Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls) (16 page)

BOOK: Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls)
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Fate waved her hand and the sky became filled with scenes Rhys didn’t remember. A man bearing a striking resemblance to him was fighting an animal that he had seen in museums. Then he was fighting other men, going through different time periods and battles. The hair color and eyes changed, but the man stayed the same. Fate had not lied; he had been a killing machine, winning battle after battle, time after time, until even Rhys became entranced at the fierce image in front of him.

“He is magnificent, isn’t he?” As Rhys heard the awe in her voice, something within him preened, enjoying the praise from a woman who had seen it all.

“Why did you wait to bring him back?” Rhys did not take his eyes off the images flowing across the sky as he felt himself slipping away, exchanging places with the force within him.

“For two reasons.” Fate’s voice softened. “To give you a chance to say good-bye to your family…” Rhys felt a sharp pain in his heart, but it wasn’t as sharp nor did it last as long.

Fate nodded to the sky. “He is used to death and loss; he will give you the strength to accomplish what you could not do alone—heal. He knows what it’s like to experience loss.”

“The other reason?”

Fate laughed. “Because he also needed to learn a lesson from you. How to be a loving, faithful husband. That was something you excelled at doing in life. Together, you will be worthy of Broni.”

“You’re taking a lot for granted. Perhaps he won’t want Broni any more than I did.” The warrior within Rhys came closer to the surface, not liking being told what
to do even less than Rhys.

For a second, anger glittered in Fate’s eyes, and Rhys became very aware of this woman’s power.

“Oh, he wants her just as you do, but he’s stubborn. He’s tired from the battles he has fought, and he senses the battle coming will be the worst of all.”

When Rhys opened his mouth to deny it, Fate stopped him before he could lie to both her and himself. “Remember, I see everything. Your guilt and fear held you back from loving Broni, but she was meant to be yours for eternity. Yours to have or lose forever,” Fate warned, waving her hand again.

This time, the sky lightened as image after image played before him and the warrior was forced to watch. A tortured groan came from deep within when they saw Broni attacked on the street. When Adam bent and picked her broken body up into his arms, Rhys wanted to tear her away as their images gradually faded away.

“My prize.” Now the warrior within Rhys prowled even closer to the surface.

Fate’s lips twitched at the vain warrior. “Believe me, she’s no prize. Broni is willful, disobedient and takes dangerous risks with her safety. It will take a strong man to hold her heart and a warrior to claim her soul.”

“Are you doubting me?” The warrior was nothing if not vain.

“It is not me who has doubts.”

Rhys had fought against the attraction to Broni, refusing to see what was before his eyes. With the memories and emotions assailing him, he was no longer afforded that luxury as the images in the sky changed one last time to Broni as a young child watching him fight. At first, she’d been frightened but bravely watching. As she grew older, she had begun to watch his lives other than when he was fighting. He saw the laughter in her face as she watched him with other warriors, training, and when they were just together as friends. The jealousy as she grew older, observing him with the women and families he’d had. Finally, the tears she shed as she watched him that last day as he found his family. Broni had watched and loved him through lifetimes.

The sky darkened and he saw a passageway with Broni, Cara, and a woman he knew must be Zerina. He witnessed as they were attacked and Broni fought to reach a particular doorway as the swirling mist tried to swallow her just before she finally succeeded in dragging herself through. Unbelievably, he watched as she found herself on Earth, weak and sick. She had almost died before an old woman had taken her in from off the streets, helping her.

Rhys winced in self-hatred as she tried to warn him of the danger his family was in. It was Broni, not Deena, who had called that day to his office to try to get him home early. She had even dragged herself to the courthouse and tried to use the little power she’d held, which had been taught to her by her father for transferring emotion through love. She had lied to him. She had tried to save his family without endangering him. Broni had tried to get him home before the tragedy unfolded, but she had been unsuccessful because Fate had intervened.

“I didn’t know it was her.” Fate’s voice broke. “The doorway had thrown her back in time. I stood there with her within my reach, and I did not know. She hid from me, knowing full well the consequences she would face. Not until the Drearien appeared did she allow me to find her.”

