Possessed (6 page)

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Authors: Kayla Smith

BOOK: Possessed
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I'm standing with the rest of the group when I realize what a stupid idea Rebecca had. Why would she try to kill that Demon when she still needed to get out of there alive? The thing that gets to me the most is that I am no longer on a suicide mission. Yashira, with her beautiful brown eyes, short brown hair, and snarky mouth, keeps creeping into my mind. I have to believe that she is my mate. I can’t get her out of my head and leaving her to go to my own room last night tore at me to a point that I was ready to bang on her door and demand that she sleeps in my room. 

Trying not to be barbaric I forced myself to stay in my room, although I was up pacing back and forth thinking of anything to get me to calm down. I’ve never felt this need to be near someone before.  Now, here I am, standing close to her and trying to act as if nothing has changed.

She and her sister are talking, but I'm not paying much attention; I keep getting spurts of visions from Rebecca and I can’t keep it long enough to see what is happening. Sebastian must have sensed my freak-out because he comes over to me.

“We need to go. Now!”  he says to the us. “They are in serious danger.”

That was all he had to say for me to take off. Before going, I grab Yashira and she grabs Milissa, expecting me to take her into battle with me. That's fine as long as she is close enough for me to protect her, if necessary.

When we arrive in the bowling alley I can’t believe what I see. I stand in front of both Yashira and Milissa to protect them from the onslaught of Demons that are pouring through some type of portal in the wall in the back of the lanes.

As I take in the scene before me I notice that all the others are just as shocked as I am. “They must be here for the transfer of powers to the Demons. I bet it's some kind of ritual- like the next leader to the Demons- or something,” Yashira says to me, and I nod my head in agreement.

The Demons are acting like we don't exist. They are wrecking the place to the point where the roof should collapse, but luckily it doesn't. About ten minutes pass before Sebastian gives us the okay to track down Rebecca, Alana, and John.


I can't believe my eyes when the office door opens There, in the entryway,  is an onslaught of Demons- big, nasty-looking things with blisters and warts all over their faces and bodies. I have to keep my mind calm as they enter one by one into this small space. My assumption is that they are here for the spell I'm supposed to perform to transfer Annie's power into them. This Jeffrey character does in fact appear to be the boss since all these Demons keep bowing their heads to him as they enter the office.

They grab a hold of Alana who appears frightened. I'm glad we decided to take her- otherwise they would have no choice but to smell my fear and our plan would be ruined; as it is, she is providing a nice distraction.

"Look at this- the almighty Alana caught by a little possessor Demon! Does that make you feel less powerful or just plain stupid for mistaking them for your beloved Covenant members?" a Demon with pus oozing out of some wart-looking things on his face says to her with the kind of laughter that only one who thinks they are winning would make.

"I'm not stupid. I knew from the beginning something was off... I just didn't think it was this," she says matter-of-factly. "But I'm not worried. They will find me and help me. Just wait and see."

That gets the Demon pissed. He is about to send her flying but I step up to him and block his hand from touching her. "You will not hurt her," I say to him in an authoritative tone. "We need her to perform the spell in case this body doesn't work," I say, pointing at my body. 

But the bitch will pay after we're done," he says and walks away before anything else can be said.

"We need to keep our cover. This has to work. Don't upset them anymore; if I keep stopping them from hitting you they're going to start to suspect something,"
I say to her through my Alpha bond. All she does is nod her head- slightly- to show that she acknowledges me. Then she sits on the floor in the far corner, away from everyone and everything. 

I stand a little bit away from them but not so far that they could suspect anything. John is thankfully standing with me, too, and we are kind of creating a wall between Alana and the Demons. I am glad to have him back.

"They're here. My pack and our Covenant are here. Why would they come in here without me telling them to?"
I ask them both.

"Maybe they couldn't get a good read on you with all these Demons around," they both respond.

"They could be blocking your powers- or maybe they read your mind and saw the Demons. I would have come in, too,"
Alana says.

Of course they would. I know Sebastian and Wyatt would both go to hell to save me. But this is risking a lot.

So, I take a bigger risk, hoping that our group is prepared to fight. I step up to the master and say “Sir, I sense some activity going on in the lanes.” What a good little lackey I am!... except that I am making sure to keep the bond open while I ‘warn’ Jeffrey about them being here to put them on alert that Jeffrey would be sending Demons after them.

