Seduced by Sin: Sean (Rugged Riders #3) (4 page)

BOOK: Seduced by Sin: Sean (Rugged Riders #3)
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he next week
, Sean and I called each other several times at different times throughout the afternoon and night. I spoke with him at least once right after I got home from work, and once again before bed. As he had said last Saturday night, he had been out of town on business, so unfortunately, I hadn’t seen him at all. He’d missed his flight on Saturday after a business meeting went sour, so we had to call off our date. Today, Sunday, was the only time we had to spend one full day together before he had to do it all over again. He claimed he had some more personal business to conduct at a motorcycle shop here in the city, but we still wanted to see each other. I couldn’t wait to see him again.

I got dressed in the sexiest casual outfit I could find, input the address he’d given me into my GPS unit, and drove over to the motorcycle shop to meet him.

hen I arrived
on the scene, I spotted Sean right away, standing in front of a huge garage with one other guy. The lot where the motorcycle shop was located had been recently filled in with asphalt. The parking lot lines I pulled my car between were also recently drawn. The garage that the men stood in front of was attached to the shop.

I got out of the car, and Sean stopped everything he was doing and came to greet me.

Before I could even utter a word, he kissed me with such urgency I felt like I was being swept off my feet. Actually, I was. He cupped my ass with both of his palms and pulled me against his body to kiss me deeper. He smelled of aftershave, cologne, engine oil, and man—all rolled into one. I loved it. I gripped his shirt in my palm and pulled him solidly against me.

“I’m glad to see you,” he said when we broke away from the kiss. He took a small step back and looked me up and down.

My top and jeans were a little tight, but I’d purposely worn the outfit for him.

“The feeling’s mutual.” I smiled, equally admiring his sexiness. Even in a plain white t-shirt and worn blue jeans, he was ridiculously handsome.

The other guy behind us cleared his throat, so I reluctantly lifted my attention away from Sean. The resemblance between the two men was striking.

“Are you two…?”

“Meet my brother, Marcus,” Sean said.

Marcus approached me and we shook hands. “Nice to meet you, Karlina.”

“Hi. You two have to be blood brothers. You look almost exactly alike,” I said.

“We are,” Marcus said. “Except I look way better.”

The brothers shared a laugh and a few jabs at each other.

“Marcus is the middle sibling, and I’m the youngest. Besides brothers, we’re both part of the Rugged crew.”

“Now I see why I’m being shoved aside today, bro,” Marcus exclaimed. “I won’t even try to convince you anymore.”

“I tried to tell you. Don’t even try.” Sean pulled me against his side and kissed the top of my head.

Marcus jangled his keys in his palm. “Well, I’m going to head out before it gets too late. Tanya’s cooking my favorite dinner tonight and then we’re watching some old comedies. You two are welcome to stop by anytime if you aren’t doing anything.”

“Thanks, bro.”

I lifted my chin and kissed Sean after his brother had left. “You’ve been working.”

“Not really. The shop’s closed today, but Marcus and I are revamping an old racecar I bought. A Mitsu Evo.” He walked us into the garage area. “This used to be a chop shop until we bought it from the owners to launch the motorcycle shop. The guys will repair just about anything, but this place is mostly for motorcycle lovers.”

“Do you plan on using this in a race?” I asked, walking into the garage and checking out the car.

“Yeah. As soon as she’s ready,” he said.

“When was the last time you raced?” I asked, turning around and meeting him by the workbench.

“Just this past Wednesday, down in Florida,” he answered.

“It’s dangerous, no?”

“It is, but I’ve been racing since high school.”

I traced the tats on his arms. “Why continue to do it?”

“I’m addicted. It’s in my blood. Once a racecar driver, always a racecar driver.”

“What does your family say about it?”

He chuckled. “They want me to stop, of course.”

“Will you?”

“One day…most of the time one addiction replaces another,” he said, pushing his hand up the base of my neck and then pulling me to his lips. “You know what else I’m addicted to?”


He pressed his lips into mine. Once. Twice.

“You, and kissing you.”

“That sounds promising.”

