Seduced by Sin: Sean (Rugged Riders #3) (2 page)

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ne month later

couldn’t believe
I was actually going through with this. I had been hired and even paid half of the money up front, just for agreeing to show up. Now, as I sat in the hotel lobby waiting for the mysterious man to arrive, I wondered if I should bail.

My phone chimed and I glanced down to see a text from Tasha.

How’s it going?

Still waiting.

Text me back when he gets there. Let me know who he is.

I have no idea who he is.

Apparently, the man I would escort would be kept a secret until we actually met in person. I wasn’t sure if this was a security or privacy measure, but the mystery about his identity had me more nervous than anything else.

They didn’t give a name…nothing? Damn.

Girl, bye! You’re making me nervous.

At least text me back so I know he’s not a total sleaze bag


Have fun pretending :) !!!

Right after I tucked my phone down into my handbag, the entryway doors slid open and a sole male strolled through the entrance. I recognized him instantly. His unique swagger was unmistakable.

Sean Brooks. The hunky biker who’d bought me a latte the month before.

The only reason I remembered his name was because I had kept his card tucked away in the drawer of my nightstand.

He wasn’t dressed in biker gear tonight. He was looking chic and handsome in formal attire, which was fitting for a charity dinner at a well-known country club.

Nervously, I stood up from my seat in the lobby and paused for a second to make sure my stilettos wouldn’t give out from under me.

At that moment, he turned in my direction and halted in the middle of the floor. His eyes widened as he focused on me.

A lethal grin spread across his face and he lifted one hand to rub his chin as he began prowling toward me.

When he stopped in front of me, I couldn’t find any words, letters, or numbers.

Shit, he was dangerously sexy.

His pecan-colored complexion was smooth and literally flawless. His eyes were dark brown and deep-set, and every time he glanced at me, a strange warmth crept up through me. His face was clean-shaven, and his hair was also cut short and trimmed. He had a sexy mouth and a chiseled jawline. He was well groomed, but under the calm and collected exterior, I sensed something mysterious and dark.

“Well, well…” His voice was smooth and deep.

At first, I thought he wouldn’t recognize me with the way I had dressed myself for the occasion, but recognition flashed all over his face.

I swallowed. “Sean Brooks?”

He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and then grinned.

“That’s me. You look exceptionally beautiful, just the way I remember you from the coffee shop. What was that? A few weeks ago?”

“Yeah, I think so.” A few weeks of picking up his card, almost calling him, and stuffing it back down into my nightstand.

“It’s a small world, after all. I won’t hold it against you for not calling me.” He held out his hand, palm up. “Ready?”

I placed my hand in his bigger one and almost melted to the floor.


ll I had
to do was look pretty, smile, and engage in light conversation. After all, Tasha had said most of the men expected very little. As high-profile business men and women and sports figures, they would show their faces at these events, making themselves and their investors look good in the long run. In the end, the men would succeed in acquiring or retaining funds for whatever arrangement was in place at the time. Just last month, Tasha had flown out to New York to attend a banquet. The guy she’d been escorting was a NASCAR driver, and his team obtained funding and sponsorships year after year from the sponsor’s company. I didn’t ask Sean Brooks why he was here. I intended to follow all the rules about keeping the affair private. The less I knew, the better.

Everything was going well so far, probably because we’d arrived just in time for Sean to exchange some words with the host of the event, Mr. Donaldson and then be seated at a table. I would never forget the look on Mr. Donaldson’s face when his gaze landed on me. He smiled widely, but it wasn’t in a creepy way. His comment to Sean about being proud of him for finally settling down with a respectable woman explained almost everything. But it also brought up more questions that probably weren’t any of my business at this point.

The speech introducing the charity and dinner ceremony began shortly thereafter. The music volume had been turned down and the lights were dimmed. This was the first time I had ever been in one of the Atlanta area’s country clubs, and I figured it would be my last. At least, I could pretend for one night that my money issues didn’t exist.

We were seated at a four-seater table with one other couple.

“I’m Vivian.” The woman held out her hand to me. “And this is my fiancé, André. We’re getting married in September.”

We exchanged handshakes from the across the table, and I congratulated them.

Vivian unfolded her cloth napkin and looked back and forth between us. “You two look lovely together? How long has it been?”

Sean cleared his throat, and there was an uncomfortable silence.

My gut instincts told me that he was unprepared for probing questions about our “relationship.”

“Oh, we met recently,” I answered, nonchalantly. “And thanks for the compliment. Where are you getting married?”

Vivian began a lengthy conversation about the wedding plans, and I was grateful that I had successfully derailed a discussion that would have probably blown our cover. And I certainly didn’t want to be outed as a high-priced escort.

