Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls) (19 page)

BOOK: Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls)
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Chapter 28


After Broni had covered Zandra, who was lying on the small cot in the corner of Jace’s room, a whimper had her going to the bed where Abby was being checked over by Bones.

“There are no broken bones. I cleaned her lacerations. Tank’s dead?” He rose from the bed, his wireframe glasses covering studious eyes. Adam had told her Bones had been in his last year of residency when he had dropped out to ride with the Highwaymen.

“Yes, Adam shot him.”

“It’s better than he deserved.”

Broni was sure Tank was exactly where he deserved to be right now as she remembered the chill of Grimm’s presence. Hades would deal with Tank. That would give his soul the punishment that was more than justified.

“I gave her something to help her sleep.” Bones cleaned up the bloody rags, moving away from the bed.

“Will… her mind come back?”

“I don’t know. We will have to wait and see. She’s badly traumatized. Abby wasn’t over her first attack, and now this.” He shook his head. “I can say that you helped her last time, so if anyone can help her, you can.”

Broni nodded her head. “I was attacked by a group of men once.”

“I know. When—”

Broni shook her head again. “Not when I was out searching. A long time ago, I was beaten and raped. It wasn’t easy to forget.”

“I don’t imagine so. Did they get punished?”

“No. It was during a time when men were allowed to do crimes against women. But things haven’t become much better since then.” She stared down at Abby’s badly beaten face.

“No, they haven’t.”

They turned to leave the room, but Rhys was standing in the doorway.

When Broni ran to him, circling his waist, his hands gripped her sides, pushing
her away. Confused, Broni stared back at him as he reached out, taking her arm.

“Bones, get Dee to stay with them.”

“All right.” Bones stared back and forth between them.

The tension in Rhys’s face did not bode well for her. He led her to their bedroom, shutting the door behind them.

“Why did you try to get Abby back on your own?”

“I knew you wouldn’t let me go in by myself, and I had to take the chance. I couldn’t bear the thought of them having her one more day.”

“Fuck, you could have been killed. You’re human now, but what about me? Did you enjoy watching me suffer when Deena was killed? Rhys is only one part of me, how do you think I would suffer with all of me in love with you!”

“You’re in love with me?” Broni’s breath caught, waiting for his answer.

“Yes! Why else would I come back to Earth? Your own mother used a promise Mother made her years ago so I could return to Earth as an immortal and still be called between both realms. Would she have done that if she had not known that I loved you?”

“No.” Broni had known about the promise, yet she had always thought that her mother was holding onto it for her own protection against Odin. She should have known better; her mother would always place her children above her own needs.

“Is that all you can say?” He was becoming irritated with her lack of response.

“I’m sorry.” Broni didn’t know what else to say.

“That’s it? Not, ‘I’m in love with you, too?’” Her proud, vain warrior looked uncertain for a moment, and Broni enjoyed it, certain it would be the last. Then her love kicked in, not wanting to see him ever doubt her feelings for him.

“Do you still love me?” he asked, uncertainty wasn’t an emotion her warrior was familiar with.

Broni firmed her lips to keep from smiling. “Warrior, loving you is not easy. You’re conceited.”

As the warrior stiffened, bracing himself with his feet apart, Broni’s eyes swept over his large, muscular body encased in black jeans and a leather jacket. His long hair was well past his collar, giving him a pagan appearance. The motorcycle boots
planted firmly on the floor showed he was used to being in command, yet the look in his eyes spoke to her, saying he wasn’t as sure of himself as he appeared.

“Only a little.”

Broni raised a brow at his comeback. “A lot. You believe women are fuck-toys.”

His lips tightened at her accusation, but he remained silent.

Broni’s anger began to rise. “Are you going to stay faithful to me?”

“I will.”

“Then I will, too.”

“What?” He looked shocked.

Broni could tell the thought of her cheating had never occurred to him. She was trying to remember why she was in love with the big jerk, witnessing his stunned reaction.

“I said that I would remain faithful also. After all, I’m constantly surrounded by good-looking men. Adam is very handsome, haven’t you noticed?”


“Well, he is. Bones isn’t bad, either, and he’s smart. I’m attracted to smart.”

“He’s not so smart.”

“Yes, he is, and he’s gentle. I like gentle.”

“I can be gentle.”

Broni looked at him skeptically.

“I can try to be gentle,” he conceded with a clenched jaw.

“Balder is very handsome, too…”

“He’s going back to Odin’s castle.”

