Precarious Positions (5 page)

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Authors: Veronica Locke

BOOK: Precarious Positions
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Chapter Seven

Liv awoke at 3am with a brand new idea for
a research project pouring out of her.  Her time with Dave just seemed to add
energy to whatever she pursued.  He was great for that and he would be an even
greater benefit as part of her new research project.  Plus she could find out
exactly how far this domineering attitude of his could go.  It was amazing how
quickly the survey came together.  She finished outlining some tentative
methods and procedures for her experiments as well.  “This is so good Rufus. 
Yes its crazy and maybe riding the ethical line a little bit, but crazy good
none the less.”  The black lab lifted his head as if in response.  He was
pretty use to her crazy midnight revelations. 

Finally Liv stood and looked around her
apartment.  “Why not?”  She asked out loud.  Still bursting with energy she
began rearranging furniture, moving and shifting through her bookshelves,
readjusting pictures all the while her mind busy sorting out details for her
new project.  This was risky but it was something few researchers had dared to
embark on.  She was excited about being one of the first.  A light tap at the
front door brought her new found domestication habits to an instant halt. 
“What the hell?”  Rufus let out a half heartfelt bark.  “Ooh, you’re so scary,”
she chided him.

“It’s me.  I saw your lights on and thought
you might be lonely.” Dave’s voice vibrated through the door.  As always Dave’s
timing was perfect.  Liv unlatched the door and pulled Dave inside.

 “How’d you know where I live?”

“My uncle was the tow truck guy.” Dave
flashed her a sly grin.

“Figures.  Well, you’re right.  I am lonely
and with way too much energy.”  Liv ripped open his shirt.  His large chest was
strong and ripped with muscles.  “You really are beautiful,” she told him.  Liv
opened her mouth to taste him.  His tan skin was surprisingly smooth with just
a hint of salt from the sweat glistening on his chest.  Liv looked up into his
blue eyes, his black hair falling toward her.  She wiped a strand from his face
as her other hand moved to unbutton his jeans.  His expression was intense and
very serious.  His hand caressed her face before he kissed her.  Everything
inside him felt like it was coming loose.  Sharing one meal and a conversation
had left him hungry for so much more than her body.  He’d never been so
intrigued by a woman before.

“Can I ask you something?” she asked.

“I don’t know, can ya?”  Dave grinned.

“Why are you always so rough in bed?  I’m
not complaining by any means I’m just curious that’s all.”  Liv could see she
had caught Dave completely off guard.

“Do you want something different?  Am I too
rough on you?”  His question sounded concerned yet it seemed as gruff as his

“Not necessarily.  I told you I just wonder
why you’re like that.”

“I never really thought about it.  I guess
I just like … “Dave shook his head.  “I don’t know Liv.”

Liv knew he was holding back.  She sensed
this could be embarrassing for him so she attempted to ease his discomfort by
glancing downward and smiling sweetly.  “It’s all pretty new for me,” she
giggled ever so slightly and continued in a quiet and comforting tone.  “I like
it.  I don’t know that I’m supposed to; but I do.  In fact, it really turns me
on and then I start feeling guilty about letting you push me around and fuck me
like that but it really does get me off.”  She ran her hands over his large
masculine chest.  He had just the right amount of dark chest hair to play with.

Dave shot her a sexy hot bedroom smile and
she wondered if she revealed too much.  After all she was trying to get him
talking not fucking, at least not yet.  “It’s primal.”  His blue eyes stared
straight down inside of her and she felt completely revealed. “I think that’s
what it is Liv.  There’s just something about having that much control.  There
aren’t too many things in this day and age that allow a man to feel that raw
and intense powerful primal surge, like controlling a woman while he’s fucking
her does.  It’s probably also one of the main reasons sports are so popular
with men.  It’s an outlet for a God given natural urge.”

 It all fit now.  Dave liked being a man
and he especially enjoyed releasing that ancient essence trapped down inside of
him. “It’s not like I woke up one day and decided I was going to be an asshole
when I slept with a woman.  It just kind of evolved.  There’s something
instinctual about the whole thing.”

Dave’s eyes lit up while he talked.  He
never broke his stare and neither did she.  She wanted him and she wanted him
to be that way right now.  He was right, it was primal.  It was a very real
need.  His erection pushed into her stomach and she had a strong urge to have
him in her mouth again.  Dave cupped her ass in his hands and pushed his
erection even tighter against her. 

