Revelations (Bloodline Series) (12 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Anne Kendal

BOOK: Revelations (Bloodline Series)
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And it said it didn’t want to hurt you?” Elizabeth said.


no saying if it was telling the truth. You did the right thing by coming home.”

definitely being targeted,” Eligos told me. “First the quake, now this. I don’t
think you should go anywhere alone for a while.”

agree with him,” Elizabeth said.

need time on my own sometimes,” I sighed.

go in another room, or sit on your swing,” Eligos continued. “At least people
will be close by.”

spent the rest of the afternoon just having general chit chat with the rest of
the guys, and helping to prepare some of the rooms so everyone could sleep comfortably.
Eligos returned to Hell just after seven with Danny—Brad wanted to discuss
something with them. I told the guys I wanted an hour or so to myself and went
into the small living room. I lit the fire and curled up on the sofa with a pad
of blank paper and a pencil. Sometimes, when I was back in West Chester, I
would just sit there and doodle if I got bored, or needed to relax.

as I put my pencil on the paper, an unseen hand snatched it from me. The pad of
paper floated from my knee and onto the coffee table in front of me, and then
the pencil started to write by itself. It wrote:

we need to talk. I don’t want to hurt you; please do not be afraid of me.

you don’t mean me any harm,” I whispered. “Why can’t you show yourself or tell
me who you are?” I turned to watch the paper.

told you before, you wouldn’t listen to me. If I told you who I am, you would
judge me instantly.

can’t say that, you don’t know me.” Again I awaited the reply.

friends are coming. If you want answers, Keira, first you must listen to me.
Meet me at the large church on the hill tonight at seven.

ripped the top sheet of paper off the pad and put it in my pocket quickly. A
moment later, Lily walked in.

are you going to do with yourself for the rest of the day?”

have no idea.”

you want some time on your own still?”


smiled and nodded before leaving the room. I sat back and took a deep breath.
Who was this person trying to get me to talk with him? What did he want? I knew
the only way to get any answers would be to meet him. But would I be walking
into a trap? Also, I was on lock down, so how the hell would I get out of the
house on my own? I lay back on the sofa, closing my eyes.

next thing I knew Eligos was shaking me slightly. “Keira, wake up darling, it’s
after 6:30.”

sorry; I didn’t realize how tired I was.”

okay. Lily’s about to start cooking dinner, so I thought I’d wake you up.”


leaned forward and kissed me for a few minutes before pulling me to my feet. I
told him I was going to take a shower before dinner was ready, and headed
upstairs. I looked at the clock; it was 6:45pm. I turned the shower on and
locked the bathroom door, then teleported myself to just outside the large
church. I was early and hoped whoever this man was would be there. Luckily,
only a minute after I arrived, he spoke.

glad you’ve come, Keira.”

you going to show yourself, or at least tell me your name?” I asked, looking
around me.

we talk.”

you better make it quick, I haven’t got long.”

your friends don’t know you’re here, do they?”

get on with it, please.”

know you hate me Keira, but I don’t know why.”

can I hate you when I don’t know who you are?”

me. Maybe if you know the reasons behind why all this is happening, you wouldn’t
hate me so much.”

you the leader? Are you Ballantine?” I gasped.

maybe not.”


forget, I haven’t confirmed who I am yet; don’t be too quick to start assuming
you know things. Now...listen carefully. I’m not going to give up on you, and I
won’t lie to you. I may not tell you things at the time you want to know them,
but I promise you will find out who I am soon.”

do you want from me?”

a little bit of your time.”

should I trust you?”

I done anything to hurt you? Have I threatened you in any way?”

didn’t respond.

can trust me Keira. Your friends will be safe; don’t worry, nobody will harm
them while you’re away,” he assured me. “There are a lot of demons looking for
us…you may as well tell them to stop. They won’t find us. Not until Ballantine
wants them to.”

you’re not Ballantine.”

maybe not. Keira, we’re not killing these people just for the hell of it. I
admit we need the human bodies for our spirit followers to possess, but we don’t
take pleasure out of killing them. We make it quick and then destroy the town
so that no evidence of us being there is left. They will all thank us in the
end anyway.”

why is that exactly?” I snapped. “You take them away from loved ones, cut their lives short. Why in God’s name would they thank you for

one step at a time. I must leave…I have things to do. We will speak again.”

no, you don’t, you tell me now! Hey...hey!” It was no use; no matter how loud I
shouted, he didn’t answer me.

