Revelations (Bloodline Series) (39 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Anne Kendal

BOOK: Revelations (Bloodline Series)
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Vetis shouted. “We’re almost through them…there aren’t many left.”

be fooled. This is only the first wave.”

looked in front of me, but nobody else had come over the hill. I would have
expected them to by now. Where the hell were they? Had they split into groups?
It didn’t take long for the rest of this particular wave to be defeated. A few
of the members of my army were now dealing with the last handful of them.

is easier than I thought,” Lily said. “Eligos, training with
harder than this.”

not over.”

where are they?”

come,” Hecate said, joining us. “Nice to see you, Eligos.”

time,” I told her. “I never said it would happen straight away.” Lily looked at
me with sadness in her eyes. I turned to Hecate. “You told her!”

she didn’t, I overheard,” Lily chimed in. I could instantly tell she was lying.
“Don’t do it.”

is not the time or place. I suggest you catch your breath.”

happens now?” Lucian asked, walking over. “Do we wait again?”

keep your wits about you they could come from any direction.”

Lily struggled to say.

I didn’t even need to finish the word. I looked up the hill and saw Keira and
Ballantine standing there. My heart sank, and my mind began to race. I’d fought
more battles than I could even begin to remember; faced some rather powerful
and altogether frightening enemies, but never once had I reacted this way. I
closed my eyes for a moment and took several deep breaths.

is it…we’re all dead,” Elizabeth said.

took the words straight out of my mouth,” Unsere sighed. “I’ve been over and
over this time and time again; my brain has been working overtime. I have no
idea how we’re going to bring her down.”

do what we can. That’s all we
do,” Vetis added.

you go into a fight believing you’re going to lose, the chances are you will,” Lily
said. “Remember that?”

stepped forward, waiting to see if Keira would react. She remained
unresponsive, just staring out in front of her. I wished I knew what was going
through her mind. Did she still believe what she was doing was right? Did she
care about any of our fates? Would she bat an eyelid when my time came?

she doing? What’s she waiting for?” Olivia asked.

don’t know, but I guarantee you it won’t be good,” I answered.

took a few steps forward and we readied ourselves for an attack.

my God, here it comes,” Marley shrieked.

ground began to shake uncontrollably. She raised her arms on either side of her,
and a wall of what looked like static electricity rose out of the ground,
stretching for hundreds of feet across and around fifty in height. Lightning
struck the white wall of charged light, illuminating it even more. It was now
so bright that some of the guys had to turn away; it was hurting their eyes.
Keira threw her arms out in front of her and the wall almost seemed to fall,
just like a wave crashes onto a shoreline. It travelled along the fields,
rippling, hurtling towards us.

back!” Hecate shouted to the guys.

members of mine and Buer’s armies stepped forward to shelter the humans. We
could stand a lot more pain than they could. Also, a wall of electricity could
very well kill them, where as we would survive. They braced themselves as the
white wave crashed over them, drowning them in light. I heard them scream out
in pain before they seemed to just disappear.

Buer shouted.

more lives the wave took, the more it dimmed. Lily and the others ran back,
trying to put as big a distance between it and them as possible. I watched,
powerless as my men died in agony. I saw Brad trying to pull some of our men
back, but his efforts were fruitless. Hecate screamed as she saw the wave
engulf him. Then, he was gone.

we can’t survive this!” she shouted to me.

have to…move back!”

a few hundred more of our men perished the light completely faded. It seemed it
had finally run out of juice. I looked up at Keira in horror. She really was
lost; all my hopes of her coming to her senses and coming back to us
diminished. Ballantine stood beside her and raised his hand in the air. A
moment later, more of his followers appeared, charging down the hill.

going to outnumber us,” Tyler yelled.

fighting. Lucifer is watching, he will send back-up.” I hoped I was right.

Chapter 52

From Afar



was standing by the viewing pool watching the events unfold. Lucifer was beside
me, fixated on the images in front of him. Thanks to an earlier outburst, I was
trapped where I stood. When I first walked into the room and saw Eligos and the
others waiting for Ballantine’s army to attack, and saw Keira send her wave
towards my people, I lost my temper. I threatened to go to earth myself and
wipe the bastard out. Lucifer knew there was a chance I’d actually do it; he also
knew what the repercussions of such an action would be. He decided to trap me
inside his circle of magic, rendering me powerless. Needless to say, I was

rules, they need tearing up!” I scolded. “At times like these we should be
allowed to fight with them, not be forced to watch from another realm and have
others do our dirty work.”

dear, you know I agree with you, but you also know there is nothing I can do to
change it,” he said, not taking his eyes off the images.

the hell can they survive when she pulls stunts like that?”

at her. It’s weakened her.”

turned my attention to Keira. Her little wall of death trick had definitely
zapped her energy. Ballantine had motioned for his followers to attack. They
ran towards Eligos and the others; there were so many of them that you could no
longer tell they were standing in the countryside…there was just a vast area of

was attacked by a demon with sword in hand…once a man, but now much more
powerful. During the first few blows, Lucian concentrated mostly on defending
himself, allowing him time to settle into the rhythm of swordplay. After
several minutes, Lucian began to attack harder with each swing. He seemed to
lose his temper, and as well as striking with his weapon, he allowed a blast of
energy to erupt from his chest. It slammed into the demon, knocking him off his
feet. He crashed to the ground and Lucian pounced on him, driving his sword
through his attacker’s chest. He stepped back quickly and attempted to take a
breath, but possessed bodies surrounded him instantly, each attacking him in
their own ways. He was hit repeatedly by energy balls, but continued to attack
as best he could and not allow the pain he was feeling to stop him. You could
see it was taking every bit of strength he could muster to stay on his feet.