“How about you?  You said this way of
fucking was new to you.  Come on Doc, what’s shaped the way you fuck?  As a
matter of fact, I don’t really know how you fuck, do I?”  Dave released her and
sat down on the couch.  “I guess I am a controlling bastard.”

          “No, you’re not a controlling
bastard you’re more of an evolved asshole.”  Liv smiled and Dave laughed whole

“I think maybe I’d better pay closer
attention to what my professor has to say.  He coaxed the dog off the couch and
invited Liv to join him.  Why don’t you come teach me something?”  Dave cupped
her chin in his huge hand and kissed her gently.

Liv smiled he was suddenly
uncharacteristically gentle but she needed to stay on track this had thrown
her.  Was Dave really capable of shifting back and forth emotionally like
that?  Was sex to him a style that you could change from one interlude to the
next?  Suddenly he seemed void of any true emotion to her and she wondered if
she was in even more danger than what she had first thought.  No this isn’t the
way she wanted Dave.  This was far more dangerous to her.  She refused to
confuse fucking with making love.  There would be no pretending this was
anything more than what it was and what it was, was fucking around plain,
simple and to the point.

“No.  I like it your way,” she smiled.  
Dave knotted his hand in her hair pulling her head back he straddled his body
over top of hers bracing his weight on his knees while his other moved under
her nightshirt.  Finding her breast he took possession of it and Liv moaned.  

“So do I,” his tone was low and
seductive.   “Are you ready for some serious fun?”  Liv looked at his eyes they
were blazing with desire.

“Definitely.”  Liv reached up to run her
hands through his hair but Dave was having none of it. 

“We’re doing this the way I want
remember.”   It wasn’t a question but rather a warning.  Dave clasped both her
hands in his and kissed her hard on the mouth. “I’ll be taking care of
everything tonight.” 

“Ok.” Her voice shook like everything else
inside of her.  Something in his tone set sparks of anticipation shooting
straight through her entire body.  Dave carried her to the bedroom and laid her
down.  Sitting down beside her he began tracing her face with his fingers. He
leaned down and gently kissed her while running his hands up under her
nightshirt.  Liv arched her back ready anticipating him to cup her breast but
instead he rubbed his hands slowly up her sides then one across her belly while
the other ventured between her breasts, his wrist slightly glazing past a
nipple.  Liv ran her hands through his hair and she could feel her breath catch.
 She wanted him to stop, to be rough and just take her as he had before.  This
slow seduction was way too scary, yet she was helpless to stop him. Liv felt
dizzy when he brought his hand to her face and moved his mouth slowly down her

“Dave.” His name came out as a breathy
whisper, but it was all she could manage to say.  A part of her wanted him to
stop but a larger part needed this so much.  To feel loved and cared for but
this wasn’t real and it was way too easy to get hurt this way.  No she had to
make him stop before she got too carried away.  “Dave.”

“It’s ok baby.  He pulled her up into his
arms and removed her nightshirt.  “You’re so beautiful Liv.”  He ran a hand
over an ivory shoulder and continuing the stroke down her back replaced his hand
with soft sensual kisses. 

She pushed back away from him.  “Dave I
can’t do this.”  Her eyes were dead serious.  Dave sat back but couldn’t bring
himself to take his hands completely off of her.  He wanted to panic but he
knew exactly what she meant.  He wanted to be with her and he had no intention
of spending the night alone, so he smiled and Liv felt herself melt.

“Ok.  Wait here I’ll be right back.” 
Completely thrown by his reaction, she didn’t know what to think.  She
retrieved her nightshirt and contemplated what she should say or do next to
keep things from being awkward.  Finally he returned with fresh drinks and
snacks.  “Wanna watch a movie?”

Liv both shocked and pleased felt a huge
smile cross her face.  “Yea, that sounds really good.”  Dave plopped down in
bed bedside her. 

“So do you have cable or do we need to surf
the net?”

“I have cable.”  She grabbed the remote and
together they flipped through the stations until they settled on an action
flick.  Sensing that the coast was clear Rufus jumped up and took his place in
the bed as well.  “Thanks,” she said shyly.

“For what?  I always have a good time with
you.” He threw a piece of popcorn at her nose and Rufus decided to try and
retrieve it.