teleported myself back into the bathroom and had a very quick shower. I’d only
been gone fifteen minutes, so nobody should have been suspicious of anything. I
didn’t want to tell them what had happened; I wanted to meet with the man, or
whatever he was, again. Then, when I knew everything I needed to know, I would
tell them all. If I told them now, they would only start worrying about me;
this person hadn’t tried to hurt me at all, so there was no need for them to be

quickly dried myself, dressed and headed downstairs. All of them smiled at me; none
of them had any idea I’d been out. We all ate then did our own thing. Eligos
and Danny had to return to Hell for a while to speak with Lucifer. Hecate went
to see Unsere. The guys either went out practicing or headed into the games
room. I was on the sofa staring into space when Tyler came in.



you want to go out for a while?” he asked.


never do anything together anymore. I know I was a shit, but I think you know I’m
past that now. Please Keira?”

okay,” I sighed. “Where do you want to go?”

don’t know, I just thought we could go for a drive or get a few drinks. Maybe you
could teleport us somewhere?”

like the second one more; I’m not in the mood for driving.”

I’ll go and grab some drinks and let the others know we’re going out.”

Chapter 13




we had assured the others we would be okay, and I had pointed out several times
that I wasn’t on my own in case anything happened, they finally let us go. I
took hold of his arm and teleported us to the field where we had gone the day I
let loose with my power.

had a feeling you might bring us here,” he smiled.

I didn’t know where else to go,” I said as I sat down on the grass.

still hate me, don’t you?”

little, yes.”

don’t blame you,” he sighed, sitting next to me and passing me a drink.

this why we came out, so you can see how much I hate you?”

I genuinely want to spend time with you; I want us to be how we used to be. I
want us to be close again, to have a laugh and be able to trust each other.”

let’s see how we go.”


going on with you and Olivia?”


seem to like each other.”

nice. I need to get to know her properly though.”

you should take her out.”

well, maybe when this is all over if I live through it, I will.”

live through it. I’ve seen you dead once, I don’t want to see that

know you don’t.” Both of us went quiet for a moment. “Keira, will we ever be
how we used to be?”

don’t know, maybe one day,” I said, turning to look at him. “I would like to
think so.”

hope so; you know I’m still researching how to rid Eligos of his scars.”

you? I don’t know why…he already knows he has them forever and that there is no

must be a way, and I’m not giving up.”

up to you,” I shrugged. “Don’t you think if there was a way he would have found
it already? He would have gotten rid of the scar on his face.”

I guess, but I won’t give up.”


have you let loose with your angel power yet?”

it seems to just come out when it’s needed; and to be honest, I’m scared of
letting it loose in case I hurt someone.”

don’t you try now? You’ve done it with me before and we were fine.”

a lot stronger now Tyler; a full blown demon
an angel. I’ve never
just let the angel out willingly.”

not try?”

if I can’t control it?”

will never know until you try.”

right,” I sighed.

go ahead,” he smiled. “Turn; see if you can sit here with me showing the angel.”

me if things go wrong you will run; just leave me and find a way to get Eligos,
Danny, or Hecate here.”

promise,” he nodded.

took a deep breath. I’d never done this before, so I was a little apprehensive,
but surely it would be the same as when I let the demon out. I closed my eyes
and tried to relax. A moment later I felt my eyes change, like a brief warming
sensation running across them. When I opened my eyes again, I could see the
glowing marks on my skin. I turned to look at Tyler.

look amazing,” he smiled. “Like a goddess.”

didn’t even flinch; seeing me like this didn’t bother him, the same as it didn’t
when he saw me go demonic, or when my eyes turned white. He never cared that my
appearance changed. He knew I was still me no matter what color my eyes turned,
or what happened to my skin, which was one of the reasons I felt so comfortable
with him. The others always seemed to get nervous when I didn’t look entirely

I don’t want anyone to know I’ve done this. Some of them may be upset that I
didn’t do it with them, especially Eligos.”

were scared of hurting them, more so Eligos than anyone else—you love him and he
will understand that. But I won’t tell anyone, so don’t worry. How do you feel?”

stupidly strong.”

a good thing, isn’t it?”


first everyone was frightened of being too close to you, just in case you got
pissed off or anything, but now…everyone feels safe.”

you scared of me?”

only ever been scared of you twice,” he told me. “Once when you crashed on the
drive…you know, the first time we saw the angel.”

mean when I reached out to you and hit you with energy instead.”

that was kinda frightening; and of course, the other time was after what I did
to Eligos, when you told me I had to fight you. I don’t think I’ve ever been so
scared in my whole life.”

did you expect me to do?”

know I deserved everything I got. Anyway, I thought you didn’t want to talk
about this. Why don’t we go for a walk?” he suggested.

why not?” I said, standing and returning to my normal self.

walked for about a half hour just talking. It was nice to be out with Tyler
again…we used to be so close. However, I still found it hard to be as friendly
with him as I used to be. He’d completely betrayed my trust and tried to kill
the person I loved more than life itself. He understood though; he knew that it
would take time for the old wounds to heal fully and that there may always be a

Chapter 14


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