Vivian continued to speak, “We met Mr. Donaldson at the mayoral race last week when he told us that he was raising funds for his charity organization. How long have you two known him?”

“Years,” Sean replied.

Not only was Sean direct, he was also short with his answers. He looked as excited to be here as a nun at a frat party. But then again, this didn’t look like the type of event Sean was accustomed to. When I’d first seen him at the coffee shop, he was all decked out in motorcycle attire. His complete three-sixty was very telling. He was here for business reasons, not for pleasure.

“Oh, well,” Vivian exclaimed. “How do you two know him?”

“He was…actually he still is a sponsor for my former stock racing team.”

Vivian’s hand went to her mouth. “You’re a NASCAR driver?”

Her declaration must have been loud enough to broadcast to the table next to ours because the people sitting there started eyeballing Sean.

He nodded. “Was. I’m now retired.”

“Oh, man, really?” André, Vivian’s fiancé’s, eyes widened. “I’m a big NASCAR fan. Wait a minute? You said your name was Sean, right?”

Sean nodded uncomfortably.

“Oh, God, baby. He’s a legend.” André’s excitement escalated. He pulled a small business card out of his pocket, flipped out a pen, and thrust it toward Sean. “This is kind of unexpected, but I really want your autograph. I wish I had known. I hardly recognized you.”

“Sure,” Sean said, reluctantly.

“Baby, keep it down,” Vivian told André. “I don’t think he wants people to know who he is.”

“Don’t worry. My lips are sealed.” André pretended to zip his lips closed.

“Thank you,” Sean said. “I keep a low profile now. And the night belongs to Mr. Donaldson.”

A hush fell over the room as someone took the stage and walked behind the podium. When the woman began talking, I tuned out.

My gaze dropped to the table first before I slowly lifted it again to take another glance at Sean. Like mine, his attention had fallen elsewhere. I could tell he was glad that both Vivian and her fiancé hadn’t called him out somehow. Any worse than they already had, anyway. Apparently, he didn’t like being in the limelight.

He commanded my attention even when he wasn’t trying, and I couldn’t help but admire him. He looked up unexpectedly and caught me staring. We shared a brief private moment, completely oblivious to the speech and everyone else.

Catching me by surprise, he reached for my hand under the table and held it. His hands were strong and comforting as he laced his fingers with mine.

I breathed in and out unevenly as heat raced up my spine.

Pretend girlfriend…


Why did this feel real and so right?

For the next hour, the food was served, which kept conversation to a minimum since most everything on the plate was appealing to everyone. The country club was located next to a five-star restaurant, so top-notch quality was expected. We ate with the other couple, exchanging light banter when appropriate.

After our table had been cleared, Sean got up and took my hand. “Karlina and I are going to mingle for a bit. It was nice meeting you two.”

As we headed away from the table and Sean led me through the crowds, I heard more than a few folks pointing and mumbling about Sean’s identity and him being a former NASCAR driver.

“I think someone has already let the cat out of the bag with the scoop on you,” I informed Sean as we reached the opposite side of the dining hall.

“I know. It happens all the time. That’s why we’re leaving,” he said. “I’ve shown my face long enough. My work here is done.”

I wasn’t about to protest, but couldn’t believe how easy this job had been. Actually, it was the easiest, shortest, and best paying job I’d ever had in my life.

It didn’t take long for our driver to spot us and pull up in front of the door.

Once we were alone in the back of the car, Sean turned to me and asked, “What’s your story?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you honestly think I believe that you escort all the time?” he asked.

“You’ve apparently come to some type of conclusion about me, but how…when you barely know me?”

“For one, you look too innocent to be a career escort. And two, you don’t come off as a gold digger,” he replied.

“Well, you’re right. This is my first gig. And digging for gold that belongs to someone else comes with a price, doesn’t it?”

“Well, that’s an oxymoron. So, are you going to tell me how you ended up working with this agency?”

I nibbled at my bottom lip nervously. “I know someone who works there.”

Sean looked at me questioningly.

“If you think I’m going to give you a name, you’re mistaken,” I said.

“All right, then. Do you have money issues?”

“Mr. Sean Brooks, the rules about this arrangement were simple. We’re both supposed to follow them. I won’t ask you personal questions and you should do the same.”

“Fair enough. But I don’t believe for a moment that you don’t want to know something personal about me now that we’re alone.”

“I do, but I signed a confidentiality agreement, so I’d rather not know anything. That makes it easier.”

“This agreement makes it easier for you to hide your curiosity about me.”

“Wow, your ego is big,” I told him.

“My ego isn’t the only thing that’s big.”

“Excuse me?”

“You like big things?”

