Something New (45 page)

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Authors: Cameron Dane

Tags: #Menage Suspense

BOOK: Something New
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And they make me want to figure out how I can give even more.

Henry nudged Rodrigo’s shoulder with his. “Doesn’t look like you’re in any danger of fucking up this different kind of relationship you’ve started for yourself.” He made subtle gestures toward the kitchen and the bar with his glass of beer. “I’ve caught Abby and Braden both peeking glances at you a dozen times since you three broke apart and started working the crowd.”

Moving his attention between his two partners, Rodrigo let his mouth twist in a sardonic smile. “I’ve done the same to each of them as many times, if not more.”

“I noticed that too,” Henry said with a chuckle. He cleared his throat and then touched Rodrigo’s arm, drawing Rodrigo’s focus fully to his father. “I know you didn’t always have people to love you or who had your back when you were growing up,” he said, his mouth pulling down in a frown. “That kills me. I wish I’d known about you and could have been there.” Henry turned his gaze to the ground for a heartbeat. When he returned it to Rodrigo, a glint of brightness shone across his eyes. “But it does a father’s heart good to see you have it double in Abby and Braden now.”

Rodrigo clasped Henry’s shoulder with a grip hard enough to bruise a less muscled man. “I don’t hold anger or resentment in regard to my childhood, Henry. Hell, if that’s what I had to go through for some higher power to decide I deserved
people to love this much”—a maelstrom of love, honor, pride, unconditional acceptance, and joy rushed through Rodrigo’s system just in thinking about the life he had with Abby and Braden now—“then I would choose the same course all over again.”

“I know you would, Son. I’m happy as hell for you, and I don’t worry about your future at all.” Henry swallowed convulsively, making his Adam’s apple bob in a big wave. “I just want to be a part of it so I can keep getting to know you better.”

Now the man was about to fucking bring Rodrigo to tears. “You’re not going anywhere, old man.” He gave his father a thump on the back and a shoulder bump. “And neither am I.”


Standing beside the outdoor bar, Ben leaned down and used a low voice near Braden’s ear. “Are you ever going to tell him you’re the one who found his father for him?”

Braden glared at his friend. It obviously hadn’t been difficult for the guy to follow Braden’s discreet stares Rodrigo’s way as the man talked to his father.

When Braden had decided Abby and Rodrigo would be his, he’d started researching Rodrigo’s history in the system at the same time he’d pulled Abby’s file about her parents’ murders. Braden had never told Ben this, but Ben had known Braden inside and out at one time, so it didn’t surprise Braden that the man had put two and two together and come up with four.

“What makes you think I haven’t told him?” Braden asked.

“I know you,” Ben replied. “There’s no need for you to take credit, so you won’t.”

“Doesn’t mean they can’t call me on it,” Braden revealed, making Ben draw back with dark eyebrows raised high. “Oh yeah.” The whole episode still made heat rush to Braden’s cheeks. “Once we got together and Rodrigo truly understood I’d been interested in him for as long as I was in Abby, it didn’t take him long to figure out I was probably the only one in his life who had the skills and research database at my disposal to look more deeply into his paternity. Abby got there on her own too.” Braden nodded at Ben’s obvious shock. “They confronted me about it one night a couple of months ago, and I came clean about everything.”

Ben barked with laughter. He shook his head as his attention circled the crowd gathered in the courtyard. “I love how well they know you.” His focus landed on Rodrigo. “So Rodrigo got a father out of your interest. And Abby…” Braden watched Ben’s gaze shift to her. “Not only did your decision to look into her past bring closure to her parents’ murders, but she also got this Lorene person and the woman’s family back in her life.”

Seeing Abby with Lorene lifted Braden’s heart and made him smile in his woman’s direction. “I wish I could take credit for that, but that was all Abby. She sought out that first conversation, and she is the one who opened herself to Lorene’s friendship. I admire her ability to forgive Lorene and move forward. It has brought her peace, and her parents back, in a way. At least her mother, through Lorene.”