and Elizabeth sent fire soaring out in front of them, burning their assailants’
stolen bodies and forcing the spirits possessing them to vacate. They were
doing their best to attack, but also keep each other as safe as possible. Lily
and Jake had teamed up; she used her magic to suspend people in midair while
Jake sliced them in two. When Jake was taken by surprise and had his sword
knocked out of his hand, she threw a stream of raw energy at the man
responsible, causing him to fall to his knees and scream out in pain. Jake was
able to quickly regain his weapon and decapitate him.

looked at Keira again…she stood as still as a statue. The only movement came
from her hair, dancing in the breeze. Her face looked completely emotionless.
How could she simply stand and watch her friends be so brutally attacked? I
knew she had a big heart; how could she watch this happen and yet show no
emotion at all?

and Jared were standing almost back to back, throwing energy balls and swinging
their weapons at anyone who tried to approach them. Danny, Vetis, and Oroan
were locked in battle with other demonic beings. Vetis swung his sword hard and
fast, unwilling to let any of the possessed get closer to him than a foot or
two. Danny used his power and his weapons to annihilate anyone in his path.
Oroan decided to use his fists as his weapon of choice. They burst into flame,
scalding anyone who became a victim of his vicious punches.

doing well,” Lucifer commented.

but for how long?”

and Hecate fought together, occasionally receiving assistance from Olivia, Beth,
and Elizabeth. Plasma, energy balls, orbs, and static electricity were flying
from their hands while Eligos swung both his swords around as though it was
effortless. Wherever Eligos moved, Hecate followed.

and more people continued to descend the hill, coming from behind where
Ballantine and Keira were standing. I knew a lot of people had disappeared, but
I hadn’t realized just how many followers Ballantine must have had lined up to
take their physical forms. Without back up, I felt certain our guys would be

then motioned frantically to some of his soldiers. I panicked when I saw that
some of Ballantine’s people had managed to get past our armies and were now
heading straight for the nearby town.

we need to do something,” I said, balling my hands into fists. “If they reach
the town they will have a fresh supply of bodies. We cannot allow them to—”

has seen it; he will get on it straight away.”

can you be so calm?”

comes with age.”

watched as Buer and some of his men teleported themselves further afield,
intercepting the possessed and instantly attacking them, defending the town. I
breathed a sigh of relief. Those people were no match for him and his men. Buer
returned to the main battle while our guys remained behind, on guard, just in
case any more managed to push their way through.

raised his hand and rain began to fall. I cringed when I saw our friends cry
out in pain. The rain was burning them, blistering their skin.

don’t think so!” Lucifer spat, his eyes glowing blue. The rain clouds
disappeared instantly. “Dirty trick!”

could get in a lot of trouble for interfering like that!”

be it! Besides, it was only a moment ago that you wanted me to.”

looked around him; shock appeared on his face but was quickly replaced by a
rather smug grin. “Lucifer,” I saw him say. Keira turned to look at him and he
put his hand on her shoulder. She turned her attention back to the atrocities
taking place in front of her, still with the emotionless look on her face.

broadened the view in the pool. I needed to see how many members of our armies were
still standing compared to Ballantine’s. Keira’s wall had wiped out thousands
of them in one foul swoop. It was obvious we were now outnumbered, ten to one.

you have to do something,” I pleaded. “Send more people to aid them…they cannot
win this. Please!”

doing what I can, calm yourself. As soon as Keira is sorted, we can concentrate
on other things.”

doesn’t have to die! She’s only attacked once, we could—”

Look again.”

time when I looked, Keira was holding her arms up in the air. The skies, which
Lucifer had just cleared, filled with what appeared to be bright white clouds.
It was only when I looked closer I realized they weren’t clouds at all—the sky
was now a raging inferno of holy fire. Keira lowered her arms, and the flames
surged towards the ground. More and more of our people perished, some running
around frantically or rolling on the ground, completely engulfed. The holy
flames burned quickly through their skin and ignited their souls, completely destroying
them. My only consolation was knowing that holy fire of this magnitude could
not be produced for prolonged periods of time, and so the blazing attack lasted
no longer than around twenty seconds. But that was long enough.

you still believe she should live after that?” Lucifer asked me. “How many more
people does she have to kill before you will see—?”

my daughter, Lucifer. I don’t care what she does. If she dies, a part of me
will die with her,” I cried. “I’m begging you, let her live.”

your eyes on the pool; watch what your beloved daughter comes up with next.
Then question me again...if you can.”

the minutes passed by I noticed them weakening. The young lads were gasping for
breath, sweating, and in desperate need of water and rest, yet they continued
to fight. Lily and Jake had been separated in their struggle. Lily was now
being attacked by a hierarchy demon. He swung his huge axe at her, slicing her
shirt but missing her skin by about a centimeter. She stumbled backwards and
fell to the ground. The demon attempted to attack her again. Lily screamed out
in fear; she knew he was about to finish her. She closed her eyes quickly, but
when he tried to bring his weapon down on her it clashed with Eligos’s sword.
Their weapons locked against each other in the air, and they stood, stomach to
stomach, face to face, in a battle of strength. I saw Eligos shout to Lily to
get away and watched as she fled. He knew Lily wouldn’t have stood a chance
against a demon that powerful, almost matched in strength and power to him.
This was Eligos’ fight now.

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