Real Riders Never Die 3 (6 page)

BOOK: Real Riders Never Die 3
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She was dressed in a hot pink robe looking dress with a large wrap around her head. Demoto wanted to hop out of the car and pop her neck right then, but if he wanted Taryn and Ayo to live, he needed to contain himself.

“Who is this knock-off ass nigga that looks like you?”

“My cousin.”

“What’s he doing with them?”

“That’s what I want to know.”

Uzoma’s presence really did kind of throw Demoto off because as far as he remembered they had been cool. Never would he have assumed he was in cahoots with his mother. That wasn’t even the type of person Uzoma was. He had always been the respectful, do the right thing, kind of person.

Uzoma’s mother was his mother’s sister, and they were just alike. She was an evil bitch just like his mother. The only reason Uzoma probably wasn’t like that was because his father had sent him to Florida a few months after Demoto’s father had sent him to Georgia. They maintained contact for pretty much his whole stay in the United States, but when Uzoma informed him that he would be moving back to Cameroon, they ceased contact.

Demoto wanted no parts of that, not that he didn’t trust Uzoma, because he did, probably more that he trusted Adisa, but Cameroon just didn’t house good memories for him. Like now, he was watching his mother and cousin care for his son as if he was theirs. They were walking to the park and Uzoma had just put Ayo down to run to the swings.

He, Alias, and Ornella all sat down at a nearby table. He could tell by the way Alias and Ornella’s heads were moving that they were talking. Uzoma, on the other hand, wasn’t saying anything. He sat quietly watching the children at the park. It made Demoto feel good to know that Uzoma was there to watch out for Ayo.

It felt next to impossible to keep himself inside the jeep. He watched intently, wishing he could hear the conversation.

“What’s this nigga doing?” Jacko said to himself.

Uzoma was standing up. He and Alias exchanged a few words before Alias nodded in the direction of his jeep. That one action alarmed both Jacko and Demoto.

“Oh fuck no. This nigga is setting us up.”

It looked that way to Demoto as well, so he pulled out the machete that had been given to him. In no way did he want to kill Uzoma, but he would if he had to. He watched Jacko cock the gun back as Uzoma walked toward the jeep. He moved calmly and briskly due to his legs being so long. Uzoma’s head was down as he neared the jeep.

“Don’t shoot unless he poses a threat.”

“He’s going to tell your mama we’re here. I’m shooting his ass as soon as he opens the door.”

“And you think that loud ass gun ain’t gon’ let her know we’re over here?” Demoto looked at Jacko. “Like I said, don’t shoot unless he poses a threat. You know what, don’t shoot at all, I can reach his neck with this machete. If shit looks wrong, I got us.” Demoto scooted closer to the edge of the seat so that he would be able to reach Uzoma if need be.

Demoto could barely hear Jacko’s breathing over his own as they watched Uzoma pass the front of the jeep and stop at the door. He was so relaxed he didn’t even bother to look into the jeep before opening the door. He reached for the handle at the same time Demoto removed the machete from the cloth holder. He was positioned and ready to strike.

Uzoma opened the door and paused when he came face-to-face with Jacko and Demoto. However, his pause didn’t last long. He leaned in as if looking for something.

“She said you would come,” he said quietly, as he pretended to look for something in the jeep. “When should we expect you?”

“I’m still figuring that out. How’s my girl?”

“She’s well. She too knew you would come. She spoke of it.” Uzoma closed the door, walked around the back, and opened the trunk door. “Demoto, though I’m in a very compromising position, I want to help you. You’re family. Meet me at Paki’s house tonight.” Uzoma rattled off an address before grabbing a large bag from the trunk. “You don’t have to worry. I won’t turn on you. You have my word.” With that, he closed the door and headed back to the park.

Demoto sat watching him. Unaware of how he felt at the moment. “What you think about that?”

“He might be legit. If he’s anything like you, I would trust it.” Jacko said.

“He is. More like me than Adisa had been.”

