Stepbrother With Benefits 11 (2 page)

Read Stepbrother With Benefits 11 Online

Authors: Mia Clark

Tags: #stepbrother romance, #new adult romantic comedy, #good girl bad boy romance, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Stepbrother With Benefits 11
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I wrap my legs around him as he pulls out a little and thrusts back in.  This is fast, but it's also steady.  I hear Ethan grunting in my ear, his body pounding against mine.  Thankfully I'm still mostly clothed, but I can feel the scrape of the tree bark grinding against my shirt and my back.  It doesn't hurt, it's just rough.  I like when Ethan's rough with me, but this is something else entirely.

"You're inside me," I say, whispering to him.  "Is this what you wanted?"

"Fuck yes," he says, his teeth latching onto my neck.  "You have no fucking clue what you do to me, Princess.  I can't even fucking think sometimes.  The only thing I can think about is you, about fucking you and thrusting my cock deep inside you."

"How much?" I ask him.  "How much do you want me?"

Ethan thrusts hard into me and practically growls in my ear.  "I want every fucking inch of you, Ashley," he says.  "Inside and out, all of you.  I want your body and your soul, your mind and your heart, I just... I fucking want
.  I want you to want me, too.  I love you, Princess, I..."

It's just... it's so strange to hear him talk like that.  I'm not sure what to do or say, because I'm not sure I've ever heard Ethan say anything even remotely similar to what he just said.  It's so honest and genuine, like he's opening up to me, but that's what he's been doing for awhile now, isn't it?

I know this, and I realized it long before now, but his words right now, right in the heat of his passion, they do something to me.  They make me feel even more than I've already felt, but I'm not even sure what these feelings are.  Love, yes, and lust, and need.  I feel a greedy lust, an inherent desire, and as much as he wants to be inside me, I want him inside me, too.

I feel like we counter each other, but we also complement each other.  We're opposites in a lot of ways, but sometimes opposites attract, and...

They attract hard.  Really really hard.  So fucking hard...

I'm lost and gone but I'm here in the moment, too.  I'm close and closed off and the only thing I can feel or think about is us.  I don't know where we are, but it doesn't even matter.  We're here, together.  I feel the warmth and strength of Ethan's body tight against mine.  I can feel the tightness of the muscles in his core grinding against my clit and the throbbing strength of his erection pressing hard into me.  He fills me, but it's more than that, too.

He fills a part of me that I never knew needed to be filled before.  I give him something that he never knew he was missing.

I clench my eyes shut and let myself feel everything.  It's so much, so rough, so intense.  Ethan thrusts hard into me one final time, ready to unleash inside of me.  That's all I need, and I give in to his carnal demands.  My body shudders in ecstasy, quivering and shaking, trapped between him and the tree behind me, with my legs wrapped around his body and my fingers tangled in his hair.

He grinds his hips against me, his cum crashing inside me.

I'm his.  And he's mine.  We're together.

I want to collapse in a heap on the ground but instead Ethan pulls me close and holds me in his arms.  I'm part cradled, part clinging to him, fully loving him, and he hugs me tight.  He's still inside me, but there's no frantic, frenzied rush anymore.

That's when I fully realize what exactly we just did.

"Um..." I say to him, smiling, sheepish.  "Our parents are right over there."

I don't know where over there is, but I'm pretty sure it's only a few minutes walk.

"Yeah, so?" he answers, grinning at me.  "You think I care?"

"I think you should!" I say, laughing.  "What if they see us like this?"

"Yeah, well, alright, uh..."  He's quiet for a second, thinking.  "Look, I think we should do what they planned.  I'll go with my dad and you hang out with your mom.  Just for the afternoon, alright?"

"Sure," I say, giving him a funny look.  "That's not why you wanted to talk to me alone, is it?  Or, um... was..."

Sex?  I mean, that's a pretty good reason to be alone, but I'm not sure that's what he planned, either.

"Nah, that's not it," Ethan says, smirking at me.  "Pretty fucking amazing, though, right?  You're always pretty fucking amazing, Princess."

I laugh and blush, burying my head in the crook between his neck and his shoulder.  "Shush, you," I say.

We're quiet for a moment, just holding each other, reveling in the afterglow of our mutual orgasm.

