Real Riders Never Die 3 (4 page)

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“You think you can be good until daddy gets back?” Jacko spoke into her ear.

Kia nodded her head as she held onto him.

“You better. I don’t want to have to come back and beat your lil ass.”

“You just better come back.”

Jacko stepped back and kissed her nose. “I’ll always be back, shawty. I know you can’t go long without discipline.”

He put her hand on his dick and she blushed. Even after he released her hand, she held it.

“I know you’re scared, Kia, but I’ll be back, baby. I’m going because Moto needs me, and I know if it was me in his situation, he would be right with me. He’s almost out of it, Kia. He needs me to think for him. This shit has his mind clouded, and if I don’t go he might get himself killed. He’s not focused.”

“I understand. I love you.”

“I love you too, baby mama. Keep this pregnant pussy tight ’til I get back.” He winked at her and released her from his grasp.

“Be safe, Jack, and look out for Moto.”

“I got you, baby. Come lock the door.”

He slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked out of the house. Kia watched his pigeon-toed walk until he got into the car. Demoto threw his hand up at her and Jacko blew her a kiss before pulling away.

They drove to Double O to gather whatever Buck had for them, along with their traveling information from their assistant. After they’d gotten everything, it was time to dip. Being that this was an important matter, they flew in Double O’s private plane. They had a long flight ahead of them, but all it did was give them time to map things out.

Together they sat on the plane putting together their game plan. Demoto looked in the secret compartments on the plane and gathered weapons of all kinds, ranging from knives to guns and poisons. He knew that dealing with his mother wasn’t going to be a piece of cake, but he also knew that dealing with him wasn’t either.

Jacko pulled up various maps of places in Cameroon. Though Demoto didn’t really need that, he was grateful for it because it had been so long since he’d been there, he didn’t know what to expect. Buck had already called in a few Double O workers to meet them so they would have some backup.

Once they had everything in order, they sat back and tried to get some sleep. They were both going to need it. Demoto had plans to hit the ground running as soon as the plane landed. He closed his eyes, but they popped right back open every time. He didn’t have the first idea of what was about to happen once he touched down.

His father had been a very respected man from what he could remember, but his mother now controlled all of that. There was no telling what type of mind control she had over the people now. As far as he knew, she probably had people at the airport ready to shoot him down the moment they saw him. The only thing he could do was be ready.

He looked over at Jacko, who was asleep, and silently thanked God for good friends. Jacko didn’t have to come with him, but he did, willingly, and he would be forever grateful for that. With his legs stretched out in front of him, Demoto closed his eyes again. This time, they managed to stay closed.

Chapter Three

aryn sat in the corner of the large van with Ayo in her lap. Chauncey, Ornella, and Rolande had all tried to get her to give him to them, or at least allow them to place him in his car seat, but she downright refused. She didn’t know them, she didn’t want to be near them, so she damn sure wasn’t about to let them anywhere near her son.

She had been sick for most of the ride to wherever they were, and she was just ready to get somewhere stationary. Rolande was clearly another one of Ornella’s footmen because ever since he’d picked them up from the airport he had been watching her and Ayo. Taryn had to close her eyes a few times to get him out of her face.

The tall trees and mountains caught Taryn’s eyes as she peered out of the window. The dirt roads, green hills, and vibrant grass almost took her away from the terrible moments she’d been experiencing for the past few hours. The beauty that she was looking at had her actually appreciating her surroundings.

When Ayo sat up in her lap and leaned on the window so he could see, she pointed out the trees. She explained what everything was to him as if he understood. Demoto had taught her a long time ago to never speak to him as if he was a baby, but to always speak to teach. He said that Ayo couldn’t learn the real meaning of things by speaking baby talk.

“Oh, Mommy, look!” Ayo squealed.

Taryn looked out of the window and saw two ladies walking down the street carrying two large baskets of bananas. Though it wasn’t much to look at, Taryn could see why it would have caught his attention. She didn’t see things like that in Columbus, so she was sure he hadn’t either.

“I see it, man.”

“Taryn, do you know where we are?” Ornella turned around and looked at her over the seat.

Taryn looked at her and rolled her eyes without saying anything. She knew damn well she didn’t know where she was. They hadn’t allowed her to look out of any window since leaving Columbus. All she knew was that they’d taken a plane ride that felt like they’d been flying for days before ending up at a small airport. She tried to look around to see where she was, but Chauncey and Rolande had made that damn near impossible.

“Taryn, let me tell you something, sweetheart. If you want to make your stay peaceful, speak when spoken to. Now I asked you a question.”

