Real Riders Never Die 3 (3 page)

BOOK: Real Riders Never Die 3
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“I don’t know where to start. Every time I try to move nothing happens. It’s like I can’t make my body get on the same note as my mind.”

“If you get up off your ass that might work.” Buck touched Demoto’s shoulder. “You can do this, son. You’ve done a lot of shit, so I’mma give you a few hours to get your mind together and get you a game plan. I’m about to head back to Double O, round up as much information as I can for you, but you gon’ have to do this shit, Demoto. You’re one of the strongest young men I’ve ever met. It’s in you. Get it together.”

“But you don’t know how it feels, Mr. Buck. All that sounds easy, but I don’t know what to do.”

Demoto was truly showing his age at that moment. He had always seemed so mature and smart, but right now he sounded like a scared child. Buck could sympathize, because in reality, that’s all he was, just filling grown man shoes.

Buck sighed. “Demoto, I know how it feels. Kia’s mother was taken, beaten, and raped for days. By the time I got to her, she was barely alive. I did everything I could for weeks trying to find her, only to find out she had been in the basement of one my trap houses all along.” Buck stood from the sofa. “I didn’t bitch up when my family needed me. I put my feelings on the back burner and thought about hers. I know she didn’t want that shit to be happening to her, so that’s what I had to think about. She died, and I know you don’t want that for Taryn-Lee. Whatever your mama might be doing with her, she don’t want that shit.”

Demoto groaned deeply. It sounded so aggrieved that Buck could barely tolerate it. He had never seen Demoto in a state so low, but he had to man up.

“She’s been through enough. Get your fucking heart out your lap and go get your family. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

Buck looked at him a little longer before walking out of the door. Taryn was his baby girl and Demoto needed to go get her. Buck wanted her home just as much as he did. He had grown attached to Taryn and Ayo as if they belonged to him biologically. He didn’t know how long he would be able to keep his own self sane, let alone trying to get Demoto’s mind right.

When the door slammed shut, Demoto leaned over into his lap and cried. He cried until he couldn’t anymore. He had been trying to be so tough since he’d gotten to America and it was all weighing on him. He needed his father, he needed his brother, he needed his damn mama, and she wasn’t shit. Demoto had been trying to do everything all alone, and this was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Demoto had never been the one to fold under pressure, but at that moment it felt as if he was about to crumble into a million pieces. He sniffed and wiped his face before sitting back up straight. He didn’t know how long he’d been sitting there, but his doorknob turned again, and in walked Jacko. He took slow steps until he was all the way inside, then stood in the middle of the floor with his hands in his pockets, saying nothing.

Jacko had his dreads pushed back with a band. They were laying on his shoulders as he stood dressed in a simple pair of gym shorts and a white shirt. The Nike flip flops showed Demoto that he’d come straight from home. Demoto wiped his face again before looking at him. They maintained eye contact for a second, with Jacko raising his eyebrows in question. Demoto shook his head because he didn’t even know what to say.

Jacko stayed in the same spot, watching his best friend. He didn’t have any words for him because there wasn’t much that he could say that would appease the feelings Demoto had. After he’d gotten the call from Buck, he’d jumped right up and left. He was so glad that Kia had been asleep because he didn’t need her emotions right then. Buck had asked him not to tell her, but Jacko didn’t know how long that would last.

Demoto nodded his head but didn’t move from his spot on the couch. He looked at the wall just behind Jacko’s head as he sat down. He felt so weak that he couldn’t even process a sentence and Jacko didn’t try to make him. Instead, he sat across from him, being the friend that he needed at the moment. The living room was silent, minus a groan or a sigh from Demoto every so often. It was as if he would be okay then he’d think about something and slump right back into his feelings.

“I have to do something, Jacko,”

“Yeah, my nigga, you do.”

“This shit was not supposed to turn out like this. I knew my mama was vindictive, but I thought she would come for me. Not them.”