“Consequences?” Rhys asked, yet he saw for himself.

“She followed your every footstep for the next five years. That was why she was at the bar that night.

“She walked the Earth for you. One of the harshest punishments Mother gives to immortals, yet she put herself there willingly, knowing there was a chance she would never be able to return home. She did that for you. To give you your family back, not so she could be with you. She sacrificed herself. Even upon her return home when her powers were given to you because she’d tried to interfere, she didn’t
protest. With Broni, it was and always will be because of you.” The words clicked into place as, at last, Rhys understood those words spoken to him by Fate as she had stopped him from killing himself.

Fate touched him, drawing a symbol with her finger on his chest. Walking behind him, she traced another on his back. Then, walking forward, she again traced one last mark on his forehead. “Remember who you are as well as who you have been.” Fate then took a step back, walking slowly around him in a circle.

With each name she called out, the warrior within prowled closer. “Do you remember your battles, Douglas? How about you, Cromwell?” Each name was as if souls were awakening to life within him. “Do you remember who you were, Khan, Hannibal, Alexander?” Rhys knew the greats through history. She was mistaken; no soul could have lived through so many lifetimes. “Cyrus and Erik the Red?

“Do not let me forget your favorites where, even when you lost the battle, it was worth the cost, lone axmen. And, Dian Wei, do you not long to feel your axes in your hands again?”
In Fate’s hand, a battle ax appeared.

Rhys felt his body at long last released from Fate’s grasp, but what she did next stunned him into near immobility again. He would have been chopped in half if not for the life forces taking over, merging into one. The warrior instincts sprung back to life. Catching the ax thrown at him in a hard grasp, twirling its familiarity in his hands.

Fate stared in admiration at his display of mastery over the fearsome weapon. “I am relieved to see you remember how to wield your weapon.”

“Are you? I thought for a second you were about to decapitate me,” Rhys said suspiciously.

“Not I, but Valentine and Destiny came precariously close. I had every faith you just needed a little nudge to make you remember.”

“There are gentler ways other than throwing an ax at my head. Have I not always been a faithful servant of the Gods?”

“Yes, Warrior, you have. Odin was sure you would eventually remember, but I have need of your skills now.”

His grim countenance changed into one of admiration. “Odin.” He went to Odin who had silently been watching the entire confrontation from his throne. Rhys clasped his hands before sinking to his knees before him. “I am at your command, once again.”

Odin nodded. “I want you to command my army as you have earned the honor. However, the battle this time will be the most important one you will face. Many humans, immortals, and Gods will not survive. If we lose, evil will reign in all realms.”

“It will be my privilege to serve you. I only ask that the choice of realms I fight be given to me. If Broni must stay on Earth, then I wish to be with her.”

“You intend to claim her?” Odin questioned his intentions.

Rhys said in resignation, “I doubt Fate or her father would allow less any longer.”

“It won’t be as easy as you believe,” Fate snapped. “Her giving heart was rejected while you whored your way through every Goddess and slut in our realm. I have had a difficult time restraining Valentine. Besides, our daughter will find the happiness she deserves with or without you.” Fate believed in giving fair warning.

“I will make Broni happy, but there will be times she will be unhappy with me. When those situations occur, I will tolerate no interference. There will be only one master in my relationship with her, and that will be me.” Rhys took Fate’s warning in stride and gave one of his own.

“I can live with that,” Fate conceded.

“As can I.”

Both had set their terms and were happy with the outcome, each believing themselves the victor.

“I have your permission to leave?” Rhys turned to Odin.

“You do. Take who you want with you and prepare for battle; it will not be long in coming.”

Rhys looked over to the tables at his Viking brothers, many of whom were anxious to be embroiled in a fight again. He would have to choose carefully; Odin could not be left unprotected.

He moved toward the table, but when he would have moved forward to make his selection, Fate stopped him with a hand on his arm. “I want my daughter protected.”

“Do you doubt my ability?” The Warrior was astounded at the insult. “You should have kept a better eye on her.”

“Don’t anger me again, Warrior. Let’s not forget who is responsible for her being there in the first place.”