"I'm going to tell him," Ethan says after awhile.  "That's what I wanted to talk to you about.  I'll go with my dad and I'm going to tell him about us.  I don't know exactly when.  I'll figure it out.  It's going to be really fucking hard for me, Princess.  I'm going to do it, though.  I just wanted you to know, that's all.  When we come back, he'll know, and then everything will be fine."

I'm not sure if that's true.  I understand what he means, and I know that he's probably doing this because of Caleb catching us in the woods earlier, but what about the rest?  Everything might be fine in regards to Caleb, but it might be really bad as far as Ethan's dad is concerned.

be fine," I tell him, kissing his cheek softly.  "I know your dad will understand."

"Yeah... I sure hope so."

We kiss, really kiss.  This isn't a kiss for any specific reason, it's just a kiss because we love each other.  I know he loves me and he knows I love him, and it's as simple as that.

At least it's as simple as that for now.  I'm not sure if it's going to stay that way, or for how long, but whatever happens, I know we can push through it.

*** Ethan

Holy fuck.  Seriously, fuck.  Fucking, fucking... fuck.

I've done a lot of stupid shit before.  I can own it and accept it.  I mean, yeah, sometimes it seemed like a good idea at the time, but maybe in a good
idea kind of way, right?  It's not a good thing to do, but you do it thinking you won't get caught.  What's the worst that can happen?

This is not even close to that.  This is just a really good idea, but I don't want to do it at all.  I think that makes it a bad good idea.  It's one of those things that you know is the right thing to do, but you just really don't want to do it.  Yeah, well, that's life, isn't it?  What the fuck do I know?

My dad and I eat a quick lunch with Ashley and her mom.  Nothing crazy here, just sandwiches and chips.  It's nice hanging out by the lake.  Not a lot of people come this way.  They go to the river more, but even then it's a lot further up, by where the rocks have been shaped into natural slides and there's little pools you can hang out in.  That's where the jumping spot is, too.  Honestly, it's pretty fucking awesome there.  You can jump off this thirty foot cliff into a pool of deep water, and it's just a huge rush.

I kind of feel like I'd rather jump off a three hundred foot cliff into a shallow pool of water than tell my dad about how I'm dating Ashley now, but whatever.  There's no cliffs that high around here that I know of, and telling my dad is just something I have to do.  I'll figure this shit out.

I hope we go for a long hike.  A really really fucking long hike.  I'm going to need some time here.  I don't know how long.  I'll figure it out as I go.  That's mostly how I do everything, but usually it seems easier than this.

"You boys have fun, alright?" my stepmom says to me and my dad after we're done eating.

"Don't get into too much trouble!" Ashley says, winking at us.

My dad flexes, putting on a show of outdoor manliness or something.  I just nod and smile and try to act normal, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work.  No one says anything, though.  Ashley smiles at me.

Maybe I'll just go over right now and kiss her.  Fucking... pull her in my arms and grab her ass, lift her up, and kiss her hard.  That's a good way to tell my dad, right?  If he doesn't get it after that, I don't know what to say.  Actions speak louder than words or something.  I'm pretty sure this is how that works.

Yeah, well, we're both bad with that.  We don't really talk, and our actions have always spoken volumes, except none of it's been very good.  Yeah yeah, my dad and I get along well enough, but I wouldn't exactly say we're close.

We have an understanding.  I think that's how he'd explain it if this was business-speak.  This isn't a "You Scratch My Back and I Scratch Yours" type of understanding, but a "You Leave Me Alone and I'll Do the Same For You" kind of one.  In a friendly as fuck way, though.  Companionable silence or some shit, just staying out of each other's hair.

I don't want to get into this right now, but I just don't want to deal with my dad or our current situation, so here you go.  When my mom died, my dad tried to make it work, but he just couldn't.  He couldn't really deal with it, and I didn't know what was going on, so he left.  I wouldn't say he abandoned me, because he was always technically
, but I couldn't talk to him, couldn't do much with him.

We lived in the same fucking house, but we might as well have been worlds apart.  This lasted for awhile.  We'd go do stuff, go out to dinner sometimes, but neither of us was really there.  I didn't know how to be there.  I was just some little kid, didn't even know what was going on, except people kept telling me my mom was gone and she wouldn't be coming back.

