With good reason—this can be a dangerous lifestyle, not for the halfhearted.”

He might have said that to expound on the point he was making, but Kat knew he was also getting at her for trying to duck out of the session and not being where she was supposed to be.

Another instructor came to the front, clearing her throat as she looked at Ben, her face showing her slight surprise at the degree of brusqueness in his speech. “Um, what Master Ben has said is very true, but here’s another reason to obey—for your enjoyment.” Her voice took on a note of sensuousness. “Your Master will be experienced and know how far to take you. If you disobey him or her when they say, ‘Don’t come yet,’ you won’t get the full force of your climax.”

Kat raised her eyebrows at this.
How can anyone tell us not to come?
It was impossible, wasn’t it?

The female trainer continued, “There is an expression ‘Topping from the Bottom.’ The top is the Dom or Master, and the bottom the submissive, naturally. So by taking control of a scene, the sub may not only compromise their safety but certainly their enjoyment.”

Good Lord, thought Kat, fascinated. She was starting to think this week might not be as bad as she had originally thought.

“Okay, to recap. We’ve already said the key motto is to be ‘safe, sane, and consensual.’ We recommend you have no alcohol so that your and your Dom’s wits are not impaired in any way. We also don’t advocate taking part in asphyxia games. We’ve said to trust your Dom. They are the experts and deserve your respect, so call them Master or Mistress, ask permission to speak or to do something, and so on.”

A hand went up from the other side. Kat tilted her head but couldn’t see who it was. “So what will the Dom give us in return, just a good fucking?”

There were a few titters of laughter at that comment.

Someone else from the stage moved forward. “I’d like to answer that.” He had a deep voice. “Consider your Master in the role of parent-substitute or guardian with all the responsibilities that goes with that role. They have to protect you, look out for you, and care for you. The latter may involve making sure any binding isn’t too restrictive or harming you in any way. It may also involve making sure you are hydrated as these sessions can take a lot out of a person. And it may also involve cleaning you afterward.”

“Why would they do that? Surely it is the sub’s role,” a voice piped up. This came from the same argumentative person who had made the sarcastic comment a few moments ago.

“There are many different roles the sub can take. I suspect you are thinking about slave submissives, and we aren’t getting into them at this session as we are talking about the Dom. But I’ll open it to the rest of you. Why would a Dom clean their sub after a scene?”

The eager woman at the front raised her hand again. “Oh, please, Master Gary, can I answer?”

“Very well.”

“You, the sub, might be tied up and unable to clean yourself.”

“Certainly. Any other reasons? No let someone else answer,” Master Gary stated as the eager women put her hand up again only to dejectedly drop it.

“Is this something to do with sub-space?” asked Paulene.

“Ah, sub-space. I can see from your mixed facial reactions you are unsure what this is. Sub-space is a place where a sub can be mentally taken if the Dom is very experienced. I say ‘can be.’ It isn’t always guaranteed. Sub-space is a bit like being drugged and on a different plane, I’ve been told, and as such, if you are out of it like that, you won’t consider your own caring. But how about the simple reason that it is something that the Dom does. We choose to be a Dom because we want to care and protect.”

“But what happens if the Dom gets carried away?” The unseen woman was still arguing.

“Then you will use your safe word that we discussed earlier.”

Damn, this must have been raised when I was out of the room and could be useful.

“To reiterate what we said at the start,” the speaker continued. Thank God! Kat cried to herself, pleased to catch up on what she had missed earlier when she had been dithering about attending. “You must choose a safe word that you would not normally say in conversation, like Mickey Mouse, but only use that safe word when you are truly unhappy, and your Master will know to stop instantly. If you use it indiscriminately, your Master will not know if you are just fooling around or truly scared.”

The female trainer from earlier stepped forward again. “Now we are going to undertake an exercise. Can you all move your chairs back against the wall so we have some clear space in the front?”

This took a few moments, during which time Kat looked around at those in the room, bemused as to what might be happening next. So far it was proving to be intriguing. She was glad Ben had taunted her into staying, even if that hadn’t been his intention.

Master Gary called their attention back to him. “If you are already interested in taking this further, you might have given some thought as to what Dom you will end up with, possibly eyeing up some likely person already. But the short, old, dumpy Dom might be the person who is interested in

“Oh God, I don’t want someone like that. I couldn’t possibly have them touch me.” The unseen person started arguing again, and Kat could see her more clearly now. She didn’t look to Kat like a submissive-type person, but then was there a generic type?

The trainer clearly had the same thought. “That is not a very submissive attitude. If that is your view, then maybe this isn’t the best lifestyle for you.” The woman blanched at this stern reply to her comment.

Kat felt Ben staring in her direction, but she refused to look him in the eye.

Gary continued, “However, before you decide further, I suggest you finish this exercise. We are going to hand out some blindfolds for you to tie around your eyes. We then want you to stay where you are. Along with ourselves and other Doms in the room you haven’t been introduced to yet, we will walk among you, touching you.”

“What do you mean ‘touch us,’ Sir?” came a comment.

“Well, you’ll just have to see what happens. In real life, you may be touched in a variety of ways from very intimate to informal. You may have to take whatever anyone wants to do to you. This exercise will show you that the Doms are experienced and what they look like may have nothing to do with their expertise. I am not talking about intercourse. Apart from anything else, it is illegal to have intercourse in public.”

Some were more eager than others to get their blindfolds on. Kat looked over at Ben as she toyed with her blindfold, having been too busy watching the reaction of the others to put hers on.

He raised an eyebrow mockingly.

She hurried to place it over her eyes. It felt strange being in the middle of a room with lots of other people with nothing to touch to ground herself.

As she began to get used to the disorientation, a strangled gasp left her mouth as someone touched her shoulder. Whoever it was felt as if they were a similar height, which would be fairly tall as Kat was the tall one in her family being five feet ten inches. The hand left her and was replaced by another one, this one touching her butt. She resisted the urge to shift away from the hand, which caressed her slowly before leaving.

There were a few moments when nothing happened, during which she became aware of the heavy breathing of people nearby. It wasn’t something she had been aware of earlier and wondered if she was doing the same.

“Oh my God—that’s a woman.”

Kat mused at that comment, which had come from the eager woman who didn’t sound so eager anymore.

“Yes, so?” called the deep voice of Master Gary.

“So I am heterosexual.”

“And this is an alternative lifestyle,” he explained. “You should expect to be touched by both sexes if you wish to continue.”

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