Precarious Positions (4 page)

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Authors: Veronica Locke

BOOK: Precarious Positions
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Chapter Five

Dave seemed to transform in public.  In the
office he was this domineering sex crazed man but out here in the regular world
he was, well, he was nice and normal, even easy going could describe him.  Liv
liked this Dave very much; not that she didn’t truly enjoy the other Dave; but
this Dave was comfortable and she could relate to him.  The hostess showed them
to a booth and Liv sat down.  To her shock, Dave scooted in next to her leaving
the other side of the booth empty.  He flashed her a blue eyed smile and
scooted closer.  “Don’t look so horrified.  I’m not ready to bite again, yet.” 
He nibbled on one of her fingers.  Liv felt little pulses of desire rip through
her once again. 

“I don’t think this was such a good idea
after all.”  Liv looked around the restaurant nervous someone she knew may be

“Why not? We’re having dinner, a free meal
for you and I’ll let you ask me anything ya want.”

“Ok.  Why do you drive a bug?  A little
neon green bug at that?  I mean you’re what 6’5” and you take up the entire
car.  It makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever.

“Well you know I’m not overcompensating.”

Liv laughed.  “A man of your obvious
stature” Liv glanced down at his package, “can certainly afford to

“Well thank you professor.  However, in
answer to your question, the car belongs to my sister.  She was deployed last
month and that stupid little car of hers makes me feel closer to her.  I hate
the thought of what could happen to her over there.  I can’t help her if she
needs me, I’m not there. 

Liv smiled.  “You have a sweet side Dave.” 
She unconsciously laced her fingers through his and he smiled at her.  “So,
have you declared a major yet?”

“Don’t need to.  I actually go to school to
explore and learn about what truly interest me.”

“Doesn’t earning a living one day interest

“I already earn a living.  Dave grinned at
her as if she were a naïve child.  “If there’s one thing college does not teach
it’s how to make money.” 

“You’re probably right about that.” Liv

“I am.  When you declare a major you learn
a profession and if you’re lucky that profession pays off for you.  However,
most college graduates don’t even end up working in their major.”

“So what are you interested in?”

“You.” Dave’s eyes lit up.

“Obviously.  You know what I mean.”

“Psychology.”  Liv gave him a punch in the
arm.  “How bout you Liv what interest you?”

Hearing him say her name gave her tingles. 
She felt like she was twelve.  “Psychology, for real.” She stressed.  “You know
what else interest me, the concept of going through life not looking for
anything.  I'm really kinda likening that.”

“Yea. I like that one myself.  A wise man
must have told you that one.”  He smiled and his blue eyes twinkled.

“Yea a wise-ass man.”

“No you mean a sexy wise ass man.”  They
both laughed.

“Do you really believe that people can go
through life not looking for something?”

“Maybe not everyone, but ya know you don’t
have to be looking for something to find something.  I wasn’t looking for you
but then there you were.”  I think life should be more about taking advantage
of the opportunities in front of you.  Recognizing them and then grabbing hold
of them.”

Liv smiled.  “I can think of a couple
things I’d like to grab hold of right now.”  Dave nudged her with his
shoulder.  “Jeez give a guy a rest.” 

The more they talked the more she liked
him.  It was surprising how humorous he was.  Unfortunately this humorous Dave
that she liked so much was sidetracking her from the real reason she had agreed
to have dinner with him.  This had to end and she knew it.  Although Dave was
obviously well beyond his years he was still maybe only five or so years older
than her daughter.  This was just wrong on so many levels.   Thank goodness
Dave was wise enough to the situation to realize that they needed to go over a
couple towns to eat.  A professor having dinner alone with a student of the
opposite sex would raise more than a few eyebrows.

While Dave ordered dessert for them Liv
took a moment to look around.  Even though Dave had been holding her hand off
and on through the entire dinner, no one seemed to see them as anything
unusual.  It was obvious to anyone watching that they were lovers.  They sat
side by side and oddly enough it felt very natural. 

