Revelations (Bloodline Series) (14 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Anne Kendal

BOOK: Revelations (Bloodline Series)
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think I’ll pass. I—”

about it,” he interrupted.

don’t want anything from you.”

you say so…but I happen to know there
something I have that you want.”

doubt it.”

really. Hmm, so you wouldn’t want your time with

couldn’t talk; of course, I wanted my time with her, but I certainly didn’t
want to get it from
. I just wanted to kill him.

wrong Keira, cat got your tongue?”

do you want from me?”

just want you to listen, to understand why I’m doing this.”

could never understand why someone decides to kill thousands of people,
people! You’re supposed to be an angel, for Christ’s sake!”

doing this
them!” he snapped. “To stop their pain…to stop people from
ever having to experience the pain I did.”

yeah; because killing people and taking them away from their families is just
what they want.”

told you before, they
thank me in the end…they

evil…you’re scum.”

your tone, Keira.”

off,” I barked, standing up.

down!” he ordered.


stood up quickly, his eyes flashing blue for a moment. Then there was nothing
but silence.

looked around me. Everything was frozen in time. The sea wasn’t moving, the
birds were perfectly still in the sky, and the people were like statues, some
still in a walking position.

on, attack me Keira. Do it, if you think it will make you feel better.”

have you done to everyone?”

can’t see this; this town will return to normal once I’ve gone.”

said you’re leaving?” I said as my eyes changed, and the demon showed itself.

may be powerful, Keira, but you won’t be able to kill me.”

bet on that.”

eyes changed to electric blue, and he stood there, as still as stone, waiting
for me to attack.

are you waiting for?” he taunted. “Come on.”

threw my hand out in front of me and threw fire at him. He laughed loudly as it
surrounded him, but had no effect on him at all. I threw energy at him, but he
put his hands out in front of him and created a shield. When the energy hit it,
it just seemed to evaporate. I decided to try and get physical instead. I flew
towards him, so fast that if anyone had been watching, I would have been a
blur. I went to strike him with the back of my arm, but when I was about an
inch away from him he disappeared.

told you Keira,” he laughed, appearing a few feet away from me. “You will not
beat me.”

was getting angrier by the second. My body started shaking, and a moment later,
the angel was free.

I don’t know what suits you more,” he smirked.

threw fire at him again, only this time it was white…holy fire. He screamed in
pain, which put a smile on my face. I was about to fire it from both hands, but
he obviously decided enough was enough. He disappeared and I stopped attacking,
then a moment later he reappeared right in front of me. Every time I went to
attack him, he would disappear again, yet I could still hear him laughing. I
started to get really frustrated.

why don’t you just stop? I don’t want to hurt you,” he eventually said, still
out of sight. “I did tell you that you wouldn’t beat me. So why not listen to
what I have to say?”

yourself, you coward.”

as I finished my sentence, a bright yellow light appeared on the ground in
front of me, only about four inches in size at first. I glared at it, not
knowing what it was or what, if anything, it was going to do. It started to
grow longer by the second, and quickly encircled me,
quickly I didn’t
have time to react. I looked up to see Ballantine standing a few feet in front
of me. I tried to walk towards him, but I couldn’t get out of the circle. It felt
like the demon trap had when Crystal took me.

me out!” I demanded.

will, just not yet,” he told me calmly. “Now, we’ve wasted too much time
already. I’m very busy as I’m sure you will understand. So I will leave you
with this…your friends will not be harmed. The town…well, I’m sure it can stay,
for now at least. But don’t push my patience Keira. I will be in contact with
you very soon, and you must listen to what I have to say to you. You may even
agree with why I’m doing all this. I’m not a bad person. I don’t think of
humans as a plague as I’m sure you
I do.”


well Keira, and relax. I assure you nobody or no
will attack you.”

moment later he was gone, along with the white light that had acted as my cage.
I was free and alone. I looked around me. Everything was back to normal. The
people were walking around again, the birds were flying, the waves were
crashing on the shore. Nobody had any idea what had just happened.

didn’t know what to do next. If I went home and told the guys, they would
panic. Eligos would be constantly on edge, with his army on call ready for
battle. Ballantine had told me we wouldn’t be harmed, but should I trust him?
Should I believe a word he had said to me? But then, why shouldn’t I? He hadn’t
hurt me; I’d attacked him and caused him pain, yet still he hadn’t harmed a
hair on my head. All he had done was restrained me in the circle. If I carried
on as normal, the guys would stay calm, and Lily wouldn’t be scared. I wouldn’t
be followed everywhere, and might actually be able to have time to myself when
I needed it. But could I keep all this to myself? I needed to talk to someone
about it. Then I got an idea.

