Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls) (22 page)

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Anger darkened his expression
. She had challenged the warrior and he was determined that she would be his conquest.

“You will.” His dangerous temper shone from his silver gaze
, yet his hands on her were soothing, leading her further down the path of no return.

, Odin lowered his lips to her cunt where his tongue slid deep within her, thrusting in and out as if it were his cock. Her ass rose and lowered with each hard thrust; the sound of her buttocks hitting the smooth metal reverberating through the huge hall.

Odin slipped two fingers into the wine
, and as her bottom fell, she was impaled upon his fingers. They thrust past her anal ring to bury themselves deep within her ass. Desperately, Fate tried to hold her hips still, the pain threatening to wake her from the dream.

Odin’s fingers did not stay still
, however. They thrust within her while his tongue finally found the hidden nub of her desire, slid backwards and forwards, edging her toward a climax he again denied her. The double stimulation had her unconsciously thrusting backwards onto his fingers, driving him deeper within her.

“Say my name
,” he ordered again.

Unable to hold back any longer
, Fate gave him what he demanded.

she screamed his name, the loud sound instantly waking her.

Fate woke to find herself covered in sweat, her silken sheets twisted around her hips.
She squeezed her thighs together as she sat up in her huge bed, trying to alleviate the desire that left her empty and aching. She turned to look at the empty side where Valentine once had lain, wishing that he was there to relieve the fire in her groin that was burning her alive.

As soon as she’d had that thought, a
shadow fell across her balcony doorway. They were always left open so that she could watch the sky. No one was allowed to enter without permission, and only Valentine had ever been granted it. He must have felt her agitation and come to her in concern.

Fate wanted to tell him to leave, the anger at his betrayal still raw. The hurt he had caused had been inconsolable
, but her frustrated body was masking the heartache of their destroyed marriage. He could give her body the relief it was aching for and her dream had denied.

,” Fate’s soft voice beckoned as she extended her hand toward his waiting shadow.

The shadow moved away, leaving.

“No! Do not go!” Fate hurriedly rose from the bed. Walking forward, her trembling legs forced her to hold onto the bedpost to still her nervousness. “I need you tonight.” Defeat sounded in her voice. The words hung in the air between them.

esitating, he turned back, moving closer. Anticipation heightened the tension filled room while lightning from the dark sky briefly illuminated the man moving toward her. Fate buried her face in her hands, leaning her body into the post, barely able to stand upright. Fear filled her thoughts of the night ahead.

“Take off your gown.”

Fate remained still, unable to move.


She stood upright, her hands moving to slide the straps of her gown down her arms. Once released, the gown fell to her feet in a puddle of silk.

He was before her in the blink of an eye
. Bending over, his shoulder was placed against her stomach, lifting her until she lay across his shoulder. If his intention had been to make her feel like a conquest, then he had succeeded.

Dropping her within the soft depths of her bed, he loomed over her prone body.
“Get on your hands and knees.”

, Fate did as he requested, getting on her hands and knees, though her stiff posture showed her displeasure of the position.

Mocking laughter filled the dark room as large hands on her hips held her in place.

Fate felt his cock brush her wetness, gasping as he found her entrance and without hesitation, thrust forward. The broad head of his cock barely gained entrance. She was stretched too tight, allowing only small movements of the thick length in her clenching sheath. If she had not been so wet, it would have been painful. As it was, miniscule twinges of pain had her jerking forward to escape the encroaching cock filling her beyond capacity. Feelings of pain and lust mingled as the hands on her hips firmly pulled her back onto him.

Her mind shied away from the differences she found in Valentine this stormy night. He was never a dominating partner and the size of the cock that was having difficulty was quite a bit larger than she remembered
, but it had been years since they were last together. Fate did not allow her mind to dwell on the changes, pushing them away. Her body’s demands were controlling her actions, and tonight, the ache was going to be satisfied.