“Did we not just discuss your interference?” he stated between gritted teeth.

The Warrior had not become a brilliant strategist by being an idiot. However, Fate wanted Broni happy and safe, and he had fucked up. Until he proved himself, she would continue to doubt his worthiness. For now, he would have to tolerate Fate’s insults.

“I see that I am going to have to convince you as well as Broni. Her safety and happiness will always come first.”

“Thank you. I am aware of the difficulty it was to give me your promise. Odin has a need for your skills as a warrior; Broni needs a mate that will see she is cared for. I am sure you will be able to accomplish both.”

“I will.” The Warrior crossed his arms over his chest. “Now, if you will leave, I will be able to pick my men and go to Broni.”

“I will leave you to it then. Remember, I will be watching,” she said, disappearing before he could reply.

“That woman needs a firm hand,” the warrior stated, looking over his shoulder at Odin.

“Are you doubting
skill now?” Odin raised a questioning brow.

“No, just your sanity.”


Chapter 23


Broni moved stiffly across the clubroom. It had been four days since she had been attacked, and her body was still sore, bearing the bruises of the hits the men had inflicted. She sat down at the first table she came to, biting her lip at the excruciating pain.

“Should you be out of bed?” Adam asked, sitting down beside her.

“I couldn’t lie in that bed another second. I needed to walk the stiffness out.”

Adam frowned. “When I go out, I’ll try to find something for pain.”

Broni covered his hand with hers. “Don’t. Those are the most dangerous spots. I’ll be fine in a couple of more days.”

When he didn’t say anything, she could tell she hadn’t convinced him. Any place that had anything medicinal was not worth the risk, though. Things had not gotten any better since her arrival on Earth. If possible, they had deteriorated even further. What government resources remained were protecting the utilities and water facilities, trying to keep those going as the world fell apart.

“Please, Adam.”

His harsh face softened momentarily. “We need to find a supply of the basic necessities anyway. We need to have certain items on hand.”

“All right, but it’s too late in the day now. Early morning is the best time for searches.”

Broni felt him searching her pale face. “There are a few hours of daylight left.”

“Wait until tomorrow, and I’ll tag along.”

“You’re not going out any more.”

“Yes, I am.” She wasn’t about to be left behind with Tank.

“I’ll take Tank and a few others.”

“No!” Broni said, clutching his hand harder. Tank would make sure Adam didn’t come back. He would use the opportunity to kill Adam. Here at the club surrounded by his men, Adam was protected; but outside the gates, he would be vulnerable. Jace and Fin were decent men, however they weren’t strong enough to cement Adam’s power.

Broni managed to drink a few sips of the broth that Abby brought to her. She had noticed the young girl had been hesitant to approach the table with Adam seated beside her; it hadn’t missed his notice, either. His harsh expression returned when she skittered away.

Broni turned curious eyes to his, not understanding Abby’s fear of him.

“I had to make my position obvious to the others when Tank returned, and she saw it all. Abby probably thinks I’m a bigger monster than Tank.”

Broni gazed at her as she served the men their food and drink while the men constantly tried to touch her.

“You need to stop that shit.” Broni inclined her head, seeing one of the bikers deliberately take his drink, letting his hand brush against her breast.

As Adam’s lips tightened, Broni guessed he didn’t like being told what to do.

“She needs to learn her place here.”

Broni almost threw her bowl at him. “Underneath one of your men?”

Broni started to get up, but Adam jerked her back down to her chair.
“That’s not what I meant! She can’t stay hidden away in her room, she has to learn to deal with the men. There is plenty of willing pussy in the club, but she has to stand up for herself. When Jace backs her up, the men will leave her alone.”

“Jace? Why not you? If you told the men to leave her alone—”

“They accept Jace as her protector because he owns her.”

“Please don’t tell me that you put that poor girl up for auction?”

Adam raised his brow at her. “It keeps them from harassing you, doesn’t it?”

Broni shut her mouth with a snap.

“Adam!” Harlow came running in the front of the club.