The meeting continued for another twenty to thirty minutes before Demoto watched Uzoma grab Ayo and head toward the car. Not one time did he look toward the jeep again, careful not to give anything away. The closer Alias got to the car the more eager Demoto became. He needed an explanation. He waited for Ornella’s car to leave before he opened the jeep and put his baby in.

“Bruh, what the fuck was that shit?” Jacko was a little amped up.

Alias smiled as he buckled his seatbelt. “Uzoma, he’s good people, very trustworthy. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried. I agree with you, but why did you send him to the car?”

“So that he would see you. He needs to know what’s going on when I come around. He can be a major asset.”

Demoto needed to be sure. “So he’s going to be helping?”

“Indeed.” Alias smiled at Demoto before pulling away from the park.



The cold porcelain of the toilet cooled Taryn’s face off as her head rested against it. Eyes closed, with her hand on her belly, she took slow deep breaths, trying to gather back her strength. It was nearing sunset, and she had been in bed all day. From the time she’d woken up she had been sick. She’d drank water, eaten fruit, and even tried some sort of remedy from Ornella, and nothing was helping.

She was sick and extremely nauseous with nothing to relieve her troubles. Being that she’d been in bed all day, it left her time to think of Demoto. Between crying and throwing up, she was almost positive that her body was out of fluids. Ayo had been near her, rubbing her head or playing with her hair all day. She felt bad for having him cooped up in the room with her, so when Uzoma asked to take him to the park, she obliged.

Normally she wouldn’t have let him out of her sight, but for some reason she got a good vibe from Uzoma. He seemed honest, and almost like he wanted to help her, but he couldn’t. The thing that stuck out to her the most, outside of the fact that he looked like her husband, was he acted like him too.

He was so serious and mild tempered. His inquisitive, yet confident demeanor won her over. He had been trying his hardest to be nice to her since she’d met him. He’d brought the breakfast that Ornella had cooked to her that morning since she was too sick to get out of bed. When she couldn’t keep it down, he held her hair as she puked it back up.

Taryn was trying her hardest to keep the attitude she had with Ornella and everyone involved with her, but they were all being so nice. They had been coming in and out of her room all day, trying to make sure she was okay. Taryn opened her eyes when she felt someone else’s presence.

Ornella was standing against the bathroom counter. She smiled and moved toward the sink to grab a towel. After wetting it she walked to Taryn and kneeled down. She placed the cool washcloth on Taryn’s forehead before moving behind her and gathering all of her hair into her hands.

With swift movements, she braided it all up into one long braid. “Are you feeling better, my girl?”

Taryn shook her head no the best that she could with it still being pressed against the toilet seat.

Ornella startled her when she reached around and placed her hand on her stomach. “Another Youngblood, I assume?”


“Wonderful! Why haven’t you said anything before?”

Taryn didn’t think that needed an answer because it was something she should have already known. They weren’t that cool, to be telling Ornella her business.

“Come Taryn,” Ornella stood up and reached her hand out for her to grab. “You must see a doctor. You’ve been here for almost three days. You need to get you and your baby checked out.”

Taryn stayed where she was for a minute before taking Ornella’s hand and standing to her feet. Had she never brought her crazy ass and kidnapped her then she would have been home where she needed to be. Deciding against giving her any attitude, Taryn moved slowly into the bedroom and stood near the bed. She still felt dizzy as she watched Ornella walk around the room, gathering clothing from the closet. When she was finished, she laid them on the bed so Taryn could get dressed.

“Why does Demoto hate you?” Though that may have been an inappropriate question, Taryn needed to know.

Not once, other than the fact that she’d kidnapped them, had Ornella shown a nasty side. Taryn was sure it had to be there or else she wouldn’t have as much power and control over her soldiers as she did, she just didn’t see it.

Ornella looked at her as she used the washcloth to wash Taryn’s face. “There’s been so much that has transpired between us, my girl, you wouldn’t understand.”

“I want to understand. And why do you keep calling me your girl?”

