Precarious Positions (2 page)

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Authors: Veronica Locke

BOOK: Precarious Positions
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Chapter Two

As soon as Liv walked through the door she
heard the home phone ringing.  “Happy Birthday Mom, you’re a free woman.” 

“You’re not gonna believe what just
happened to me?  You know the stop and shop on Sligh?

“I thought maybe you were gonna tell me
about the divorce being final, but ok.  Yea, I know the one.”  Liv proceeded to
tell her of the night’s events and her embarrassment and how she is never ever
going back there again when Carrie cut in.  “Are you kidding me?  Go back, go
back now!  Best way to celebrate your divorce and fortieth birthday is to be
fucked by someone who knows what to do and I tell ya even if that guy doesn’t
know anything sure sounds like he’s got the package to do it with!”

“Carrie!  He’s way too young for me.”

“You’re not that old.  Maybe he’s older
than you think and so what if he’s not.  He’s hot!  Besides you’re a college
woman remember.”

“I am not that kind of college woman. 
Actually I’m the old woman on campus.”

“Forty’s the new twenty.  You need to get
yourself back down to that store and thank Mr. Big for his generosity and see
if he wants to be a little more generous. “Liv could almost hear Carrie’s
perfectly shaped brows going up and down.

“So what if I do go back.  What do I do

“Pay back the money he lent you.  Ooh ooh I
know.  Lay the money on the counter and hide a condom underneath with your
number written on it.”

“What?  Oh my God Carrie, I can’t do that.”

“Why not, all the shit Dad put you through
you deserve a little fun.”

“I don’t even know this guy.”

“So what, how well did you know Dad when
you first got together with him?  This would just be for fun anyway.”

“Well yea, but those were different times.”

“No they weren’t.  People still screw
around mom.    Come on do it!” 

“I don’t even have any cash to pay him back
and I certainly don’t have any condoms lying around.”

“Yea ya kinda do, check out my

“I can’t do this! This isn’t me!  This is
something you do, not me.”  A sudden revelation caused Liv to jump out of her
chair.  “Oh my God Carrie, do you do these things?”

“No….. never…!”

“No I can’t do this.”

“Oh live a little.”

Liv rolled her eyes and took a deep
breath.  “Fine I’ll do it.  I mean why not, with the day I’ve had what the hell
do I have to lose tonight?’

“Your pussy!”

“Carrie!  Remind me to have a talk with

Carrie laughed, “Yea whatever, I think I’m
the one that needs to talk to you.  Now, clean yourself up, put on some hot
clothes and go get him Cougar.”


 Too soon for herself Liv pulled up in the
stop and shop parking-lot.   Peering through the window from the safety of her
mud laden truck she watched him drop a carton of cigarettes on the floor.   He
was obviously acutely aware of her return.  “Hmm, seems he’s not so perfect
after all, just another horny guy and I use to be pretty good at teasing horny
guys.  I can do this.  I can pull this off,” she thought.  She tossed her long
wavy auburn hair over her shoulder and put on her very best teasing smile.  At
the suggestion of her wayward daughter, Liv emptied her mind of everything except
positive wolf whistle experiences. Deliberately swaying her hips she strutted
ever so slowly up to the door.  Making her way up to the counter she could see
by his eyes that he was shocked and by his now familiar crotch that he was also
very very pleased to see her back so soon.  Liv placed the money that she had
palmed on the counter.  She was surprised at how sexy and uninhibited she felt,
it was like playing a movie role. In a low and surprisingly steady voice she
said her by now very well-rehearsed line, “This is to pay you back”  Looking
him directly in the eye she slid the money over and revealed the condom bearing
her first name and number “and this is to thank you.”  She felt so sexy and
bad.  A new nasty but delicious smile crossed her lips.  Liv knew by his
expression he was dumbfounded.  His mouth dropped open and she liked it.  His
shock just fueled her boldness.  Before she knew it she was back in the truck
and her phone that’d been charging since she made her way home was already
ringing.  “Oh my, God!  I feel so good, so naughty, and so sexy!” she said out
loud.   Picking up the phone she continued in her naughty persona “So ya

“Oh yea baby, I’m ready?”  Before he could
say any more Liv followed her teacher’s instructions and asserted her control
over the situation. 