As h
e leaned over her smooth back, surrounding her with his body, one hand slid from her hip to her quivering belly before gliding downward to the overfull cunt. Finding her clit, he massaged it until her response finally allowed him to push further inside her.

Fate’s hands clenched in the silken sheets. “Wait
. This is not working.” She felt like a young girl attempting this for the first time. It was not at all what she’d expected; the pain was beginning to affect the pleasure she felt.

“It is not your body resisting me.” He began stroking her pussy with a series of firm thrusts
, taking all the control she had imposed on herself and demanding she accept his will.

’s restraint broke. She desperately wanted the pleasure of the hard length inside of her. Starved for the need that was pushing for relief, she began thrusting backwards, his cock sliding in to the hilt. Once embedded deep within, he began thrusting harder, and Fate arched her back, wanting more. He gave it to her over and over with his cock and fingers torturing her. It took little time for her climax to build.

Biting the arm braced next to her
, she managed to stifle the screams at the pleasure she felt.

He did not slow or give her a chance to recover but flipped her on her back and slid her toward him
, placing her legs on his shoulders. The position drove his cock deeper, and after her orgasm, she was able to take him without pain.

His hard strokes pushed her down into the soft mattress
as they grew faster and Fate felt his climax deep within her.

closed her eyes as she tried to regain her equilibrium. As she came down from the high, drowsiness overcame her, and she struggled to stay awake, wanting to enjoy their last night together.

Strong arms lifted her
, placing her in the center of the bed.

“Go to sleep.”
His gentle whisper belied the order in his voice.

Fate felt his weight next to her and a soft kiss was placed on her lips before
he pulled her close. She lay across his chest, her legs between his while his hand played with the dark curls of her hair as she slipped into a deep slumber with his heart beating in her ear.

Fate woke
sometime later in that endless night to her arms clasped above her head, his mouth at her breast and his cock thrusting deep within her sore cunt. Her thighs gripped him closer and her hips greedily matched his thrusts. The orgasm took longer this time, her body already sated, yet the wildness in him brought out her response, and her climax lasted until he took her in his arms, rubbing her belly to soothe her.

The dawn brought a gentle glow that filtered into the bedroom
, waking Fate from her exhausted slumber. She was lying on her side with a muscular arm draped across her stomach, his hand buried in her cunt, playing with her. A blush burned her face at the loss of control she had experienced during the night.

stayed still, wanting to enjoy what he was doing just a few moments more…

“I know you are awake.” Fate tensed
. That rough voice was not Valentine’s.

he tore herself free, jumping from the bed, afraid to turn back and look at who it held.

Harsh laughter stopped her flight,
making her turn back to face her worst nightmare. Odin was sprawled across her bed naked with his cock raised and ready.

“Cover yourself!”

Odin leaned back on her bed, not attempting to cover himself. Even in her anger, however, Fate could not deny to herself how glorious he looked.

“How did I know you were going to play it this way?” He crossed his arms
over his chest.

“Bastard, you knew I thought Valentine had come to me
,” Fate denied his accusation.

Odin shook his head negatively. “You knew I wasn’t Valentine in your dream and you knew for damn sure I wasn’t him when I entered this room. You called my name.”

“How did you know I dreamt of you?” Fate questioned suspiciously. Her eyes fell on to the golden chalice by her bedside. A servant had given it to her at the party and she had unwittingly carried it home in her hurry to leave. It was Odin’s own Chalice. He had used it to gain entrance to her bedroom.

“You tricked me into calling for you
! Since when did you have to use magic to get a woman?” Fate’s scornful voice had Odin sitting up in the bed.

“I did not trick you
,” he denied angrily.

Fate bit her lip
. Aggravated with herself, she took it out on him. “You know I loathe you—that I would never willingly give myself to you—so you cheated your way into my bedroom.”

“I did not cheat or trick you
. I merely took advantage of a fortuitous occurrence. The chalice was in your hand when you left.” He sneered at her. “You’ve wanted me for centuries, yet you have lacked the courage to take what you wanted. As always, you deny yourself and run from me.”