“I call you that because that’s what you are. I only birthed boys. I wanted a daughter for years and now I have one.”

Not really
Taryn thought to herself.

“So you’re not going to tell me why he doesn’t like you?”

Ornella’s face looked dazed as she looked out of the window. “You wouldn’t understand, Taryn. Just get dressed so we can go. I’ll be waiting for you in the kitchen.”

“Where’s Ayo?”

“In the kitchen having dinner with Uzoma. I will send him in shortly.”

She left the room and left Taryn to herself. It took a lot of effort, but she managed to get herself dressed. She was standing in the mirror looking at herself when there was a knock on the door. She was about to say come in, but the door opened before she had the chance. Uzoma walked in with Ayo.

“You feeling better Mrs. Youngblood?”

“I don’t know why you keep calling me that instead of just saying Taryn, but yes. I’m okay.” Taryn leaned down and gave Ayo the best smile she could through her nausea. “Hey, Yo-Yo.”

“Hey mommy,” He walked to her, hugged her leg, and walked to his blocks.

Uzoma stood at the door looking at her. “You don’t look so well.”

“I’m not. I’m sick of being here. I need to go home. I wasn’t this sick until she flew me all the way across the damn world for no reason.”

Uzoma looked at her and nodded. He turned around and stuck his head out of the door. Taryn watched him look both ways before stepping back in and closing the door behind him. He walked to Taryn quickly and grabbed her arm. He pulled her to the chair near the lamp and sat her down. Thank God he wasn’t walking too fast or else she might have thrown up again. It seemed like the slightest movement made her sickness worse. He kneeled in front of her and placed one hand on her knee once she was comfortable in the chair.

“If I tell you something, you have to promise to keep it to yourself.”

“Okay. What?”

Uzoma looked over his shoulder again. “He’s here.”

Taryn’s face frowned up, and she leaned down closer to Uzoma. “Demoto?”

Uzoma nodded.

“Where? Did you tell him where we were?” Taryn felt the best she’d felt since she’d gotten there.

“No. I couldn’t, but I’m meeting him tonight. You have to try to stay as calm as possible. This is a dangerous game that we’re playing. We can’t afford slip ups.”

Taryn’s eyes watered up as she thought about Demoto. She knew he would come for her. All day she had been crying and worrying, and now he was there. She sniffed her tears back when she saw Ayo coming over to her. He looked between her and Uzoma before climbing into her lap.

Ayo pointed his finger at Uzoma. “
” (Stop)

Uzoma’s whole face frowned as he stared at Ayo. He looked at him in amazement for a second before looking back at Taryn.

“This baby speaks French?”

Taryn smiled. “Yes. Demoto has been talking to him in French since I got pregnant, so he knows both languages. What did he say to you?”

“He told me to stop. I guess he figured I was the reason for your crying.”

Taryn laughed. “That’s probably exactly it. He’s very possessive over me.”

Uzoma looked at Ayo and held his hand out for him to give him five. “I’m sorry Ayo. I won’t do it again.”

Ayo looked at him, but didn’t say anything. Uzoma, on the other hand, still looked a little shocked. He stood to his feet and walked toward the door.

“I’m headed out. I have a meeting to attend. Any messages?”

“Yes.” Taryn got up from her seat. “Tell him I love him, I trust him, and I’m never running. No matter what.”

Uzoma stared at Taryn and nodded. “I can’t wait until I find love like this.” He gave a light smile and exited her room.

Finally catching a glimmer of hope, Taryn perked up a little. She finished getting dressed and headed out. She and Ayo needed to meet Ornella in the kitchen. She was actually excited about seeing her newest baby. She hadn’t been back to the doctor since she’d first confirmed her pregnancy, and that was weeks ago.

When she got into the kitchen, Ornella was seated with fat Chauncey at the table. She waved Taryn over to the plate next to her. Versus the meat and rice that Chauncey was eating, there was a sandwich and some fruit. Taryn was more than grateful for that because just looking at Chauncey’s food made her stomach hurt. 

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