“Since when?” Broni asked in surprise. Adam had begun to depend on Balder for searches outside the gates. Not many were brave enough to attack with both Rhys and Balder riding guard.

“Since you told me you found him handsome.”

“But I was only joking,” Broni protested.

“I didn’t think it was funny.”

“I didn’t think it was funny when Athena and Aphrodite told everyone what a big dick you have,” Broni snapped.

“It is,” the asshole actually gloated.

She had one of two options; she could kill him or leave the room. Broni chose the latter.

As she went to go around him, Rhys reached for her and that’s when Broni lost control.

“I don’t love you. You’re a jackass, and you’ve always been one.” With those words, Rhys picked her up, transporting her back to the tent with the furs.

Broni hit out at him, trying to get away. Her feelings were hurt. She had been playing with him, not knowing how to deal with him telling her he loved her, instead he had ruined the moment for her.

“It’s not going to work this time. I’m not in the mood to play with you any more. You ruined it! You don’t have a romantic bone in your body.”


“No!” Broni yelled at him, angry at the hiccup in her voice. She refused to cry in front of the insensitive fucker.

As soon as he’d transported them back to the bedroom, Broni tore herself out of his arms, turning away from him and crossing her arms over her stomach.

“Do you want me to bring Rhys back? I believe he did several romantic occasions—”

“Don’t do that!” Broni’s horrified outburst stopped his words.

“Why not?” His curious eyes took in her reaction.

“You can let him be in control again?”

“No. I am a whole soul now, but I can let parts of him surface. Why don’t you want me to let him surface?”

When Broni didn’t answer, she heard her warrior move to stand behind her. He wrapped his arms around her. “Because he hurt you when he turned away from you? Do you fear that if he surfaces again he will influence me in the same way?”

Broni nodded her head.

He buried his mouth in her neck. “He would not do that. He loves you also. All of me loves you, Broni.”

Broni heard him; she just didn’t believe him. Rhys had only one love and that had been Deena. She accepted that, but the warrior loved her and she didn’t doubt that. Yet, if she believed he loved her, then she had to trust him. She turned in his arms.

“I love you, Warrior.”

“All of me?”

“Yes, each arrogant jackass inside of you.” She wound her arms around his neck.

“But you don’t believe that all of me loves you?”

“I believe most of you does,” Broni clarified.

He lifted her into his arms, carrying her to their bed. Laying her down gently, he stood, taking off his clothes. Broni’s mouth went dry as he revealed each part of his body.

When he was completely naked, he sat down on the bed and then took off her t-shirt and jeans as if she would break. Tears came to Broni’s eyes at his tender care.


“Shh… let me make love to you. I can be the man you want me to be.”

“I don’t need you to be anyone other than yourself. Well, it would be nice if you changed your opinion on women.”

Warrior bent over her, taking a nipple in his mouth and biting down.

“Ouch! I thought you were going to be gentle.”

“When did I say I was going to be gentle? I said I can be the man you want me to be, and you don’t want gentle. You like me to fuck you hard.” His lips trailed downward until he was between her thighs where his mouth covered her pussy, driving his tongue inside of her then laving her clit with his tongue.

Broni fell back against the pillow, her pussy thrusting up toward his mouth as her hands gripped his hair. The warrior was making his claim on her flesh, driving her toward an orgasm, sending her over the peak of her desire until she came against his mouth. His tongue didn’t slow, drawing out her climax out.

Broni tried to roll away from his skilled mouth. “Warrior...”

He raised himself back on his calves, his cock standing hard. Flipping her on her
stomach, he closed her legs and then lay down on top of her. Broni stiffened. She had never fucked him in this position. He slid into her in small thrusts.

“Warrior… Oh, Mother...” The position made her feel so tight that he had to push himself inside of her in small strokes. Broni trembled at the unbelievable pleasure. It actually felt like he was conquering her pussy an inch at a time.

“You like fucking me this way?”

“Oh, yes,” Broni groaned.

That was all the affirmation he needed. He pounded himself into her until she felt his balls against her ass, his thrusts shaking the bed. As Broni tried to move under him, she was held still. His body demanded her capitulation, to take what his hard cock gave in pounding thrusts or gentle glides. Broni was at her warrior’s mercy, and he showed her none, raising her desire to a pitch that had her screaming for release.

“Do you want to hear sweet words in your ear, or do you want me to tell you that your pussy is the only one I need, the only one I want?”

“I need to come!”

“Other women have had my cock, but not one had my heart until you.” His thrusts grew longer, harder, driving his words into her body and soul. “My heart, my soul… yours, only yours.”

