Revelations (Bloodline Series) (44 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Anne Kendal

BOOK: Revelations (Bloodline Series)
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instantly chased after him. He stood outside and lost his temper. “You know,
they get on my nerves sometimes. ‘Oh, things were so hard for us,’ and, ‘Oh, we’re
going to need time.’ Pfft. If I can get past it and just be grateful this is
over and that you’re back, why can’t they? Why can they never show you support?
It’s always you doing for them, being their sounding board, or putting yourself
in heart wrenching situations to protect them. They never think about

don’t let it upset you like this.”

can’t help it, I think it’s wrong.”

right,” Tyler said as he walked outside. Elizabeth, Lily, and Jake were with
him. “You’re absolutely right, it
wrong. Everything has finished. All
we have to do now is rebuild our lives, learn how to live normally again. I for
one want to do that while being close to one of my best friends.” He smiled.

feel the same,” Lily agreed. “The others may take some time to come around, but
it’s them that will lose out on spending time with you, not us.”

can add us to the list of friendlies,” Danny said as he and Hecate joined us. “Lucian,
Marley, and Beth are still inside. I don’t know what they’re thinking after Eligos’s

them be,” I sighed. “It’s their choice.”

know, we may still ask you the odd question; will that be okay?”

of course. I’m sure Lucifer will also explain things to you if ever you want to
ask him anything,” I told them both.

then what say we move on from this? God knows we’ve wanted this to be over for
long enough. We’ve wanted to live normally and be happy. How about we actually
do that now?”



weeks had now passed since our breakfast conversation. The morning after,
Olivia and her brothers said goodbye. I can’t say it was an emotional
separation, especially not for me…I hardly knew them. However, Olivia did tell
me she’d like us to stay in touch and maybe get together in the future. I
agreed, but whether or not it actually happened remained to be seen.

Elizabeth was summoned back to Hell. After all, she was dead and shouldn’t have
been spending all her time on Earth. She was happy enough though. She’d proven
her loyalty and restored Lilith’s faith in her. She was working at the palace
as Lucifer’s personal assistant with court matters.

Beth, and Marley eventually decided to wipe the slate clean. They wanted a
fresh start and for everyone to be happy again. On top of that, Marley and
Tyler had been out on a date. It was nice to have us all together again,
smiling, chatting, and laughing. I’d dreamed about this moment, the one where
nothing was threatening us, where we didn’t have to constantly be on our guard
wondering what was going to happen next. We could go to bed and rest easily,
sleep soundly, and wake up feeling fresh and stress free.

of our walls was a different story. Governments were still on high alert, and
some people were still hiding in their basements. But a lot had started to
return to work and get on with their lives as best they could. No more towns or
cities had met their demise. The only trouble on the planet now was that caused
by humans themselves. Sadly, the world would never be at peace while we
inhabited it.

towns and cities that had been wiped out were now being rebuilt. It wouldn’t be
long before the streets were crowded with people again. Shops would be open,
restaurants would feed the masses, and cars would be clogging up the roads. Oh,
the joys of city living; thank God my house was out in the sticks. We even
decided that once Salem was back on the map, Lucifer would move us back.
Personally, I couldn’t wait. I loved the place and had so many memories there…some
sad, but the good outweighed the bad.

and Hecate were having a new house built to accommodate them both. I was waiting
for the day he would finally ask her to marry him. He idolized her, and she
loved and admired him. They were a match made in Hell if you like.

and Lily had the surprise of their lives when Lily discovered she was pregnant.
Due to just having been in one hell of a fight and all the stress prior to it,
she ordered Hecate to cast spells to check that the baby was okay. Thankfully,
Hecate was able to tell her she was carrying a very healthy baby girl, and that
she was actually three months gone. With everything that had been going on,
Lily hadn’t really paid attention to dates and other such matters. She’d
already told me they were naming the baby Melanie, after Jake’s mom.

when we thought we couldn’t be happier, Eligos told me he wasn’t waiting any
longer. Just in case anything else decided to try and come between us, he was
making sure we could never be separated. So in a month, we were officially
getting married. Lily was rather upset when she found out the actual wedding
itself would have to take place in Hell’s palace. But she soon cheered up when
we told her we would make it as quick as possible and then come home to celebrate.

discussed it with Lucifer and Lilith, and they decided they wanted to give me
the best wedding gift ever, something priceless. Of course neither of them
would tell me what it was. Apparently Eligos and I would have to go to the
palace, swear ourselves to each other, and sign some document. Then when I
returned to Earth, I would get my present…such a cruel thing to do to someone.
I spent hours thinking about what it could be. I supposed I’d just have to wait
and see.

the end of the day, there were only a few things now that really mattered. My
friends were safe; they could live happily and without worry or stress. We were
closer than ever and determined we would never be separated again, and Eligos
and I would be together for eternity, no matter what.



waited very impatiently in my dressing room at the palace. Lilith and Elizabeth
had been fussing over me all morning, making sure my wedding dress looked
perfect. Hecate decided whether I liked it or not, I was wearing
make-up, and Unsere played with my hair for hours. I was ready for just taking
the dress off, pulling on my jeans, tank top, and boots, and getting married
that way. I looked so girly, although I was happy they let me get married in a
black and crimson dress.

had now given me my own demon seal. It was very different to the ones I’d seen
so far, just a circle with the letter ‘K’ inside in an old English text, with
some vine like markings decorating it. I really liked it, and it was quite
fitting when I thought about what happened to my skin whenever I showed my
demonic side.