“This is off topic. Besides, you don’t look like the type of man who gets declined very often. I don’t see any reason why you’d need to consult with an escort agency to get a date.”

“I wanted something discreet; a one-time deal.” He paused, and his gaze ran up and down my body. “And a woman who wouldn’t have outrageous feelings about who I am.”

“Sounds like you’ve had problems in the past.”

“And these types of arrangements keeps those kinds of problems at bay.”

“Let me guess: girlfriend issues.”

“Bingo,” he said.

I was shocked by his candid honesty. Yet, he couldn’t have been all that honest if he was living a lie, pretending that he had a nice, respectable girlfriend when he really did not.

I gave him a challenging stare. “Then you’re promiscuous.”

He chuckled softly. “Your accusation is condescending.”

“Well, if you’re not promiscuous that implies that you do have a girlfriend.”

I got a bad taste in my mouth just saying that, but why did I care one way or the other? This was a business arrangement. Wasn’t it?

“Your implication is false,” he said. “Both of them.”

He found this amusing. But for me, I found the situation enlightening.

“It doesn’t matter,” I said. “My stop is up ahead.”

The driver had just veered off the interstate and would be at the hotel in only a matter of minutes. I grabbed my handbag and pretended to shuffle around for my keys.

“Will you be staying here tonight?”

“Absolutely not,” I told him. “You and I both know the hotel is there as a location for escorts to meet the clients and then go on about their business when everything is said and done.”

“Is it now?” he asked.

Did he know something that I didn’t? I’d done a good job so far of heeding the agency contact’s advice about not asking the client too many questions, but Sean’s appeal and my curiosity was making it difficult to stick to that advice.

“I had an interesting night, Sean. I hope I lived up to your expectations of an escort,” I said.

“I had a good night, too. May I walk you to your car?”

I nodded.

The driver came to a stop directly in front of the hotel and let us out.

“You know, it feels kind of nice to get out and do normal things once in a while. I just arrived back home from a month-long stay in California, so this was my first outing since I got back. The event was kind of impromptu, but Mr. Donaldson and I go way back. He gives a lot of advice…and sometimes, I listen,” Sean said as he walked me to my car.

“What else do you do? I mean, you are retired, right?”

“I invest…mostly in real estate and sometimes in cars. I have a dozen other things going on, as well, so I barely find time to enjoy anything else.”

“Is that part of the reason you have girlfriend issues?” I couldn’t help myself.

I came to a halt in front of the driver’s side door of my car.

“The truth is, the reason I stay so busy is so I
have girlfriend issues,” he said.

“Well, then…mission accomplished. I was your girlfriend for one night, and now my work here is done.”

“But…I never expected to run into a beautiful woman like you—not once, but twice. For some reason, I don’t think us meeting again was an accident.”

He was so close that his warmth projected straight into me as we stood there.

“Of course it wasn’t an accident. You requested an escort and you got me.”

I stepped back and bumped into my car.

I unlocked my car door, and he pulled it open for me. He held out his hand as if he would touch me again, but I slid inside before his fingers had a chance to graze my arm. My dress rose up, showing my bare thighs, and he didn’t even try to hide the fact that he was staring.

“Are you full-time at the agency?” he asked.

“Excuse me?”

“If I were to call again and request you specifically, would you accept?”

I laughed nervously. “I don’t know what kind of woman you think I am.”

“Well, you’re the one working for the agency.”

Sean’s smug smile rendered me speechless. His lips were sexy as sin.

I didn’t know whether I wanted to slap Sean across the face or kiss him.

“Shouldn’t my involvement at the agency be your hint that I don’t do long-term relationships either,” I said.

His eyes narrowed.

“I just moved here and I’m in the process of job hunting. I’ve got a lot on my plate. I don’t think I could deal with someone who plays the field.”

“I don’t play on a field. I race cars. And win.”

“I’m not here to challenge you,” I said. “I don’t date. It’s not what I’m interested in right now. It’s why I don’t have boyfriend issues. Good night, Sean.”

I started the ignition.

“Wait, Karlina.” He placed his hand on my shoulder. “I want to see you again.”

I swallowed, glanced up into his face, and contemplated his request. I wanted to see him again too.

“I’m going to try this again,” he continued.

He pulled a business card out of his wallet and handed it to me. Only there was no personal note this time around.

“No agency involvement. No rules. Call me,” he added.

When I took the card, our fingers touched. I already felt disappointed about ending our fake date, but business was business. Even if this were personal, I’d already warned him that I wasn’t after the false promises that came from career-focused, yet unstable men when it came to relationships.

“Goodnight.” He closed my car door and backed away.

As I drove out of the parking lot, I already knew what I’d end up doing. Sean Brooks was too irresistible to forget. And he knew it.

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