After a few minutes of fooling around in the garage and asking about his races, we agreed it was time to venture out and find something to eat.

“I’ll drive.” He held up a helmet. “If you’re up to it today.”

I bit my lip.

“Nothing too fast today,” he said. “I promise. You can leave your car locked in the garage and I’ll drive you back out to come get it.”

I took the helmet. “Hmmm. I can’t believe I’m trusting you with my life so soon.”

He threw his head back, picked up his own helmet, and laughed. “I’m a pro, baby. You have nothing to worry about.”

through the motorcycle ride, but of course, that wasn’t really a surprise. I had come to trust Sean more than I thought.

Once he brought the motorcycle to a complete stop in the parking lot, he tore off his helmet and then helped me out of mine. To the right of the parking lot was a huge warehouse and garage and the racing tracks were situated to the left of us. There were a few cars on the circuit driving their laps and about a dozen others were seated on the bleachers looking on and socializing.

“Is this where you race?” I asked him as we headed toward the tracks.

“It’s where I used to come to practice before an official race,” he said. “Now that I’m retired from NASCAR, I come out every once in a while to hang out with my old crew.”

“And what about your other side gig?” I asked.

“Street racing?” he asked. “That happens spontaneously at odd hours and it’s usually just for fun, to satisfy my need for speed, or for money. I used to earn more on racing bets in a week than I do with flipping houses, but the risk is not ideal…obviously.”

“Yes…obviously.” I grabbed his hand and linked my fingers with him. “But you’re a pro, right?”

He grinned and leaned down to kiss me just before he opened the gate for me.

As soon as we were spotted, a handful of people immediately flocked to Sean. After several handshakes and bear hugs, the attention shifted to me.

“I don’t believe we’ve met your new lady,” a guy named James said.

“This is Karlina, my girlfriend. I brought her out to check out the scenery.”

“Ah, nice to meet you. You race?” James asked.

“Of course not,” I half laughed. “I barely held myself together on the motorcycle on the way here.”

“Oh, you’ll be fine, sweetness,” James reassured me, tugging on a pair of leather gloves. “You racing today, Sean?”

“Maybe just one lap after these guys finish up. I’m here to show Karlina the ropes.”

James clapped Sean on the back. “We’re testing out that high-octane Aston Martin I told you about. Wanna give it a try?”

Sean’s excitement grew and I witnessed the spark in his gaze go from fifty to one hundred. Even though I was new to the sport and very well aware of the dangers involved, I could tell he was passionate about this and I didn’t want to take that away from him.

I looked out onto the track and my breath hitched when a car whizzed by on the track at an insane speed.

Sean turned to look at me. “Will you be okay?”

I smiled. “I came to watch you do what you do.”

He led me over to the bleachers and made sure I was comfortable. Then he gave me another kiss and joined his racing friends.

He quickly suited up in a racing jumpsuit, and I caught the spectacular shape of his ass just before he folded into the Aston Martin. The same butterflies that had awakened in my stomach when I’d first seen him in the parking lot at the coffee shop excited me today.

When he revved the engine, my heart took a double dip. I wrung my hands together and bit my bottom lip nervously. I knew this wasn’t the real thing, not a real race with all of the dangers involved, but this would be the first time I had ever seen a man that had truly grown on me do something like this. Risk his life this way.

When he pulled off, I braced myself. One minute into the lap, my nerves started to calm down and the tension folded away. For the next ten minutes or so, I enjoyed the show. Sean was in control and there was nothing to worry about. I loved when a man had everything going for himself and never took on more than he could handle. I saw all of those qualities in Sean.


ake yourself at home
. Drinks and wine coolers are in the fridge,” Sean said.

“Yeah…” I replied. We had just arrived at his condo, but I was so caught up in the view of the cityscape that I barely heard him.

I walked up close to the glass and looked outside. There was only one hour before sunset, and the view was just gorgeous.

“I’m gonna go shower and change.” He kissed me on the cheek and disappeared behind another door, which was probably the bedroom or bath.