“This doesn’t have to end Liv.  Let’s just
ride it out and see what happens.  No one has to know if you don’t want them
to.  I understand that you have a reputation to keep.”  Dave sat up a little
straighter.  “Actually, I do have one myself you know, a reputation that is. 
Dave revealed a huge smile.  I don’t normally date good looking well educated
women.  No!  Only ugly stupid girls for me!  I’ve made it my mission in life to
provide love for all those poor dumb homely fugly girls out there.  But now
you’ve gone and changed all of that Dr. Belmont.  If word gets out, all those
dumb homely fugly girls of the world that I’ve been servicing will morn and
then the real shit will hit the fan.  Yes, yes, yes there will be more crazy
ass whiny horny girls on the loose than the world can handle.  All because
everyone knows that I have now been smitten by a very intelligent and beautiful
woman.  Who just happens to also have a knock-out body.  Don’t think ya want
that kinda responsibility on your conscious do ya doc?”

“No, I don’t.”  She laughed but she still
couldn’t help herself from scanning the room again. 

He obviously knew the age difference was
bothering her, but it didn’t concern him in the least.   He wondered if she was
mentally willing for someone to express their disapproval.   “What are you
looking for?  Forget about these people.”  Dave paused and he was obviously
astonished. “You have no idea?  Do you?”

“No idea about what?”

“It’s not that big of deal anymore.  I know
they have this whole thing about taking advantage of your students still, but
really at our age it doesn’t matter.”

“At our age?  How old do you think I am

“I know you look way closer to my age than
you think you do.”  Looking her up and down while caressing her arm, “I’d say
your about 32, 33.., He shrugged his shoulders, I’m 28, it’s just not a big

Liv watched in awe as he returned his
attention back to his food.  Cramming another French fry in his mouth she
realized he had told her what he really thought.  No way.  “Excuse me.” She
quickly left to find the ladies room.

Staring in the mirror she tried to be
objective.  Did he really think she could be 33 or was he just working on
getting back in her pants again?

“I’m sorry do you have any tampons?”  A
woman about her age asked. “I just started and I’m clean out.”

Liv began to rummage through her bag.  “I,
I always carry some.  Here ya go.”  She offered her an understanding smile. 
When the woman returned Liv worked up her courage.  “Can I ask you something
and you'll be completely honest with me?  It’s really important to me.”

“Hey you just saved my life so sure.  What
do you want to know?’ 

“How old do you think I am?”

“I don’t know, about 32.”  Liv dropped her
head.  She realized she wasn’t going to believe anyone and this was not going
to help her at all.  “Ok?  Are you really 25 or something cause you look like
you didn’t get the answer you were hoping for?  You did ask me to be completely
honest with you.  If I were 32 I’d be happy to look 32.”

“You really think I’m 32.”

“Well, if you’re really 25, you’re in
trouble, if your 32 you look damn good!”

“I’m forty.”

“Damn, No way!” The genuine shock on the
woman’s face gave Liv the reassurance she sought.  “What are you doing cause
I’m 40 and I don’t have that ass.”

Liv laughed.  “Hey, your ass looks pretty
good too.  Take a look.”  She turned the woman’s backside to the mirror.  Both
women began contemplating their middle-aged asses. 

“Yours looks higher and rounder than mine,”
replied her new friend.

“Squats with free weights, works every

“Hmm, I’ll have to give it a try cause it
looks like it works damn good.  Thanks.  What else do you do?”

“Thank you.  Apparently I also date younger

“Really!  I’ll have to try that too!  They
both giggled and shook hands.  I’m Roxanne by the way; I just got a job
teaching psychology over at the university.

Liv’s face dropped instantly. “I’m… gotta
go…  Liv couldn’t get out of there fast enough. 

Arriving back at their table Liv wasted no
time apologizing to Dave and explaining she had an emergency and had to go. 
Dave watched her as she took off with the speed of light.  He loved her sudden
ability to become quirky.  He especially loved how athletic she was.  Her body
was smooth, curved and cut.  He’d always been attracted to older women but this
was the first time he’d ever acted on it.  Dave liked being the boss and
younger women were easier to keep in line.  But something about Liv he couldn’t
quite resist.  He knew he could count on her to challenge him.  She was smart
and beautiful and she was allowing him to take advantage of her.  Dave also
knew something had scared her off tonight and that it was probably him.  He
smiled thinking of how nervous she was around him.  “You won’t get rid of me
that easy Dr. Liv Belmont, not a chance,” he whispered as he took another drink.

