Real Riders Never Die 3 (8 page)

BOOK: Real Riders Never Die 3
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“I’m at Cooper’s cousin’s house. We were drinking and getting high and now they won’t let me leave. He wants me to have sex with his cousin and I don’t want to do it. I know you’re probably mad at me, but Kia will you please come get me? I didn’t know who else to call.”

Kia was still stuck on the getting high part. Had she even been able to get over that, the fact that Cooper’s punk ass wanted her to have sex with his cousin would have taken her breath too.

“Kia, please.”

“Yeah, I’ll come. What’s the address?”

Kerry whispered the address to her. “You coming now?”

Kia threw her blanket off of her. “Yeah, I’m coming now. Where’s Izzy?”

“She’s with her grandma.”

Kia knew she had to be talking about Jacko’s mother. Kerry’s mom was dead, so she was the only grandma that Izzy had. She and Jacko had fallen out a few months prior, so Kia hadn’t spoken to her in a while. It was good to know she was still keeping in contact with Kerry for Izzy’s sake.

Kia slid her sandals back on her feet before walking to the back of the house to grab her gun. Not only was she pregnant and didn’t have time to be fighting, but she didn’t trust Cooper or his cousin either.

“Will you be able to come outside when I get there?”

“I’ll try. If not, I’ll just climb out of the window. Please hurry up, Kia. He keeps coming in here badgering me about it.”

“His nasty punk ass. I’m on my way. Text me the address again so I don’t forget.”

“Okay. Thank you so much.” Kerry hung up the phone.

A few minutes later, Kia’s phone dinged with a text message. She set the alarm on her house and locked the door before getting in her car. She knew the area that Kerry was talking about so it didn’t take her long to get there. The whole drive over there she wished Jacko was there because then she wouldn’t be in this shit, but he wasn’t, so she had to handle business. Kerry was good people, and she desperately needed to do better than Cooper.

When Kia pulled in front of the house, she parked along the curb but kept her car running. She pulled her phone out and dialed the number back. When Kerry didn’t answer, she got annoyed. She called back two more times and received the same results. As much as she didn’t want to, Kia cocked her gun and stuck it back in her purse.

She walked to the door rather quickly and knocked on the door. No one answered at first, but once she started ringing the doorbell wildly, the front door swung open. There was Cooper, standing there with a frown on his face. His pants were unbuckled, and he was shirtless. Just looking at the hair on his chest made Kia’s stomach turn. If it was anything she hated in the world, a hairy chest was it.

“What you doing here?”

“I’ve come to get Kerry. Can you tell her I’m out here please?”

“Kerry ain’t taking her ass nowhere. So you can gon’ back to where you came from.”

Kia stuck her hand in her purse casually because she could already tell this nigga was about to start acting a fool. “Nigga, will you please just take your ass in there and tell Kerry to come on? I didn’t drive all the way over here wasting my gas for nothing.”

“Well, I ain’t tell your ass to come, so that’s your fucking business.”

“Kerry!” Kia stuck her head in the door and yelled.

She jumped back when that bastard Cooper tried to close the screen door on her head.

“Jack must didn’t beat your ass bad enough last time?”

“Fuck outta here with that shit. Kerry is my woman, she don’t do shit unless I tell her ass to. So you might as well go home because she ain’t going nowhere until I tell her to. She got business to handle.”

“So, letting your cousin fuck her is business?” Kia sucked her teeth. “Nigga get your weak ass out my face.” Kia snatched the screen door open and proceeded past him.

She already knew he wasn’t going to let her pass without doing something stupid, so the moment she felt his hand on the back of her arm, she snatched her gun out of her purse and pointed it at him.

“Back up off of me.”

Cooper stumbled backward with his hands covering his face. He fell back so hard that he actually bumped into the wall. Kia looked on in disgust. What kind of grown man lets a woman her size pull a gun on him with no repercussions?

“I knew you was pussy,” Kia mumbled, as she walked further into the house. She walked through the living room and down the hall, trying to see if she could hear anything. “Kerry!”

Kia kept walking, but heard nothing. So, she called her again and again until she walked up to a room where she heard muffled mumbling. She turned the knob, but it was locked. She twisted the knob before stepping back and aiming her gun.

“Don’t!” Cooper yelled, at the same time she pulled the trigger.

As soon as the door popped open a Pitbull the size of a cow ran out of the room. Kia jumped back as fast as she could, but it didn’t help because he had her cornered against the wall. She screamed as he barked and showed his teeth to her. Slob dripped out of his mouth and onto the floor as he continued eyeballing her. Kia screamed and looked around the hall for help.

She saw Cooper standing at the top of the hall laughing. She couldn’t wait until all of that was over so she could slap his ass. The dog taking a step forward brought her back to reality. She stretched her hands out in front of her that’s when she remembered she still had her gun in her hand. Clearly that was the same time Cooper noticed it too because he screamed.

