Something New

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Authors: Cameron Dane

Tags: #Menage Suspense

BOOK: Something New
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Something New

Copyright © July 2010 by Cameron Dane

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eISBN 978-1-60737-824-2

Cover Artist: Anne Cain

Printed in the United States of America


Published by

Loose Id LLC


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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Eighteen years ago


Mommy! Mommy! Daddy!

Abby screamed for her parents on the inside, but the terror shrieking through her system did not produce sound.

She huddled in the darkness, her body palpitating like a water-deprived dog on the hottest Florida August day. She peeked through the slats in the accordion door and obeyed the look in her mother’s unblinking eyes.

I promise, Mommy. I won’t say a word.

Crashing noises and shouting filled the humid air surrounding Abby, the sounds so loud she clamped her hands on her ears as tightly as she could, praying it would end soon and her mommy would stop staring and tell her it was okay to come out of the closet.

Bare legs crossed right in front of the closet, and quickly after, a second set encased in jeans followed. Abby drew back, disappearing completely into the masses of clothes behind her.

. Abby recognized the funny bull’s-head tattoo on the bare leg.

A loud thumping noise shook the walls, and then a cry pierced through the closet and sent shivers through Abby’s bones.

“Please don’t. My daughter…” Her father’s voice sounded like did when she gurgled her milk sometimes. “I’m all she has now.”

“Don’t worry.” Another man spoke, his voice low and terribly scratchy, and it made Abby think of the devil. “She won’t miss you for long.”

A split second of terrible silence followed, then more gurgling noises, and suddenly…


Abby covered her mouth as the noise thundered all around her, reverberating through her little frame with as much bone-shaking thoroughness as when it happened the first time a few minutes ago.

No. No
. Abby bit her lip in her efforts to stuff down her screams and keep as quiet as her mother’s silent plea ordered her to do.
Now Daddy will lie down and stare at me just like Mommy is doing.

For a handful of heartbeats, silence took over the house, as oppressive and frightening as the screams and shouting Abby had previously prayed would stop.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she wished she could still hear something from her mother or father. Anything, even the screams of her mommy she’d just been begging would come to an end.

Then, suddenly, those boots and jeans crossed in front of the closet once more. A door slammed, and that awful devil voice came again, muffled, but Abby still heard, “Where are you, little girl? No need to be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to get you out of this place to somewhere safe.”

. She’d heard about evil in church but never thought it actually had a voice.

Abby understood better now.

Praying for a way to safety with everything she’d ever been taught in Sunday school, Abby stepped farther back into the closet.

And swore the divine hand of God touched her spine.

Chapter One


Present day


“You look tired.”

At those words, Abby Gaines delivered a glare toward Christian Sanchez, the good-looking Latino man sitting next to her who just happened to be one of her dearest friends.

“Gee, thanks,” Abby replied. “Remind me to return the compliment one day when you start to lose your hair.”

“Don’t you even dare put that out into the universe.” Christian ran a hand through his raven locks. An obviously exaggerated shudder shook his frame. “And here I thought we were friends.”

A chuckle rumbled through the big man sitting next to Christian. “Don’t worry, babe.” Jonah Roberts, Christian’s partner, leaned over and pecked a kiss to the side of Christian’s head. “I’ll still love you, bald or not.” He stayed close to Christian and whispered in the man’s ear, “And I’ll still fuck you through the bed every night too.”

Abby tried to control the blush working its way over her cursed pale skin. She didn’t know if Jonah had intended for her to hear that comment—the man had a tendency to say inappropriate things sometimes without realizing they were so—but his words had reached her, and she couldn’t help the slice of envy it cut through her…or the images of two other men it conjured in her mind.

Rodrigo Santiago and Braden Crenshaw.

Abby groaned on the inside. She told herself it was a groan, anyway, and not a moan accompanied by a throb and moisture pooling between her legs.

After going nearly three years without feeling the slightest attraction to any man, Abby had met these two guys ten months ago and could get neither out of her mind.

She hated it. Hated what both men stirred in her, something long dormant, something she would rather not feel. Not the sexual attraction—she could suppress that well enough. She had successfully been doing so since pretty much the first day she’d met tall, dark Rodrigo, and then a few days later, Detective Crenshaw, with his cool pale green eyes, which Abby suspected hid amazing heat and fire. She could handle a healthy case of lust.

But vulnerability? No. Each man dredged up that uncomfortable sensation individually. When together, they pretty much knocked her on her ass.

Not ever again.