“I do not run. I will never be one of your women.” Fate stood proudly before him.

Odin laughed. “You stand before me naked—your body bearing my marks, my seed still in your womb—and still you deny you knew it was me. Valentine, in all the centuries you were together, never made you feel as you did last night.”

Fate jerked as if he had struck her
. She had been one of a very small group of Goddesses that could lay claim to Odin never having her. The fact that she could no longer boast of that accomplishment along with his frank honesty were almost too much to bear.

Odin gracefully rose from the bed, Fate took a step back. He paused, and with a scathing smile, he unashamedly dressed himself in the black leather pants he had worn in her dream. He stuffed his still hard cock into the tight confines and laced them before giving Fate his attention.

“Get out!” Fate yelled.

He nodded his head, but before Fate could react, he swiftly grabbed her and pulled her close to his hard body. Fate tried to struggle free, which was a useless effort.

Odin’s hand buried itself in the tangled mess of her hair, forcing her to meet his cold
, silver eyes. “You will come begging to me.” His voice was filled with dark promise.

“Never.” Fate’s frightened eyes shied away from his.

“I have an eternity to wait, and patience as a warrior is my greatest strength.”

Fate turned her face back to him. “You are no warrior
. You used trickery to gain what you wanted. You are no better than Zeus.”

Odin’s lips tightened
, but he ignored her insult. “The next time you scream my name, you will not be able to deny whose cock is fucking you.” Fate struggled harder, though she still could not gain her freedom until he was certain she had heard his final threat. “My bed will be your prison and I will never let you go.”

Fate looked at him defiantly until she saw he spoke the truth. A
s flash of premonition struck and fear clenched her stomach, he was satisfied that she finally understood and released her.

Fate immediately spun away and grabbed the chalice
, throwing it at him, but he was already gone. The chalice hit the wall, breaking into pieces.



Nine Months Later


Fate found
the woman she was seeking in Odin’s garden. She was sitting quietly; the sadness in her eyes had not ebbed. She had lost weight and her gown hung from her shoulders. The stone bench she sat on was near the pond, the enclosed area surrounded by flowers and calming. Fate could understand why she spent time here.

Fate approached Joro
where she sat on a stone bench staring into the sky. The crying child alerting her to their presence.

Fate was still weak, having just given birth
, but she was determined that her task be carried out as soon as possible. She was not about to let another do it for her.

Joro looked up as she saw Fate’s approach with the squalling
infant in her arms. Joro barely managed to catch the bundle that Fate thrust into her arms.

“He’s now yours.” Joro looked down at the squirming baby then back at Fate’s flushed
, stoic face.

“But he is your child, Fate!”

“He is no child of mine; he is now your son.” Fate saw the two ravens flying overhead, landing nearby on the balustrade, well within hearing range. Odin would know every word spoken.

“I refuse to raise a child of his. Take him and raise him as yours.” Fate’s voice softened as she turned to leave. “He won’t replace the one you left behind on Earth, but maybe your heart will ache less when you hold him.”

Tears fell from Joro’s eyes as she clutched the child to her breasts. “Why would you care about any pain I feel? I was responsible for your marriage ending and the destruction of the child in your womb. You even saved me when Mother would have sent me to Hades. I deserved the punishment I received.”

Her puzzled words had Fate clenching her hands
. She was shaking; the delivery had not been an easy one, and she didn’t need to be reminded of the treachery Joro had committed. However, Joro’s words brought back the memories of the day that her marriage to Valentine had been broken irrevocably, resulting in the death of her unborn child. Recollections that still brought tremendous sorrow to her heart, which left her vulnerable. Fate stifled the emotion just like she had always done.