Chapter Six

Liv was dazed to say the least.  By the
time she arrived home major confusion and totally overwhelmed were topping the
list.  Here she was a respected psychology professor at one of the most coveted
universities in the country and she was being completely dominated by a man, no
a student, half her age at that.  Not to mention adding Roxanne to the mix of
worries.  “Oh my God!  This could seriously jeopardize my job!  Am I really
willing to let that happen?  What kind of woman allows this to happen to her? 
Certainly not a well- educated one, like me?”  Liv ran her fingers through her
hair as she contemplated her newest dilemma out loud.  She needed to gain
control back over her life, over her mind.  Dave was occupying way too much of
it.  “That’s the problem here.  It’s not just the fact that Dave is so much
younger it’s the fact that I allow him so much power over me. Why?  Why am I
allowing this to happen?”  Liv continued to pace back and forth oblivious to
Rufus, her trusty old black lab.  The poor old dog was faithfully following her
around with his food bowl in his mouth.  “I’m just vulnerable right now. 
That’s all this is about.”  Liv stood quiet for a brief moment.  “Oh who the
hell am I kidding?  It’s the sex!  Oh God, he can fuck!  Oh my God Rufus, I
know I shouldn’t like it.  It’s so wrong.  I mean I’m a professional.  I have
colleagues, bills, research and students that are seeking my professional
knowledge.  I’m a grown up.”  Liv paused in the kitchen.  “But I can’t help
it.   I love it when he fucks me like that!  I know it’s bad, it’s not making
love, it’s so wrong, but it’s way fun!  Oh why can’t I just say screw it!  The
sex is amazing and Dave is actually a welcome distraction from the fact that my
life has just taken a major shit dive.”  Liv poured herself a large glass of
wine and kicked her shoes off as she continued to convince her and Rufus that
she could handle this new affair. Liv took the bowl from his mouth and began
filling it with wine. “Besides, it’s nice not to have an escape and not having
to worry about every damn little thing.  It’s not so bad having someone else
take care of stuff and Dave can take care of stuff.  My God, I even had to initiate
and choreograph the sex when I was with Jim!”  Rufus cocked his head to the
side and let out a grunt.  Liv moved the bowl back and forth slopping wine out
on top of Rufus as she talked. “I sure as hell don’t have to do that with
Dave.  But then again it’s kinda scary having him call all the shots.  I don’t
know if I like the idea of never knowing when he’ll get the urge. ” Finally she
set the bowl down in front of Rufus and headed for the couch.  The old lab
tried out the wine and decided he liked it then joined her on the couch. 
Leaning her head back she released a huge sigh.  “Ok, I’m thinking about this
way too much.”  Morning would bring with it a brand new perspective.  Liv had
plainly come to the conclusion that she’d spent way too many years at the beck
and call of a man.  Jim may have been extremely passive.  However, that did
force her to take the lead in everything.  So in a very strong sense he was as
controlling as Dave appeared to be.  No she wouldn’t fall for this again, not
at this stage of her life.  Life was now going to be on her terms.  If she were
going to allow Dave his domineering attitude in the bedroom she intended to be
the one to decide when and where she would allow him to take possession of her
body.  Of course, this included letting him do what he wanted to with it while
he fucked her, as he so eloquently put it.  The psychologist inside her head
was jumping up and down screaming, “You don’t know where this could lead? Dave
may just be acting out in the bedroom now but it doesn’t mean that he’ll stop
there?”  The thought sat very heavy in the air.  Liv suddenly realized she had
just discovered what truly disturbed her about her new relationship.   The
safest thing would be to end this now but she really didn’t want to give Dave
up.  He was intoxicating and outside the bedroom he was just plain fun to be
around.  Still the scientist in her couldn’t let it go.  She had to know what
she was getting into.

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