Jacko rubbed his chin. “They are you, bruh. She knows that shit too. Hell, anybody who knows you, or sees y’all for that matter, would know that they’re you. You live and breathe for Pretty-Lee and nephew. She’s trying to hurt you. Get you to your lowest before coming against her. She’s a queen. She knows how to play the game.”

Demoto listened to Jacko because what he was saying made sense. It was the most logical thing he’d heard all day. He wasn’t able to think for himself, and his best friend had come through with the save. That’s exactly what he needed. He ran his hand down his face again and sat up on the sofa. His arms rested on his legs.

“I don’t even know where to start.”

Jacko looked at Demoto. “Yes, you do.”

“I don’t, man. I just get weak every time I think about the shit. Like people may think they know how deep my feelings for Taryn go, but they don’t. This shit is deeper than the surface. Like, I love with my heart and soul, but it doesn’t stop there. I can feel her in my bones. It’s something that I can’t explain.” Demoto sighed. “But it’s there, and just thinking about never seeing her again, or what she may be going through, has me at my weakest. This is some sucker shit, and I can’t shake it.”

Jacko scooted to the edge of the seat and touched Demoto’s hands. “Bruh, you got this. We got this. I’m right here with you. I’m ready for whatever. But we have to start somewhere. We can’t sit in this living room sulking.”

Demoto nodded his head and stood to his feet. Jacko stood with him. “I’mma take a shower and pack me a bag. I’m probably out and headed to Cameroon in a few hours.”

“Say no more. Let me fill Kia in, and I’m with you.”

Demoto stuck his hand out to dap Jacko up. They shook hands and embraced in a brotherly hug, Jacko holding onto Demoto a little longer than normal. He patted his back a few times before speaking.

“You my brother. I got you forever. We’re going to get your family back.”

Demoto nodded and sniffed again. When they pulled away, Jacko nodded before stepping around him. “Hit my line when you’re ready.”

“I will. Thanks, bruh, for real. I appreciate you being here.”

“That’s what family is for.” Jacko nodded again before leaving the apartment.

Demoto closed the door the best he could before going to the back to shower and change. He snatched his black bag from beneath the bed and put everything he thought he would need in there. He packed for a few days because he didn’t plan on making this take any longer than that. When he finished packing, he called his assistant at Double O and had her schedule their travel arrangements to Cameroon.

When that was taken care of, he headed for the bathroom to take a shower. He turned the water up as high as it would go. After undressing, he stepped beneath the water. The temperature took a minute to get used to, but he needed something to put his mind where it needed to be. He stood still, letting the water cascade down his body. His mind drifted to Taryn and Ayo.

The thought alone had him shaking. Demoto shook his head because he needed to find something to channel this energy. With his eyes closed, he leaned back and looked up at the ceiling. He did something that he hadn’t done in forever. Something that Taryn and his father had done religiously. He prayed.

Strength, patience, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, grace, and protection were amongst the things he asked God for. He begged for the strength he knew he was going to need to get them back. He was all out of options. There was nothing left that he could give, so it was time to put it into the master’s hands. He prayed until the water turned cold. Saying any and everything he could think of.

Once he had said all the things he could think to say, he meditated for a minute. That was something his father had taught him and Adisa growing up. It allowed him the time to calm his mind and put things into perspective. Which was what he needed at the moment. The cold water, mixed with the prayer and meditation, had him feeling better, a lot better.

When he got out the shower and went back into his bedroom, he felt like himself again. He walked around the room naked, allowing himself time to dry off, before sliding on a pair of briefs and walking into the closet. He looked away from Taryn’s clothing and directly at his side instead. He grabbed the black Nike sweat suit and all black Huaraches and closed the closet.

Demoto dressed quickly before tying his dreads back with a rubber band. He filled his backpack with the necessary essentials and grabbed his bag from the bed. As he walked past Ayo’s room, he stopped. He looked around before moving on down the hallway. After he had put the food that Taryn bought, away, he grabbed his cellphone from the sofa and went to the door. He did his best to close it and lock it before taking the stairs two at a time.