The day Joro had been responsible for changing Fate’s life had beg
un with morning sickness and a sense of dread lying heavy in the air. Unable to see her own future, Fate had only been able to sense the danger that was coming closer to revealing itself. It was to be Fate and Valentine’s fourth child, and Fate had sensed the sweet girl’s timid movements within her womb.

She had been nervous as soon as the child had been conceived
; her powers enabled her to see the child’s fate. Fate saw the darkness. She knew that the child would never be born, yet Fate prayed to Mother and took all precautions, staying home and resting, doing everything possible to ensure the health of her unborn child. She had even summoned Merlin to her home to bind her power of travel. An unborn child could not transport, and Fate did not want to take a chance on utilizing a power that was employed several times a day without thought. Merlin would bind that power until after the child’s birth.

Merlin did not respond to her request immediately
; it was only after her third summons—when she had threatened him with Mother’s involvement—that he had finally come to her castle.

Valentine had been by her side
as Merlin entered, both men remaining silent as he readied his potion. It was only when Fate noticed his shaking hands and pale features that enlightenment finally dawned.

“You have already placed a bind on one of my powers
, haven’t you?” A God or Goddess could have no more than one bind on their powers. Mother had placed the safeguard for their protection. Merlin had never been known for his courage; he was aware that he would face not only Fate’s anger but also Mother’s when his duplicity was discovered.

“She begged me to. I did not want to
, but she wouldn’t stop until I agreed.” Merlin’s pale face was a testament to the severity of his actions.

“Who?” Fate
had questioned. She had many enemies, but what Merlin had done was a punishable offense by Mother.


Fate nodded. He had always been a sucker for a pretty face. He was a wimp, and a horny one at that. It wouldn’t be the first time Merlin had been seduced to gain access of his tremendous skills.

“What power did she want b
ound and why?”

“Your ability to see Joro and her lover during their encounters.”

“There would be only one reason that would be important to Joro.” Fate turned to her husband, the guilt evident on his face.

“You knew?” Her husband flinched at her question.

He nodded, his hand reaching out to touch her.

“Don’t you dare touch me.
” Valentine withdrew his hand.

“Send for her
,” Fate ordered her unfaithful husband.

“Fate, wait until you
’re not so upset. Remember our child.” Fate’s brow rose at her husband’s words of caution.

“Send for her.” Fate spoke softly
. Pain that she never believed a Goddess was capable of feeling was tearing her apart. She had sought to prevent this agony by choosing Valentine as her husband, yet even he had been unable to prevent the lure of other women.

Seconds later
, Joro appeared next to Valentine. The defiance in her face spoke volumes. “You sent for me?”

Fate had believed J
oro a friend; her attitude of contempt proved Fate wrong.

“I did. You dared to have Merlin bind my powers
. I thought it only fair you were here when he removed the spell.”

Joro did not speak
, however she watched arrogantly as Merlin worked his magic and removed the spell. Images flashed before her quicker than light. Fate saw each and every time they’d had their sexual encounters. The passion between them was evident and forced an unconscious whimper from her lips. Valentine stood quietly as every deception was revealed.

Fate looked at the beautiful woman with her black hair to her waist and
the figure of a siren. Joro’s beauty had always drawn the Gods and Immortals. Fate’s was not the first heart she had broken by taking what belonged to another.

While a
ll three waited for her reaction, Fate ruthlessly battled and suppressed the hurt and jealously that had her wanting to rip them apart. Other than the small whimper Fate had stifled and the trembling hand she placed on the small mound of her stomach, she made no further movement or sound until she had herself under iron control.

Staring into Valentine’s pained gaze, she spoke with finality. “I cast you out of my home
and heart. Never will you be granted entry again. Leave and never return.” Ice dripped from her voice.

Valentine took a step toward her,
but at her step backwards, he stopped. “I am sorry, Fate.” He had been married to Fate for centuries; he knew her well enough to know the finality of her words. No begging or pleading would sway her decision. For the health of his unborn child, not wanting to further upset her, Valentine disappeared, leaving Merlin and Joro to face Fate on their own.