While he was gone, I filled a glass of water to drink and then picked up a few magazines from his coffee table, most of which were motorcycle and car related. There was also a stack of papers sitting on the tabletop. I couldn’t help but glance over to read the words on the top page. It appeared to be a check for a little over fifty stacks paid to the order of Sean Brooks from a modeling agency. I couldn’t believe that he just kept that much money lying around without depositing it. Maybe he was one of those guys that had more money than he knew what to do with. High-profile, indeed. And it was no wonder he wasn’t into long-term relationships, just like he’d said. I wondered just how many women had dated him in the past just because he had money. Loads of it, apparently. Just lying around.

I picked up a magazine and flipped through a couple of pages. He came out of his bedroom, wearing a sleeveless tank and sweats. And, of course, his cologne, which had me wanting to do all sorts of naughty things to him.

“Would you like something else to drink? I have other things besides water, you know.”

He joined me on the couch.

“No, thanks. I’m fine at the moment.” My eyes dropped to the un-cashed check, and suddenly, I wished I had never seen it. I wasn’t a gold digger by any means, but the money could not be unseen.

“I thought maybe we could go to a jazz festival later on. It doesn’t start until later tonight. Of course, if you’d rather I take you home, I don’t mind. Or we could take my brother up on his dinner offer. But to be honest, I want you all to myself,” he said.

“No, I want to stay right here with you. You’ve impressed me enough already today. I don’t have any other place that I’d rather be,” I said, running my fingers through my hair and smiling at him. “Plus, we haven’t seen each other since last Saturday. I want every little minute with you.”

“If you’d like to change into something more comfortable, we can walk across the street to pick something up for you. There’s a nice outlet there.”

“I’ll be fine. No need for that…..but, you know, I could use a nice bath after all that riding around. I feel kind of dirty sitting next to your nice, clean skin.” I used that excuse to drag my hand up underneath his shirt to touch his chest.

His eyes widened. “I can make that happen…right away.”

“You mean here? Right now. I actually meant back at my place.”

“Why not here? I promise that I won’t bother you,” he said, and before I could say another word, he followed with, “Wait right here.”

He disappeared into his bedroom again.

My mind and body were on two different levels. I wanted to move forward with Sean, but then I didn’t. What did I want from him?

A while later, Sean emerged again. “Your bath is ready. Everything you need should be set up in the bathroom. If you want anything extra, please shout.” He gestured for me to come towards him. I got up and he led me to his bathroom. The Jacuzzi tub was huge, bigger than the one in my condo. Sean had lit some candles and placed them alongside the back of the tub. He had also placed several red rose petals in the water, which were now floating in the bubbles. “Everything you need is here,” he said, gesturing towards a bathrobe, bath sponge, and some other items he had laid out on the countertop.

“Oh…you didn’t have to do all of this, but thanks.” I blushed.

“Just shout if you need me. I’ll order some takeout and we can hang out by my window since you like the view so much.”

He backed out and closed the door.

I was almost breathless. I heard him walk away and out of his bedroom. I also heard television sounds after a while in the background. I felt content that he wasn’t trying to trick me and planning to come back into the bathroom unannounced. I undressed and placed my clothes and undies over a towel rack. I picked up the bathrobe and put it on. It was almost three times my size and swallowed me up. I sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi and tested the water temperature with my index finger. It was hot, just the way I liked it.

I hadn’t brought an extra hair clip in my bag, and I didn’t want to ruin my hair while in the bath so I looked around in the bathroom for something to pull my strands up.

I got up and opened one of Sean’s vanity drawers. Shaving cream, razor, cotton balls. I opened the next drawer. Cologne, lotion, body oil.

I felt guilty after only a few seconds, so I stuck my head out the door and called out for Sean to help me. Within seconds, he was on the other side of the door.

“Do you have something like a hair clamp or tie?”

“I have some rubber bands. In the drawer, under the cabinet.”

I walked over to the cabinet again and opened the door. I searched through extra rolls of toilet paper and towels and other things. I didn’t see anything resembling a rubber band.

“I don’t see it!”

“Can I come in? That’ll probably be quicker.”


I tied the belt of the robe tighter around my waist..

Sean opened the door and came through. “I’m sorry. I should’ve thought of that.”