Taryn continued looking out of the window as if she didn’t hear her. If Ornella thought she was about to punk her and boss her around like she was some kind of child, she was so wrong. She’d already taken her against her will. The fuck made her think they were friends? Ayo sat back and leaned his head against Taryn’s chest. With one hand on his stomach and one in his head rubbing his scalp, Taryn ignored everyone in the car with her.

Ornella cleared her throat, and before Taryn knew it, Rolande had reached over and tried to grab Ayo from her lap. Taryn’s left hand tightened around him while her right one connected with Rolande’s nose. It started bleeding instantly.

“Don’t fucking touch him.” She stared at him like he was the most stupid person on earth, and in her mind he was.

She didn’t know how foreigners did it, but in Georgia, people didn’t fuck around about their kids. Including her. She would fight the world about her baby. The look on his face let her know that he wanted to kill her, but she didn’t care. He had started with her.

“I don’t know who y’all people think I am, but whoever it is, I’m not that bitch. Y’all may be whoever y’all are, but I don’t give a fuck about that. Don’t think for one second that I won’t defend myself.” She looked at Ornella and Chauncey who were watching her. She stared at them for a minute, shooting Chauncey a bird through the rear view mirror, before looking at Rolande. “And you, if you ever in your life touch my baby or even look like that’s what you’re about to do, I will beat your ass.” Taryn huffed before wrapping her arms tighter around Ayo and looking out of the window.

Her head was turned, but she could still feel all of their eyes on her. She bit the inside of her cheek as she thought about how long it was going to take Demoto to find her. In her heart she already knew that he would come looking for them. All she hoped was that it didn’t take him too long. She was tough and could handle a lot of things, but she wasn’t sure how much of these fucking Africans and their fat ass bodyguard she could take.

“My girl, you’re a tough act. Like I said before, I like it. However, I will not be disrespected. I would advise you to fix your attitude.”

Taryn looked at her and sucked her teeth. “Leave me alone, Ornella.”

She heard Ornella laugh before turning around in her seat. Taryn was thankful for that because she was so tired of her looking at her. She took the scenery in as they drove. She knew she was far away from home and figured more likely than not that she was in Cameroon. Her suspicions were confirmed when they drove past a building with a pole in front of it.

The Cameroonian flag blew lightly in the wind. Taryn shook her head. These damn people had kidnapped her and her baby and brought them all the way to Cameroon. It was no telling how long they would be there or what Ornella’s plans with them were.

“Ayo, would you like some food, my dear baby?” Ornella looked over her shoulder again.

Ayo didn’t say anything, but Taryn felt his head nod against her chest. It pissed her off that he was even responding to Ornella, but he was a child. He didn’t know any better.

“Very well. Grandma will get you something.” She smiled at him and Taryn turned her nose up.

Ornella looked up at her and smiled. “You’ve been with Demoto too long. You’re just as mean as he is.”

“With good reason,” Taryn spoke.

Chauncey turned the van they were in so hard that Taryn had to hold onto the seat to keep herself from falling over. When she looked up, they were turning into a large pink house. It was large and had statues and bodyguards everywhere. This had to be Ornella’s house. Taryn was amazed at its beauty, but that all went away the moment the car stopped because she realized she was there to stay.

Rolande sat holding his bleeding nose with the tip of his shirt. He looked at Taryn with a hate so strong she could feel it, but the feeling was mutual so she paid him no attention.

“Taryn, come on, my girl. Let’s go inside.” Ornella was standing on the side of the van waving for Taryn to get out.

She sat in her spot for a minute before scooting forward with Ayo in her arms and getting out of the van. When she stood to her full height, she towered over Ornella. She shifted Ayo around so that he was on her hip.

“Why do you always carry him? He’s a big boy, let him walk.”

Taryn looked at Ornella with her eyebrows furrowed. “I’m not sure, but are you giving me advice on how to be a mother? Because if you are, I don’t want it.”

Like she’d been doing since she met her, Ornella smiled at Taryn. “You are one feisty woman. Come on.” She turned and began walking away.

Taryn hesitantly followed her. She was so tired that she didn’t even have the energy to be nervous anymore. Though she had no idea what was to come, she’d kind of felt Ornella out and clearly she didn’t want to kill them. Not yet at least, so she was good for now. In all honesty, Taryn’s comfort came from knowing Demoto would be on his way. He always came for her.

Guards moved out of the way as they passed. A few of them stared at Taryn as if she was something they’d never seen before. Little did she know, she was. None of their women looked like her. She was very different from what they were used to. When she walked into the foyer of the home, the cool air instantly made her feel better.

It had been hot as hell their entire trip. The house was extravagant to say the least, but Taryn would worry about all of that later. All she cared about right now was getting her baby something to eat.

“Come on, dear, I’ll show you two to the kitchen before I take you to your room.”

