Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls) (12 page)

BOOK: Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls)
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Rhys sat quietly, watching as she took a piece of bacon and with her teeth tore it in half. Rhys’s balls curled into themselves for protection.

Fate smiled as she poured herself a glass of juice. “It was quite fortuitous that you walked by his door at that time and he confided in you. Of course, with two children yourself, you easily recognized the symptoms.”

Rhys began to feel like he had done exactly as she had wanted, and he didn’t appreciate the feeling.

“I take it you are going to be a grandmother?” he said, losing his appetite.

“Yes, I am ecstatic. This one will be the first of many.” When a faraway look entered her eyes, Rhys had an uncomfortable feeling she was counting her future progeny.

He decided to be upfront about his relationship with her daughter. “Broni and I—”

Fate cut him off. “There is no Broni and you. You are merely using my daughter
to satiate your physical needs. Broni knows this and accepts it. I, however, do not.”

Rhys did not know what to say at Fate’s censure because he felt anything he said would damn him further in her eyes.

“I have agreed to accept Broni’s decision, for now.” Fate took a drink of her coffee.

“For now?” Rhys questioned, hoping the woman didn’t think he would change his mind.

“Until I don’t, and you will know when that happens.”

Changing the subject, she asked how his visits to the various battlefields had been progressing. He found himself drawn into a long conversation about the outcomes of several battles, even arguing several tactics the commanders had used without success.

Rhys was surprised to discover he liked Fate. She was extremely intelligent and had a grasp on events that rivaled the great minds of known time. She was also easy to talk to, so it was disappointing when she rose, stating she had work to do before excusing herself.

Rhys worked out alone, missing Jericho’s company and deciding to shorten his workout time to find Broni. He found he was actually looking forward to beginning their day.


Chapter 17


It was the bloodiest battle they had been sent to; the casualties were massive. While Broni watched Rhys’s reaction to the bloodbath taking place before them, she was cringing inwardly. As a warrior was slaughtered before her in a gruesome manner, unable to bear the sight, she turned away.

However, Rhys observed the battle differently, analyzing it from both sides, weighing the pros and cons of the strategies the two opposing antagonists were using. Broni smiled at his clenching hands, unconsciously wanting to join in the fight. She was glad he couldn’t; there wasn’t going to be a survivor from this particular battle.

“They’re Vikings.”

“They are. No one survives this battle.” Broni pointed to a large man lying nearby. “He is their leader. His son will grow to be famous, becoming one of their best warriors. A leader known through time. He almost conquered the world.” A proud smile played on Broni’s lips. “If he had not died, I think he would have.”

The battle ended, and as Broni had stated, no one was left standing. Rhys felt a deep sadness at the men lying before him. After Broni gripped his hand, returning him to his room, she moved away from him, never touching him longer than it took to move from one place to another. It was dark outside and the room was softly lit with candlelight.

“I need a shower, will you join me?”

Broni looked at him in surprise. Rhys never wanted intimacy between them out of the bed, so hesitantly, she agreed.

They disrobed before going to the bathroom, which was the epitome of decadence. The shower was made of marble and the water rained down from the ceiling like a small waterfall. Broni took the soap and lathered herself, unsure of what to do, having never showered with a man before. Rhys took her hand with the soap, moving it where he wanted. Her hands were guided over his large chest then downward toward his hips. The soap fell to the floor of the shower as he slid her hand over his slick flesh toward his protruding cock. He braced his arm on the wall
above her head at her gentle touch.


Broni took his slippery cock in her hand, beginning a rhythmic stroking that had him thrusting his hips forward, giving him the friction he needed. After a while, Broni removed her hands, letting the falling water remove the soap. When he was clean, she dropped to her knees, taking him deep in her mouth. Her tongue curled underneath the broad head, sucking strongly as he began a fierce rhythm that took him to the back of her throat.

Broni gripped his balls in her hand, applying a delicate pressure, and when she swallowed on the head of his cock buried in her throat, he came. Broni delicately used her tongue to tease him as he slid from her warm mouth. Her body was on fire. Sucking on his cock had aroused her; she’d enjoyed it as much as he had.