How the fuck do you deal with that?  I don't know.  I still don't really know, but it's a decade in the past and I guess I've just gotten used to it.  It's not like I'm ever going to forget, but sometimes it's hard to remember, too.

I remember my mom used to pack a swirly straw for my juice box back in elementary school.  It wasn't anything crazy, just some goofy as fuck straw, but I liked it.  It was different, and none of the other kids at school had one, so I felt cool.  You know how kids are, when you get some new toy or whatever and you just feel like a badass?  Yeah, that was me.

The first time I went back to school after my mom died and my dad made me my lunch, he forgot the straw.  Actually, I don't even think he knew the straw existed.  And then it's like... holy fuck, are you serious?  I'm never going to see my mom again, and now you forget my straw?

It's not even important.  I guess it was never about the straw.  I don't know.  I really loved that straw and it sounds stupid as fuck, but there you go.  I went home and I was angry and my dad just kind of looked at me like he didn't know what to do.  I marched into the kitchen, ripped open the cabinet where my mom kept the swirly straws, then I grabbed them all in my fist and stomped over to the trash.

I threw them away in front of him.  He just looked at me, listless and slightly confused.

I know he didn't know what the straws meant to me.  If I'm being real fucking honest, I'm not even sure if I know what the straws meant to me.  They're just straws, you know?

That's me and my dad in a nutshell, though.  I've learned that he doesn't understand me, and I've realized I don't understand him.  It's easier that way.  We can work with that, and we can get along.  It doesn't need to be anything more than that.

Yeah, he's still my dad.  I love him, because I'm supposed to love him.  I actually do love him, too, but it's just... I don't think we'll ever really
each other.  We'll never be as close as Ashley and her mom are.

I'm not sure if that's a bad thing.  I don't know if it's
, to be honest.  It's just the way it is.

I realize we've been walking in the woods for awhile now without talking.  I'm not sure where we're going.  We went along the shore to the river at first, then crossed it by jumping over some rocks further up, and now we're heading into the great unknown.

There's a path, so it's not exactly completely unknown, but neither of us has been here for awhile.

"Hey," my dad says.  "What do you say we take a detour?"

I give him a weird look and grin.  "Yeah?"

"Yeah," he says, smiling.  "Let's just go this way."  He points to the right.  "It should be fine.  We'll be walking alongside the lake, and it shouldn't be hard to find our way back.  It's different, though.  A change of pace and something new."

That sounds good.  I like it.  A change of pace?  Fuck, that's exactly what I need.

That's what I have with Ashley, and I think it'd be nice to have something like that with my dad, too.

Just something different.  Something new.

"If we get lost, I'm blaming you," I tell him, smirking.

"Yeah yeah," my dad says, rolling his eyes.  "I can accept that."

I want to ask him if he can accept me, though.  Can he accept me and Ashley?  Can he accept us dating?

I don't ask him that.  We step off the dirt trail we were on and go to the right, hiking into the woods.  There's no paths here, nothing to guide us, nothing to stop us.

This is my element.  I don't follow the rules, I make my own.  My dad's the same way, whether he wants to admit it or not.  You don't become filthy fucking rich by playing it safe, now do you?

I guess that's a connection we have.  We're not so different.  I hope he agrees and I hope he understands me.

*** Ashley

"So..." my mom says to me, staring at the hook on the end of her fishing pole.

I smile, but I try not to laugh.  "So..."

"I don't think we thought this over very well, Ashley."

"Mom, it's just a worm," I say.

"If Ethan and his father were here, we could have them do it.  That's all I'm saying."

"It can't be that hard, can it?" I ask.

"Um... have you ever gone fishing before?" she asks.  "Because I haven't."

"Not really, but..."  Really, it can't be that hard, right?

I pull off the top of the little bucket of worms that Ethan and my stepdad bought at the store earlier, then ready the hook of my fishing pole.  You just, um... you put the worm on the hook, right?  I don't think there's much to it.

Closing my eyes, I reach into the dirt in the bucket until I find a worm.  It's gross.  And dirty.  Well, duh!  Of course it's dirty, Ashley!  It's literally in a bucket of dirt.  It's fine, it's fine, it's...

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