“Well then.  Follow me.’”  She started the
engine and watched him drop his phone as he darted by her and jumped into his
own car.  “Wow he really wants me! He’s not even stopping to pick up his
phone.”  Liv giggled at her own thoughts and then realized, “Oh my God, I have
a man following me expecting me to have sex with him; A much, much, younger
man!”  Suddenly panicked, she wasted no time speed dialing her inspiration and
partner in crime.

Carrie answered in a split second.  “What’s
going on?  Did you do it?  Oh my God, you did, didn’t you?”

“Yes!  It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever
done but now he’s following me and I think I’m gonna be fucked.”

Carrie laughed and Liv heard some of her
girlfriends laughing in the background as well.  “Ya think.  Well, that’s kinda
what were goin for here Mom.  Have him follow you to Lucy’s she’s not there. 
That way he won’t know where you live.”

“No he’ll know where Lucy lives.”  

“Oh, Lucy’s a bitch.  Always has been
always will be, so go fuck at her place.”  Lucy had been Carrie’s ultimate
nemesis since grade school and now that she was on a cruise with Carrie’s ex-
boyfriend it certainly hadn’t changed.

“I can’t do that!  I don’t even have her

“Yes you do.  Check your glove box there
should be a change purse in it.”

Liv open the glove box and a small change
purse fell out popping open and exposing a single key.  “Oh my God Carrie, what
are you doing with Lucy’s apartment key?” 

“I didn’t steal her key mom.  It was given
to me.”  The realization of how Carrie came to have Lucy’s apartment key struck
Liv.   “Look mom Lucy and I are sworn enemies but were also kinda friends who
torment one another.  We have an understanding.  She knows I have her key and
she’s fine with how I came by it.  I know it’s weird but I don’t have time to
explain all that right now.  Just listen, Rob lives right next door if you get
any strange feelings about this guy.  I already let him know that you’d be at
Lucy’s.  Any weird vibes just start bangin on walls and Rob’ll be right over.”

“You told Rob?  Wait you got the key from
Rob didn’t you?”  Rob was Lucy’s ex and it was now obvious to Liv why he’d been
hanging out at their place.   

“Yea, but like I said after the initial
kill, Lucy was fine with it.  Hell she’s exercising her revenge on me right
now.  In fact, she told me to keep them both.  Of course, she added for me to
shove them both up my ass too, but never the less, she never has asked for the
key or the boyfriend back.  Truthfully I’d forgotten about it till now.”

“I don’t know if I can take you being any
more truthful with me.”

“Mom you’ve got a really hot guy following
you and I’m a big girl now doing pretty good myself.  Focus, Ms. Dr. of
Sexology.  You know what to do.  Now go have a happy one and first night
stand.  You dirty sexpot you.  Go lose that pussy!”

 Liv dropped the phone from her ear and saw
that Mr. Big was in her rearview mirror.  “Yep, I’m really doing this.”

Chapter Three

Arriving at Lucy’s, she slipped back into
her sexy persona. “That’s it.  It’s a game and I’m playing my role.” 
Deliberately throwing her hair back off her face and letting it fall back down
she slowly opened the truck door and swung her legs to the side of the seat. 
Before she could step out he was standing in front her.  Holding the door open
he smiled down at her.  “I’m Dave.  Sure ya wanna go this far right off the
bat?”  His question took her by surprise but she was playing a role and not
really taking any of it too seriously. 

“Having second thoughts?” she asked.

“No,” he shook his head and the word came
out breathy.  “Just want to make sure your for real that’s all.  It’s not every
day a gorgeous woman ask me to fuck her.”  Hearing him say the word fuck while
staring at her made her tingle.  His smile was infectious as was his blue
eyes.  He ran his big rough hands along the sides of her skirt and gripping her
hips he lifted her out of the truck. 

