Stepbrother With Benefits 11

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Authors: Mia Clark

Tags: #stepbrother romance, #new adult romantic comedy, #good girl bad boy romance, #contemporary romance

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Stepbrother With Benefits 11 (Second Season)

Mia Clark

Published by Cherrylily, 2015.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. August 5, 2015.

Copyright © 2015 Mia Clark.

Written by Mia Clark.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page


Stepbrother With Benefits 11

A Note from Mia

About the Author


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Stepbrother With Benefits series

Stepbrother With Benefits 11

*** Ethan

eading back to our campsite is a disaster.  I want to be calm and cool and relaxed, but I just can't.  I really fucking can't stop getting pissed off at all of this shit that's been going on for, what, just a few days?

A few days is nothing in the grand scheme of life, the universe, and everything, but that doesn't change the fact that it's the first few days of me dating Ashley.  If the first few days are so fucking difficult, what do you think the rest of it's going to be like?

Usually I'd just quit.  It's not like I do this often, but if I know something isn't worth doing, then why should I bash my head against a wall trying to do it?  Nah, there's just no fucking point, and so I'd cut it out and move on to something else.

If you think I'm going to quit being with Ashley, you're probably new around here.  Like that Caleb kid.  Who the hell does he think he is, anyways?  I still don't know why the fuck he was wandering through the woods like that.  I guess Ashley and I weren't exactly hiding all that well, but I didn't think we were being too noisy, either.

This whole situation just pisses me off, and while we walk back to the campsite to return to my dad and her mom, I get even more pissed off.  It's not like I want to be pissed off, but apparently that's my default setting right now.  What ever happened to being happy and carefree?  Fuck if I know.

Our parents are there, and they're packing up some stuff, which confuses the fuck out of me at first.  It's sandwiches, I guess.  And a backpack.  They've got the fishing poles out, too.  I literally have no clue what's going on.

"Hey," my dad says, smiling at the two of us.  "Everything alright?"

Nah, it's not.  I don't say that, though.  I just grunt.

"Yup!" Ashley says, lifting her chin.  "Ethan helped me find the bathroom."

Oh, yeah.  That's what we were supposed to be doing before, right?  We did go there after, but my actual plan was to just drag her into the woods and have some fun with her.  I don't think that ended up going so well, but at least we found the bathroom after.

"We were thinking about heading out," my stepmom says, smiling.  "Why waste a perfectly good day just sitting around the campsite when we can enjoy the great outdoors!"

Yeah, well, that's a great idea and all, and I'd seriously enjoy it, too, except this issue with Caleb is still hanging over my head, and...

Wait.  Wait a second here.  Calm the fuck down, alright?  If we all leave, which is exactly what the plan is, then Caleb won't find us when he heads over here in an hour.  I have no clue why he wants to wait an hour to get this over with, but I guess it can work.  It'll work for me, at least, and then it'll also work for Ashley.

I'm guessing Caleb will get bored.  If he can't find us, then he'll end up forgetting about it.  Or I can make up some excuse, tell him it was all in his head.  Yeah, you know what, Caleb?  You didn't see me with my hand shoved into Ashley's panties and my finger deep inside her.  You didn't see me trying to coax an orgasm out of her delicious as fuck body, the heel of my hand pressed against her perfect fucking pussy.  I don't know what you're talking about, bro.  She's my sister!  That's just real fucking disgusting.

Maybe he'll buy it.  A guy can hope, right?  If we're not here when he comes by, it gives me more time at least.  Maybe I can figure this shit out and come up with an answer that doesn't completely screw me over.

Yeah, that's it.

*** Ashley

"So," my mom says while we're walking through the woods.  "What do you two think about splitting up and having a little mother-daughter and father-son bonding time this afternoon?"

I'm carrying two of the fishing poles and my mom has one of the empty cooler cases we brought, along with the worms Ethan and his dad got earlier, plus a few other things.  Ethan's carrying the backpack slung over his back and his dad has our food and a picnic blanket.  I'm not  entirely sure what we're doing, except it involves walking through the woods and also fishing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ethan asks.

We've been walking in the woods for awhile now.  We climb up over a small ridge and the woods vanish ahead of us, replaced by a rocky hill, and beyond that an open lake.  It's hidden away in the woods, and it's not exactly huge, but it looks like it would take awhile to swim across it.

"We were going to come here alone before, remember?" Ethan's dad says to him.  "I thought it'd be nice if we just had some alone time and gave the ladies their time, too.  We can meet back up for dinner."

Ethan gives his dad a weird look.  I'm not sure what exactly it's for, but he doesn't look too thrilled about the idea of splitting up.

"We can go fishing, Ashley," my mom says to me.  "We'll see if we can catch something nice for dinner."

"Mhm, and we'll take a hike through the woods," Ethan's dad says to him.  "There's a trail by the river that feeds into the lake and I thought it'd be nice to check it out."

It looks like everything's been decided and it's just up to us to agree, but...

I don't really know if I want to?  It's not that I don't want to, and I'd love to spend some time with my mom, but, um... what about Ethan?  I know he's stressed right now, because how could he not be?  I'm stressed, too, but I just have this strange feeling that everything is going to be fine.  Maybe I'm being intentionally obtuse and delusional right now, but I just want everything to work out.