Rhys dried them off before taking her arm and leading her to his bed, but before she could climb onto the bed, he stopped her. He put a hand on her back and pushed her downward until she lay bent over the bed with her feet barely touching the floor. Broni felt Rhys’s thigh part her legs, his cock sliding deep within her wet pussy. She was ready for him, but it was still tight with no foreplay. A small scream escaped her at his hard entry.

Not giving her time to recover, he began to thrust deep within her. Broni felt the strength of his thrusts and began to quiver with an impending orgasm. Rhys thrust faster, driving them both toward a climax.

After Rhys’s cock slid from her, she turned to leave, yet his hands circled her waist, lifting her onto the bed.

“My hair will get the pillow wet.”

“It will dry.”

Rhys’s hands roamed her still water slickened flesh. Taking a nipple between his lips, he was just beginning to play with it when Broni stiffened with a gasp.

“Get dressed.”

She was being called and was expected to obey immediately. Hurriedly, they dressed in silence. When their shoes were on, Broni grasped Rhys’s hand. The call was becoming more urgent. She was usually called by Fate, but this summons was
from Mother herself.

“Prepare yourself,” she warned.

*  *  *

Zandra woke up coughing. Her frightened eyes couldn’t see anything in the darkness, and the overwhelming smell of smoke was making it hard to breathe.

The kitten jumped on her bed, frightening her even more as it mewed helplessly. Zandra slowly reached out to stroke it, wanting to soothe the only friend she had.

“Mommy? Daddy?” Her scratchy voice first came out as a small whisper, almost as though she was afraid of drawing their anger as the smoke filled her room. They would be mad and punish her if she woke them, but her fear of not breathing overruled her fear of them.

Her voice rose in volume. “Mommy? Daddy?”

The small house was already engulfed in flames when Broni and Rhys arrived. With a glance, they took in the gasping couple catching their
breath on the grass, making no attempt to save their daughter within the inferno taking over their home.

Broni looked at the husband and wife, wanting to slap them silly for the indifference they were showing while the tiny child’s screams could be heard over the night air above the crackling and hissing of the flames.

Broni knew exactly where the child was, and while still holding Rhys’s hand, she transported them there in an instant. The child had stopped screaming; whimpers now were the only sound to escape her lips. Broni could not touch the child, yet she could give her the knowledge of how to escape and that time was slowly drawing to a close. If the child didn’t get out soon, she would die.

“Zandra, get off the bed and slowly crawl toward me.”

The little girl didn’t move.


Still no movement. The little girl didn’t even turn her head to acknowledge Broni’s presence.

“Rhys, she can’t hear me. I don’t understand.” Broni turned to him frantically. She had been called to save the child, yet she was powerless to do so.

Rhys’s voice boomed out, startling Broni with its intensity. “Zandra!”

The little girl cried out in fright at the sound of his voice.

“Who are you? You’re not my daddy.”

“No, but I am here to help you. Slowly slide off your bed and crawl toward me. Hurry, Zandra, there isn’t much time,” Rhys urged.

“I’m scared.” Her little body scooted to the end of the bed. She turned onto her stomach, edging off until she was able to reach the floor then Zandra began to crawl across the room.

“I know, baby, but I am here to help you. Just a little farther.”

As the child crawled, the flames began to slide under the closed door, running across the carpet toward the little girl. Someone was directing the flames, wanting to destroy her.

Broni stood by helplessly. She wanted the girl to hurry, but Zandra was unable to hear her, and Broni wasn’t even able to direct the flames away for the few precious seconds it would take to save the girl.

The child screamed when the flames reached her.

“Roll toward me, Zandra. Roll.” Rhys remained calm, giving the directions to save her life.

When Zandra lay helplessly at Rhys’s feet, he reacted by trying to pick her up in his arms, but they passed through her. At that point, her screams of pain were driving all thoughts from Rhys’s mind.

Fate appeared. “Focus, Rhys. You have the power to save her, or she wouldn’t have heard you. She

Fate turned toward the flames, waving her hands, and they fell back a few inches, though they did not disappear.

Rhys knelt down next to the sobbing child. “Zandra. Get up, baby.”

“I can’t,” the little girl whimpered.

“Yes, you can.”

Broni pointed at the window, drawing his attention and showing him how to manipulate the little girl.

“Your kitten needs you to get her out.”


“Yes. Max needs your help, okay?”


Whimpering, the trembling child managed to get to her hands and knees, crawling toward Rhys who had moved to stand by the tiny window.

