The sensation of being so completely full with these two men who loved her attacked at Abby’s most secret core of need and drew from her a plea for more, faster. She tried to shove herself into the spearing of Rodrigo’s and Braden’s cocks as best she could and cried out at the incredible slice of deeper penetration Rodrigo drove into her ass. The flash of discomfort only made Abby want it more and turned her hips into a churning frenzy, searching for complete ownership from Braden too.
Braden knifed his prick into Abby’s sheath and growled when he couldn’t take her to the hilt. In rapid succession, he released his grip on Abby’s boot, wrapped his arm around her waist, and rolled her on top of him while barking an order at Rodrigo to turn with them. Rodrigo didn’t miss a beat, and Braden didn’t either. Braden hummed with satisfaction as Abby’s cunt opened over his penis; he drove his hips up, taking Abby to the root. Rodrigo braced himself on the rug on either side of Braden’s shoulders and thrust his prick into Abby, taking her ass with such force and depth they both shouted as it happened.
Abby gloried in the rougher mating and lifted herself up too, planting her hands into the floor above Braden’s shoulders. She used the leverage to slam her pussy down on Braden’s thick length over and over again, giving him the fucking of his life every time Rodrigo slammed his cock into her ass. Braden’s lips parted, his eyes glazed with lust, and he begged Abby to push harder and make him feel even more. Rodrigo picked up on Braden’s need and started snapping his hips into Abby with faster, sharper thrusts, tenderizing the hell out of Abby’s virgin hole. Rather than fight it, Abby adopted Rodrigo’s pace and made it her own. She worked herself off on Braden’s cock as if her life depended on stealing every glorious inch into her cunt and smothering it with the liquid proof of her excitement. Braden moaned a yes each time her pussy swallowed his dick, and Rodrigo groaned his needful, deep noises every time his erection drove deep and took complete possession of Abby’s ass.
The volume of Rodrigo and Braden’s combined pleasure only enhanced the physical havoc they wreaked on Abby’s body, and soon the coil twisting tighter and tighter inside her reached the point where it could not turn on itself anymore. She locked on Braden’s gaze and reached back to touch Rodrigo’s hip.
“So close,” she whispered. Staring into Braden’s eyes and squeezing Rodrigo’s hip, Abby gritted her teeth, trying to fight the oncoming tide of release. “Come for me.” With his cock tucked fully in her flaming back passage, Rodrigo jerked to a stop. “I need to feel it happen.”
Braden reached up, tunneled one hand in Abby’s hair, and also dragged Rodrigo down to him too. He put Abby’s forehead to his temple, where she could see him pull Rodrigo’s lips to his. Braden and Rodrigo sandwiched her; they possessed her body completely; they weren’t afraid to look at each other with open love shining in their eyes, and it all made tears sprint to Abby’s.
Clutching the back of her head, Braden whispered, “Watch, honey.” His voice was gruff as he gave her what she so desperately loved. Rodrigo’s and Braden’s mouths came together in the gentlest, most loving kiss, sipping from each other first so she could watch them. They then turned to her, clinging in an achingly tender three-person kiss filled with equal love for her.
The bone-deep response pulsed out of not only Abby but Rodrigo and Braden too, all at the same time. Rather than loud and wildly thunderous, Abby’s cunt and rectum clenched with crushing power, pulling and holding on to the spasm from somewhere deep inside her soul. With a vengeance, her pussy and back passage held tightly to each man’s cock, for what felt like forever. When her body finally released them, Rodrigo and Braden exhaled their shared held breath and spilled inside her as one. Nobody blinked as Rodrigo pumped his seed into her ass, warming and coating the sore walls. Braden shot hot, long spurts of cum, filling her pussy with his essence. Abby’s body throbbed the whole way through, and with pure, raw happiness, she absorbed every small grunt of pleasure from each man, shaking as orgasm continued to consume her.
Oh my dear good God.
Eventually, although Abby didn’t know how long they stayed tangled in a knot during the afterglow, Rodrigo slowly withdrew his cock from her rectum and rolled off her back. She hated losing his furnace of heat but reluctantly did the same and crawled off Braden, giving him full capacity to breathe again. She fell to the rug between each man, her body trembling as she came down from that one-of-a-kind orgasm.
Rodrigo shifted to his side and planted his head in his hand. His chest moved in big waves as he regained his breath, but his gaze was unblinking as he looked between Abby and Braden. “I want to say
”—a dry chuckle coated his comment—“but we keep outdoing ourselves so much I think it’s getting redundant.”