Adam quickly got to his feet and Broni followed as the rest of the club gathered in the doorway, staring outside with their mouths hanging open. Broni couldn’t get near the door with the large crowd blocking the doorway, instead she moved to the side window, putting out her hand to rub the grime away so she could look outside.

Her own mouth dropped open in surprise. Rhys sat outside the gate on the biggest motorcycle she had ever seen, the gleaming chrome highlighted in the sun shining down.

Broni gasped. He had gained weight since she had last seen him, his muscular body now as big as Tank’s. He wasn’t alone, either. Behind him were ten other men just as large, sitting on their own gleaming bikes.

Adam and none of his men had been able to ride their own bikes; the lack of gasoline and being cautious of the huge number of gangs made them worry of being attacked for their ride.

“Should I let them in?” Harlow asked Adam.

“Yes.” Adam didn’t return her gaze.

Broni saw Rhys and his men ride their bikes in the compound when Harlow opened the gate. She couldn’t prevent herself from trembling as she noticed the further changes in him
. His hair now brushed the back of his leather jacket while the leather pants and boots he wore showed he hadn’t been doing without like the men in the clubhouse had. Broni could just imagine the trenchers of food and wine Odin’s servants and women had provided for him. Had he come to rub it in her face how their circumstances had changed, to punish her further for not saving his family?

As Rhys and his men walked toward the clubhouse, Broni headed back to Adam’s room, her courage deserting her. She needed time before she had to face him again. However, she felt a rush of dizziness overcome her, forcing her to delay her retreat.

Leaning heavily against the bar, she watched Rhys’s biker brothers welcome him back, all except Tank and his favored few who stood back, not bothering to hide their scowls.

“Brother, you look good.” Adam slapped Rhys on the shoulder.

As Rhys gripped Adam by his upper arms, Broni saw the closeness between the two. Everyone in the club listened to their conversation.

Broni’s lips curled as Rhys told Adam he had been helping the survivors. He wasn’t about to tell a room of hard-ass bikers the truth of his whereabouts.

“I don’t give a shit where you’ve been. I’m glad you’re back. You are back, aren’t you?” Adam asked, tense jawed.


Broni’s grip tightened on the bar as Rhys’s eyes searched the room, stopping when they met hers. If she hadn’t been holding onto the bar, she would have fallen. The look in his eyes was one she had witnessed throughout the centuries—the warrior within Rhys had gained control.

She licked her suddenly dry lips, and his eyes dropped to her mouth. A sensual look appeared that he made no effort to hide it.

Broni took a step back then turned, rushing from the room, practically running, unable to process the lustful look he had given her. She slammed the bedroom door closed behind her, leaning back against it, her sore body trembling from her dash to escape the emotions Rhys had raised inside her.

She slowly went to the bed, sinking down on the mattress until she could lay down. Rolling to her side, she curled into a comforting ball, telling herself she could care less he was back. Yet, she had loved him for so long that seeing him across the room had her wanting to walk forward and touch him, make sure he was real and not a figment of her imagination.

She stifled her cries with her hand, her strength deserting her. Broni let all her pain and heartache go then rolled onto her back, rebuilding her defenses. She would learn to hide everything she felt. He could fuck every woman in the club and she wouldn’t care. His stay in Odin’s castle had provided him with more women than what the club offered anyway. She was sure it wouldn’t take him long before he availed himself of their willing bodies and skills. For centuries, she had watched him with other women, forced to stand back without the right to even be angry; she could do it again.

It wasn’t his fault she had fallen in love with him, but there was a time when she had to realize that her love would never be returned. She was going to move forward with the life Mother had chosen for her, find a mate that she could care for, and bear his children. She refused to be like her mother and live in torture as the man she loved used woman after woman.

Broni’s decision eased the hurt inside of her aching soul. She drifted off to sleep, hoping that when she was face to face with him, her resolve would be strong enough to hold.

  *  *

Broni washed and dressed the next morning. As she passed the bed, she realized that Adam
hadn’t slept on his side. She wondered which woman he had spent his night with.