“Now what the fuck do I do?” Rhys yelled. There was no way the girl could reach the unopened window.

Opening his senses, he disappeared outside, leaving Broni with the little girl in the bedroom. He transported himself to the girl’s father.

Kneeling by the son of a bitch, Rhys threatened him with a cold, deadly voice he hadn’t known he was capable of.
“Get your ass over to that window and save that child or I will tear you apart limb from limb.”

Will had never been much of a man, led by the nose by his domineering bitch of a wife, but the voice in his ear threatening him with violence sent fear coursing down his spine.

“Now!” Rhys yelled in his ear.

Spooked, Will jumped up, going to his daughter’s bedroom window.

“Get something to break the fucking window!” Rhys wanted to strangle the stupid man, however he tried to remain calm, giving the man directions until finally, the sound of glass breaking fell on Rhys’s welcoming ears.

“Reach in and pull her out. She is by the window.”

Wanting to pick the man up and throw him inside, Rhys watched as he slowly reached in and pulled out the girl. She was unconscious but still breathing. Sirens could be heard drawing closer. The mother ran to grab the father, moving him away from the now flaming house.

The kitten flew through the window just before flames began billowing out.

When Broni and Fate materialized beside him, Rhys, unable to help himself and knowing it would do no good other than to make him feel better, walked to the man and kicked him in the ribs. Expecting his foot to pass through him, he almost tripped when his foot connected with a meaty
. The man’s scream of pain brought a vindictive smile to Rhys’s face.

“Get her away from the house.”

Watching the man stumble toward Zandra holding his ribs, Rhys noticed Fate’s huge smile and didn’t need to wonder further how he had managed to kick the neglectful father.

“If you could let me kick that no good piece of shit, how come you wouldn’t let me help her?” Rhys snapped angrily.

“That kick couldn’t change the future; her life will.”

They stood and watched as a fire truck and ambulance arrived. Despite the worthless parents wanting aid first, they were ignored while the girl was stabilized. The only one not ignoring them was the police officer and fire chief wanting explanations of how the fire had started. They looked more frightened by the questions than they had of the fire.

Rhys and Broni left then, materializing back in Rhys’s room without Broni having to touch him.

“I no longer need your help to transport?” Rhys questioned.

“Apparently not.” Broni shrugged, unsure of how or why he was able to do so without her aid.

“Jericho does. I’ve seen him,” Rhys said.

“Yes, but he’s a demi-God. His power was inherited, yours are not,” Broni explained.

“Then why?”

“Mother must have decided that will be one of the powers she gifts you with,” Broni said with a frown that Rhys didn’t understand.

Will Zandra be all right?”

“I don’t know. I’ll ask my mother, however she may or may not answer my question.”
Broni wrinkled her nose. “You smell like a chimney.”

“You’re not much better.”

They undressed and took another shower, this time each lost in their own thoughts.

Broni couldn’t understand how her powers had failed her and been switched to Rhys. Was it to be in just this instance or would it last longer? Broni was frightened to learn the answer.

Rhys felt a small weight lifted off his chest, making him breathe a little easier. Saving the child had eased a tiny part of the pain he’d felt at being unable to save his own children. The guilt had been eating him alive just as much as the grief he felt at missing them.

They got out of the shower, drying themselves off, and once they were in bed, Broni turned off the light with a wave of her hand. Before she could lay down beside Rhys, he was leaning over her, pressing her down into the soft mattress.

Rhys felt like a part of him that had been asleep was reawakening. He was filled with the inexplicable need to fuck Broni. His mouth claimed her nipple, his teeth rubbing the tender bud until it tightened into a hard nub. Rhys had fucked numerous women since Deena’s death, but none had aroused the passion that Broni did.

He skillfully built their desire upwards until her pleas for release had him sliding deep within her body. His fingers rubbed her clit until he felt the gasps at his shoulder where she had buried her face. He lazily stroked inside of her while feeling her nails bite into his back when her greedy pussy needed more than he was letting her have.

Rhys stared down into her striking face, seeing that she enjoyed the feel of him inside her. Her long legs were wrapped around his waist, trying to control the tempo of his thrusts and keeping her under control was undermined by his own rising desire. He gave in to his own demands, his strokes becoming faster, deepening until he felt her tightening pussy clench.

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