He hit the locks to his car and got in. With his bags on the backseat, he backed out of his parking spot in route to Jacko’s crib. He shot him a quick text to let him know he would be pulling up momentarily. By the time he got there, Jacko, too, was dressed and ready to go. He had a small bag filled with what Demoto assumed was clothing, and a backpack as well. His was a little larger than Demoto’s because of his computer.

Jacko was a smart and a very resourceful man. He took his laptop everywhere he went. He put his things in Demoto’s backseat before going back into the house. Demoto followed him, slowly. He was still in a little slump, but he was ready. When he walked into the house, Kia was lying on the sofa asleep.

“Kia tired, ain’t she?”

Jacko looked over at her and smiled. “My lil one be kicking her ass. She always asleep.”

Demoto turned and looked at Jacko. That was his first time hearing anything about Kia being pregnant. “She pregnant?”

Jacko gave away a big smile. “Hell yeah. She’s about fifteen weeks. We ain’t even know. She just assumed she was. When we went to the doctor yesterday, they told her she’s damn near four months pregnant. I don’t how in the hell I let that shit slide by me.”

Demoto smiled, the most he’d done since Taryn had left. He was truly happy for Kia and Jacko. Especially Jack. He loved kids and would be a great father. Demoto stuck his hand out to dap him up. “That’s what’s up, my nigga. I’m happy for your ass.”

“Appreciate that. I just don’t really want to stress her out and shit, but as soon as she calls Tee, and she doesn’t answer, she’s going to know something is wrong.” Jacko watched Kia as she stirred on the sofa. “I kind of think we should tell her before we go. Buck doesn’t want me to, but she needs to know. When everybody from her circle goes missing, she’s going to spazz, and I don’t need her stressing my lil shorty out.”

Demoto understood where he was coming from, so he told Jacko to wake her up. All he hoped was that she took it better than he had because he was doing well right now. Her crying and shit would fuck him right back up. He stood behind the sofa as Jacko kneeled next to Kia on the floor and kissed her nose.

When she didn’t move, he stuck his finger up her nose. She stirred and slapped his hand away. He was laughing when she opened her eyes. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Jack? Why you playing?”

She whined for a minute until she looked up and saw Demoto. She looked from him to Jacko. “Why you ain’t tell me this nigga was coming over here?” She sat up on the couch and rubbed her eyes. “Hey, Moto.”

“What’s up, Kia?”

“Nothing. Just trying to get some sleep, but your friend right here wants to play.”

Demoto gave her a weak smile.

“Bae, I need to roll with Demoto somewhere for a few days. You think you can handle shit here?”

Kia looked at him and nodded. She was used to them having to go out of town for business. “Where y’all going?”

Jacko looked down for a minute before looking over at Demoto.

Kia noticed his actions and looked at Demoto too. When he held his head down her face frowned in confusion. “Why y’all niggas holding y’all heads instead of telling me where y’all going?”

Demoto looked up and bit his bottom lip. He took a deep breath. “We have to go to Cameroon to ge—” His voice broke, so he cleared his throat before continuing to talk. “We have to go to Cameroon to get Taryn and Ayo.”

Kia really looked confused then. She sat with her face frowned for a minute, seriously trying to see why Taryn and Ayo would be in Cameroon without Demoto. “Why are they there? When did they go because I just talked to her last night?”

She was looking at Demoto for answers, but he wasn’t giving her anything. In fact, he looked terrible. The more Kia looked at him, the more she realized that something wasn’t right. His eyes were red and had large bags beneath them. He looked exhausted and his eyes held a sad expression. Kia’s hand went to her mouth and her eyes widened.

“Did something happen to them?”

Demoto held his head down and Jacko took over for him. “Moto’s mom is mad at him about some shit right now, so she’s acting out. We think she took them. We’re going to get them back. It should only take a few days.”

Kia shook her head as her eyes began to water. Demoto stood there for as long as he could before leaving to sit in his car. He couldn’t take that right then. Jacko stayed and kissed Kia’s stomach then her mouth. He stood to his feet, pulling her with him. He hugged her as tight as he could and kissed the side of her face.

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