“Nooooo!” He ran down the hall, toward the dog she guessed, but it was too late.

Kia pulled the trigger and shot the dog in the face. Blood spewed all over the hallway and all over her as she screamed from the impact. Gunk and brain matter from the dog was everywhere as she stepped out of the corner. Kia tried to turn her head as fast as she could to stop herself from seeing the scene in front of her.

Either the hallway was too small or she just couldn’t move her eyes fast enough because she saw it and began throwing up all over the place. Making an even bigger mess than it already was. She was still throwing up when Kerry and some short, fat man finally came running out of the room. Kerry ran straight to her as the man ran to his dog.

Kia wiped her mouth and watched him drop to his knees on the side of the dead animal. He looked him up and down before screaming to the top of his lungs.

“Why did you do that?”

“Because your cousin wouldn’t get him. I asked, but he wouldn’t. I wasn’t about to let the muthafucka eat me.” Kia cocked her gun again to let the man know she wasn’t about to allow him to bully her.

Kerry grabbed her arm and began pulling her toward the door. Kia looked down at the man and almost felt sorry for him until she noticed that Kerry was in nothing but a towel.
Serves his nasty ass right
. Kia turned her nose up and continued down the hall. Cooper gave the ugliest grimace he could muster, which wasn’t that hard being that he was the most hideous man in the world, as they walked past.

When they got outside, Kia ran to the driver side of her car and popped the locks for Kerry to get in. They both shuffled into the car as fast as they could before Kia sped off. She drove at maximum speed, trying to get out of the neighborhood. When she got back to the highway, she slowed down and looked over at Kerry. She looked her up and down, trying to figure out what in the hell she was thinking.

“What’s going on with you, Kerry?”

“I’m on drugs. I snort powder and the shit is taking over me. I need help, no I don’t want to talk about it, and please don’t tell Jacko.”

“We don’t have to talk about it, you just need to figure out what the hell you’re going to do to get back on track. As far as Jacko goes, he’s out of town right now, so I couldn’t tell him if I wanted to. Furthermore, that’s the only reason I’m about to let you come to my house.”

Kerry looked at her.

“Before you say anything, I’m only taking you there because I already know Cooper’s punk ass is going to be looking for you later. If he comes to my house, I’m killing his ass, and it’s as simple as that.”

“Thank you,” Kerry said in a low tone.

“It’s no problem. Just tighten up.”

They drove the rest of the way in silence, both of them wrapped in their own thoughts. When they got home, Kia gave her everything she would need for the night before going about her way. She didn’t want to crowd her, nor did she really feel like being bothered. She was just happy that she might actually get some sleep for the first time since Jacko left. With Kerry there, she had company, so she wouldn’t be overwhelmed with negative thoughts about the Cameroon situation.

Chapter Six


How are you? How’s Ayo? I’m writing you this letter because I want you to know that I’m here and that I’m coming to get you both. I just have to make sure that I show my face when the time is right. I miss your ass so much that it’s driving me fucking crazy. I think about you all damn day and night. I can probably count how many hours I’ve slept on one hand. All I can think about is bringing you and Ayo back home. I miss your smile, I miss your smell, I miss that sexy ass chocolate skin and how it tastes when it melts in my mouth. You smiling now, ain’t you? You should be, hell you should be squeezing them thick ass thighs closer together because I know that pussy thumping.

Last night I stayed up all night thinking about how soft your voice gets when you moan in my ear and how tight and warm your body feels when I’m up in it. I know you’re probably all sad and shit, so let me give you something to hold onto real quick. Anytime you get ready to cry and feel like you want to give up, think about how good this dick feels when I’m busting you down. Lol. I miss you baby. I’m trying to lighten the mood because this is a fucked up situation, but don’t worry. I’m coming. I’ll be there soon, baby girl. And when I get there I’m taking you back home with me. I love you. Kiss Ayo for me and tell him Daddy will be there soon.

Oh, and if Ornella does something to you, slap her muthafucking ass. You big, you can take her. Lol. I’m impatiently counting down the days until I can see and be with you again. Did I tell you I love you? Because I do. Be a good wife and stay strong. Love you Tee.

Your husband, Demoto.

Taryn read the letter that Uzoma had given her for the fifth time. He had come in a few minutes prior and woke her to give her the folded up paper. She was a tad bit confused for a minute because she didn’t know what was going on, but once he told her it was from Demoto, she hopped right up. Taryn sat up in her bed and read the letter, yet again. It was the closest she’d been to her husband in days and it was hard.

Reading his words and hearing his voice as she read it had her so anxious that she could hardly sit still. She knew before he even told her that he was coming, but having him confirm it reassured her that it would happen. It had been yet another full day, and nothing had happened yet, but now she was okay with that. The fact that she knew he was working hard to get to her, and would, when he could, made her feel better.

