Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls) (15 page)

BOOK: Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls)
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Chapter 22


Rhys appeared in Odin’s Hall, having returned from a summons. Within seconds, he had Allia and Delia bringing him a goblet of wine. He took a seat at the table, relaxing with a woman on each side.

“That didn’t take long.” Balder leaned sideways, burying his hand in Allia’s lap.

Rhys shrugged. He never discussed with Odin’s warriors where the summons would take him. At first, when the summonses had begun, he had expected Broni to show up, but she hadn’t. In fact, he hadn’t seen or heard from her the entire time he had been at Odin’s castle.

Rhys lifted his goblet to his mouth, taking a long drink and enjoying the taste. There wasn’t much he hadn’t enjoyed the last two months. His every request had been filled, many times before he even asked.

When Fate had left him behind, Odin had explained that his past lives as a warrior entitled him to spend his eternity in his Hall. As Allia placed a large piece of beef on his plate, Rhys glanced at the throne to see Odin staring at him. His usually unreadable expression showed disappointment before Odin looked away, taking his own goblet from Athena. Odin was generally served by one of the many Goddesses while the men were served by beautiful women of various descents.

Delia’s silky gown gaped away from her rosy tipped breasts as she leaned forward, licking a droplet of wine that lingered on his lip.

The sky darkened then, lightning flashing outside the massive glass doors that led outside to Odin’s balcony.
In the next moment, Fate appeared there, blowing the massive doors open. Wind rushed through the room, knocking men from their seats and sending the women running and screaming from the room. The warriors stayed behind, but there wasn’t a man among them that wasn’t afraid of the fury directed at him.

Rhys’s hands gripped the table as he got to his feet.

“You always liked to make an entrance.” Rhys saw that while Odin was seemingly unaffected by Fate’s appearance in his hall, there was a trace of sorrow on his face.

“You bastard, if not for your Mother’s protection, I would seek your destruction, Odin.”

“Fate, I’m sorry.” Odin rose to his feet. Rhys didn’t think those words passed his lips often. “You know that I’m not allowed to influence matters on Earth. I would have stopped it had I been able.”

“You could have stopped it!” Rhys was confused when she waved her hand toward him. “You wanted to hurt me. Well, be happy, Odin, you succeeded.”

At that point, a large goblet flew across the room, aimed for Odin’s head. The huge God managed to deftly avoid the goblet. Rhys could see where Cara had inherited the temper Jericho said she’d exhibited when they had fought.

Fate strode across the room toward him. The men had resumed their seats at the long table, but Rhys stood still.

“You whoring mongrel, if it was up to me, I would destroy you and every memory of your existence.” She spit in his face.

Rhys’s head jerked back when she struck his cheek. He gripped the table to restrain himself from leaving the room. The only reason he stayed was the sick feeling in his gut that, for a woman like Fate to lose her temper, it would involve something to do with her children.

“Did something happen to Broni?”

“You don’t deserve to have her name on your lips.” She spat at him again.

“Tell me what happened!” Rhys said, taking a threatening step forward.

“What do you care? You’re unable to care for anyone but yourself. Not those sluts that you bury yourself in each night and certainly not my daughter who didn’t deserve that deplorable treatment at your hands.”

“I never hurt Broni. We used each other for sex, and I never lied to her. As a mother, I can understand you want Broni’s happiness, but I don’t love her.”

Rhys thought his bluntness would have fueled Fate’s fury, instead with cruel detachment, she spoke,
“You are not the one I want to love my daughter, Rhys. Why would I? You are weak. You have without any evidence or reason tried to blame Broni for the death of your family, and if that wasn’t enough, you placed the blame on her shoulders for you being unable to spend the afterlife with them. Well, it is past time you learned the truth.

“Broni tried to tell you several times—it was
who prevented you from being at home when they were murdered. Let me leave no doubt in your mind, not only would you not have saved them, you would have died. And if you had died with them, you still would not have shared eternity with them.

“Your family was a gift to you for the short time you had them. Treasure those memories, but you
accept that they are gone forever and come to some kind of peace. There are no do-overs in life. It has been five years, and you have punished yourself each and every day for your failure to protect them. The truth is, their true happiness was never going to be with you. You taught those precious souls what it was like to be loved, and they will pass that gift on to others while you have forgotten and destroyed that same quality within yourself.”

“Stop. I won’t listen to this
—” Rhys took a step away from Fate.

“Why not, Rhys? Which hurts the most? That you are weak? Or a coward? When I brought you here, you were relieved you were away from Broni. You wanted to run just as you have the last five years.”

When Rhys would have turned around and left, Fate’s hand waved, freezing him in place.

“I am not my daughter, willing to walk on eggshells to please you. You will listen to me, and then you may do whatever you wish.”

Anger poured off Rhys. “Do you think that by making me accept my family’s death I will begin to care for Broni?” The sarcasm in his voice made him wince in guilt. Broni didn’t deserve his harsh words; he regretted them as soon as they left his mouth. However, it was the only way to put up a wall for the frightening feelings he had begun developing for the woman who kept giving without asking anything in return.

Fate stared angrily at the stupid man before looking out to the sky, yelling, “What does she see in him?” as millions of other mothers have lamented. Receiving no answer, finally Fate was able to gather control of her emotions and continue.

“Let me show you exactly what you are throwing away!” Fate angrily waved her hand at the sky and Rhys saw instantly why Broni’s family was always watching the sky.

“Broni lived a previous life before she was gifted with another as my daughter, and her first life was a fight for survival from beginning to end.”