“Get any ideas I don’t like cowboy just
know I’ve taken precautions for my own safety.” 

“Don’t worry I won’t do anything you don’t
beg me for.” Dave seized the opportunity to check her out from behind as she
led him up to the front door. 

He was seriously excited and his mind had
to hold his body back.  “Oh yea, this is my lucky night!  She’s fucken
gorgeous!  Look at that tight ass and those boobs!  Oh yea…. I’m gonna suck and
fuck all over that!” 

“Would you like a drink? I think I have
some beer.”  If there’s one thing Liv knew it was that college kids always have

“Oh my God I think she’s talking to me.” 
Dave’s eyes widened in alarm at the thought but he recovered quickly.  This
wasn’t the first time he’d gotten preoccupied checking out a woman’s body then
she all the sudden wants to start talking.  Not sure of what she said, he
answered yes.  Yes, appeared to always be the right answer in these situations.
He decided this must have been no exception because she smiled at him and
headed off through the apartment.   He followed her into the kitchen then
grabbed her hips and spun her towards him.  Dave pushed her up against the
counter and sealed her mouth with his.

 Liv was shocked by how aggressive he was
but she liked it and for once she didn’t feel like this sexual encounter was
going to end up a mishap in her book of hideous sexual bloopers.  She felt one
of his big hand’s caress her hip while he ran the other through her hair.  Her
body went taut and she shivered as his hand came to rest on the side of her
neck.    Dave bent down and whispered in her ear, “You are so incredibly

Liv could feel his breath on her neck as he
sealed her mouth with his once again.  She was lost in the feel of his tongue
tangling with hers.  He quickly and expertly ran his hands down her sides and
then up under her skirt.  Lifting her slightly he managed to hike her skirt up
and spread her legs by lodging his big body in between them.  Liv tossed her
head back and he broke the kiss off.  Her hands tried to wrap around the back
of his neck.  When she couldn’t feel him she opened her eyes but he was gone. 
However, her disappointment was short lived as she realized he was now down
between her legs.

 Her thighs were a beautiful creamy beige
color, not quite tan not quite her natural alabaster skin. He moaned as he ran
his hands up the backside of her thighs while kissing the insides of them.
Liv’s long hair touched the counter as she leaned back and pushed her hips ever
so slightly forward.  She heard herself whisper out loud, “Please, oh please
do.”  Dave smiled and slowly ran his tongue against the silky powder blue
crotch of her panties.  He was lost in the intoxicating smell of her.  Liv felt
her panties dampen and not just from his breath.  She grabbed the sink faucet
with one hand and the side of the counter with the other in order to brace
herself as she anticipated his tongue entering inside of her.  She was so ready
for this she couldn’t wait for the feeling it would give her.  Liv felt his
powerful grip pushing her thighs further apart.   His long hair teasing her
sensitive skin as he began maneuvering his head back and forth, desperately
trying to slip his tongue behind the powder blue panties she wore.  They both
let out a moan when his tongue felt the smooth silky skin of her pussy lips. 
He parted them knowing exactly where he wanted to go.  She was so delicious and
incredibly wet.  He deliberately sought out the circular entry to her wet hot
vagina.  Pressing his tongue deep inside her, he swirled it around and
around.   He wanted to be as deep within her as possible.   Liv was all a flush
at the thrill of his tongue.  “Oh!” she cried out.  “Don’t stop…… don’t ever

Hearing her further excited him and he
pulled his tongue out just to stick it in again as far as he could.  The silky
powder blue panties had lost their appeal.  Momentarily stopping his sweet
tongue’s assault, in one expertly fluid movement he lifted her and quickly
stripped them off. 