Jeffrey sniffs the air and immediately gets a pissed-off look on his face. It looks misplaced on Dave’s body but I am past thinking I can save him. “They figured it out already. They're here! The fucking Covenant is in this bowling alley. We need to take care of them, now! We need to perform the spell tonight in order to collect all of their powers- including the ones they have in their bodies. Now go and take care of them,” he says to the other Demons in the room. He turns to me and says “Thank you, Samuel. You may have just saved all of us. You and Josiah are to stay here with the Witch. When we come back we will do the spell before anyone else can interrupt us.”

“Yes, sir,” I say, bowing my head slightly. He leaves us here alone. I turn to the other two and motion for them to join me. John and Alana embrace in a well-needed hug and now they are ready for the fight.

I grab my dagger (even though I don’t necessarily need it since my powers are strong) because I'm not taking any chances today. When we leave the office I have a dagger in my right hand and a fireball prepared in my left. I spot my pack Beta, Justin, about to take out a Demon three times his size in one swift move. He bites down into It's jugular and pulls away with his mouth still clamped down. It is the nastiest thing to see, the Wolves getting that nasty Demon blood in their mouths, but that is what they do. Wolves don’t have any powers (except the Alpha, of course), so their teeth are the only things that can protect them. Well... teeth and claws.

A second Demon attacks Justin from behind while he is still busy with the first Demon he took a chunk out of. He doesn’t have time to react so I protect him by throwing my fireball at the Demon, but it didn't do much more than get his attention.  “Shit.”  He turns away from Justin and looks around, probably expecting someone else considering that I am supposed to be a Demon.

“You little bitch!” he says as he runs towards me. I wait until he is just about to get to me and then I levitate up over his head. He looks confused until he turns around again and there I am, standing behind him. He dives for me again but this time I jump up and kick him, sending him flying across the room. That gets the attention of a lot of the other Demons. Why am I fighting their friends?

I look at them and say “He went after my Beta.” I watch their faces change from confusion to shock to anger as they connect the dots. “Did you think I was still possessed? Sorry to burst your bubbles... but this was always the plan.” I throw several fireballs and a few iceballs at them
;  some of them explode on contact but the Demons that I froze shatter into thousands of pieces when I kick them.  The broken bodies of ice become engulfed in flames and turn to ash.

The need to fight grows stronger now so I turn around and throw more fire and ice at all the Demons that get in my way. Actually, I look like Alana; all fur and claws with Wolf ears, except standing on two legs instead of four. I am still able to use my powers since I am half-changed. I use them all... my Wolf wants this fight more than me, but I need my Witch powers. All I see is red. I can pick out the evil just by smell.

Sebastian is pinned to the floor with his fangs bared and a small Demon on top trying to bite into his flesh. I react quickly by whipping a fireball at him- it's a near miss, but he turns to ash all over Sebastian.

I feel a hand grab my arm and without thinking I dig my claws into the skin and slice down. There is a shriek and it brings me out of my rage. I change back to my normal human form and hold the body in my arms. “Milissa- oh my God, I’m so sorry! I... I didn’t realize it was you! Oh my God, please be okay,” I sob to her limp form. Upon closer inspection I realize she is bleeding from another wound on her abdomen. I quickly heal both her abdomen wound and her arm.

I look up to Sebastian, Justin, and Wyatt standing around me and Milissa, protecting us from the remaining Demons. “I hope she doesn’t turn. Oh my God, please don’t let me ruin her by making her a Wolf! It was an accident- I can’t... I can’t believe I did this to her! She is going to hate me forever. I’m so sorry, please be okay,” I say, rocking her back and forth.



The last thing I want to see is a Demon turning into a ball of fire on top of me. Not fun. But it's nothing next to watching Milissa stagger over to Rebecca, holding her abdomen where she got slashed by a Demon, and then get sliced by none other than her would-be healer. Her screech is so loud, and filled with pain.

I run to Milissa as Rebecca turns back into her human form. Rebecca looks torn. She shuts down and blocks me and her pack out. No one can get a read on her. I'm not sure she even realizes she's doing it. Demons come over now to pick a fight with the weak and wounded girls. I stand my ground, knowing I could die; but Wyatt and Justin back me up. We surround the two girls and take out every Demon that attacks.