Broni whimpered. “I believe you.”

“Was that romantic enough for you?”


The slick slide of his flesh lunging inside of her drove her lust to a breaking point. Shudders attacked her body as her orgasm struck with an intensity that felt as if it was never ending. She felt her warrior thrust high as he came deep within her. Afterward, he moved to the side, leaving her to recover with his hand on her ass.

“You know the best thing about fucking you?”

“No, what?” Broni’s weak voice asked.

“It just makes me want more.”

Broni groaned.


Chapter 29


Broni handed more blankets to Abby and Zandra to give out to those in the compound. The weather was turning colder. She bit her lip as she thought,
how are they supposed to care for all these people?
The compound was stretched at the seams. They already had decided to let survivors stay in two of the three reserved RVs, however Adam refused to give up the last one, saying those inside the clubhouse needed it if they had to leave.

Broni didn’t know how much longer they would be able to stay at the clubhouse, either. The violence from the gangs was becoming increasingly vicious as they tried to get inside.

”Abby, can you and Zandra give out the rest while I go inside for the food?”

“Okay.” Abby took the rest of the blankets from her. Zandra and she then walked through the crowd, giving out the precious few they had remaining.

It had taken over three months for Abby to speak again, and Broni didn’t know if she would have if not for Zandra. The girl filled the hole Abby’s sister had left behind.

Broni opened four of the few precious cans of vegetables they had left to add to the meal of two chickens she had boiled earlier. Their supplies were growing dangerously low.

“Why are you frowning? It can’t taste that bad,” Warrior said, coming into the back room which could barely be called a kitchen with just a stove, fridge and a long table they used to prepare the meals.

“It’s not that. I’m worried about the food with so many to feed.”

“Adam and I are going out to search the highway.”

“Why the highway?”

“All the stores have been raided. We’re hoping to find some trucks that were carrying supplies into the city when they were attacked.”

“Be careful.”

He nodded his head. “Don’t worry about me, I’m not the one who’s mortal. You’re the one I’m concerned about. We will be gone for a longer period of time.”

Broni smoothed out his worried frown.
“I’ll be fine.”

“I’m leaving Balder here.” Broni could see he wasn’t going to change his mind.


He bent, kissing her mouth. “We should be back before nightfall.”

Broni watched as he left, almost calling him back. She had a sick feeling in her gut that something terrible was going to happen. Instead, she turned back to the soup she was cooking. If they didn’t get more food soon, they would be turning on each other. Broni had seen too many massacres over food to call him back, though.

Time went by quickly. After feeding those inside the clubroom there was the cleanup to do. Abby and Zandra always pitched in to help while most of the other women who had been claimed by the clubhouse took care of the bikers.

They had developed a routine that worked for them during the day, and during the nights, the two women retreated to the back bedrooms. Broni had Adam find some books and movies for the girls, not wanting them bored.

Her warrior would carry her away for the nights, making love to her throughout the centuries that he chose to play in. She had been claimed by a gladiator, captured by a warlord, and thoroughly ravished by a Viking. Broni had enjoyed each and every one, but she had asked for her Viking master twice.

“Broni! Come quick!” Zandra came to the kitchen then ran back out.

Broni ran out to see the compound being attacked. The gates were wide open and the Drearien were overtaking and killing anyone they came into contact with.

“No!” Broni yelled, starting to run out the door only to have it slammed shut in her face.

“Get back!” Balder yelled. The huge man, whose hair was so blond it was almost white, barred the door, keeping her from helping those outside.

Broni looked around the clubroom to see who had made it inside. It was almost dark so most of the women had come inside already. Zandra was being held by Abby, whose pale face looked like she might faint at any moment.

“Harlow, bar the back door and push the table against it,” Balder ordered.

Broni rushed behind the bar, getting her sword to prepare herself. There was no way those doors would hold against the numbers outside who were attacking.

“Zandra, you and Abby go behind the bar with Dee and the others!” Balder’s yell had the women who had been frozen in shock now running toward the bar.

Broni went back to the door, looking out the window next to it. Adam had cut holes through the wooden shutters that were closed in emergencies. The front yard was littered with bodies. She turned away, unable to watch any longer when a movement caught her eye.

Each of the RVs had large side view mirrors. The RV parked in the lead had its mirror knocked off. It was swinging aimless, barely hanging on by a single cord. The sun hitting the mirror was what had drawn her attention. The reflection in the mirror was what forced a gasp from her throat.