With one arm slung over his head and the other on his stomach, Braden wore a satisfied grin. “Go ahead and say it, because I don’t know how many times we’re going to be able to top that.”
Narrowing her stare, Abby pursed her lips, feigning deep thought. “I don’t know. I love the hell out of you guys, and I can be damned creative when I’m motivated.” She let her fingers drift up the outer thigh of each man, admiring the way she left raised hairs in her wake. “I can’t think of any better reason than the two of you to stay on my toes. Shoot, I have a feeling you’ll keep me there constantly just by being in the same room together.”
Braden grabbed her hand and dropped a kiss on the back. “I look forward to the challenge, honey.”
The rustle of movement to her right signaled Rodrigo shifting again. A moment later, he knelt between Abby’s and Braden’s ankles, and his dark gaze held none of the humor of a second ago. “I want you to take up that challenge here, in this house,” he told Braden. “I want you both to move in with me.” He drilled Abby with one look that pierced right into her soul. “I want us to live together.”
Abby and Braden sprung up to sitting positions. Her chin dropped to her chest, and Braden looked like someone told him day was now night and the color he’d always thought was blue was actually red.
Rodrigo put up a stop sign with his hand. “Hear me out. When I bought this house, I knew I was taking a huge risk. On a fundamental level, I sensed I wouldn’t be able to sell it and recoup the renovation costs.” His jaw clenched visibly, and his hands did too, but never once did he turn his head down or glance away. “Even though I didn’t have any idea what would go down between the three of us, I think I was building this house for us.” He dropped that confession matter-of-factly, and Abby’s breath caught with the sharpest, sweetest pain. “Right now, it’s just a roof over my head. With you both here”—his bright eyes didn’t blink—“it’ll be a home.”
Abby covered her mouth to hold back the emotion, but an “oh my” slipped out.
“Shit, man.” Braden wiped his hand down his face, the lines and grooves suddenly prominent against a loss of color.
Rodrigo’s mouth went incredibly tight and thin. “Those aren’t exactly yesses.”
It still appeared as though one swift punch had knocked Braden on his ass. “Are you fucking kidding me?” he asked.
“Is this what you really want?” Abby whispered, translating for Braden’s less-than-eloquent phrasing.
Exhaling heavily, Rodrigo pushed his hands through his thick mess of hair. “I’m thirty-four years old, and I’ve never asked one person to live with me, let alone two. It’s not something I do lightly.” His gaze remained strong, and his tone held steady. “I’ve never told anyone I loved them in my life either, but I’ve told both of you. Shit, I love both of you so goddamn much I don’t know what to do about it half the time.” He licked his lip, but it barely paused him for a second. “I do know I want us all in the same bed every night. I want us sharing dinner every evening, taking turns talking about our days. I want to take care of you both when you get a cold, and rub your back when you’re hanging over the toilet puking up your guts with the flu.”
Quick tears leaked out of the corners of Abby’s eyes, out of her control.
Rodrigo went on, tearing through Abby’s heart, and from the way Braden tried to jut his chin, Abby knew Rodrigo struck every emotional chord in him too. “I want to wake up every morning knowing that no matter what I’m getting ready to face, it’s going to be okay because I have the two of you to come home to.” Rodrigo shrugged, but there was nothing casual or throwaway in the rough texture of his voice or the unwavering way he looked between Abby and Braden. “I don’t know how else to say it except I want you both, for better or worse, for the rest of my life.” He breathed in deeply and flattened his hands against his thighs. “I’ll ask you again: Abby and Braden, will you make this house a home with me?”
Her heart full to bursting, Abby didn’t even have to do more than glance at Braden to know his throat was full to choking with love too. Without words, they both pounced on Rodrigo, pushing him onto his back as they attacked his lips, cheeks, nose, and even up into his hair with dozens of kisses, vowing, “yes yes yes yes,” with each one.
Rodrigo howled with laughter and pretended to dodge their rainstorm of kisses, but Abby could tell that he deliberately leaned into the lines of their tender assault. They teased Rodrigo with kisses in between promises of love, but it didn’t take long for the laughs to turn to moans and the teasing kisses to become deep and invasive with passionate enthusiasm. Braden started licking his way down Abby’s neck to her breasts as Rodrigo began kissing Braden’s ear and rubbing his cock against the man’s hip.
Abby wanted to melt into the floor all over again, but a former offer scratched at her brain. “Wait.” She sat up between them, twisting to her knees so she could see their faces. “We need to get cleaned up, or we’ll be late for the gathering at Lorene’s.”