I know Rebecca is upset by what she did to Milissa, but Milissa is healed now and I need Rebecca's help! So I do something only a mate would dare do to a powerful Witch: I get in her face and say “Listen Becca- I know you have a reason to be down and upset but you need to get your ass into action! We need you. There will be time to cry later but your pack is getting weak and your Covenant is losing faith. We still have at least ten Demons- plus Jeffrey- to kill; I can’t find Alana and John; and you need to heal several members of our family. So get the hell up and help us!” I am yelling but something clicks inside her head and she nods.

She whispers a few words over Milissa’s body and it vanishes. “Where did... what did you do to her?” I ask, surprised that she sent a body away with only a few words.

“I sent her to the infirmary. She will land on the bed and the doctor there will be given a sign that someone is in there and needs his help,” Rebecca says without any life in her words.

She gets up and walks to the people on the floor that need her to heal them; when she is finished she vanishes them away, too. Even though they are healed on the surface, the poison in their systems is still present. The doctors will be getting a lot of notices now to take care of them- most of the injured members were barely coherent.

As she heals, I fight. The only people I don’t see are Alana, John, and Jeffrey. After all the Demons are killed and all our wounded are taken care of we go in search of them. I keep trying to get in Rebecca's head but it is locked up tight. She is clearly trying hard to keep a strong visage but I can see through the façade. She is hurting.  And I can't help.

We have a few Wolves left with us: Justin, Jorge, and Eva, plus me, Wyatt, Yashira, and Rebecca from the Covenant. Rebecca is unusually quiet as we make our way around the alley. We go to the office first, but that is a total waste because it is empty and completely trashed. The filing cabinet is emptied all over the floor- and so is the desk. There are papers everywhere and not a person in sight.

We follow Rebecca considering that she knows this place inside out. We go to the back of the lanes, behind the wall- nothing. She takes us to the bar section that is behind a locked door- nobody.

I can feel her pain as we keep coming up empty. She is putting too much responsibility on herself and her mental barriers are coming apart. The wall that she was using to keep me and her pack out is now failing her. We all sense the emotions and thoughts she was trying to hide from us.

Justin, ever the Beta, tries to go and comfort her, but I put my arm in the way to stop him. I shake my head, indicating that she needs to be alone, as hard as that is for me to do. I have to leave her alone, too. He nods his head at me in understanding but I know he can’t hold back the urge to comfort her much longer than I can.

She turns on us and halts our movements. “They’re gone. Jeffrey took them. Instead of staying with them I came out here to help all of you... and now my best friend and her mate are missing. Plus I almost killed Milissa, and probably changed her into a Werewolf because I was too caught up in the fight to realize it wasn’t a Demon hand on me before I attacked her.” She wipes her eyes and sniffles before continuing. “He took them where no one would interfere. He wants to; he needs to do the spell today in order to get the whole Covenant's powers, not just the powers in the doll.”

“Where would he take them, then?” I ask her- but after reading her thoughts I know exactly where.

She looks at all of us squarely in the eyes in order to make the point that she isn’t joking around. “The Underworld. He knows that no one is courageous enough to go down there and with more than half our Covenant injured he thinks we won’t go down there to get them. But he’s underestimating me. I don’t care if my Witch powers don’t work, my Wolf ones will and I’m going to get them back and kill that asshole.”

No one says anything for a second. A mission to the Underworld is a suicide mission because our powers don’t work down there. “Our powers won’t work, but I’ve read that potions do. We can go stock up on all kinds of potions and weapons and then go down,” I say, but stop when I notice Yashira look at me as if I’m crazy. “I’m going- even if it’s just me and Rebecca. I will not let Alana and John face death knowing we could do something to stop it.”

“He’s right,” Wyatt says to Yashira. “I hate to have to choose, but you can stay here with your sister and I’ll go down with them and the rest of the Wolves.”

Yashira looks at him incredulously for a few seconds before responding: “I’m not leaving you alone!  Milissa is fine at the compound with all the others there. They have all been healed and will have the poisons out of them in no time and then they will be able to protect one another.”

“Am I missing something here?” Rebecca asks them. I give her a pointed look and she says “Ah, I see. You guys have found out you’re mates?”

Both their cheeks get pink and they nod their heads at her. “We will both go, too,” Wyatt says to Rebecca and me.

Justin, Jorge, and Eva speak up and say they will join us as well. “We cannot allow our Alpha to go headfirst into danger without us. We would not be able to live with ourselves if she never came back,” Eva says to me.

“Okay, let’s go stock up,” Rebecca says, perhaps a little too excited to return to battle.


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