“Oh! Get down, get down.” She pushed at the
dog and laughed.  Dave decided to throw a few more pieces but he was kind
enough to coax the big dog from the bed by throwing some popcorn on the floor
first.  However, that didn’t stop him from continuing to bombard Liv with it. 
“Give me that.  What are you ten?”  She yanked the bowl away from him and let
loose some of her own popcorn bombs.  Dave picked up the trail-mix in
retaliation.  “Ow!  Liv let at a squeal as a peanut hit her eye followed
directly by a chocolate chip.  She sprinted from the bed to the dresser and
snatched a canister that was sitting a mist some crackers.  He chased her but
wasn’t quick enough as she jumped back on to the bed pointing the canister down
at him screaming “Squeeze cheese vengeance!” 

“Oh it’s on now!”  Dave covered in orange ran
out but quickly returned with his own canister.  “You need something to sweeten
you up baby!”  Dave sprayed her from head to toe with whip cream.  Before long
they were jumping up and down on the bed hitting each other with pillows and
food.  They ended the night wrapped up in each other’s arms fully clothed,
accessorized by cheese, whip cream, pillow feathers, various snack foods and a
big old black lab.

Chapter Eight

As the first rays of sun shone through the
bedroom window, Liv opened her sleepy eyes and knew now the time she had spent
with Dave last night had been far more damaging to her heart than had they just
pretended to make love.  Dave was still fast asleep his breathing slow and
steady.  His big arms still covered in cheese and feathers seemed out of place
as he lay on his side facing her.  She couldn’t help but run a finger or two
down the side of his face.  His morning beard prickled her and she giggled at
the unexpected pleasure of it.  Dave’s blue eyes smiled open at her.  “Good
Morning.  Can you believe I still have my pants on?”

Liv let out a quiet laugh.  “No.  I really
can’t. Maybe you need to take those off.”

“Yea.  Tell me that now that I have to get
to work.”  Dave looked up in the air and pretended to contemplate something. 
“Oh hell, what kind of man am I if I can’t manage one quickie.”  He jumped up
and stripped off his jeans faster than a jacket rabbit running from a hound
dog.  “Let’s go baby.  Strip it down now!”  Dave snatched her up and ran into
the shower.  He wasted no time turning on the water full blast.  Liv let out a
squeal when the tepid water hit her.  Her pink nightshirt clung to her breast
and Dave took a nipple in his mouth.  Liv arched her back and ran her hands
through his hair. The water warmer now, washed away the childlike behavior of
last night. 

Squatting down his tongue flicked her
clitoris, almost causing her to lose balance.  Dave loved the taste of her and
ran his tongue through her folds and back around again to her clit.  There he
settled for a while just sucking gently on it while his fingers teased the
opening of her vagina never quite making their entrance.  Liv started wiggling
her hips begging him to enter her but Dave refused.  She tried to grab his
fingers but he kept shifting away from her. 

“Please Dave. I need you now.”  Dave pulled
her down onto the shower floor kissing her mouth briefly before returning to
her pussy.  She spread her legs wide for him and watched as he pleasured her. 
“Oh my God you turn me on so much,” she murmured.  Without notice Dave stood
and shoved his huge cock into her mouth.

“Suck me!  Suck me hard and fast!”  Liv was
glad to oblige the order.  Dave’s voice was adamant, “Faster baby, harder,
harder baby!”  Liv felt his ass with her hands as he flexed in and out of her
mouth.  Faster and faster he went.  She felt so good he could feel her tongue
move in and out of the groove on his head.  Liv grabbed hold of his dick and
moved her hand up, her grip tight and sure just under the head of his cock. 
She sucked his head and swirled her tongue all over it opening her mouth now
and then so he could watch.  Dave pried her hands away and spun her around so
that her head leaned back before feeding her his cock again.  “Suck it hard and
deep.  I wanna be in there as deep as you can.”  Liv felt his hands support her
shoulders so she relaxed her throat and jaw while moving her hands over his
ass.  She dug her fingers in slightly and pushed signaling him to start
pumping.  Dave understood instantly and took full advantage.  He pumped faster
and faster going deeper and deeper each time while fondling her breast.  “Oh
yea!  Suck me baby!  Oh yea suck me!”  Liv curved her tongue around his dick as
he pulled it in and out of her mouth.  She wanted to watch him come.  She
wanted to taste him.  Instead he pulled out and joined her on the floor of the
shower.  Dave couldn’t help himself he wanted to eat her pussy one more time
before fucking her.  He spread her legs and shot his tongue straight up inside
her as far as he could.  He fucked her as deep and fast as he could with his tongue
and Liv could feel her orgasm coming.  Dave felt her body stiffen and knew she
was close.  Fingering her clit he continued fucking her as fast and deep as he
could with his tongue until she finally came, her juices shooting out all over
his mouth.  Dave’s tongue then explored her folds and he sucked her clit one
last time before giving her his grand finale.  Liv now completely spent was
stretched out on the shower floor but it didn’t stop Dave.  He positioned the
head of his dick in the entry to her vagina then lifted her hips off the floor
before forcing himself deep inside her with a single thrust.  Liv’s eyes flew
open.  “Oh my God, Dave, you’re too big just to do that.”  Dave started to pull
out when he felt her hit him.  “No don’t stop!  You’re in there now, so just do
it!” Liv gave him a full fledge smile and they both laughed.  Dave then took
great pleasure in slamming her. 