Fate pinned Merlin with her cold stare. “I will not tell Mother of your actions
.” Relief and fear warred on his tired, lined face. Fate would not let him off that easily. Her next words proved that. “In return, one day you will repay this debt upon my demand. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Fate.”
Merlin wrung his trembling hands.

“Leave my home
. I will find another to bind my power.” Merlin jerked at the insult, disappearing before she could change her mind.

Fate turned her attention to Joro
, who stood unafraid before the powerful Moirai.

Laughing softly
, Joro walked casually around Fate’s bedroom, touching her personal items; a perfume bottle, a diamond necklace, even picking up her nightgown lying on her bed, letting the cool silk run through her fingers before tossing it back on the bed.

“You should see your face.” Joro mocked her stern countenance.
Disrespectfully, she sat down on Fate’s bed. “How the mighty have fallen.”

“You do not fear my anger or Mother
’s?” Fate was surprised at her brazen attitude.

“Why should I feel afraid? I have never feared what you have in store for my future. You have said often enough we are mistress
es of our own fate. I agree with you. As for Mother, she has never interfered with my affairs before. If you plan to keep your deal with Merlin, then I cannot be punished for binding your powers.”

Fate studied the slut lying on her bed. “May I ask why you decided to sleep with my husband?”

“My dear Fate, we did very little sleeping as I am sure you are well aware. I do not think that you were keeping Valentine very satisfied, which I rectified immediately.”

“I am sure you did.” Fate did not let the woman see she had struck a nerve.

“Don’t be bitchy, Fate. It is very unbecoming of a woman of your stature. Be thankful I’m letting him go. After your anger has time to mellow, your marriage will be better than before he fucked me.” Joro fell back on the covers, smiling smugly. Turning her head to the side so she could get a better view of Fate’s stiff figure standing by the enormous bed, she sighed and raised herself up until she was leaning on her elbows.

“It was never about you or Valentine
; merely a fringe benefit. Valentine was a means to satisfy my needs. My goals have been accomplished. Now I merely have to wait until the one I do want comes to me. Valentine will see to that for me. I needed his powers more than his cock, but as always, I must give to one before I can achieve the other.”

Understanding her machinations
—Valentine had been a pawn just as Merlin had been to achieve the goal that Joro needed their combined power—Fate’s mind began to search the fabric of time for a change that, with her amateur skills, Joro had wrought in order to manipulate the one she truly desired. It took mere moments before the power Fate had wielded since time had begun found the small shift. Fear clenched in Fate’s stomach.

urning abruptly, she ran out onto her balcony, frantically searching the star studded sky… There it was, hidden within the outer reaches of time. Joro was about to achieve her goal at another’s destruction.

Fate had only a fraction of a second to come to a decision. “I am truly sorry
, little one.” Tears were choked back, and without hesitation, Fate disappeared.

Joro stood up at Fate’s disappearance.
A strong wind blew in from the open balcony, wind throwing and pinning her to the floor while leaving Fate’s possessions alone. Joro lay helplessly on the floor as Mother in all her glory then walked regally into the room. Her fury was evident in the wind tearing and slapping at Joro’s skin.

“Your actions
have cost the life of an unborn child that I had gifted upon my dearest friend. You fool, even in Fate’s anger she sought to protect you and earned your mockery.”

Mother’s head tilted as if listening to an invisible voice. “Fate knows the punishment I
have planned for you and has asked for mercy for your actions. I will grant Fate’s plea. Instead of sending you to Hades, which you deserve, I will be lenient. Stand.” The wind died, leaving the room eerily still as Joro rose shakily to her feet.

“You shall walk the earth as a human. If you die in human form before I call you home, forever will your black soul be lost.”

, please, do not do this,” Joro begged.

“I will not call you home until I know that you
understand the pain Fate is now feeling at the loss of her husband and child.”

The verdict made,
Joro disappeared as Mother’s punishment became final.


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