He found the rubber bands within seconds, but they weren’t where he’d told me to look.

“You told me they were under the cabinet,” I reminded him.

“I must have moved them. I knew they were in one of the two places.” He walked towards me with the rubber band in his hand. “May I?” he asked as he stretched the rubber band out with his fingers.

I sat down on the edge of the Jacuzzi and turned my back towards him so that he had access to my hair. He knelt down beside me and pulled my hair up like a pro, like he’d been dealing with women’s hair for years.

“Thank you.”

His hand moved from my hair to the back of my neck, along my spinal column. It was too late to hold back a gasp. I turned slightly, and the robe opened up in the front and fell off my shoulders down to my lap, baring my chest, letting Sean catch a glimpse of my breasts and upper torso. Before I could correct what had happened, his hands went up to my face and he pulled me in for a kiss.

I reached out, forgetting about the robe and resting my palms on his chest. I had never felt a body so firm beneath my touch. It didn’t take long for his hands to travel down to my breasts, which he massaged gently.

“I want to kiss you here,” he said softly, rubbing my nipples with his index fingers.

My nipples grew hard and ached with desire.

He placed a trail of small kisses on my lips, then down to my chin and neck. His fingers grazed over my nipples again, and he rolled each one gently between his fingers. I gasped as his kisses moved lower to my collarbone.

“I can’t help it…you’re so beautiful,” Sean mumbled into my chest.

What was I doing? I couldn’t resist. I leaned back, using the palm of my hands for support and felt his soft lips at the top of my breasts. By now, my entire body was exposed. He kissed all around the areola, teasing and nipping. Finally, he took both breasts in his hands and alternated between each side, wrapping his lips around the sensitive nubs one at a time.

“Oh, God.” I was coming undone. A surge of pleasure passed through me. “Sean,” I whispered.

“Yes, beautiful?” he answered, as he began to lick my breasts all over, every inch.

“I can’t do this…we should stop.”

He licked the underside of my breast, then down to my abs and stomach, all the way down to my navel. He dipped his tongue down into my belly button and licked and kissed me there. “We should stop, shouldn’t we…but will we? Do you really want me to stop?”

“No—I mean….”

He pulled my pelvis closer to his face and kissed my hip and my upper thigh. He swirled his tongue against my skin and along all of my curves. His hands moved to my hips as he kissed my belly and awakened butterflies within my core. My whole body was throbbing and longing for something more. Longing for Sean. All of him.

“I want to kiss you here, too.”

With both hands on either side of my hips, he pulled my pussy close to his face. He blew on the insides of my thighs, back and forth on each side, causing my legs to fall open further. He directed a wisp of air at my clit, making me quiver with anticipation.

He took my clit in his mouth and sucked. I moaned in pleasure as he worked in slow, gentle circles.

“How about now? Do you want me to stop?”

He looked up and searched my face for my answer.

“I…please…” I tried to answer, but it was as if this raging need had paralyzed me.

He pushed a thick finger into my pussy and thrust in and out.

“You’re wet. Answer me, want me to stop?”

“No, please don’t stop,” I heard myself moan. It hurt so good. I needed this release.

He teased my clit. His fingers worked faster and faster within me. He replaced his fingers with his tongue, sending me onto a different level of ecstasy. He plunged and devoured, pushing me closer and closer to climax.

When I came, I grabbed the top of his head and held on. We didn’t let go until the last remnants of my orgasm faded away.

“I can’t believe you—” I started.

“Believe it,” he said. “And you’re sweeter than I imagined.” He kissed the insides of my thighs again.

He stood up in front of me, and I could see a huge bulge in the front of his shorts.

“You’re hard,” I said.

“I know.” He smiled and backed away. “I want you to enjoy yourself. When you’re done, I’ll have dinner waiting for you.”


My protest was met by the door closing softly behind him.

After dinner that night, we snuggled on the couch and watched a movie. Sean must have been dead-ass tired because he fell asleep while I was cradled in his arms. The man had just worked all week in another state, so, of course, he was spent. Not wanting to bother him, I soon followed.

It was past midnight before he drove me back to the shop to pick up my car.

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