Lucifer called us down and told us it was time. All the girls got excited, which
almost made me slide down the wall laughing. I was excited too, but I was also
really nervous. My stomach was doing cartwheels all the way down to the main

was standing in front of the throne, dressed in a black tuxedo. Just like the
first time I ever laid eyes on him, he took my breath away. As soon as he saw
me, he smiled. Danny was standing beside him, also in a black suit, but with a
gorgeous red shirt and tie. Hecate joined him.

walked up slowly, my arm in Lilith’s. She joined mine and Eligos’s hands, and
then turned to look at him.

know I don’t have to say this, but I’m going to anyway. You look after my
daughter,” she told him, smiling.

promise you I will.”

stood beside Lucifer, and we turned to face them.

will keep this short and sweet. You may have noticed Elizabeth and Unsere have
left?” Lucifer smiled at me.

are they?”

sure your present is ready for you when you return.”


without further delay…you stand before me wishing to be joined in wedlock for
all eternity, do you not?”

do,” we both answered.

promise to love each other, support and protect each other, even when time
itself no longer exists?”


you both hold your wrist out in front of you?”

did as asked and Lucifer placed his hands around them. I felt a slight tingling
sensation, and when he moved away, I noticed Eligos’s seal had appeared almost
like a tattoo. When I looked at Eligos, he showed me my seal on his wrist and

marriages are not like those performed on Earth or in Heaven. People stand
before myself or a judge of the high court and asked to be joined. Nothing
could give me greater pleasure than to tell you that, from this moment on, you
are husband and wife, soul mates, bound together for eternity,” Lucifer said,
his smile growing ever bigger. “I know you two will have a very happy life
together. Oh, and you may kiss your bride.”

turned to me and winked before kissing me.

Lilith, Hecate, and Danny cheered.

as much as I wish you could stay here so we could celebrate, I think you should
get back to Earth. Your present is waiting for you,” Lilith said.

kissed both her and Lucifer on their cheeks, then held Eligos’s hand while we
returned to my house.

we arrived in the garden, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I don’t know if it was
nerves or shock, but I just burst out laughing. Everyone was waiting for us.
The house and the garden had been beautifully decorated, and somebody had been
busy casting spells. To the side of my house was a beautiful arch decorated
with red roses; a marble stand with a red cushion on it stood just underneath
it. When I looked harder, I noticed two gold wedding bands laying on it. There
were seats in front to both sides, and beautiful, peaceful music playing.

what’s going on?” I asked, smirking.

I know you’re already officially man and wife, but there is no way I’m missing
my best friends’ wedding,” Lily told me. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re both
still engaged until I witness it myself. Oh, and that goes for this lot too,”
she said, motioning to the guys.

can’t really have a proper marriage,” I said. “We’re not holy.”

don’t care; we’ll do our own version and marry you here, too…hence the rings.”

who is going to marry us?” Eligos asked. The look on his face told me he
already knew the answer. Suddenly, everyone else started smiling.

would be me,” a man’s voice said.

spun around quickly and saw my dad walking towards me. “Dad?” I said, in shock
and disbelief. I ran over to him and flung my arms around his neck. “Oh my God,
I can’t believe you’re here!” I said as tears of joy ran down my cheeks.

after everything you did for people, it was only fair something was done for
you. I believe you have Lucifer to thank for this.”

instantly closed my eyes and contacted Lucifer, thanking him over and over
again. He told me that normally a wedding in Hell would last a little longer
than ours did, but he knew I would appreciate this so much more. He just wanted
to get the official part of it out of the way so that we could then have a real
wedding, and enjoy every moment of it.

why don’t we get this started?” Dad smiled lovingly, moving back and wiping my
tears away. He led me over to Eligos. “You make sure my daughter is happy and
loved,” he told him.

give you my word, she is and always will be.”

and the others took their seats while Eligos, my dad, and I took our positions
at the arch. Then, it began.

are gathered here today to join my beautiful daughter, Keira, and her loving
partner, Eligos, in matrimony. What can we say about these two? They have been
through so much together, had the weight of the world on their shoulders, but
their love has survived. Their feelings for each other have only grown
stronger, and I feel confident saying they will
to grow. The
love they have for each other is one that many people hope to experience
themselves, pure and unbreakable. They will cherish every moment they spend
together for the rest of forever and beyond. I know I will be able to rest easy
knowing she will be loved and looked after.” He paused for a moment. “Is there
anything you would like to say to each other? This is
time now.”

sir, there is,” Eligos said, taking my hand. “You know I loved you before you
even knew I existed. I never thought I would be able to be with you. The day
you told me you loved me was the best day of my life. I knew then that I wanted
you forever. Keira, I promise I will love you forever, and I will do anything
and everything I can to make you happy. My heart and soul belong to you.”

keep being you,” I said, fighting the tears. “The first time I saw you, you
literally took my breath away. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. The more time I
spent with you, the more I wanted to be with you. I knew I’d fallen in love
with you, and I knew I would never love anyone else. You’re my life. You own my
heart, and you always will.”

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