Rhys tried to look away, yet he was still frozen in place, forced to watch as he saw Broni beaten and tortured as no young child should even be exposed to, much less be made to endure such savagery. He watched helplessly as the young girl was shown no mercy from the leader of the group who was the first to rape her then kill her without mercy when his men had finished with her.

“She was barely past infancy when the nightmares began, reliving her death every night. I would sit and hold her until she finally slept, but I could not stop those horrible nightmares. Broni received her powers much earlier than my other children because as much as we loved and protected her, those nightmares stole her childhood. She even tried to stay awake until her powers began to weaken because she was so fatigued.”

Fate’s eyes turned reminiscent. “I started to notice a change. It was small, but gradually, she began sleeping longer, deeper. She still had the nightmares, but I began to see resolve and courage as she would fight through them. Finally, they began to lessen. Her nightmares didn’t disappear, however they came less often.”

“How? What changed?” Rhys asked, ashamed that in the time they had spent together, he had made no attempt to get to know Broni beside how it affected him or the sex they shared. He had shied away from gaining any intimate knowledge of her to protect himself from drawing closer to her.

“I asked that same question myself, but she would never answer me. I was determined to find out, though.”

What a surprise
Rhys thought to himself.

“I began following her and found a pattern. When she was called to use her powers, she would stay and watch until the battle was finished. She needed only to stay until her duty was done, yet she did not leave. There were only certain ones, however each involved the same man. Additionally, Broni was sneaking away to watch battles that she was not called to. It soon became apparent to me who she was watching and why.”

Her eyes returned to the present, staring directly into his. “She was obsessed with a man that was born on Earth, destined by the Gods to become the greatest warrior known to mankind. He would live several lives, each not knowing of the others, but becoming superior in skills and tactics developed through lifetimes of battles. He would become the ultimate warrior, invincible until finally he would be returned to the Gods in victory, able to live with the warriors he had loved and fought with for eternity. A warrior without equal, both in the mortal or immortal world.

“Broni would watch him fight, both winning and losing battles, exhibiting great courage and fortitude. He was not a kind man or even one to idolize in some of his lifetimes, yet he always fought bravely, facing his fears even when death was a foregone conclusion. Those were the qualities Broni needed to face her nightmares. The warrior gave her the courage and strength to do that, and in the process, she fell in love deeply and irrevocably with him.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Rhys’s voice broke. “To show me I am not fit to touch her? I am not blind to the fact I am not the man I once was. I don’t remember being a warrior, yet I feel him inside me, sick at what I’ve done. I took her body, and she gave me her soul each and every time, but I had nothing inside me to give her in return.”

“You are not the one meant for my daughter, you fool.” Rhys stiffened when Fate laughed at him as she walked closer, standing before him. As she stared deep within his eyes, searching for something, Rhys felt as if a flicker inside him was stirring, awakening. The last time he had felt this way had been when he was with Broni. “I merely used you to draw him out.”

“You used me to make another man jealous?” Rhys tried to understand the feelings bombarding him. Anger, a tiny spark of jealousy, but he couldn’t place a name on the other emotions assailing him.

“No. To help you remember that you were once a warrior beyond compare—a man who has lived and loved well, giving his heart to many, his soul to none. That soul and love was destined for one woman equal in courage and bravery. Only one woman would deserve a warrior like him—

Rhys felt as if a storm of emotion was building deep within him. The wall he had built to dam his emotions bulged as he fought to hold back the emotions and memories trying to gain freedom, breaking out in a cold sweat as Fate relentlessly tore away those barriers.

“No. You’re wrong.” Rhys attempted to convince both Fate and himself that he could not be the warrior who had fought so many battles when he’d failed to protect those whom he had loved the most. A wife and children who had trusted him with their lives, even though he couldn’t even be on fucking time to save them.

A primal scream tore through his throat as he released his pain and agony to the very heavens, and Fate’s voice softened as she gently cupped his cheek in her hand. “Before you leave, Rhys, I want you to understand and finally believe that your family did not blame you, nor should you. It was their destiny, just as this is yours.” Fate’s hand dropped away, waving it in a graceful motion toward the sky.

This time images played out of a young Jericho and the life he’d led. Rhys’s respect for his friend grew as he saw what the man had been forced to endure, both as a child and young man.

“When you gave all your wealth away, you helped thousands of children find a voice who had been victims of crimes. One of those children was a young boy who ultimately was able to have Jericho released from prison. His soul was nearly lost before he found Cara, however. Now, he will soon have a child, my grandchild. You not only have my gratitude and thanks, but all of the Gods.”

To know Jericho had survived such senseless cruelty because of something he had done in his family’s memories eased some of the terrible guilt in Rhys’s heart.

Fate continued. “He was not the only one, either. You helped numerous victims find hope and love.”

Rhys’s throat tightened as children of all ages and races filled the sky. He felt humbled when he saw the ones who had faced adversity and survived.

“That was your destiny, Rhys. Your last battle as a mortal on Earth,” she said softly.

Rhys’s emotions swelled until there was no longer a way to hold them back, and with them, the memories that had been buried for centuries flooded his mind and consciousness with all that he was and had been. A conqueror whose victory was not what he’d wanted; he’d only desired his family returned. One who could accept that a victory was not always the one they wanted, but it might have been the one that was needed. Rhys could live with that. However, he frantically clung to the last remnants of his life with Deena and his children, not wanting to lose them forever.

“Rhys, do not be afraid. You will always be inside of him, but now it’s his turn to return home,” Fate spoke, easing his confusion and fear of the returning memories flashing through his mind.

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