Dionysus. His cruel smile and the concentration on his face left no doubt who was responsible for the extermination of those outside.

“Balder, you have to get to Mother. It’s Dionysus who’s doing this.” Rhys had stayed true to his word, bringing Balder to Odin’s court and making him another immortal warrior.

“He wouldn’t dare. Zeus would destroy him,” he argued.

“I’m telling you it is him. I saw him.” Frantically, Broni tried to convince the warrior.

Dionysus was Zeus’s son, though she was certain his father could not have known his son was involved in destroying Earth.

“I can’t leave you here unprotected,” Balder protested.

“If we die, he will keep killing. You have to tell Mother. Only she will have the power to stop this.”

Balder looked undecided.

“You know I’m telling the truth. It’s the only choice we have. Go, please, Just don’t be gone long.”

“I won’t.”

Balder disappeared the next second, making those that saw scream.

Broni ignored them, turning back to the window. She could see no trace of Dionysus outside after her brief glimpse in the mirror. The Drearien that were there turned their attention to the clubhouse now that all who had been outside were
dead. As they pounded on the door trying to get in, Broni waited for them to enter while holding her breath. The women behind the counter were screaming. Broni’s heart broke when she heard Abby’s and Zandra’s among them.

“You can stop it.”

Broni stiffened at the voice. Dionysus was just on the other side of the window, but his lips hadn’t moved. Broni realized he was talking to her in her mind.

“Let me have control, and I will let them live.”

“You’ll kill them anyway.”

“They are useless to me. It’s you I want.” His offer made no sense to her.

“Why? I have no powers as a mortal, and Mother is angry with me; she will not bargain for me.”

“Mother be damned. I will kill everyone inside if you do not come out.”
Dionysus’s calm began to disappear, so Broni thought fast.

“You can’t touch Cara, I’m of no use…” Broni gasped. “You want to use me against Zerina. Where is she?” Broni screamed, throwing herself at the closed shutter.

She felt the pressure inside her skull as he tried to take control over her mind. Broni remembered her mother’s words that there had to be a kernel of evil inside for the Drearien to take control. Therefore, Broni thought of how much she loved Mother, and how she regretted making her angry by betraying her trust. She prayed for forgiveness.

Broni felt the overwhelming power of Mother’s love flood through her body, and the pain retreated as Dionysus gave an angry curse, disappearing.

In the next second, Balder returned with a handful of warriors about to throw open the door.

“Wait. He’s gone. The Drearien will return to normal, so there is no need to kill more.”

The men waited until the ones outside regained their senses, taking off back into the dark city.

“We’ll get the outside cleaned up,” Balder stated, opening the door. “I don’t understand how they didn’t get inside. These doors weren’t strong enough to hold
them off.”

“The spell mother taught me must have held him off.”

“She saved your life.”

“Yes, she did.” She and the person who had been killed and buried on the property had protected her and the others inside.

Balder and his men were still dragging the bodies away when Adam and her warrior returned. Behind them, a huge semi followed the lights, showing the bloodshed that had taken place in their absence.

Broni went outside, running into her warrior’s arms.

“Are you all right?” Warrior looked her over critically, checking for injuries.

“Yes. I’m glad you’re home.”


“For now. Until this is over,” Broni clarified.

“When it’s over?”

Broni looked at the carnage around them.
“If we’re still alive, the humans are going to need our help.”

“Balder said you saw Dionysus?”

Broni nodded her head. “I think he wanted to use me against Zerina.” Broni shuddered, fear for her sister flooding her mind.

“He’s the one behind this?”

Broni explained what had happened while he had been gone.

He remained silent while she told him, emotions swirling across his face.
“That explains why humans haven’t been able to rebuild; he’s influencing the gangs to keep the cities in chaos.”

Broni agreed with him. It explained why the violence was escalating instead of calming.

“I need to talk to your mother,” he said suddenly. “Go back inside until I return. I won’t be long.”

“Why are you going to see my mother?”

“I’ll be back. I don’t think he’s acting alone. This is a war against your mother, and Dionysus is a peon, not a commander.”

“Who could be in charge then?”

Warrior shook his head, disappearing without answering her question.

If Dionysus was only being used by the person who was really trying to take control from Mother, then the battle would worsen. Humans were barely hanging onto their fragile grasp of civilization as it is. If someone else were involved, that could take this war to the Gods. Then, the only ones able to save them would be Odin’s army.

Her warrior was Odin’s commander, so if the war went to the realms, he could be killed. She would lose him again. An immortal that died in the realms was not reborn—he would be lost forever.

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