. She cocked her head to the side as warmth flooded her system. “It’s our first commitment as a family.”
“Yeah.” A wonderful half grin lifted Braden’s mouth. “I like the sound of that.”
Rodrigo’s gaze twinkled as he looked between them both. “Me too.”
“Me three.” Abby hopped to her feet, a ball of exuberant energy again. “I think we have time to test out the soaking tub.” She reached out her hands to Rodrigo and Braden, where they still reclined on the rug. “Want to join me?”
Instead of Abby helping haul Braden and Rodrigo to their feet, her men pulled her back down to the floor. They rolled her under them with wicked, wonderful promises of what the three of them could accomplish quickly if they put their minds to it.
Abby, Rodrigo, and Braden ended up taking a record-fast shower an hour later.
They still managed to ring Lorene’s doorbell right on schedule.
Sunlight sparkled against the surface of the pool, yet the temperature and humidity in the air remained surprisingly mellow for a May afternoon in Florida. Dozens of guests milled around Abby, Rodrigo, and Braden’s courtyard, enjoying the threesome’s first official party.
Jonah and Christian talked with Ida, Braden’s cop friends mingled with Rodrigo’s employees, and the Joneses and Brunos mixed into the group with ease. Abby had even closed her store today so her two part-timers could attend.
The walls of windows were all thrown open wide, allowing people to move from inside to out with ease. The hosts had made sure everyone had an introduction upon arrival, and now former strangers congregated in small bunches and chatted easily.
After checking on the food, Abby stood at the kitchen entrance, watching, and just let the laughter and happiness surrounding her fill her with love and pride. These people were her friends and makeshift family. They all wanted her, Rodrigo, and Braden not only to be happy but also to succeed in their relationship, making Abby feel like the luckiest person in the world.
And I know Rodrigo and Braden feel the same.
It never took Abby any time to pick her men out in a crowd, and today was no exception. Rodrigo, looking all dark and sexy in jeans and a black T-shirt, had his head down in conversation with his father. On the opposite side of the pool, Braden, equally droolworthy in a white button-down shirt and khaki trousers, chatted with his friend Ben. Their friend now, Abby corrected herself.
A presence moved in behind Abby, and a moment later, Lorene stood next to her, her arm draped loosely around Abby’s waist. “It’s a lovely party, dear.” Lorene gave her a little squeeze. “You should be very proud of yourself.”
Abby basked in Lorene’s comforting embrace. The woman had quickly become one of the most important people in her life. “Thank you.” She rubbed the small hand at her waist. “My guys helped out a lot too.”
“I don’t doubt it.” Lorene kept her arm around Abby and leaned her smaller frame companionably against Abby’s arm. “Your mom and dad would have loved Rodrigo and Braden, sweetheart. Nobody can deny how much those men love you, and I know—no matter what they grew up believing as right or wrong—nothing else would have mattered to them.” Lorene’s voice dropped, but Abby clung to every syllable. “They would have only demanded that the people you love cherish you equally as much.”
A tight band constricted Abby’s breast as she let her gaze find Braden and then Rodrigo. “I definitely have that.”
“Yes, you certainly do.” Looking straight forward, Lorene rubbed Abby’s arm. A tremble went through Abby, and for a split second, she thought her mother and father were standing at her side this afternoon too.
Rodrigo winked at Abby from across the pool, and he fucking swore to God if she got any more beautiful, he would never be able to wear snug jeans around other people again. Moving around in her bare feet, she wore a swishy skirt that barely grazed her knees and a little green top that showed hints of her waist when she lifted her arms. Then there was Braden, who somehow seemed to grow bigger and stronger every day in Rodrigo’s eyes, and that man daily tested Rodrigo’s ability to function around other people without a perpetual hard-on too.
In the three months they’d been living together, Rodrigo often couldn’t fathom how much fuller, richer, and more valuable his own existence had become. He’d always led a pretty structured life, one where he was fully in charge and answered to no one. But since the three of them had merged their lives and become one household, Rodrigo had taken to being accountable to Abby and Braden and had quickly come to depend on their presence every morning and night. Knowing he would see their faces when he woke up eased his rigid desire for control in a way he’d never thought would happen. Looking forward to getting home from work every night so he could unwind over a meal with them—allowing himself to accept their comfort and support without feeling like it weakened him to do it—had opened up a whole new capacity to love that Rodrigo had never imagined he was capable of giving to another person, let alone two.