Images from the dreams that had started again a few weeks ago assaulted Abby right where she sat—sounds of gunshots, the internal scream of cramped muscles from crouching and shivering for an extended period of time, the red stickiness saturating the carpet under her bare feet, the ice-cold feel of her mother’s cheek…

“Abby?” Christian touched her shoulder, and Abby jumped about a foot out of her chair. “Are you okay?”

“You look pale,” Jonah added. He shifted forward on the couch and studied her through a narrowed gaze. “More than normal, I mean.” His jaw immediately clenched. “Sorry. I didn’t say that right.”

Abby reached out and squeezed Jonah’s forearm. “It’s all right. I am tired.” She tried to scrub grit from her eyes that had been there all day. “But I’m fine.”

Christian didn’t look convinced. “I’m worried about you. You’ve been tired a lot lately.”

“I’ve been busy. Have too much on my mind to sleep.” At least that was technically true. “Maybe it’s time to try get to bed early and see if that helps. Thanks for the dinner invitation, guys”—Abby grabbed her purse off the floor and got to her feet—“but I think I’m going to pass.” She dipped down and pressed kisses to Christian’s and Jonah’s cheeks. “Tell the boys hi for me.”

Even better
. Maybe the nightmares would serve one good purpose after all.
I don’t have to sit across from Rodrigo and Braden for three hours and pretend I don’t notice every move each of them makes.

Christian shot upright and strode with Abby to his front door. “Wait.”

“You don’t have to go,” Jonah added, towering right behind Christian.

“Yes, I do. It’s not you two.” She gave them each another squeeze. “The truth is, I am exhausted. I accepted your dinner invitation because I love you both but also because I’m avoiding going up to my rooms alone.” She detected only the slightest strain in her voice and was proud of herself for that. “I’m going to have to do it at some point. It might as well be now, when I can maybe lie down and catch up on some sleep. Otherwise, I’m just avoiding it until midnight.”

went off somewhere in the house just then.

“That’s me.” Christian backed down the shotgun hallway toward the kitchen. “The mojo pork is finished. Are you sure you don’t want to stay and eat? You look like you’ve lost a little bit of weight.”

Abby rolled her eyes at Christian and then looked up at Jonah. “Can you go kiss him or something and shut him up for me?”

That flash of life that Christian had told Abby he had fallen in love with appeared in Jonah’s eyes right then. “Will do.” He winked and already started walking backward toward his man. “Talk to you later, sweetheart.”

“Bye, Jonah.”

She hung still for a moment, the front door open at her back, watching as Jonah tugged Christian to him. Jonah took Christian’s mouth with a kiss that had Christian moaning and wrapping his arms around Jonah’s waist in a pair of seconds. As Abby stared, the image of the two men blurred and morphed into a tall Colombian being ravished by an even taller brown-haired man with a badge. Rather than Christian and Jonah, Braden now held Rodrigo’s jaw with a white-tipped grip and ate at his mouth like the man needed it to survive. Rodrigo clung to Braden just as hard and dug his hands into the back of Braden’s jeans, pulling him somehow closer to grind their crotches together. Abby saw the two men kissing, clear as day, in her mind. Then it changed, and she saw herself walking toward them, completely naked. The moment she joined in and they both turned to kiss her, her pussy throbbed and swelled in response right where she stood.

No! Stop
. Recently Abby had taken her unwanted attraction to Rodrigo and Braden and, in her thoughts, had them turn that desire onto each other. She’d created some powerful fantasies that had driven her to a handful of insanely intense climaxes, wherein she shouted each man’s name as she came. Apparently she’d done it so many times she was starting to bring that dream out of her bed and into the real world.
No more.

I have to get out of here.

She closed the door, spun away, and came face-to-face with the flesh-and-blood versions of her most recent vision.

Holy Mary, full of grace.

Abby almost could not breathe.

A handful of steps ahead of Braden, Rodrigo led the way up the porch, and he was stunning. Abby had spent time with this man for nearly a year now, and she still had trouble swallowing each time she took first sight of him. The man owned his own contracting business. He spent most of his days doing the physical labor of refurbishing houses, and his body showed it. He possessed a near-perfect physique that came from hard work; Abby had seen Rodrigo without a shirt on and could personally attest to the wide shoulders, taut chest, and flat abdomen hidden under his clothes. She’d seen his deeply tanned skin covered in a sheen of perspiration and could picture it, right now, under the button-down shirt, dark brown leather jacket, and jeans he wore.

Abby’s heart rate sped up, and her skin started to heat under her clothes. She jerked her stare away from Rodrigo, to land it on the only other man she found as arresting as she did him.

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