She left the bedroom, going into the clubroom. It was packed; the small clubhouse hadn’t provided enough room before the Drearien had attacked. Now, with all the survivors and Rhys’s reappearance with even more men, the clubhouse was busting at the seams.

Broni went behind the bar, and despite herself, she searched through the crowd of men, relieved when she didn’t see him. He wasn’t there. Like Adam, he must have found company for the night.

As she savored the coffee she’d poured for herself, the almost empty bag reminded her that Adam might have gone on a run for food. Carefully stepping over the men and women sprawled on the floor, she went to the window, seeing all the motorcycles gone.

Broni worriedly returned to the counter, beginning to fix a meal for the ones who would wake up hungry. How were they going to feed everyone with their limited supplies inside the club? Food scavenged from the outside was becoming scarce to find, that was why they had been so far from the clubhouse when she had been attacked.

When Broni heard loud noises coming from the outside, she went to the door. She opened it and stared in stupefaction as the gate was swung open by Mason and twelve huge RVs were driven inside, circling the club before parking.

Broni had to admit it was a brilliant move. Not only were the gates reinforced by the tremendous weights of the RVs, it gave the additional rooms needed for living and sleeping. Plus, from a purely defensive move, the height of the RVs would allow lookouts to see much better than on the ground.

The men stepped out of the RVs, coming inside the clubhouse, Rhys and Adam being the last to come inside. Once inside, the room quieted when Adam raised his hand, calling for their attention.

“Names will be drawn and everyone will be given a place to sleep. Those of you assigned to a RV will be expected to maintain them in case the city gets worse. We may need them to get us out of town. The women will be assigned two and the rest will be split up among the men. Three will remain empty for the brothers inside the clubhouse to use if we need to leave the city.”

“Bullshit! Why do the women need two of their own? We’d have more space for the men. The women all sleep with someone at night anyway.” Tank forced himself to the front of the crowd.

“I don’t give a fuck about what you think, Tank. The women get their own RVs,” Adam stated.

Broni would be grateful to have a space of her own again. She didn’t know how it was going to be, sharing living quarters with other women, but she was willing to try.

“I’m going to go ahead and address this now while everyone is listening, so no one misunderstands and comes crying to me later. During the day, the women are allowed to come and go as they please inside the clubhouse. No one will harass or touch them unless they are claimed as club property.

“Women, if you come in the clubhouse after nightfall, you become club property to use. If you don’t want the men to touch you, it’s simple: stay outside after dark. You’ll still be given food and shelter, though; so it’s your choice to make.”

Broni saw Tank and his friends begin talking among themselves as they moved nearer to Adam.

“I see a fucking bitch I want, I’ll take her. Inside or out, daylight or dark.”

Adam didn’t respond directly to Tank. “Anyone that doesn’t want to follow this rule can leave. Anyone who breaks this rule will deal with me.”

“Oh, I’m fucking scared,” Tank laughed.

Adam pulled his gun out of his pants and Tank lost his smile. “Tank, one more word out of your mouth and you’re gone. I’ve had it with your bullshit.”

Broni thought Tank was going to attack Adam for several seconds before he turned with a threatening glare and disappeared into the crowd. At that point, Broni relaxed, going to take a seat at an empty table. Adam found her there later and set a bottle of ibuprofen and antiseptic down in front of her.

“Thanks, Adam.”

“Don’t thank me; Rhys found them.”

Rhys came to the table, taking a chair.

“Thanks, Rhys.”

Broni opened the bottle of pain medication, taking two. Her hand was still swollen and sore, and the ibuprofen would definitely help.

“You’re welcome.”
Even his voice sounded different. Deeper, richer.

Broni felt her body quiver as his eyes traveled over her figure. She raised her water to her lips, avoiding his gaze.

“The RVs were a good idea,” she complimented Adam.

“I can’t take the credit for those, either.” He glanced up at Rhys before turning back to her, giving her a hard stare. “I want you to say inside the clubhouse for now, Broni. Tank is a time bomb, and if he wants to make a strike on me, the dumbass will go for the woman I’ve been sharing my room with.”

Broni didn’t argue, seeing Tank staring at them from across the room.

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