Taryn totally ignored the comment about her room because as far as she was concerned, she didn’t have a room there. She followed Ornella down a long hallway and into a large white kitchen. Everything in there looked expensive. Taryn marveled at the beauty of the view from the kitchen window. It was immaculate and probably the best looking thing she’d seen since she got there.

“Sit him there.” Ornella pointed to the Turtle booster seat in the corner.

It was clear that Ornella had been planning their arrival for some time now because from the time they’d gotten with her, she’d had everything Ayo would possibly need; the car seat in her Lincoln, the coloring books and apples on the plane, and now the high chair. Taryn had to admit she was a crazy old bat, but it was clear she wanted to be a grandma.

Taryn sat Ayo in the chair before buckling him in. “You okay Yo-Yo?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Taryn pulled his hair from his ponytail and watched it fall down around his face. He was so sweet and innocent; Taryn almost teared up. To keep herself from doing so, she turned around to face Ornella. She was leaning on the counter with her arms folded across her chest watching them.

“You’re a very good mother.”

“Wish I could say the same.”

Ornella winked at her before going into the cabinets and pulling things out to cook. “You know I really am a good mother. Different, but good.”

“Not from what I’ve heard.” Taryn was tired of playing nice.

Ornella had kidnapped her so they were no longer friends. Anything went at this point.

“Demoto never took the time to understand why I do what I do. Which is ironic, being that he’s in pretty much the same profession. He gets that from his father. He was the same way. That’s why I don’t blame him. He simply believes what he was taught.”

“So why are we here?”

“Because I wanted to meet you two. I knew Demoto would never allow me to, so I had to do it my way.”

“I have a feeling that you’re lying because that’s way too simple. You’re not going to convince me that you came all the way to Georgia just to get us because you wanted to meet us. That makes no sense.”

“You’re right. I have ulterior motives, but my main focus was Ayo. I had to know him. When I first saw pictures of him, I fell completely in love. He’s gorgeous and looks just like my son. How could I not love something that came from me? I know Demoto told you a lot of stuff about me, which I’m sure was all bad, but I love my kids. Ayo’s birth just continues the Youngblood legacy, and since it’s clear that his father doesn’t want it, he will inherit it all.”

“I don’t even know what to say to that.” Taryn looked away.

“Just say you’ll let me know him. I promise that’s all I want. When Demoto comes, because I know my son and he’s coming, then you two can go home.”

Taryn didn’t really believe her, but she nodded anyway. It was something about Ornella that just wasn’t sitting right with her. She was being entirely too nice for one, and her flying all the way back to Georgia was too much for something as simple as wanting to be a grandma. She had something up her sleeve, and Taryn was going to watch her until she revealed it.

They sat in the kitchen for another few hours, cooking and eating, before Taryn and Ayo were shown to their room. Ornella said she had some business to handle and for them to get some rest. After letting Taryn know she would be back to check on them later, she left. Taryn looked around the large room that once again alerted her that this trip was planned and sighed.

The toddler Ninja Turtle bed in the corner with the toy box full of toys entertained Ayo, but not Taryn. She had other stuff on her mind, such as the closet full of clothing in her and Ayo’s size. Ornella might have been a mass murderer, a horrible mother and wife, but she was one hell of a host. She had cooked for them and given them everything they would need for their stay.

As much as Taryn wanted to stay up and look around, she was dog tired, and judging by the way Ayo was sitting on the side of the small bed looking at her, so was he. She stretched out her arms for him to walk to her and he did. With the clothes she’d gathered them from the closet, she walked into the bathroom and ran them a bath.

Before undressing either of them and getting in, she made sure the doors were locked to her room and the bathroom. She didn’t trust any of Ornella’s people. They had been ogling her since she’d gotten there. When she was satisfied enough to gain a little piece of mind, she undressed Ayo first, then herself, before picking him up and sliding into the bubble bath filled tub.

“You okay, Yo-Yo?”

“Yes. I want to go to my room.”

Taryn leaned her head to the side and poked her bottom lip out. She wanted to go to her own room too, but for now, they didn’t have that option. Taryn played with him for a little while, trying to make him feel better, before washing them both and getting out. Once they were dressed, she laid him in the massive sized bed and climbed in behind him.

It was still light outside but they were both dog tired. Taryn looked around the room as she hummed to Ayo. He fell asleep almost instantly with her right behind him.

Taryn didn’t know how long it had been since she’d fallen asleep, but it was now dark outside and she couldn’t really see anything. There were no street lights and no lights on in her room. Had she not seen light seeping from beneath the door, it would have been completely dark in her room. She looked over at Ayo who was still soundly asleep and slid out of the bed.

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