Precarious Positions

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Authors: Veronica Locke

BOOK: Precarious Positions
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Veronica Locke

Chapter One

Liv’s eyes widened when a small brown
animal suddenly darted out in front of her.  She swerved then overcorrected her
steering landing her only possession in a ditch.  “This…. is not…. the plan. 
Fuck!  What the hell am I doing?  Me or a rodent and I choose the damn

She picked up her cell.  “Damn it!  This
could only happen to me, today!”  Liv rolled her eyes.  “I knew I should’ve
charged the damn thing.  Hell, I should’ve traded it three months ago.” Throwing
the phone down she pried her purse loose from under the passenger seat,
spilling most of the contents as she did.   Muttering a few more choice words, Liv
forced the door open and fell out into the ditch.  “Shit!”  She glanced back
and spotted the source of her earlier torment whipping back and forth just
above the road.  “A paper bag?  What the hell?  Who swerves to avoid hitting a
fucking paper bag?”  Liv ran back to give it a good kick but of course, missed
and landed on her butt instead.  Cars darted and honked around her.  “I just
got divorced and it’s my fortieth birthday!” Blowing back a loose strand of
hair she picked herself up and wiped away some threatening tears, leaving a
much more attractive track of dirt across one side of her face.  


“Come on, come on man.  Just do this for
me.  It’ll take five minutes.  Just watch the counter for five dude.  I’d do it
for you.  You know I would.”

Dave nodded his head to the side.  He’d
stopped for gas and to say hello to a new buddy from school not to be a
temporary convenience store clerk.  Oh what the fuck, he didn’t have any big
plans for the night somebody should have some fun.  “Alright, just don’t leave
me out here all night.  I’m only staying for five minutes Manny!” he yelled out
but his buddy was already out the door with one hot little redhead.  Checking
out her ass Dave relented “Ten at the most; Ten and that’s it dude!”

 Somehow Dave had managed to avoid all the
stereo type jobs that kids do working through school.  He’d guess somehow this
was payback.  First in line was a lady with a half shirt two sizes too small
and a gut five times too big. Her raspy voice reminded him to thank his lucky
stars that this wasn’t his real gig.

 “I need a pack of those, in the hard pack
and I got thirty in gas.”

“Here ya go ma’am.  Thank you for
shopping.”  He cocked his head to the side and gave her his most charming
smile.  She said thank you by walking away with her smokes and giving him a
peek at her tramp stamp that spread just above her size 15 pants.  “Yikes.”  For
protection he averted his eyes out to the parking lot just in time to see a
very sexy woman making her way across it.  Her auburn hair was disheveled half
up and half down.  Her pink silk blouse gaped open a little further than it was
meant to.  Beads of sweat sparkled against her cleavage and although her dirty
gray skirt went down to her knee it couldn’t take anything away from those
legs!  “Wow!  Now that’s an improvement! “

Dave ran and held the door open for her. 
Liv rushed in past him.  “Excuse me.  I’ve had a small accident and my phone’s
dead.  Does anyone have a phone I can borrow to call a tow- truck?”  At once
three less than desirable men offered her their phones.   Dave noticed she
looked a bit horrified but then again beggars can’t be choosers and she seemed
to be well aware of her situation.

Dave was in awe.  This woman had no idea
how drop dead gorgeous she was.  “Here ya go.  I’ve already dialed a towing
company for you.” He handed her his iPhone and his dick hardened at the brief
contact.  He’d already taken the liberty of dialing his uncle who as luck would
have it, owned a towing company.

“Thanks.” Liv barely glanced up but it was
long enough to notice the man’s rugged good looks and suddenly feel his eyes
all over her.  Acutely aware of the fact she was twice his age she immediately
dismissed any fantasies she may have allowed herself.  Besides, younger men in
general held no interest to her what so ever.  Men her own age were bad enough
to deal with.  Feeling the heat of his stare made it rather difficult to
concentrate and explain her plight to the man on the phone.  Somehow she
managed.  Handing the phone back to him their hands brushed.   “Thank you.” 
Dave habitually cracked a slight sideways smile that shot right down to her
sweet spot and she felt her panties dampen. Instantly she broke the gaze but
couldn’t quite keep her eyes from checking out the rest of him.  He was young
but had an obvious tough and rugged look about him.  He had to be at least 6’5”
and his arms were bigger around than most men’s legs!   Her body briefly
wondered what it would be like to straddle one of those massive thighs but Liv
quickly refocused her thoughts back to the problem at hand.

“Anytime, I’ll be more than happy to help
you out.” He emphasized the word you and his blue eyes smiled a little brighter
as his mouth formed a very sexy tell-tale smirk that once again caused her
thoughts to wonder down the wrong tracks.

The voice in her head taunted her, “Oh God,
but your gorgeous and yes, yes you can help me out anytime.” His long dark hair
was wavy and just touched his collar.   It was a stark contrast to his blue
eyes.  She couldn’t allow herself the luxury of holding his gaze but a moment
before she felt herself flush.    But her thoughts were interrupted at the
realization of his true intentions.   “Oh my God, he wants to fuck me!  He’s
more than ten years younger!”  Instantly her professional persona washed over
her wiping away any future inappropriate thoughts she may have been further
suspect to.

“Thank you but I think I can manage from
here.”  Liv turned her attentions to her purse and felt inside for her wallet. 
“Great.   Could this day get any worse?” she whispered to herself.