“Just let me know if it’s too much.”  Dave
continued with his full throttle thrusts and smart ass smile.  Each thrust
sending shock waves through Liv. 

“Yea say that now.”

“Oh you feel so good baby!”  Faster and
faster he went until he thought his balls were literally going to bust open. 
Dave pulled out just as his seed shot out faster than it ever had and he
collapsed next to Liz on the shower floor. 

The two of them lay there in each other’s
arms for what seemed forever before Dave finally reached up and grabbed the
soap.  “Come here you.”  He slid Liv over to him and began washing her.  She
returned the favor.

“First time I ever took a bath in the
shower.”  She giggled.

“Yea well it won’t be the last.”


Dave rushed through Liv’s kitchen grabbing
up a couple muffins and pouring himself a quick coffee.  “It’s like you live
here or something.  How do you know where all my stuff is?”  Liv laughed at

“You’re like me.  The moment I met you I
knew we were a lot alike.  You keep your stuff where I keep mine and ya know
what else?”


“You’ve got the same stuff.  It’s so cool. 
I have these same muffins at my place, same kind of coffee, same trail mix, of
course mines in the kitchen not all over my bed like you keep yours.”

“Ha ha ha”.  She threw a roll of paper
towels at him.

“You’re always throw’n stuff at me.”  Dave
pretended to be hurt.

 “Oh man up.  Not to change the subject but
I’ve got a research project that I’d like you to consider taking part in.”  “Really,
ya wanna to study me Professor?”  Dave threw his arms wide open baring his
chest to her.  “Well Okaaayyy.  Let’s study.  Wait, wait, I do work for a
living ya know.” He winked at her.

“Seriously, I really do want you to
consider it.”  Liv crossed the room to her desk and took out her research

“I take it this has something to do with
the way I fuck?  At least you’re asking me if you can use me.”  His all too
familiar smile lit up the room and Liv had to laugh as well. 

“Kinda, it’s a survey on the sexual
satisfaction of the dominant male.”

“So I’m a “Dom” huh?  Sounds like you want
to be sure you’re doing your job right baby.  Let me assure you, you are.” 
Dave pulled her back close to him as she handed him the survey.

“I’m serious.  You don’t have to give your
name it’s completely anonymous.”

“Is this some kinda sneaky way to get me to
give you all the gory details on my past sex life?”

Liv laughed then thought better of it. 
“Gory?  There’s been gore?”

Dave chuckled, “Don’t worry baby there’s no
gore not like you’re thinking, no blood and guts or anything, just some squeeze
cheese.  Although…”

“Not funny Dave.  Just answer them
honestly.  If you don’t mind participating that is.”

“No and I don’t mind putting my name down
either.  Then again since you’re the one sleeping with me, maybe you mind me
putting my name down?”

“Ha ha.  The survey is not only anonymous
for the person filling it out but nowhere does it ask for the name or names, as
I am certain would be the case with you, of previous lovers.  Please do not use
your name.”

“Names might have applied at one time baby
but not anymore.  Now it’s just Name.”  Dave slapped her on the butt as he
dragged out the word name.  You got it.  I’ll fill it out.  See ya later
babe.”  Dave kissed her before running out the door.

Liv stood in the doorway watching him cram
his massive muscle bound 6’5” frame into that little lime green bug.  His dark
hair towel dried into waves moved with the breeze.  He graced her one last time
with his smiling blue eyes before speeding away.  Rufus stood next to her.  “I
think if I’m not careful Rufus I could be in a whole lot of trouble here.”

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