“You have a good life going here, man.” Ben clinked his glass to Braden’s. “I’m glad everything finally worked out for you.”

A big piece of Braden’s former feelings for Ben remained part of his current makeup. They always would be. “I don’t know if I could have let this happen without the time I spent with you.” Braden watched Abby and Rodrigo break away from their respective conversations, and his heart tugged him in their direction. Right after he got this one thing said. “Take care of yourself, Ben.” Braden embraced his dear friend. “Be open to the possibilities life puts in front of you. You never know which one is going to change you forever.” He pressed a kiss to the man’s chiseled cheek, holding there for a moment before pulling away.

“I know you see them together. Go on, guy.” Ben jerked his head in Abby and Rodrigo’s direction. “There’s a whole party of people here to talk to. I’ll be fine.”

Braden cuffed his friend’s massive shoulder. “I’ll find you again later. Bye.”


Abby watched her two men approach from opposite sides of the pool, and her heart skittered wildly for them. She imagined it always would.

God gave me the best. Can’t hold a grudge when I get to have the two of them for the rest of my days.

As Rodrigo and Braden reached her, she said, “I think we’re a success. Everyone is having a good time.”

“Bit,” Rodrigo said as he slipped his arm around her waist, “we were always a success.” His brown eyes held such warmth it raised Abby’s temperature just to be near him. “We just give great parties too.”

Braden wrapped his arm around her waist and put the other around Rodrigo’s shoulders, creating something of a triangle between them. “I second Rigo’s sentiment. We’re fucking amazing together. Who wouldn’t want to be around us? If they’re lucky, some of our good fortune will rub off on them too.”

“Holy Mother.” Abby rolled her eyes and tried to cover her smile. “Your egos, the pair of you. I don’t know how I fell in love with two such—hey, mhmnh—”

Rodrigo and Braden shut her up by covering her mouth with theirs and delivering a playful, loving three-person kiss. Just as Abby started losing her mind and melting right into them both, hoots, whistles, catcalls, and clapping erupted around them. Abby bit her lip, and she felt herself turning redder than her hair as she remembered she wasn’t alone in bed with her two men.

Abby turned to face the crowd, happy for the weight of both Rodrigo and Braden at her back. “What can I say?” Even as she blushed, she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. “They’re good kissers.”

Christian, standing with Jonah at the other side of the pool, lifted his glass. “To Abby, Rodrigo, and Braden,” he said, his voice carrying around the courtyard. “Falling in love couldn’t have happened to three more caring, deserving people. We’re honored you invited us all into your life and home.”

Everyone else in the courtyard lifted their glasses, cups, and mugs in toast. “Hear! Hear!” Then they all applauded—whether to Christian’s sweet comment or the relationship Abby, Rodrigo, and Braden had built, Abby didn’t know. Only the love, acceptance, and forging of new friendships this afternoon mattered.

From behind, Rodrigo tucked his arm around Abby’s waist, and Braden settled his arm across her breastbone. She didn’t have to look back to know they held each other tightly too. They were all three intertwined.

Exactly as it should be.

Loose Id Titles by Cameron Dane



A Fostered Love

Dreaming in Color

Something New




Demon Moon



Knowing Caleb

Becoming Three




Finding Home

The Ultimate Kink

Saying I Do

Cameron Dane


I am an air force brat and spent most of my growing up years living overseas in Italy and England, as well as Florida, Georgia, Ohio, and Virginia while we were stateside. I now live in Florida once again with my big, wonderfully pushy family and my three-legged cat, Harry. I have been reading romance novels since I was twelve years old, and twenty years later I still adore them. Currently, I have an unexplainable obsession with hockey goaltenders, and an unabashed affection for
The Daily Show
with Jon Stewart.

I’d love to hear from you! Visit me on the Web at

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