After reading certain parts of the letter again, Taryn stuffed it down in her bra and lay back in the bed. The large brown clock on the dresser in front of her let her know that it was a little past three o’clock in the morning. She closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep the best she could, but she couldn’t. Her mind was too full. She lay there awake, playing in Ayo’s hair.

He had been asleep for hours now and didn’t look like he had any plans of waking up. Unlike her, he had no idea that things were going wrong. All he knew was that he and his mother were visiting his grandmother. He had toys, clothes, food, and everything else that he could possibly want. It was nothing more than a vacation to him. While to her it was torture.

The subtle turn of her doorknob made Taryn’s head move in its direction. She tried to stay as still as possible while waiting for whoever was out there to come in, just in case she had to pretend like she was still sleeping. When she saw the tall shadow with dreads, she knew it was Uzoma. She turned back around and faced the window like she’d been and waited for him to say something.

When he didn’t say anything, she was about to turn back over and ask him what was going on, but then she felt his hand. It slid up her back then to her head. He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back.

“Uzoma, get your damn hands off of me and get out of here.”

“So, you don’t know your man’s touch now? I know it ain’t been that long.”

Taryn screamed on the inside. Her eyes bucked as she hurried to flip her body over. She could tell it was Demoto’s voice, even through his whispers. She grabbed his face and pulled him down onto the bed and kissed all over his face. She could see his smile in the dark.

“I missed you, baby girl.”

“I missed you too. How’d you get in here with nobody seeing you?”

“Uzoma. He brought me some of his clothing and helped me come in. The soldiers thought I was him.”

“What if someone sees you on your way back out?”

Demoto kissed her face. “They won’t. Don’t worry about that. I just couldn’t stay away any longer.”

Taryn pushed his ponytail full of locs out of his face as he stood back up. She watched him walk coolly to the door and lock it. When he turned around, he pulled the hoodie over his head and dropped it to the floor, followed by his boots and jeans. When he was in nothing but his boxers, he grabbed her by her waist and pulled her to the edge of the bed.

He rubbed up the inside of her thigh with the pad of his thumb, setting off every nerve ending in her body. Warmth overpowered her as she became aware of his presence. He stood between her legs, allowing his fingers to do the most of his touching. Aside from the slight poking of his penis against her center, Demoto’s hand put Taryn’s body at ease.

She fought the urge to moan when his fingers dipped into the bottom of her loose cotton shorts and into the slowly building fountain in her panties.

“I missed you so much, Tee.” Demoto looked down at her with a slight frown in his forehead. He licked his bottom lip before tucking it between his teeth. “Being away from you makes me feel so alone. I didn’t think I was going to make it when I first heard you screaming on my voicemail.” Demoto’s finger dipped deeper into her valley, causing one of her legs to tighten around his waist.

This motion pulled him closer to her, making the hard head of his penis push harder against her throbbing love.

“Tell me you love me, Tee.” Demoto’s face looked a little tortured as he continued to push his finger in and out of her body. “Tell me that you’ll never leave me.”

Taryn wrapped both of her legs around his waist and rubbed his abs with her hands. “I love you more than anything, Moto. There’s nothing in this world that would make me leave you.”

Demoto’s eyes closed as he listened to her tell him the very thing he’d been waiting to hear for days. He leaned over and kissed up her stomach until he got to her mouth. They shared one of the most passionate kisses that he had ever experienced. With both of their eyes closed, breathing in the air from each other, feeding off the energy, the love, the passion, and the desire for the other, Taryn and Demoto connected to each other fervently.

After a little more touching and a little more kissing, Demoto stood back and freed Taryn of her shorts, then her shirt. He then pulled his own undergarments down and was back on top of her. He was about to lower himself down onto her fully, but stopped. His eyes went down to hers with a question. He then slid his hand down to her stomach and grabbed it. Taryn looked at him and smiled.

“Another baby.”

Demoto closed his eyes and kissed her lips. He then lowered himself to her stomach and kissed that too before going back to her face.

“How far along? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wanted to surprise you, but this happened.” Taryn looked around the room in reference to her kidnapping.

“Gotdamn. I’m about to fuck this pussy up for real now.”

Demoto leaned back and grabbed the base of his dick. He rubbed up against her slowly, getting the tip of it wet with her juices. He sucked air through his teeth as he felt the first tingly sensations shoot down the head of his girth. When he felt that she was good and ready, he slid it in as deep as he could go and hurried to kiss her lips.

The scream she released was muffled with his tongue as he licked and sucked on her mouth. With his hand entangled with hers, he worked his hips, massaging her insides with his tool. He maintained eye contact with her as he worked her body over. Every so often she would try to close her eyes, only for him to order them back open.