Chapter 16




was leaning against the wall of the church where we had faced Argyle. Every
time I thought about what happened there, I got the shivers. But after that, I
always smiled, because that was the night Keira came back to me…well, to
I thought.
Don’t be bitter, be happy for her and for him
I had to stop being so jealous or I would lose Keira in every sense, forever.

looked over at Eligos. He stood with Jared and Marshal, showing them how to
hold the swords he had given them correctly. I didn’t feel hate when I looked
at him, just a little bitterness. He had the girl I loved. And yes, I did say
I’d wanted to tell her so much once she returned, but she wouldn’t get
close to me. I remembered her telling me how she couldn’t get past seeing me
dead on the porch steps, and how much it had affected her. But by the time she
felt normal around me again, it was too late. She couldn’t be with me, and I
couldn’t tell her how I really felt. It would have affected her, and I didn’t
want that. Of course, then I was a complete idiot and tried to kill Eligos. If
given another chance, that was a choice I would most definitely not make again.

come on,” Lucian shouted to me. “You’re against me again.”

really wasn’t in the mood. I wanted to go back home and spend time with Keira,
but Elizabeth wanted some time with her on her own.

Eligos interrupted. “I was going to let him face off against me.”

do you really think that’s a good idea?” Lily asked.

okay,” he told her while looking at me. “Aren’t we, Tyler?”

we are.”

messed around for a while with a few of the weapons. He showed me how to use
two swords at the same time, very similar to the ones he carried, but not as
big. He was a lot stronger than me and could swing them around a lot easier
than I could. I actually ended up enjoying myself. The guys were a bit anxious with
us sparring at first, but soon calmed down when they saw neither of us were
being nasty towards the other. I wished for a moment that Keira could see us
together like that; maybe then she would trust me more around him. Maybe he
would tell her…I would just have to see. If
told her, she may get a
bit annoyed or worried.

stayed out most of the afternoon, but at around 4 P.M., the clouds turned very
dark and Hecate sensed there was a storm coming. One of us could have probably
stopped it, but what right did we have to mess with nature? We’d messed about
with it enough. Besides, some of us were feeling a little tired, and we were
all incredibly hungry. Lily made it quite clear on our way back to the house
that she wasn’t cooking. Luckily, Jared and Beth said they would cook us all

we arrived at the house, we found Elizabeth in the living room staring at the
TV, alone.

Keira?” Eligos asked her.

she went out. I thought it was about time she was allowed her own space again,”
she told him, not taking her eyes off the screen.

did she go?”

into town.”

long has she been gone?”

a couple of hours. She wanted to clear her head and nose around some of the

fair enough,” I added.

threw me a look of disgust before walking out of the room. I knew he was
worried about her, more so after the whole episode with the earthquake, but he
couldn’t keep her locked up like a prisoner. She could look after herself and
call out to him if she was in trouble. Plus, she could teleport herself to Hell
or back home if she needed to.

walked out of the room after Eligos, and Jared and Beth started dinner. I sat
down next to Elizabeth while the others did their own thing.

take it you like the TV,” I laughed.

think it’s fantastic.”

didn’t have this when you were alive, did you?”

we didn’t have
like this…you’re very lucky,” she smiled. “You
know, for a short time, I actually thought the people on the screen were inside
the box. It took me a little while to realize it was filmed.”

couldn’t answer her…I just burst out laughing, which earned me a smack on the
back of my head. I stayed with her for about twenty minutes, but then got bored
with the reality show.

was about to walk out of the room when Keira appeared in front of me. She stood
there staring at me in silence, her long, jet-black hair falling perfectly down
the sides of her beautiful face. My stomach did a somersault. It always did
when she looked me in the eyes. She looked rather gothic today too, dressed in
her black jeans and tank top, silver chains hanging around her waist, and her
big boots with the metal grills on them.

are you staring at me for?” she asked.

didn’t mean to,” I lied. “Sorry.”

is everyone?”

whatever they’re doing, I don’t really know. Are you okay?”

Where’s Eligos?”

I answered, turning away from her for a moment. Whenever she spoke about him,
my heart sank. I hated knowing that she loved him so much. When I turned to
look at her again, she was walking out of the room. I went after her, but she
was now in the smaller living room with Eligos. I knew I shouldn’t, but I stood
next to the door listening to them talk.

have you been?” Eligos asked her.

went to town for a while, then I got bored, so I went to see if Lilith was
free. She was away, so I spent a few hours with Lucifer.”

stopped listening for a moment and smirked to myself. If any normal person
could hear their conversation, they would have them both sent to an insane
asylum. But for us, hey, this was normal. I carried on listening.

sure Elizabeth was okay after what happened to Carver. I told him she seemed to
be dealing with it all okay. Either that or she is hiding it well,” Keira was
saying to him.

will crack in the end. Once she has got her revenge and has nothing to aim for,
nothing to concentrate on, that’s when she will break down.”

How did it go before…was everyone okay?”

they’re all pretty darn good now.”

makes me feel a little better.”

faced off against Tyler too.”


we were fine.”

don’t want to know,” she sighed.

he isn’t so tough without his trap. You know as well as I do, without
he wouldn’t stand a chance against me.”

not many people would, would they?”

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