Isn't this kind of like what happened with Jake, though?  I thought I could be with him before, and in reality he was just using me.  Then, after that, when he found out I was sleeping with my stepbrother after I accidentally sent him those incriminating text messages, well...

I know it sounds stupid, because I'm supposed to be smart.  I
smart, at least as far as book smarts are concerned, but there's so many other ways to be smart, and I'm just not sure how all of them work.  Street smarts, or social awareness, or intuition and instinct.

I've watched Ethan be Ethan for years now.  I've seen him flawlessly interact with all sorts of people, and sometimes I've wondered how he does it so easily.  It's not like that's something you can just watch and copy, you know?  There's more to it than that, but I don't know what exactly that is or what it means.

I've seen him play football and move so athletically, and even though I could probably explain to you exactly how he's moving, I couldn't move that way on my own.  Sometimes it's the small, simple things that are the hardest.  If you can do something so extremely complicated, but make it seem incredibly easy... that's what being smart is.

I suppose that's how I am with book smarts, though.  I understand intellect and problem-solving like it's my second nature, but that comes harder for other people.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses.  We're all good at something and bad at something else.  This is why we need each other.  This is why it makes sense for Ethan and I to be together.

I'm the good girl, the careful, cautious one, who thinks before she acts.  Ethan is the bad boy, the risk taker, the person who jumps into action regardless of the consequences.  Sometimes you can't wait to think before you act, though.  Sometimes you can't be careful or cautious.  And sometimes you need to know when a risk is too great, and when you should reign in your recklessness and consider the repercussions.

This is why we're perfect together.  I'm sure there's a lot more reasons, but I think that's one of them.

Ethan, too.  I really see him, I understand him.  I think he understands me, as well.  He's not just a bad boy, at least not to me.  He's careful with me, he's patient and kind  with me.  He's understanding, also.  Ethan isn't reckless with me and he doesn't take careless risks with me.

When I'm with Ethan, I feel a little risky, though.  I want to try more.  I want to be a little reckless and more carefree.  I feel like I can let my guard down, because I trust him not to hurt me.

I love him so much...

Ethan's voice snaps me out of my thoughts and reverie.

"I need to talk to Ashley about it," he says.  "Alone."

This is... what?

"Huh?" I say.

"Um..."  Ethan's dad looks confused.

"Listen," Ethan says.  "You two decided on this while we were gone.  I get it, alright?  I really do, and I understand that it's a cool idea, but you decided it without us, didn't even ask us.  So, yeah, I want to talk to Ashley about it.  Alone.  And we'll decide what we want to do.  I think that's fair, don't you?  It's the same thing you two were doing."

"Ethan, it's not like we're making earth-shattering plans here," his dad says.  "I didn't think it was that important."

"It's important to me," Ethan says, refusing to budge.

My stepdad looks upset, and I can understand why.  He's not used to this.  He's the boss most of the time, in business and otherwise, and he's used to people listening to what he has to say.  He's open to discussing any issues that arise, but he's not exactly confronted with outright insubordination most of the time.

That's exactly what Ethan is, though.  He's insubordination incarnate.  His dad might have forgotten that, but Ethan's been the bad boy who refuses to listen to anyone but himself for a long time.

He listens to me, though.  He basically just told that to his dad, too.  I don't want them to fight, but it makes me smile that Ethan wants to stand up for me like that.

"Oh, let's just let them talk," my mom says, laughing.  "We did kind of decide on all of this without them, so Ethan isn't wrong.  We should have waited so we could talk it over together."

The only thing is that if we'd waited too long, Caleb would have shown up.  What would have happened then?

"Alright.  That's fine," my stepdad says, though he doesn't look like it's fine.  "We'll go to the lake.  You two talk and figure out what you want to do, then come find us."

"Don't get lost in the woods!" my mom says, grinning.

My stepdad rolls his eyes at her and laughs.  It's going to be pretty hard to get lost in the woods considering the lake is clearly visible from here and I doubt Ethan and I are going too far.  Our parents head to the lake to set up everything for fishing.  Ethan grabs my hand and drags me a little further into the woods.  We head off the beaten path and further into privacy.  I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but...

As soon as we're alone and isolated, Ethan is on me.  He pins me to a tree and frantically grabs at the button of my shorts.  He has it undone, my shorts unzipped, pulling them down to my ankles before I can say anything or protest.  As soon as I gather my wits and start to open my mouth to talk, he's kissing me.

"Just shut the fuck up, Princess," he says, smirking at me.  "I don't want to talk right now."

"I thought this was supposed to be about talking!" I say, laughing.

"Yeah, well, I changed my mind.  I just want to be inside you."

The way he says it, with honesty and lust, it surprises me.  It's sexy, but it's also real and raw.  I can feel his intensity, his eyes staring into mine.  He fumbles with his own shorts, letting them fall to the ground, then he pulls his underwear down enough to reveal his erect, throbbing cock.  I glance down and stare at it for a second, but I don't have time for much more.

Effortlessly, Ethan grabs my thighs and lifts me up.  My back slides against the bark of the tree behind me, and I squeak a little in protest.  I don't manage to do much else before he has my panties pulled aside and his cock pushed inside of me.  He fills me completely, pressing deep into me, and I let out a gasp and a moan.  We're pressed so tight together right now that we might as well be one person instead of two.

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