It wasn’t long before he felt the first shudders from her body. She shivered and shook lightly as he pounded in and out. Feeling the vibrations from her body brought about his own climax. All Taryn saw were the whites of his eyeballs as his eyes rolled backward in his head. He grunted and squeezed the side of her waist as hard as he could as he emptied himself into her.

“Oh shit. Girl, this pussy be having me weak as fuck.” Demoto fell beside her on the bed and kissed her forehead.

Taryn scooted as close as she could to him and threw her leg over his body. With his arm around her, Taryn snuggled closer to get comfortable. He rubbed her head, trying to soothe her from her orgasm.

“I have to go, baby.”

“No.” Taryn squeezed her arm tighter around his waist. “Take us with you. Please don’t leave us here.”

“It’s not time yet, Tee. I promise to take you with me when I can. Now is too risky.”

Taryn’s eyes began to water as she thought about being without him again. He rubbed her back and kissed her forehead as he told her over and over that he would be back. He stayed with her until he was able to pry himself out of her arms. He dressed quickly before telling her to do the same. When she was fully dressed and back in bed, he kissed her forehead again and exited as quietly as he came in.

Taryn lay in the dark praying and trying her hardest to stop her tears from flowing. It seemed almost unbearable to know that he was there and she couldn’t be with him. Taryn cried so hard that her sobs began to rock her body. She was ready to go home. He had been there, close to her, and had to leave again.

“Taryn, stop crying. The time will be here soon.” Uzoma’s voice filled her room.

She looked over her shoulder at him. He walked further into the room with his hand outstretched toward her. The room was dark, so she had to focus her eyes on his hand. He was holding a phone. Taryn looked at it before grabbing it from him. She pressed it to her ear, but didn’t say anything.

“Stop it, Tee. I’ll be back soon, baby girl. Okay? I love you.”

Taryn sniffed. “I know. I love you, too.”

“Stop all that damn crying and think about that dick I just put on you.”

Taryn smiled.

“I know you over there smiling. Quit all that fucking crying. I’ll be back soon.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

“Tell me you love me.”

“I love you.”

“Kiss my boy and tell my lil one in your stomach I love them too.”

After Taryn told him that she would, she gave the phone back to Uzoma, and he left the room. Taryn felt better than she had a few moments before as she sank back into her pillow. The body shattering orgasm she’d just had mixed with exhaustion had her asleep within minutes.

The next morning Taryn woke up refreshed. After all the crying she’d done, she’d fallen into such a deep and peaceful sleep that it was nearing twelve o’clock in the afternoon and she was just getting up. She grabbed Ayo out of the bed with his little lazy butt and walked them to the bathroom. She shook him lightly, waking him up, and removed his clothing. When he was completely undressed, she removed her own clothing as well and turned on the shower.

Once the water was warm enough, she grabbed him and they got in together. She washed his body before washing hers. She bathed them each two times before taking a seat on the bench in the shower and pulling him on her lap. He laid his head against her chest and sat still. Taryn rocked him back and forth as she thought about being at home in her own shower.

They stayed in the shower until the water began to get colder. She wrapped them both in towels and walked back into the room. When she got inside there was a folded piece of paper on the dresser. The red cardboard stood out, so she walked right to it. When she picked it up, her heart nearly burst out of her chest.

It’s time.

Those were the only two words on the paper and she couldn’t be happier. The only thing that stopped her from jumping and skipping around the room was the sick feeling in her stomach. It was a nagging feeling, and not from her baby. This was really about to happen. What if something happened to her, Ayo, or Demoto? How would this all turn out? Taryn sat Ayo down on the bed, and he rolled over quickly and lay back down.

Holding her stomach, she thought about all the negative outcomes. She paced the floor, still in her towel, as she held the red paper in her hand. Her mind was so gone she literally had to grab her head to contain her thoughts. She was letting her brain get the best of her, so she shook it off the best she could and went to the closet to grab some clothes.

She stood, staring at the closet full of things, and thought about taking it all with her when she left. Ornella had picked out such nice things for her and Ayo. It would be a shame to let it all go to waste. She ran her hands over the clothing before deciding on a pair of shorts and quarter length shirt. Once she put it on, she grabbed the brush from the dresser and brushed all of her hair up into a bun.

The gold earrings and watch she’d been wearing when they took her were still on the dresser, so she took them and put them on. When she looked put together enough, she walked to the smaller dresser where Ayo’s clothing was. She grabbed a short sleeve Nike outfit and the pair of Nike’s she’d bought him.

She looked at him lying on the bed like he’d worked the night before. He was knocked out with his hair all over the pillow. His hands were above his head and legs were kicked out. Taryn giggled to herself at the sight of his little naked brown body. He was so chocolate and cute. She could just eat him up. When Taryn began sliding on his underwear he stirred awake and looked at her. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room.

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