“No, she cried, please don’t stop.”  Now he
had full access and he took full advantage of it.  In answer to her plea he
again assaulted her hot wet pussy with his tongue moving it in and out of her
as fast as he could.  Sliding his tongue out he forced his nose inside her
pussy as far as it would go.  Liv’s eyes flew open as she felt his tongue
running over her tender puckered asshole.  Pulling his nose out he again let
his tongue wonder over her folds before sucking lightly on her clitoris.  Liv’s
hips began rocking side to side on the counter.  He didn’t like this; he wanted
her all over him not this damn counter.  Dave rammed his tongue deep inside her
once more as he picked her up setting her thighs on top of his broad
shoulders.  Liv held on to the back of his head as he opened and closed his jaw
trying to get his tongue deeper and deeper inside her.  The feel of his bottom
teeth against her ass was intoxicating and as erotic as his tongue inside her
pussy.  He moved quickly from the kitchen back into the living room where he laid
her down on the floor.  Her beautiful long auburn hair fell back all over the
carpet and he looked briefly into her green eyes.  She’s beautiful but he
didn’t care about that now.  All he cared about was that pussy.  He wanted it! 
He wanted to be inside it!  He wanted to possess it with his tongue, his
fingers, anything he could put inside of it.  But of course most of all he
wanted to put his dick in there.  Liv looked into his wild blue eyes and knew
instinctively what he was thinking about it.  His mind was not focused on
looking at her.  It was obvious he had only one thing in mind.  She felt
paralyzed and a bit fearful of his aggression.  She didn’t know how to handle
these feelings.  Fortunately her thoughts didn’t have time to fully register
since he moved so quickly and passionately.  Her reactions couldn’t keep up
with him but then again that’s what he wanted.  He was in control of everything
without even thinking about it.  Dave unbuttoned her blouse and lifted the
small of her back so he could pull it off.   As expertly as he whisked off her
panties he now did that with her bra.  His hands roamed over her nude torso
until they found the skirt bunched around her waist.  Pulling it off, she was
now completely exposed to him.  He smiled as he looked over her nude body on
the floor caressing her from bosom to navel with one of his big rough hands. 
Hungrily he put one of her entire breast in his mouth, biting the nipple just
hard enough to cause Liv to arch her back.  He cupped the other in his hand.  She
could feel his erection between her legs where he lay on top of her.  His jeans
were rough and he felt so big and hard.  Liv felt the muscles in his shoulders
as he sucked and bit at her nipple.  She wrapped one of her legs around his ass
and pushed his long hard erection closer to her pussy.  That was all it took to
redirect him to his favorite area.  His mouth was back between her legs.  Only
this time it was his fingers that were reaching deep inside of her as his
tongue rolled back and forth between the folds of her silky skin.  He sucked
lightly then harder and harder on her clitoris while his large thick fingers
searched her insides.  Liv groaned with pleasure.   She wanted him in her
mouth, in her pussy or wherever she could get him.  Dave felt her hands
reaching for him and he was more than ready to oblige her.  He lifted his face
from between her thighs and looked directly in her eyes as he took off his
shirt and began to unbutton his jeans.  He wanted to see her reaction.  He
loved to see the reaction of the women he fucked when they first saw his dick. 
Most were amazed as if they had never seen a penis before, maybe some of them
hadn’t.  Some wanted to run.  He was a big man and he knew it, but he also knew
how to make it pleasurable for them.  He wasn’t in to hurting them. He wanted
his women to enjoy him.  It was so much more pleasurable than trying to fuck a
girl who was scared to death of his dick.  “It’s alright baby.  I’ll be
careful.  I’ll go in slow.” 