Dave immediately noticed the fresh new wave
of distress that crossed her face.  “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t find my keys or my wallet.  They
must’ve fallen out of my purse, which means hopefully they’re locked in my

“It’s alright. I’ll help ya out.”  Dave’s
big hands reached around her arms and suddenly Liv felt tingles throughout her
entire body.  A strange man reaching out and touching her should have sent off
alarms of another kind.  Maybe it was the chemistry between them but she was
pretty sure it was the fact that for some unknown reason he wanted to fuck her
and she liked that idea.  The longer she was here the more vulnerable to him
she became.  After the day she’d had she was in serious danger of falling for
this guy’s antics. 

“No, no, I’ll be alright.  The tow truck
will get here and I can pay him when he drops me off.  I can take care of it.”

Dave smiled knowing she was trying to run
from him.  He could feel her quiver in his hands and her pebbled nipples were
keeping none of her secrets.    

“I kinda know the guy who runs the tow
company you talked to so I can….”

Liv cut him off, “No I can’t let you do

“Sure ya can.  Dave moved closer to her,
his hands still clasping her arms and his tone quieter now, “I think I can
handle that, maybe even a little more, hmm?”  

Liv tried to hide the shock she knew was on
her face as her thoughts raced.  What the hell was this kid thinking?  He was
coming on strong and she knew she had to do something.  “No I have road
assistance through my phone.”

“Yea, but you called from my phone.” 
Another irresistible grin spread across his handsome face.

“I can’t just let you pay for my tow.”  She
stepped back from his grasp and had to look away from those piercing blue eyes.

“Hey hon, ya better let him pay or you’ll
be stuck here all night.”  Liv turned toward an unfamiliar crackled voice and
for the first time noticed an old man stocking the shelves.  “Besides, it’s not
like you can’t pay him back.”  She turned back to face the young gun trying to
get into her pants as the old man shot a sly wink and toothless grin over to

She knew her options were limited.  This
old guy was seriously scary looking as were most of the people in the
convenience store.  Panic was just about to set in when the tow truck pulled
up.  Liv never thought she’d be so glad to see a tow truck.  The driver quickly
deducted that she was indeed the damsel in distress.  He had a friendly smile
and an easy way about him.  “Need a lift?”

“Oh yes!”  Obviously relieved and not a bit
suspicious of how quickly he arrived, Liv rambled on.  “Thank you.  I drove my
truck into a ditch back on Main.”  She paused to take a quick breath and the
driver held up his hand.  

“No problem.  I can pull ya right outta
there.”  The driver was about to show her to his truck when he caught a glimpse
of Dave shaking his head no from behind her.   “Only problem we got is I need a
few bucks for some gas to get there?”

“What?”  Liv couldn’t believe her ears. 
Damn little southern redneck college town.  Was he kidding?  She glanced around
the store to see if anyone else was in awe of his statement.  When she did she
missed the silent signal that passed between the two men.

“Here ya go Mac,” Dave said as he walked
over to him.  Liv couldn’t look him in the eye she was thankful but a little
disturbed with herself to let this young guy help her out knowing where his
true intentions lie.  Even worse was where she chose to focus her eyes, but at
this point they had a mind of their own.  They followed his right hand down to
his jean pocket and watched him reach inside.  There it was an ample crotch a
smidge away from his large hand.  It’d been at least nine or ten months since
Liv had had the pleasure of a penis.  Oh, I give up, she thought.  Her panties
further dampen and suddenly she could think of nothing but the latest in sexual
education he could provide her with.  Even scarier she no longer felt the flush
on her face, only the need between her legs.  He pulled out sixty and planted
it in the driver’s hand but Olivia’s eyes were still on his crotch.

“Make sure you take good care of her.” 
Glancing at Olivia’s haphazard hair and dirt tracked face; Dave added “I think
she’s had a rough day.” He smiled and now turned his full attention back to
Olivia.   “Don’t worry about paying me back.” 

“Oh my God!”  Liv thought as she realized
she was still staring at his crotch and that he must know it.  Quickly jerking
her eyes up to his she swallowed hard before speaking.  “I’m sorry.”  Once
again her thoughts beat herself up.  “You idiot, you just apologized for
looking at his crotch!  You could have pretended you just didn’t notice!”

  “I mean, I’m sorry you had to do this, ”
the words barely left her mouth before she turned and made good on her escape
bumping into another young hunk on her way out. 

Manny turned to excuse himself but the
woman he bumped into had already vanished.  “Oh my god that was so fucking
good!  Thanks dude I owe ya one. “

Dave chuckled, “Yea you may have already
paid me back, especially if Uncle Mac comes through with her number for me. 
Let me grab us a couple beers and I’ll tell ya bout that babe that just ran
outta here.”


Mac pulled the truck out of the muddy ditch
like it was a toy.  Even better was when he opened the driver’s door and Liv
saw her keys and wallet on the floorboard.  Mac chuckled, “Lucky break.”  For
the first time that day Liv smiled.

“Well, it’s about time I get one.  Thank
you so much Mac.”

“You’re more than welcome.”

  The truck completely covered in mud but
no worse for the wear started right up.  Liv opened her wallet.  “Oh you don’t
need to do that.  It’s been taken care of.  My nephew saw to that.”

“Your nephew? He did, did he?”

“Yes ma’am and he was quite adamant about
it.  Go have yourself a nice evening now and stay out of trouble.  Don’t
hesitate to call if you have any problems on the way home.”

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