Liv glanced up at his face. Why was he
bothering to say all this now?  “Yea right you’ll go slow you’ve been nothing
but fast and hungry since we walked in this apartment.  I don’t care if you
don’t go slow.  This speed’s just fine with…” but before she could finish her
thought he stood and pulled his jeans off.  His briefs couldn’t contain his
erection and she could see the top portion of his cock rising well above the
waistband.  “Oh my God!”  Her words barely auditable and her reaction automatic
as she rose back on her elbows and began scooting ever so slightly away from

“It’s ok baby.  I won’t go in all the way
if you don’t want me to.”  Looking in her green eyes he could see where this
was going and he wasn’t about to lose her.  She was way too luscious.  “It’s ok
baby.”  He spoke soft and moved his head back and forth trying to reassure
her.  Hesitant now to let her see all of him he pulled his briefs off while he
repositioned his face back between her legs. “Its’ ok baby,” he whispered while
he slowly licked between her pussy lips.  Oh how he loved pussy lips, not quite
pink, not quite tan, just that beautiful dark beige color and then you open
them up and see that gleaming fresh pink inside…   “Ahh,” he couldn’t finish
his thought, his erection pulled him forward of its’ own accord.  He quietly
ran a condom over it as he continued sucking on her clit to distract her. 

Her fears subsided as her excitement once
again took off in response to his gentle sucking.  The butterflies dancing in
her stomach were back.  Oh it felt so good.  He licked slow and deliberate only
to stop and suck ever so slightly on her clit now and then.  He placed a large
squared middle finger inside of her.  He moved it in and out, again and again
while he continued to lick and suck her sweet swollen clit.  She could feel the
heat of his breath and it fueled her juices even further.  She was lost in this
pleasure and her mind emptied of everything but what she was feeling.  Dave
could hardly contain himself.  He wanted to ram his dick inside of her the
faster the better but he forced himself to prepare her for his size.  Slipping
yet another finger inside of her he began swirling them around stretching her
tight little pussy while his other hand cupped her perfectly round breast.  He
wanted to bite and suck on her nipple but he couldn’t bring himself to leave
the sweetness he’d found between her legs.  She tasted so good.  She was so wet
if he could just manage to stretch her out a little more he might be able to
attempt to enter her.  “Oh!” she sighed loudly and arched her back silently
begging for more.   Her hands were running wild through his dark hair and her
hips kept pushing forward beckoning his fingers to go deeper and deeper.  His
kisses began to trail off to the side of her inner thigh as he deliberately
added a third finger inside her slim channel.  He fucked her with three of his
fingers, circling them around inside her sweet pink pussy.  She was moving her
hips wildly and he knew it was finally time to try.  Fanning his fingers wider
inside of her he moved his mouth up to her flat belly and then along her curved
waist finally landing on a beautifully rounded breast.  Her nipples were small
and pink and this excited him so that he had to close his eyes to maintain
control before attempting to enter her.  Liv moved her hands up and down his
broad muscular back.  She ran the back of her calf up and down over his
perfectly male ass.  Oh how she longed to grab that perfect ass with her hands
but it was well out of her reach.

Dave withdrew his fingers from inside her
and Liv thought she was going to die.  “No, no don’t stop.”  Ignoring her Dave
grasped hold of his cock and placed the head against her wet and willing
vagina.  Slowly he began to enter her.  “Oh yes, yes.”  He heard her mumble. 
He put the head of his swollen cock just inside her opening and began to circle
her entry way.  Kissing his way up to her neck he whispered in her ear, “Here
we go baby.  It’s gonna be so good.  You want me to fuck you don’t you?”

“Oh yes.  Yes!”  Liv didn’t recognize her
own voice. 

“From the moment I saw you I wanted to fuck
you.”  The distraction was working well all Liv could think of was getting his
dick further and further inside of her.  She’d completely forgotten about his
size.  All that mattered to her now was that he got it in there and started
fucking her with it.  She wanted him to use every ounce of energy his big
beautiful body possessed.  Dave pushed further inside of her so that a fourth
of him was now in.  He began to move slowly back and forth then side to side. 
She was so tight and wet for him.  He’d been so patient with her he wanted to
continue at this slow pace but she just felt so good.  No longer able to stand
it he thrust himself further inside of her.  Liv gasped and her greens eyes
flew open.  Dave couldn’t help but be amused.  “Here we go baby, here we go!’ 
In and out he moved expertly forcing Liv’s legs apart even further with his
hard alpha male body.  How good she felt to him, like satin inside. 

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